Pissed and irritated. That would be the words to use to describe Friday. The day began in the hall for assembly. I was tired. Anyway I am perpetually tired. I was wearing myT-shirt and bermudas cos its a sports day. So when i just sat down in the back of the hall waiting for the assembly to start. The two other untrained B and D came and sat down beside me, one on either side.
Out of the blue, B looked up and down at me and remarked "You really looked like u are wearin a skirt."
(Oh god, not again. What the freaking hell is wrong with people around me. Why cant they just mind their own biz and leave me be. Why is there this conspiracy to cocerce me into wearing one just for fulfilling their saddistic egos. I can only tolerate this type of nagging out of concern for a limited no of times. When it gets on my nerves to a certain extent, if subtle hints doesnt work, then i would give it straight to you in-the-face. See if u are dumb enough not to get the point after this. But i am still kind enough to put it through politely and in a normal albeit serious tone.)Then she continued despite me giving her a dirty look "You know huh, I would still pay zillions of dollars just to see you in a skirt...."
Before she could continue, I faced her and said "Can u just stop this? This is an old joke among my friends and a common joke too.... Can u just stop...." D was patting me on the shoulders and telling me not to be so serious while both B's hands were up and doing a 'ok ok' sign. I just ignored her and went back to my stone state. Later i went to my designated station.
Later after the event... there was a lunch for everyone. While sitting at the same table with a few collegues, B n D too. They started chatting, I just ate my rice quietly cos my station was a tiring one. Had to manually count how each student skipped. So its almost non-stop. And my partner lost her voice so i had to do the shouting and instructions. My voice a bit sore and tired and still a bit pissed with B's thoughtless remarks earlier.
Then out of the blue, B started "Hell, you got to be careful cos there was a case of this teacher who coughed a lot and actually have TB." At his, some collegues at the same table turned and looked at me and started on nagging me to take this, take that. Take care etc.
I answered impatiently "I have seen the doctor so many times and as a doctor, he would have noticed the symptoms of TB if I had it."
"You better change a doctor then." B interjected.
"Look here, if i have TB then my family will be the first ones to kena. All six of them... " Then collegues cut in and asked concernedly whether i did this, did that. I just told them that I am sensitive to the cold especially the air con or high humidity in the air when it rains.... After a while the conversation changed...
WTF!!! Shindekudasai kono kusuo onna.... Go and wash your bloody mouth using the toilet bowl to clean it. U cannot get away with this type of remarks using the excuse of naivity. U like to shoot arrows in my direction and so thoughtlessly. Dun consider how i feel, think i will be grateful for this type of concern? If u got nothing good to say, say nothing at all. I dun want to listen to any more of this type of 'concern'.