Well as the final term of the year hurried past (wished it would JUST end), at this current point, its been 1yr 3mths into the bond. Another 1yr 9mths to go... unless I strike Toto 1st or 2nd prize...
Dunno the reason why, but since Monday, I have been sleeping much earlier, cos I feel fatigued.
Dun feel like mapling (cos the stupid fighting the super boss system is dam screwed up)
Didnt feel like watching anime online (cos too many episodes, reached episode 150+ of naruto on crunchyroll-a YouTube type video website)
Didnt go much anywhere except to Orchard to eat my late lunch.
Didnt do much at all.
Just sleep. I would reach home near 6-7pm, sleep around 9.30-10pm. Wake up the next day and feel lethargic, as though I had never ever slept extra at all.
Today I reached home around 4pm, then next thing I knew, I slept until 7.30pm. Now still feeling tired. Was wondering if I should crawl into bed around 9.30-10pm.
Some Recent events and thoughts:
1) Krynnder's ROM on Sat 29th Sept. A reason to celebrate cos she is the first in our Uni clique to hope on the bandwagon. Interestingly all of us has somewhat contributed to her romance and hence are still waiting for the big 'Thank You' ANG BAO, not from her, but from her fiance. *Hint Hint* Anyway congratz and bliss.
It was not that long ago when I accompanied her to walk around Esplanade area before the first date. Talking, listening to her, then finally asking her to go and see how it would be. Haha it seems fairly recent, but its been almost 5yrs ago. Judging from the amount of crap I have lived through, its been a long while since the Redang trip. Nostalgic. Would like to have a trip somewhere, even Msia or what, just to get away from it all. Something like the KL trip would be nice.
2) My dad officially retired on 2nd Oct, ie Tuesday though on Monday, think he didnt have to work. It marks the start of his retirement. So far, cos I only reach home near 6-7pm, didnt really observe how he spends his time. Asked my mom, she said okay so far. MAN, HOW I WISHED I COULD SWAP POSITION. I could easily come up with 10 things I could do with my time instead of doing a second shift until 5-6pm daily.
1)Guitar course,
2)watching all my animes,
3)playing my neglected PS1,2 games - at least 100 games not played,
4)playing Maplestory,
5)observe the Share market and read that bloody TA book,
6)go out to walk around and take pictures, accompany my parents - given my dad retired, mom is housewife,
7)catch up on my sleep
8)go visit and stay a bit more extendedly with my brother in msia,
9)go for Jap class feeling mroe invigorated and handle JLPT at the same time,
10)go the gym at least 3-4 times a week
11)wake up earlier eg 7am, then go out for breakfast, observe and enjoy the sunrise and the nice weather, enjoy the sunset around 6pm, not being too busy until I've forgot to look at the skies.
Well the list goes on. The sad truth about delaying enjoyment until after retirement is that by then, one is much older, hence health not so good anymore. So physical exerting stuff are out. Furthermore being a 'All work and no play', one is hardpressed to find things to fill out the time (though I dun think I have a prob with that, is more of the financial aspect of it)
We treated my dad to a Jap lunch to wish him Happy Retirement and I told him to just drive around Spore first to 'jiat hong', so that is familiar with spore. He always say he didnt know how to go to that particular place etc. Oh well...
3)My sister sprained her back, ie her disc slipped
Hence she is at home on 3 days mc. It somewhat happened cos she sat on a rather low chair for more than a month. She was in pain and couldnt move much on Tuesday. So she was driven to the Sinseh by my dad and recovering at home. She was walking around with a walking stick, haha she so resembles my grandmother. BUT i understand how she felt. Sometime back in Uni Yr 2, I dunno how, sprained my back. I felt as though I was an old woman. I couldnt straighten my back and the pain was on a completely different level! Then couldnt walk properly, until then, then I realized how its like to be old like my grandmother. So scary.
But my sister is complaining. Me and the youngest sister look at her long mc with envy. Haha finally my youngest sister understands how I feel about working. She is also dragging her feet to work. Seems the work situation for all 3 of us are not going so 'shunli'. Anyway my sister was complaining that time passed so slowly, nothing to do and its warm at home from 11am-5pm. To qualify that, today I dozed off in the other room, where she complaint was warm, instead I found it cool and breezy. The difference is she is wearing a rather thick cotton shirt, whereas I was wearing my usual sleeveless top. Oh well... it was a nice long rest. Sadly when I woke up, still feel tired. Need more of it... Motto motto