Like it or not, the weekend is almost over... *sobs sobs*
Friday was spent eating at Soup Kitchen and playing board games. Thanks to friends who celebrated my bdae with me.
Saturday was spent nuahing, playing with Aoi, Jap and later walking around Orchard with Tab after dinner. Had another ColdRock ice-cream. *No wonder my fats keep finding me esp on weekends*
Today woke up quite early near 9.30am though I slept at 3am. Then was playing that RPG puzzle game on Aoi happily for many many hours. Near 5pm went out with sisters to buy some foodstuff. My mom didnt feel up to cooking so we were to buy dinner. Instead we went to Sheng Siong and bought ingredients for pasta and japanese curry.
Once we reached home, we all started peeling the carrots, potatoes, cutting and boiling them to soften them. Then fry the meat, onion, add the carrots to cook the pasta and japanese sauce. Boil the pasta until soft. Viola... pasta sauce and japanese curry to add to either spagetti or rice. (Bought the ultra 'hot' one, yet it didnt even have a tinge of hottness....)
Now is like very full... yar more fats finding me (-_-')
Just online to post on the blog. Dunno if I want to play Aoi still... Play puzzle until my eyes see stars... BUT I still rather play with Aoi then open my laptop to do anything remotely related to work (though I can... and there are still lots of stuff to do for that)
Dunno why this year, even using the Toto and 4D days as tippers... its not working very well. I feel sian everyday. Maybe the effect is wearing off. Need something new to distract myself. Aoi is helping a bit. I be playing on the way, then after work, I be playing from where I left off. Same with Midori, music calms the savage beast. Kinda unhappy/unsatisfied and cannot pinpoint the exact reason *besides wanting to be a bum maybe*
Like life is getting very unhappening. Its mundane. No time for excitement like guitar course, gym even online gaming. 2+ weeks away from maple. Hope I am not kicked out yet... Not to mention, work is unhappening and getting stale. Maybe I am still in the quarter life crisis thingy. Some would say, dun think about it and then wont be so sian. But the feeling doesnt go away even if you dun think about it. You still feel kinda unsatisfied/empty somewhat. Maybe I need a loooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng hibernation at home or just a good night's sleep without birds, buses, lorries and strong light to wake me prematurely.
The sturdy oak Tree has fallen and the aged Saru has left the land of the natto beans behind. What else awaits in the uncertain future?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Happy 27th Bdae to myself
Happy 27th Bdae to myself *getting older...*
Sad to say not much exciting happening except I went to work much earlier to mark books, yet took 1hr 10mins to travel due to rush hour jam... and today is a very very heavy day for me. Left near 5pm... Kinda stoned tired now, yet dun want it to end so soon...
Glad to see a new promotional video from GazettE, just posted online. Its a nice slow rock song. A departure from heavier soundings to something with a tinge of oriental.
New Gazette PV - Guren
Chizuru PV - mixed with clips from their Decomposition Beauty Concert clips of the same song. Its very nicely done.
Oh yar all of the Gazette members are the same age as us, except Aoi, 2 years older. Man I want to play guitars like them...
When can I finally sign up for a decent guitar course... this timetable is very screwed. Oh do buy Toto... next week 3m and hong bao draw 10m. Just buy for a hope.
Sad to say not much exciting happening except I went to work much earlier to mark books, yet took 1hr 10mins to travel due to rush hour jam... and today is a very very heavy day for me. Left near 5pm... Kinda stoned tired now, yet dun want it to end so soon...
Glad to see a new promotional video from GazettE, just posted online. Its a nice slow rock song. A departure from heavier soundings to something with a tinge of oriental.
New Gazette PV - Guren
Chizuru PV - mixed with clips from their Decomposition Beauty Concert clips of the same song. Its very nicely done.
Oh yar all of the Gazette members are the same age as us, except Aoi, 2 years older. Man I want to play guitars like them...
When can I finally sign up for a decent guitar course... this timetable is very screwed. Oh do buy Toto... next week 3m and hong bao draw 10m. Just buy for a hope.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My Birthday Wishes
Yup its that time of the year, when one gets older inevitablely.
Now I am not going to sleep soon cos my dad is watching his dvds, Hokkien songs and stuff and the volume is not that low... had to remind him to switch it down lower cos I was inside the toilet in the kitchen still can hear clearly... Not to mention just sleeping in my bro's room near the living room.
Oh well Happy Bdae to Myself (once its over 12am)
I wish for 3 things,
1) Win Toto/4D *sing to the tune of 881-一百万*
Nai si wa wu ji ba bang... Ji ba bang..... Jiu mai zhuo gang liao...
Nai si wa wu ji ba bang.... wa ai di chu li... kua tenji ki
Na si wa wu ji ba bang.... ji ba bang... ji ba bang... wa mai zhuo lao shi...
Na si wa wu ji ba bang... ji ba bang... ji ba bang... jiu sibei ho seh...
2) Get a handsome guy like Aoi before I become a hag.
3) Good health for my family and myself (mental, physical and watever health)
Tom is a LONG..... day that I feel so sad for myself. It is a heavy day plus got to observe a class plus got meeting/briefing. Really wish to have it for myself. Next time should mc on my bdae again. Gambatte. Friday waiting for it to come.
Now I am not going to sleep soon cos my dad is watching his dvds, Hokkien songs and stuff and the volume is not that low... had to remind him to switch it down lower cos I was inside the toilet in the kitchen still can hear clearly... Not to mention just sleeping in my bro's room near the living room.
Oh well Happy Bdae to Myself (once its over 12am)
I wish for 3 things,
1) Win Toto/4D *sing to the tune of 881-一百万*
Nai si wa wu ji ba bang... Ji ba bang..... Jiu mai zhuo gang liao...
Nai si wa wu ji ba bang.... wa ai di chu li... kua tenji ki
Na si wa wu ji ba bang.... ji ba bang... ji ba bang... wa mai zhuo lao shi...
Na si wa wu ji ba bang... ji ba bang... ji ba bang... jiu sibei ho seh...
2) Get a handsome guy like Aoi before I become a hag.
3) Good health for my family and myself (mental, physical and watever health)
Tom is a LONG..... day that I feel so sad for myself. It is a heavy day plus got to observe a class plus got meeting/briefing. Really wish to have it for myself. Next time should mc on my bdae again. Gambatte. Friday waiting for it to come.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A nice way to spend a sunday
Nope I didnt sleep in the whole day though I was very tempted.
True to my words, I got up earlier around 9.30am to start cooking Pasta for lunch. I had bought the sauce and pasta last monday (the day of Taliban 2) to cook on tuesday, which is one of my earliest day. BUT that day last minute got course that lasted until the end of the day... then the rest of the week also kinda busy.
So mashed up garlic, sliced up onions, hotdogs, added starch to the mincemeat. Then boiled the pasta with some carrots, while stir frying the onions. Then fry the hotdogs and then the hot dog slices. Then fry the mincemeat, added the carrots, then added sauce and boil. About an hour later, bolognise pasta ready. With lots of meat (mince meat, hotdog slices, hotdog) plus fried onions. Quite tasty if I do say so myself. Its been a while since I've cooked pasta. Recommend Ligo pasta sauce.
Later I went back to zzz cos feeling kinda worn out, need to catch up on my beauty sleep. Somewhere near 3.30pm, my dad asked if anyone wanted to go IMM. Hopped along cos I wanted to buy some stuff. We ended up in Vivo cos IMM no parking lots available. Well by the time we got home, its near 6pm. Then went next door to buy some stuff for work-related, some cans of coffee to last the week.
Then bathe, stone infront of laptop (trying to find balloon art-making of handsome man, but cant find) and ate a late dinner/supper around 10pm. Just finished a Budweiser (beer) and am feeling a bit comfortable.
IF only tom is not a workday...
True to my words, I got up earlier around 9.30am to start cooking Pasta for lunch. I had bought the sauce and pasta last monday (the day of Taliban 2) to cook on tuesday, which is one of my earliest day. BUT that day last minute got course that lasted until the end of the day... then the rest of the week also kinda busy.
So mashed up garlic, sliced up onions, hotdogs, added starch to the mincemeat. Then boiled the pasta with some carrots, while stir frying the onions. Then fry the hotdogs and then the hot dog slices. Then fry the mincemeat, added the carrots, then added sauce and boil. About an hour later, bolognise pasta ready. With lots of meat (mince meat, hotdog slices, hotdog) plus fried onions. Quite tasty if I do say so myself. Its been a while since I've cooked pasta. Recommend Ligo pasta sauce.
Later I went back to zzz cos feeling kinda worn out, need to catch up on my beauty sleep. Somewhere near 3.30pm, my dad asked if anyone wanted to go IMM. Hopped along cos I wanted to buy some stuff. We ended up in Vivo cos IMM no parking lots available. Well by the time we got home, its near 6pm. Then went next door to buy some stuff for work-related, some cans of coffee to last the week.
Then bathe, stone infront of laptop (trying to find balloon art-making of handsome man, but cant find) and ate a late dinner/supper around 10pm. Just finished a Budweiser (beer) and am feeling a bit comfortable.
IF only tom is not a workday...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Flower practice for Valentine Day
I am exhausted after a long day today.
Nothing much online, so bored.
Went to search for balloon flowers to practice for oncoming Valentine's day flowers. (Hmm... you gals want to get a balloon flower?)
Instead, I made a balloon caterpillar.

Err its taken with my sister's now faulty phone, so didnt turn out too good. But its kinda cute. *Awwwww* (any gals want a caterpillar instead for valentine instead of a flower?)
Yar enuff 'excitement' for a day. Am tired. Am going to sleep. Waiting feverently for the weekend to come.
Nothing much online, so bored.
Went to search for balloon flowers to practice for oncoming Valentine's day flowers. (Hmm... you gals want to get a balloon flower?)
Instead, I made a balloon caterpillar.
Err its taken with my sister's now faulty phone, so didnt turn out too good. But its kinda cute. *Awwwww* (any gals want a caterpillar instead for valentine instead of a flower?)
Yar enuff 'excitement' for a day. Am tired. Am going to sleep. Waiting feverently for the weekend to come.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Another 'Taliban' experience
Its like this, I had another 'Taliban' experience tonight. Its a long story. Well only read if you have the time. Dun comment and say that I have a lack of life though.
The first 'Taliban' experience happened in Dec, when it was still 2007.
A couple of weeks ago, on a particularly late night of 1.30+am in the morning. I was left alone in the hall, just about to switch off my laptop and go to sleep when.... in flew a big cockroach from the window.
I did a 10m dash away from it to grab the insecticide but somehow am fearful to approach it. BUT there was nobody awake still. Both my parents were in dreamland. My sisters were safely asleep. BUT I didnt want it to procreate in our house, resulting in more of such dramas. And I was kinda pissed off by the late hour. Fatique clouded a bit of my fear. Eventually, I sprayed it and ran for cover.
10mins plus later, peeping from my dad's room, I couldnt see it. My sister woke up and saw me. I whispered that there is a cockroach and she woke up immediately. So both of us continued our 'vigil' in the supposedly safe area - kitchen. She told me she heard the plastic bag in her room rustling. Thinking of the 'safety' of the other sister still sleeping inside. We decided to risk it. We went to switch on the lights in the room. She woke up and looked at us funny when we told her, there's a cockroach. THEN she really woke up when she realized that we were not hiding in the room but standing fearfully outside the room. She dashed out. So the camp continued in the kitchen while we try to establish where the enemy was hiding.
My sister wrapped her head but it turned out very tudung-style cos she's afraid of the cockroach flying into her mouth. I did a similar thing but Taliban style, leaving my eyes exposed. Actually I would much prefer to cover myself from head to toe in a spacesuit cos I hate the touch of it on my naked skin. Kena once before *shudders*
The story continues. Eventually the enemy resurfaced. Its in the room on my sister's bed. We used a net to trap it and almost managed to throw it outside the door when it struggled free and hid under the sofa. I sprayed it again twice. It still didnt die immediately though it flipped on its back. In fact the whole cockroach drama was into 2hrs already. By the time we slept, it was about 3.30am plus. The next day, all of us woke up tired. And I have now 'proudly' slayed my very first cockroach without relying on my parents. *signz*
Today another episdoe occured... whats up with these cockroaches... The house has been peaceful for years then such things happened. Sat evening, dunno how but one got into the kitchen. I saw it, my mom tried to catch it but it flew and was too quick. (Of course, the rest of us cowered in our rooms with the doors closed) She couldnt catch it out to save it. Cos my parents left for msia on sunday. It didnt do anything on monday. We safely ate and bathed before 10pm and slept.
Today I came back from work, washed the dishes, then went out to buy groceries plus packed dinner and reheat some food. By the time I was done, lugging the heavy stuff and putting them all away, I was dead-beat. Not to mentioned today 7 periods plus cough like mad and lots of mucus. K, so I was kinda tired and it was about 7pm. I decided to have a hot bath b4 dinner. Kinda sweaty from the humid and wet day outside. I had finished washing my hair and had just about finished showering...
THEN it flew in.
Luckily I wasnt doing anything near the toilet bowl cos it headed straight for the wall and settled there. Jolted from my fatique, I stared at it, afraid that it would fly towards my naked self. Then I recovered and quickly wrap myself in towel, got out and headed to the room to change.
I returned shortly dressed and with my Taliban and pissed. I took out the newly-bought insecticide and sprayed it. Then I siam and waited in the room. Until my sisters came back one by one. One came back 30mins after spraying. We both ate dinner in the room. Later she went to sleep. The other came back about 3hours after the spraying. BUT until now, its whereabouts are still unknown. For now, nobody is interested to know where it is currently at, except that it dun announce its unwelcomed self around. Hope to see a dead cockroach tom.
Tell you, after a while, I am going to overcome this fear of cockroach. My reluctance to spray them is getting lesser and lesser. Each one seems to increasingly piss me off more such that I can overcome that fear and walk close enuff to spray it. One denied me my sleep. The other came and disturbed my relaxing bath...
Yar yar I am not getting out more such that killing a cockroach is a BIG deal. But any intruders to my peace and tranquility at home will not go unpunished. Cockcroach beware. The Taliban is here.
The first 'Taliban' experience happened in Dec, when it was still 2007.
A couple of weeks ago, on a particularly late night of 1.30+am in the morning. I was left alone in the hall, just about to switch off my laptop and go to sleep when.... in flew a big cockroach from the window.
I did a 10m dash away from it to grab the insecticide but somehow am fearful to approach it. BUT there was nobody awake still. Both my parents were in dreamland. My sisters were safely asleep. BUT I didnt want it to procreate in our house, resulting in more of such dramas. And I was kinda pissed off by the late hour. Fatique clouded a bit of my fear. Eventually, I sprayed it and ran for cover.
10mins plus later, peeping from my dad's room, I couldnt see it. My sister woke up and saw me. I whispered that there is a cockroach and she woke up immediately. So both of us continued our 'vigil' in the supposedly safe area - kitchen. She told me she heard the plastic bag in her room rustling. Thinking of the 'safety' of the other sister still sleeping inside. We decided to risk it. We went to switch on the lights in the room. She woke up and looked at us funny when we told her, there's a cockroach. THEN she really woke up when she realized that we were not hiding in the room but standing fearfully outside the room. She dashed out. So the camp continued in the kitchen while we try to establish where the enemy was hiding.
My sister wrapped her head but it turned out very tudung-style cos she's afraid of the cockroach flying into her mouth. I did a similar thing but Taliban style, leaving my eyes exposed. Actually I would much prefer to cover myself from head to toe in a spacesuit cos I hate the touch of it on my naked skin. Kena once before *shudders*
The story continues. Eventually the enemy resurfaced. Its in the room on my sister's bed. We used a net to trap it and almost managed to throw it outside the door when it struggled free and hid under the sofa. I sprayed it again twice. It still didnt die immediately though it flipped on its back. In fact the whole cockroach drama was into 2hrs already. By the time we slept, it was about 3.30am plus. The next day, all of us woke up tired. And I have now 'proudly' slayed my very first cockroach without relying on my parents. *signz*
Today another episdoe occured... whats up with these cockroaches... The house has been peaceful for years then such things happened. Sat evening, dunno how but one got into the kitchen. I saw it, my mom tried to catch it but it flew and was too quick. (Of course, the rest of us cowered in our rooms with the doors closed) She couldnt catch it out to save it. Cos my parents left for msia on sunday. It didnt do anything on monday. We safely ate and bathed before 10pm and slept.
Today I came back from work, washed the dishes, then went out to buy groceries plus packed dinner and reheat some food. By the time I was done, lugging the heavy stuff and putting them all away, I was dead-beat. Not to mentioned today 7 periods plus cough like mad and lots of mucus. K, so I was kinda tired and it was about 7pm. I decided to have a hot bath b4 dinner. Kinda sweaty from the humid and wet day outside. I had finished washing my hair and had just about finished showering...
THEN it flew in.
Luckily I wasnt doing anything near the toilet bowl cos it headed straight for the wall and settled there. Jolted from my fatique, I stared at it, afraid that it would fly towards my naked self. Then I recovered and quickly wrap myself in towel, got out and headed to the room to change.
I returned shortly dressed and with my Taliban and pissed. I took out the newly-bought insecticide and sprayed it. Then I siam and waited in the room. Until my sisters came back one by one. One came back 30mins after spraying. We both ate dinner in the room. Later she went to sleep. The other came back about 3hours after the spraying. BUT until now, its whereabouts are still unknown. For now, nobody is interested to know where it is currently at, except that it dun announce its unwelcomed self around. Hope to see a dead cockroach tom.
Tell you, after a while, I am going to overcome this fear of cockroach. My reluctance to spray them is getting lesser and lesser. Each one seems to increasingly piss me off more such that I can overcome that fear and walk close enuff to spray it. One denied me my sleep. The other came and disturbed my relaxing bath...
Yar yar I am not getting out more such that killing a cockroach is a BIG deal. But any intruders to my peace and tranquility at home will not go unpunished. Cockcroach beware. The Taliban is here.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
If there is a God of Time/Weekend, pls come quickly
"Oh, God of Time, pls turn time forward in a flash to friday evening 7pm and then slow it to a crawl until Sat never ends..."
Yar I am fervently wishing for weekends, specifically fri after work.
Yar my cough is getting to me. Feeling kinda weak today but no mc yet.
Wish I could have passive income > my current income = retirement.
Maybe I should start some paper trade and monitor it. A good idea for first time investors, yet I often forget it in the rush of things.
K I should do that today and monitor weekly.
Then I am drinking shandy and zzzing soon, I guess?
Yar I am fervently wishing for weekends, specifically fri after work.
Yar my cough is getting to me. Feeling kinda weak today but no mc yet.
Wish I could have passive income > my current income = retirement.
Maybe I should start some paper trade and monitor it. A good idea for first time investors, yet I often forget it in the rush of things.
K I should do that today and monitor weekly.
Then I am drinking shandy and zzzing soon, I guess?
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
A time of hair-pulling, hard sighing and table-flipping
Whose doing all those?
Me more exactly.
Hair-pulling cos there are so many many adminstrative things. Eg issue consent form for remedial, collect all the different exercise books, workbooks, adjust ur own timetable, print out copy for student, book library and comp lab slots, lab slots, start teaching, start marking, start cca, start all those committees, put up classroom displays etc etc etc
Get the picture?
It wont be a hassle if one does not have to do everything in such a short time, using whatever time b4 class, during breaks, after class to do them.
Everyday, am sighing with regret, why did my holidays end so quickly. I missed it very very much already.
Sighing with relief when all the lessons are over and maybe some of the other work is done and can go home.
Sighing that I cant seem to find the energy to maple for the past 1.5 weeks. At least today I did some exercise at home with some weights. Part of my free time used up to travel to Funan to collect the laptop. I left from work around 4pm, went there and reached home near 6.30pm.
Table-flipping cos again there is one poor attitude student. No corporal punishment and I cannot touch. But I can touch the table. Just pull it away and flip it. I do not do it to every prob kid but this one is asking for it. Already asked to look up a few times,lie on the table and look down at lap, ignore me, get it. Full stop. I dun believe in this type of reason, 'oh that one, chi ran bu chi ying'. Better learn to digest both types. I did pull the table back and explain later that the behaviour is what I am angry at, not the person. I will follow up tom and see if there is improvement tom. May try soft-approach. Will continue to monitor. A 'well-known' case it seems. So after that and some shouting, I was kinda tired. By the time I was done, feel so "beng san".
After this, going to try to login maple. Maybe hunt 1/2hr to show face, otherwise I may get kicked out of my guild. Later going to zzz with a can of shandy. From Dec onwards, have been waking up at least 3 times daily due to cold, noise, light, toilet-going, parched throat and times my mind wanders back to work. Just need a bit of alcohol to dull the neural connection.
Me more exactly.
Hair-pulling cos there are so many many adminstrative things. Eg issue consent form for remedial, collect all the different exercise books, workbooks, adjust ur own timetable, print out copy for student, book library and comp lab slots, lab slots, start teaching, start marking, start cca, start all those committees, put up classroom displays etc etc etc
Get the picture?
It wont be a hassle if one does not have to do everything in such a short time, using whatever time b4 class, during breaks, after class to do them.
Everyday, am sighing with regret, why did my holidays end so quickly. I missed it very very much already.
Sighing with relief when all the lessons are over and maybe some of the other work is done and can go home.
Sighing that I cant seem to find the energy to maple for the past 1.5 weeks. At least today I did some exercise at home with some weights. Part of my free time used up to travel to Funan to collect the laptop. I left from work around 4pm, went there and reached home near 6.30pm.
Table-flipping cos again there is one poor attitude student. No corporal punishment and I cannot touch. But I can touch the table. Just pull it away and flip it. I do not do it to every prob kid but this one is asking for it. Already asked to look up a few times,lie on the table and look down at lap, ignore me, get it. Full stop. I dun believe in this type of reason, 'oh that one, chi ran bu chi ying'. Better learn to digest both types. I did pull the table back and explain later that the behaviour is what I am angry at, not the person. I will follow up tom and see if there is improvement tom. May try soft-approach. Will continue to monitor. A 'well-known' case it seems. So after that and some shouting, I was kinda tired. By the time I was done, feel so "beng san".
After this, going to try to login maple. Maybe hunt 1/2hr to show face, otherwise I may get kicked out of my guild. Later going to zzz with a can of shandy. From Dec onwards, have been waking up at least 3 times daily due to cold, noise, light, toilet-going, parched throat and times my mind wanders back to work. Just need a bit of alcohol to dull the neural connection.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Nothing much blogworthy at the moment
Dun really have anything blog-worthy.
Work just started and its going to start tom for the full week instead of the half week.
The weekend is spent resting especially Fri and Sat. Just feel tired. Think its cos l've somewhat lost a bit of my stamina for work and secondly the fact that my travelling time has doubled. Yar cos now no more taxi-taking, hence I have to sit 1++ hr to and fro from work. Do feel kinda dazed by the time I reached work though I have Aoi to entertain me. And at times go downtown, is about 50min ride there. Then to go home is also an hour plus ride. Its like there are days where I spent more than 3hrs travelling on buses.
So the Sat is spent nuahing at home, sleep and wake, sleep and wake. Today feel somewhat better, more rested.
Watching anime - Claymore and reading some manga. Thats about it.
Dun want to think about anything.
Whatever will come, will come tommorrow. There is no need for me to think about it at all. But there are times like now, I wish I had stocked up some Shandy. Maybe I should go and get some later...
Work just started and its going to start tom for the full week instead of the half week.
The weekend is spent resting especially Fri and Sat. Just feel tired. Think its cos l've somewhat lost a bit of my stamina for work and secondly the fact that my travelling time has doubled. Yar cos now no more taxi-taking, hence I have to sit 1++ hr to and fro from work. Do feel kinda dazed by the time I reached work though I have Aoi to entertain me. And at times go downtown, is about 50min ride there. Then to go home is also an hour plus ride. Its like there are days where I spent more than 3hrs travelling on buses.
So the Sat is spent nuahing at home, sleep and wake, sleep and wake. Today feel somewhat better, more rested.
Watching anime - Claymore and reading some manga. Thats about it.
Dun want to think about anything.
Whatever will come, will come tommorrow. There is no need for me to think about it at all. But there are times like now, I wish I had stocked up some Shandy. Maybe I should go and get some later...
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