Yes, I am feeling tired. Quite stoned than usual. All thanks to that sleeping at 4-5am reading storybooks for a few nights in a row last week. Then I tried to adjust back the timing to very mixed and not much success. Sleeping at 2am++ and the hot weather at night also made it difficult to sleep. SO feeling more stoned than usual. This week, heading out for a swim in the morning was so difficult. I woke up for it on tuesday but decided to postpone to wednesday, which I did wake up tired but dragged my sorry butt out of the home and into the pool. Then going out also tiring. The only day I felt better was actually Tuesday, the swim woke me up sufficiently and the driving lesson was good. Then Wed, Thur deteriorated. Need to sleep earlier...
That's what I tell myself when I hopped into bed at 10.30pm, hoping to sleep. Guess what I am stoned but my mind is active. Too active. Hence I am here at my blog to make a deposit of thoughts so that I can finally sleep, hopefully by 1am so that I can wake up less zombified and go for guitar tomorrow.
There are various thoughts swirling in my mind, guess that is what I get when I go to FH office and did work without listening to music for half the time there. There are various threads going on.
1) Housing in Japan. The research that I was doing, concluded and showed FH the sites and information found, plus some of my thoughts regarding investing in a housing over there. But that meant I dont have that much mind-consuming tasks left to do... Later I was looking at the actual prices and doing currency conversion and also calculating the cost per square metre and per square foot, to compare to Sg prices.
2) Housing in Sg. Was reading up articles after articles about sg housing. Then checked up some developments that I passed by on my journeys on the buses. Curious about the price ranges and checked. Unfortunately I DO not have that amount of money and I dont think houses priced at certain ranges have a lot of upside left, even if one is thinking of capital appreciation. Then was reading about the seller stamp duty news, PRs housing articles etc.
3) Was also monitoring the stock market in-between tasks. I had already keyed in the orders at home and just checked on the prices periodically. I hadnt had the time and energy to sit down and focus on coming up with an exact strategy yet. I do have thoughts here and there about how to reach the goal of $30k this year but a thought struck me on my bus journey home. I need to also look for LONG-TERM and buy and keep for long term. Currently among my portfolio, there is only 1 share counter that is cheap enough for me to do a long term thing. Hmm... Monday I shall key in an order for that. Also need to write down and record and remind myself NOT to sell off this batch of shares unless it gains in capital, more than 300% of current price. Think that can help somewhat address some long term thingy. That also meant my 1/3 funds left, might not be enough to buy more shares, cos have to buy LT, put aside some for reserve in case of funny stuff like rights... but most counters already had right issue. Still has to be done.
4) The last and most thought given to was with regards to what I was talking with FH about. Basically it boils down to money. Nope, we werent arguing about my wages. I quite enjoy talking with FH cos he does understand and share certain concepts about money and investment. Basically to cut the chase, we were talking about the property investment and how though there are gains to be made, a normal person can only afford 1 house. Whether that is the correct or wrong decision, really meant a person can end up repaying 30 years or losing in the region of $200k mistake...
He was saying that many cannot afford such a mistake. It would take perhaps a peson 10 years to save that sum. I agreed. Even if a person saves $10k a year, it still takes that many years. Then he told me that not many can save $10k/12mths = $830 a month. Also instead of saving, he reckon probably I could do agency work and earn more. That 'extra' earned is the 'savings'. I told him its the same financial equation "Earn more, Spend less". For most of us, with single income from work, the earning more part is from promotion, bonus. But mainly is the spending less. I want to remind that spending less is NOT saying that you dont buy things you want, need, nor eat out nor spend on lesiure. It just means managing them so that you can do most of them pretty regularly and yet be able to accumulate savings in the bank, which can then be used for investment.
Then he was remarking that I seem to be quite well-off financially, at least from what he could observe. Ya being one of the other amongst us who is 'fun-employed', guess its obvious enough, plus I work for him doing flexible so he had more interaction with me. I agreed that I dont have much financial obligations comparatively, try to manage my money well, dont buy that much wants.
I did tell him that I hope he doesnt misunderstand this as being a Scrooge. He clarified that its not being scrooge. He was saying how he was surprised at the amount of money I spend when I go holidaying (I presume to be Bangkok, Macau, HK and even KL, JB) *Yes I surprise even myself when I total up the amount I can spend in one trip... luckily never hit beyond maximum of $1.7k, all in* He was saying that judging from the way I buy things, pay for things, he can gauge that I am not stingeing. Its more of paying for things that are worth the value, eg the memories of a good holiday than on something branded/material.
I agree with that. It is true that I can afford eg a $1k bag, even now being unemployed. But what is stopping me is my perception of value for it. I dont derive that much value from owning it, using it. Its too overpriced for me. This is also connected to my problem of spending $1k on things I want. I was telling him that really the things I want, that $1k cannot buy. It really requires alot of money to 'buy' what I really want; time and energy and money enough to pursue whatever it is that I want to learn, not have to rush to work.
Things he also envied when I told him I got to go for guitar class tomorrow. I told him that at this point, he is still setting up the firm. Give another 3-5 years, he should definitely get somewhere (way higher than me) and then surely can take a good break.
At this point of time, I wont rule out agency work or whatever but it has to be in my own time. I have many things going on all at the same time. I want to focus on a few, when more stablize then explore others. Learning and developing skills that can translate into monetary benefits are always welcome, provided I can manage. I believe that is the key.
After he dropped me at Cityhall after work, I sat on the bus and gave further thoughts about the several topics that came up today. I was thinking about just being a Saver, is that basis enough to be able to invest?
I still remember exactly HOW it was like when I first graduated. I had been a Saver then but my savings (from pocketmoney) wasnt enough to do much at all. Buying shares was out of the option then. I Had To Work. Then I actually sat down and thought about saving up enough money so that I could start buying some shares, as part of investing, while I continue to earn an income (at this point, I havent thought of passive income) It was a thought similar to what my dad did; working and then buying shares.
From the day that I started working, from temp to intern to Untrained to NIE days, I monitored my monthly overall savings (Using the budget way which I wrote in earlier entries) I refined, modified and rethink along the way and then checked out the overall nett savings at the end of every month (using the monthly bank balance update way and cut-off) Along the way, I did brush up my Excel skills and did up an Excel file to monitor which I still use now. It has been 5.5years since.
If you want to compare salary, I started at $1.2k temp, $1k intern, $2k gross at Untrained, all the way until my last drawn salary. Compared to my friends, there are those amongst who earn way higher than I did, compared to JC friends, all of them earned higher salaries than I. After this 6 months of almost $0 income, I would say, whatever headstart I had is gone.
Then what is the difference? Its Not that Savings alone can let a person become wealthy. The truth is that "Savings is the basis for investment to happen." Unless you are one whose job pays exceedingly well >$10-20k a month, most of us live with decently high salaries and have to accumulate.
For me I did save dilligently. I reminded myself of the earlier temp days, where I had to hold 2 jobs, which the total amount didnt hit the starting pay of a grad at all. I remind myself that I want to manage my money/resources well so that I dont have to worry about income (as I have a buffer) I actually decided that I wanted to save extra $5k to try a first initial investment foray into stocks.
I did save that. Yet due to work taking up a huge chunk of my energy and time, I wasnt sure then if I was ready to enter. Really had no idea. YET I didnt want to end up being Most of those people who enter blindly and actually LOST their savings (they should have just kept it in the bank until they figure things out a bit more) I had to save dilligently and carefully so I wasnt about to become them. Hence I did my Investment Homework. I tried a 'paper trade', monitored certain counters. Over time, I recorded the prices in Excel and refined my criteria of counters. Added and removed certain counters and continued monitoring. When prices were within my range, I took a leap-of-faith and plunged in. I ended up using most of my funds, except my Reserve for expenses. The rest of the story is documented on this blog. Which I myself also re-read to remember certain points which I might have forgotten at times.
My point is this.
Being a Saver Does Not gurantee investment success. It does not mean that you dont have to work.
It is the basis for Investment to be possible (in whichever instrument you are comfortable; property, bonds, unit trust, equity, derivatives) Without savings, investment is not viable because of holding power. Investment funded by credit cards and even bank loans might not be as viable, if interest is high.
It is the means also to have a buffer in case of unemployment, not have daily stress about money problems and to be able to afford certain things you deem important.
At least these are my thoughts about Savings and Investing. I am glad that FH does agree on most of it. It is easier when I speak to him regarding these, and at times I come out with new thoughts, perspectives. Interesting indeed.
K I think I have exhausted all thoughts in this deposit. Finally can sleep well.
The sturdy oak Tree has fallen and the aged Saru has left the land of the natto beans behind. What else awaits in the uncertain future?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Investment target for 2010
Nothing much blog-worthy happening so I'll just list down some investment target. This actually has been swirling in my mind on occassions.
I had been actually thinking what is a 'comfortable' amount that IF my shares are able to generate annually, meant that I can 'somewhat' do without work.
That led me to think about people, as they rush past me to head to work. What is the average amount they are getting? What are the hours they are putting in for their pay? Of course, I am thinking about the average person, NOT some professional where they earn >$10k. After a while, I realized that the Average person doesnt earn astronomical figures, depending on their education standard. Basically if a person can get gross of $3.5k, its a very good amount. Most hover at $2k to $2.8k (university) unless they work at it long enough and got promoted.
The next question I thought about was given that over time, a person can get promoted and the salary increases accordingly, hence a fixed target over years is also not that viable... cos you dont expect a person to be earning say $2.5k for the rest of his/her life.
Then I thought about how many hours does an average person clock in for work. The maximum is up to 44hrs according to employment law. Then also there is the Gross Figure and the Nett Figure to consider. The Nett figure is more relevant cos that is the amount you get at the pay day. The cpf goes to the cpf account for investment in education, housing, gold, stocks, unit trusts etc.
After more thinking through, I realized that this is only the 2nd Official year of me actually investing in stocks. So I shouldnt be too worried at targeting for $30k annually. Last year, I didnt hit it also, got $24k. Its okay because that is extra $24k not through me putting hours at work. It doesnt mean that I didnt invest time and effort into investing, I did. It just meant a potential source of income.
YET cos I am still young, not some 70 year old retiree, hence I do have Many Many more years to live out, hence EVEN if my current investment can yield me a passive income, it is not enough over the LONG term to consider not working entirely. That would come maybe in another decade or so. A re-think after say another 5 years from now.
Also being young still, this period of 'fun employed' made me realize that I want to do some more stuff still. Also More Income is good. Helps to replenish the reserve, build up investment capital also. Hence the decision to get work. I will rethink this in about another 5 years to see what level of capital I had managed to build up then.
So after all this think-through, I have decided to stick to $30k annual target. If I can hit near it, its good also. It would mean, I am going somewhere in terms of my judgement and maybe timing.
Currently $6.8k (purely stocks) I had let GREED get to me, cos during Jan, could have made $10k but didnt sell/act to realize then when mkt went down, quite a bit of gains evaporated. I had bought back some since then and currently not much upside. Through this though, I learnt A VALUABLE LESSON - IF ITS A GOOD ENOUGH AMOUNT, SELL TO GET IT IN THE POCKET FIRST. A bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush. Also given CAPITAL is always limited, I have to spread it among my counters for those that are somewhat 'cheaper' within my list of identified counters. Currently about 2/3 invested in terms of capital. 1/3 to wait for more opportunities and some sort of shares reserve. Dont want to dip into my living expenses reserve. It meant really have to limit the amount invested so as not to be too overinvested and stuff. Something to keep me occupied, not entirely but I am 'busy' as it is... with all the courses and errands, plus monitoring investment, exercise and outings.
1 thing I realized about myself is that I dont reward myself tangibly for achieving targets. I didnt exactly reward myself by buying something I REALLY wanted, last year. Usually for me, the achievement itself is reward enough... Hmm
So this year, as part of being GOOD to myself, IF I can hit $15k, I shall take out $1k to get stuff. SO far 3 things came to mind, give family a treat, buy an Oakley sunglass and a WII(guitar hero) Think should be able to squeeze them all in... I must learn to reward. Then if hit $30k, another $1k.
The problem with me is that IF I am given $1k cash and told to spend it on something I really wanted to buy. I would really be at a loss to think of something I REALLY wanted. I guess this has partly to do with my financial discpline. I think of purchases in terms of Need and Want. The whole idea of 'deferring consumption' is important to achieve a balanced, healthy personal budget, also the basis for savings. Usually for Wants, I dont dwell on them, or keep deferring them until I dont really want them anymore.
Also I dont really have so much impulse. Even IF I do go a bit crazy at Marks and Spencer for their cookies, biscuits, it wont hit $1k in a single transaction. Guess I dont see the point of expensive 'toys' for adults.
I go for functionality and costs considerations. Asethetics maybe a bit. So if I really dont see how I can use the 'toy' in my daily routine, very high chance I wont buy or even if I do, it might become white elephant.
My I-touch is a semi-white elephant. It didnt replace my mp3 as it was expected to. Its only useful if I am out of home, have wireless to check my stocks. Also function as a calculator. Recently cos I got the Jap Kotoba, it became a tool for revising my Kanji. So I am trying now to incorportate it more into my routine. The monthly calendar for keeping track of menses is also good, same for currency conversion. These are my uses so far for it. Mainly functionality.
Suddenly my PSP became a bit more un-used. Its been quite a long while since I used it. I do carry it but not sure if still charged... I just favour more of listening to mp3/radio using walkman hp on long bus rides back home from town.
Guess I got my mp3, psp, i-touch covered. Have a laptop still functioning, have tv, have ps2, have ps1, have dvd player, have sling bags, backpacks, have 2 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of slippers, got jeans, got t-shirts... even some work pants and working tops, have guitar, have watch, spectacles, contacts. Somehow when I list these all out, dont see much of anything else I want. Maybe when certain things give out, then have to get replacement but I dont really feel compelled to buy anything else. Space is a consideration too.
And perhaps the main reason why I have problem spending that $1k is this. The things I really want are what that $1k cant buy. Things like freedom, things like having the time to look at the afternoon blue skies, things like feeling the wind in my face, things like not having to rush. I think about how to make that $1k multiply itself so that those can become reality. Then end up, I dont feel like spending that $1k. I rather it work hard for me, generating money.
Yet now knowing myself, I dont want to end up as a Scrooge or 守财奴. So I also have to LEARN how to enjoy the gains. I dont want to work and save hard, deprive myself of pleasures, then die and money goes to someone else. That is SO sad and typical of our parents and theirs generation. I am so not going down that path.
Enough said, so until I hit my target, I will be thinking about how to get there and Only then think about how to spend that $1k.
I had been actually thinking what is a 'comfortable' amount that IF my shares are able to generate annually, meant that I can 'somewhat' do without work.
That led me to think about people, as they rush past me to head to work. What is the average amount they are getting? What are the hours they are putting in for their pay? Of course, I am thinking about the average person, NOT some professional where they earn >$10k. After a while, I realized that the Average person doesnt earn astronomical figures, depending on their education standard. Basically if a person can get gross of $3.5k, its a very good amount. Most hover at $2k to $2.8k (university) unless they work at it long enough and got promoted.
The next question I thought about was given that over time, a person can get promoted and the salary increases accordingly, hence a fixed target over years is also not that viable... cos you dont expect a person to be earning say $2.5k for the rest of his/her life.
Then I thought about how many hours does an average person clock in for work. The maximum is up to 44hrs according to employment law. Then also there is the Gross Figure and the Nett Figure to consider. The Nett figure is more relevant cos that is the amount you get at the pay day. The cpf goes to the cpf account for investment in education, housing, gold, stocks, unit trusts etc.
After more thinking through, I realized that this is only the 2nd Official year of me actually investing in stocks. So I shouldnt be too worried at targeting for $30k annually. Last year, I didnt hit it also, got $24k. Its okay because that is extra $24k not through me putting hours at work. It doesnt mean that I didnt invest time and effort into investing, I did. It just meant a potential source of income.
YET cos I am still young, not some 70 year old retiree, hence I do have Many Many more years to live out, hence EVEN if my current investment can yield me a passive income, it is not enough over the LONG term to consider not working entirely. That would come maybe in another decade or so. A re-think after say another 5 years from now.
Also being young still, this period of 'fun employed' made me realize that I want to do some more stuff still. Also More Income is good. Helps to replenish the reserve, build up investment capital also. Hence the decision to get work. I will rethink this in about another 5 years to see what level of capital I had managed to build up then.
So after all this think-through, I have decided to stick to $30k annual target. If I can hit near it, its good also. It would mean, I am going somewhere in terms of my judgement and maybe timing.
Currently $6.8k (purely stocks) I had let GREED get to me, cos during Jan, could have made $10k but didnt sell/act to realize then when mkt went down, quite a bit of gains evaporated. I had bought back some since then and currently not much upside. Through this though, I learnt A VALUABLE LESSON - IF ITS A GOOD ENOUGH AMOUNT, SELL TO GET IT IN THE POCKET FIRST. A bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush. Also given CAPITAL is always limited, I have to spread it among my counters for those that are somewhat 'cheaper' within my list of identified counters. Currently about 2/3 invested in terms of capital. 1/3 to wait for more opportunities and some sort of shares reserve. Dont want to dip into my living expenses reserve. It meant really have to limit the amount invested so as not to be too overinvested and stuff. Something to keep me occupied, not entirely but I am 'busy' as it is... with all the courses and errands, plus monitoring investment, exercise and outings.
1 thing I realized about myself is that I dont reward myself tangibly for achieving targets. I didnt exactly reward myself by buying something I REALLY wanted, last year. Usually for me, the achievement itself is reward enough... Hmm
So this year, as part of being GOOD to myself, IF I can hit $15k, I shall take out $1k to get stuff. SO far 3 things came to mind, give family a treat, buy an Oakley sunglass and a WII(guitar hero) Think should be able to squeeze them all in... I must learn to reward. Then if hit $30k, another $1k.
The problem with me is that IF I am given $1k cash and told to spend it on something I really wanted to buy. I would really be at a loss to think of something I REALLY wanted. I guess this has partly to do with my financial discpline. I think of purchases in terms of Need and Want. The whole idea of 'deferring consumption' is important to achieve a balanced, healthy personal budget, also the basis for savings. Usually for Wants, I dont dwell on them, or keep deferring them until I dont really want them anymore.
Also I dont really have so much impulse. Even IF I do go a bit crazy at Marks and Spencer for their cookies, biscuits, it wont hit $1k in a single transaction. Guess I dont see the point of expensive 'toys' for adults.
I go for functionality and costs considerations. Asethetics maybe a bit. So if I really dont see how I can use the 'toy' in my daily routine, very high chance I wont buy or even if I do, it might become white elephant.
My I-touch is a semi-white elephant. It didnt replace my mp3 as it was expected to. Its only useful if I am out of home, have wireless to check my stocks. Also function as a calculator. Recently cos I got the Jap Kotoba, it became a tool for revising my Kanji. So I am trying now to incorportate it more into my routine. The monthly calendar for keeping track of menses is also good, same for currency conversion. These are my uses so far for it. Mainly functionality.
Suddenly my PSP became a bit more un-used. Its been quite a long while since I used it. I do carry it but not sure if still charged... I just favour more of listening to mp3/radio using walkman hp on long bus rides back home from town.
Guess I got my mp3, psp, i-touch covered. Have a laptop still functioning, have tv, have ps2, have ps1, have dvd player, have sling bags, backpacks, have 2 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of slippers, got jeans, got t-shirts... even some work pants and working tops, have guitar, have watch, spectacles, contacts. Somehow when I list these all out, dont see much of anything else I want. Maybe when certain things give out, then have to get replacement but I dont really feel compelled to buy anything else. Space is a consideration too.
And perhaps the main reason why I have problem spending that $1k is this. The things I really want are what that $1k cant buy. Things like freedom, things like having the time to look at the afternoon blue skies, things like feeling the wind in my face, things like not having to rush. I think about how to make that $1k multiply itself so that those can become reality. Then end up, I dont feel like spending that $1k. I rather it work hard for me, generating money.
Yet now knowing myself, I dont want to end up as a Scrooge or 守财奴. So I also have to LEARN how to enjoy the gains. I dont want to work and save hard, deprive myself of pleasures, then die and money goes to someone else. That is SO sad and typical of our parents and theirs generation. I am so not going down that path.
Enough said, so until I hit my target, I will be thinking about how to get there and Only then think about how to spend that $1k.
Cheaper stuff in Msia Pharmancy
Today went to JB specifically Pelangi cos my dad wanted to settle his stocks, right issue. Malaysian rights issue is not as easy as Singapore ones, cos if u reside in Singapore, they wont send the forms to you. You got to print ur own, buy a Revenue stamp, use bank draft and then courier to reach KL before the rights payment deadline. So since it's his first time taking on a rights-issue, quite kanchong.
Me? I sold mine off promptly once I realised that there is a Rights-issue for 2 reasons. One, though I have the amount in my share account, I didnt want to pay for the Rights-issue, rather invest it elsewhere. Secondly, the procedure quite different from singapore one, so rather just save myself the trouble of all the above and just sell off, with some gains and then after the Rights are completed, see if prices are worthwhile to buy-back. That's what I personally feel about it.
So around 10am, I tagged along (cos am the only one of my siblings not working and around at home...) I bought a bunch of paper and glue for my newspaper cutting project, also went to the Guardian over there and bought Muscle cream, facial moisturizer and also a chest rub for RM$38. The interesting thing is that they are actually priced the same as Singapore but in RM. Eg muscle cream cost SGD$7.90 in sg and cost RM$7.90 in msia. SO its more than 50% cheaper given the exchange is still near $2.40. How do I know this? I bought a Garnier brand facial moisturiser for SGD$19.90 and saw the exact same one selling for RM$19.90. I should really buy my stuff more in malaysian pharmancy. Then bought about 8 dvds of movies. Didnt have the luxury of slowly choosing cos Dad wanted to rush home to watch the Budget.
But I spent about RM$108. Didnt draw from my bank account, had about RM$60 leftover and borrowed RM$50 from dad. All those Jusco shopping has severely drawn down my ringgit amount in my atm account. I am still deciding how much to withdraw from my shares account to top-up but if top up too much, later spent it away also not productive cos usually draw out for consumption. Still thinking about it.
Then actually was quite tired by the time we reached home. I was going to inform Candle to cancel meeting her cos I was curious about the Gmask but she initially had movie with friend. So IF I travel all the way downtown just to meet for short while, I rather stay at home. But it turned out her movie was post-poned, so she asked if still meeting, so I agreed. BUT cos I felt so tired, decided to take a nap to recharge. The plan was to sleep from 3-4pm then travel down to meet at 5pm. I had such a deep sleep, I woke up and it was almost 5pm. Argh, called to say overslept, changed and arrived around 6pm plus.
Followed each other to walk around buying stuff from Daiso, Gmask, Marks & Spencer (where I again bought ALOT of food!!! 3 boxes extremely chocolatey biscuit, 3 bags of butterscotch mint, 2 ginger snaps and even 1 box of caramel waffers... Man I better ration them out, otherwise there goes my diet.) even GNC.
Ate a rather healthy-looking meal of Carjun fish at LJS, the rice is filling and with the extra coleslaw, its very filling. Then we headed to Suntec around 8.30pm for Candle to get her watch. I got my Oolong tea with water. Had not drunk any tea for the past week, mainly and mostly plain water. My palate is getting tempted to drink others (eg sugared drinks) so I quickly get some unsugared tea to appease the itchy mouth. I am still trying to count calories for Sunday's heavy meal at Ikea. So have to try to go lower calories this week. BUT of course eating brunch in Pelangi meant I ate a Pasta set from Secret Recipe. No cakes, just a chicken pasta, with lemon tea, with some tapioca chips and a pumpkin soup.
Tomorrow go swimming then driving. Rest is open to spontaneous decisions.
Me? I sold mine off promptly once I realised that there is a Rights-issue for 2 reasons. One, though I have the amount in my share account, I didnt want to pay for the Rights-issue, rather invest it elsewhere. Secondly, the procedure quite different from singapore one, so rather just save myself the trouble of all the above and just sell off, with some gains and then after the Rights are completed, see if prices are worthwhile to buy-back. That's what I personally feel about it.
So around 10am, I tagged along (cos am the only one of my siblings not working and around at home...) I bought a bunch of paper and glue for my newspaper cutting project, also went to the Guardian over there and bought Muscle cream, facial moisturizer and also a chest rub for RM$38. The interesting thing is that they are actually priced the same as Singapore but in RM. Eg muscle cream cost SGD$7.90 in sg and cost RM$7.90 in msia. SO its more than 50% cheaper given the exchange is still near $2.40. How do I know this? I bought a Garnier brand facial moisturiser for SGD$19.90 and saw the exact same one selling for RM$19.90. I should really buy my stuff more in malaysian pharmancy. Then bought about 8 dvds of movies. Didnt have the luxury of slowly choosing cos Dad wanted to rush home to watch the Budget.
But I spent about RM$108. Didnt draw from my bank account, had about RM$60 leftover and borrowed RM$50 from dad. All those Jusco shopping has severely drawn down my ringgit amount in my atm account. I am still deciding how much to withdraw from my shares account to top-up but if top up too much, later spent it away also not productive cos usually draw out for consumption. Still thinking about it.
Then actually was quite tired by the time we reached home. I was going to inform Candle to cancel meeting her cos I was curious about the Gmask but she initially had movie with friend. So IF I travel all the way downtown just to meet for short while, I rather stay at home. But it turned out her movie was post-poned, so she asked if still meeting, so I agreed. BUT cos I felt so tired, decided to take a nap to recharge. The plan was to sleep from 3-4pm then travel down to meet at 5pm. I had such a deep sleep, I woke up and it was almost 5pm. Argh, called to say overslept, changed and arrived around 6pm plus.
Followed each other to walk around buying stuff from Daiso, Gmask, Marks & Spencer (where I again bought ALOT of food!!! 3 boxes extremely chocolatey biscuit, 3 bags of butterscotch mint, 2 ginger snaps and even 1 box of caramel waffers... Man I better ration them out, otherwise there goes my diet.) even GNC.
Ate a rather healthy-looking meal of Carjun fish at LJS, the rice is filling and with the extra coleslaw, its very filling. Then we headed to Suntec around 8.30pm for Candle to get her watch. I got my Oolong tea with water. Had not drunk any tea for the past week, mainly and mostly plain water. My palate is getting tempted to drink others (eg sugared drinks) so I quickly get some unsugared tea to appease the itchy mouth. I am still trying to count calories for Sunday's heavy meal at Ikea. So have to try to go lower calories this week. BUT of course eating brunch in Pelangi meant I ate a Pasta set from Secret Recipe. No cakes, just a chicken pasta, with lemon tea, with some tapioca chips and a pumpkin soup.
Tomorrow go swimming then driving. Rest is open to spontaneous decisions.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
21 days to form a routine, 7 days to break it
Yesterday I had a rather good guitar lesson. At least I enjoyed it more than all the previous ones. Hope it can continue and I can find the inspiration and motivation to practice more dilligently.
I reached home near 4pm. Then either I was lazing around, reading storybooks or online. I was looking through the older entries of this blog, saw many old stuff that I had forgotten almost.
I had my ears pierced in 2004 so it meant I've been wearing the same pair of earrings for more than 5 years.
I had started cutting this hairstyle from Aoi, only in early 2008, so it meant almost 2 years of the same hairstyle.
In the 6 months of unemployment, it was initially tiring and down-right taxing then shifted to happier days then gradually as the job search approached, mood initially up, went down, later found, up again. I had been exercising rather dilligently, but really need to LIMIT this mouth if I wanna lose the weight instead of maintaining...
Today I couldnt wake up around 8am to go to the gym. My alarm clock did ring but cos I stayed up until insane hours of 4am reading storybook, I decided to go in the later afternoon.
Instead I went with my sister to IKEA. She was somewhat inspired into action after seeing my cleaner room and wanted to buy boxes to store her clothes and make her room less cluttered with clothes. Sat, I had gone with her to buy CD storage.
My first target is the cafe to eat the IKEA food! I was starving, only ate 1 sweet (and that's only cos she said it was sweet from temple) So I let Geoky queue first for her food, she got pasta and 4 chicken wings to share, 2 chicken wings each. Then the voracious me went to queue. Cos the meatballs are pork and beef, so my mom was frowning upon it.
That made me go for the Poached Salmon but I still got a kiddy Meatballs AND a soup, which is Pumpkin soup. VERY VERY GOOD! I thoroughly enjoyed eating the salmon, brocolli, potato, then eat meatballs with jam and sauce, more potatoes, also eat bread with butter dipped in Pumpkin soup and ate 2 delicious chicken wings with ketchup. Yum Yum and also drank 2 cups of soft drinks... cos they didnt have a refillable diet version. Err yah the calories, I know....
We went to buy her stuff later and then took a cab home after she bought 8 boxes. An interesting thing was that a whole bunch of 6 lions dancers came and performed near the cashier. Then each lion took a tub of mandarin oranges and started rolling them down the asle, I stopped 2 and picked up for luck. After the lions left, the oranges were gone, some aunties picked and picked, enough to fill a big bag. There were some leftover near the cashier for those to take home. Something interesting. We were deciding if we wanted to eat Hotdogs but I was really too too full. Was thinking whether to dabao since we were taking cab but didnt in the end.
I reached home, fell asleep rather quickly near 3pm plus, guess its the 2 consecutive nights of reading storybooks late into the twilight hours. I was woken up shortly around 4pm by next door community karaoke singing. Yes not good singers and damn loud, how not to wake. Tried to go back to sleep but couldnt so I changed and headed out to the gym to fulfil my minimum 2 times a week exercise quota.
I did the Epilitical cross-trainer (stepper) for 25mins, then did machines and weights plus stretching cool-down. That took about 1.5hrs plus. Then headed home. Nothing much but while I was on the stepper, it registered 220 calories after 25mins. I was thinking to myself "well that burnt the 2 cups of soft drink I took..." then still have potatoes, salmon, meatball, 2 chicken wings.... Decided I shall eat a lighter dinner, avoiding the calories.
BUT my mom bought a "Micheal Jackson" aka 豆奶加仙草 for me earlier today which I didnt drink. So after drinking a big cup of that, that meant, my 200 calories came flying back... oh well
Tomorrow going to weigh myself to see how I weigh after another week. Into the 17th week of exercising at least 2 times a week. Weight is still yo-yo-ing around but cos the festivities are mostly over after Christmas, New Year, birthday and CNY, hope to make better progress in weight loss.
I am trying very hard NOT to break this routine cos I read somewhere about a research. It takes doing something regularly for 21 days period to set up a routine/habit and just 7 days of not doing to break it. This I have tried on many occassions and it really works in that manner.
Hope to 戒 the sweet drinks I like to drink permanently, also build habit of eating breakfast and no extra meals including snacking or dessert. So far I have been trying consciously to avoid sugar drinks by drinking tea, plain water or even zero sugar alternatives. Will try to work towards less zero-sugar cos those use chemicals.
I reached home near 4pm. Then either I was lazing around, reading storybooks or online. I was looking through the older entries of this blog, saw many old stuff that I had forgotten almost.
I had my ears pierced in 2004 so it meant I've been wearing the same pair of earrings for more than 5 years.
I had started cutting this hairstyle from Aoi, only in early 2008, so it meant almost 2 years of the same hairstyle.
In the 6 months of unemployment, it was initially tiring and down-right taxing then shifted to happier days then gradually as the job search approached, mood initially up, went down, later found, up again. I had been exercising rather dilligently, but really need to LIMIT this mouth if I wanna lose the weight instead of maintaining...
Today I couldnt wake up around 8am to go to the gym. My alarm clock did ring but cos I stayed up until insane hours of 4am reading storybook, I decided to go in the later afternoon.
Instead I went with my sister to IKEA. She was somewhat inspired into action after seeing my cleaner room and wanted to buy boxes to store her clothes and make her room less cluttered with clothes. Sat, I had gone with her to buy CD storage.
My first target is the cafe to eat the IKEA food! I was starving, only ate 1 sweet (and that's only cos she said it was sweet from temple) So I let Geoky queue first for her food, she got pasta and 4 chicken wings to share, 2 chicken wings each. Then the voracious me went to queue. Cos the meatballs are pork and beef, so my mom was frowning upon it.
That made me go for the Poached Salmon but I still got a kiddy Meatballs AND a soup, which is Pumpkin soup. VERY VERY GOOD! I thoroughly enjoyed eating the salmon, brocolli, potato, then eat meatballs with jam and sauce, more potatoes, also eat bread with butter dipped in Pumpkin soup and ate 2 delicious chicken wings with ketchup. Yum Yum and also drank 2 cups of soft drinks... cos they didnt have a refillable diet version. Err yah the calories, I know....
We went to buy her stuff later and then took a cab home after she bought 8 boxes. An interesting thing was that a whole bunch of 6 lions dancers came and performed near the cashier. Then each lion took a tub of mandarin oranges and started rolling them down the asle, I stopped 2 and picked up for luck. After the lions left, the oranges were gone, some aunties picked and picked, enough to fill a big bag. There were some leftover near the cashier for those to take home. Something interesting. We were deciding if we wanted to eat Hotdogs but I was really too too full. Was thinking whether to dabao since we were taking cab but didnt in the end.
I reached home, fell asleep rather quickly near 3pm plus, guess its the 2 consecutive nights of reading storybooks late into the twilight hours. I was woken up shortly around 4pm by next door community karaoke singing. Yes not good singers and damn loud, how not to wake. Tried to go back to sleep but couldnt so I changed and headed out to the gym to fulfil my minimum 2 times a week exercise quota.
I did the Epilitical cross-trainer (stepper) for 25mins, then did machines and weights plus stretching cool-down. That took about 1.5hrs plus. Then headed home. Nothing much but while I was on the stepper, it registered 220 calories after 25mins. I was thinking to myself "well that burnt the 2 cups of soft drink I took..." then still have potatoes, salmon, meatball, 2 chicken wings.... Decided I shall eat a lighter dinner, avoiding the calories.
BUT my mom bought a "Micheal Jackson" aka 豆奶加仙草 for me earlier today which I didnt drink. So after drinking a big cup of that, that meant, my 200 calories came flying back... oh well
Tomorrow going to weigh myself to see how I weigh after another week. Into the 17th week of exercising at least 2 times a week. Weight is still yo-yo-ing around but cos the festivities are mostly over after Christmas, New Year, birthday and CNY, hope to make better progress in weight loss.
I am trying very hard NOT to break this routine cos I read somewhere about a research. It takes doing something regularly for 21 days period to set up a routine/habit and just 7 days of not doing to break it. This I have tried on many occassions and it really works in that manner.
Hope to 戒 the sweet drinks I like to drink permanently, also build habit of eating breakfast and no extra meals including snacking or dessert. So far I have been trying consciously to avoid sugar drinks by drinking tea, plain water or even zero sugar alternatives. Will try to work towards less zero-sugar cos those use chemicals.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
CNY 2nd day and 3rd day
From my previous post, I left off by saying that I wanted to sleep... Which I think I didnt. I did laze around a bit and the weather cleared. So I asked Geoky whether she wanted to head out and we go exploring 'dead-town'. She agreed and we changed. There were some choices, Jurong Point (been before), IMM (been before), VivoCity (alot of people going for IR), Orchard (been before), and CityHall. In the end we headed to Cityhall cos shun bian go get a watch for Yingel, provided the shops are open.
We headed down by public transport. In the train, there are many many chinese. Alot of them are headed downtown too. Guess its rather boring staying indoors for too many days. We went to Rafflescity, many shops are closed. We walked a short round, then headed to City Link. The watch shop was open but many many people. We did bio a few watches that are suitable in another shop that was closed unfortunately. Then we walked to Suntec. Along the way, more than half the shops were closed. Those open are mainly fast food, starbucks, some restaurants. And you can see those that open, enjoyed brisk business.
It was a similar story at Suntec and we walked the link to Millenia walk. Along the way, looked around, lesser crowd. Then we walked the bridge to Marina which was again, mainly closed and stuff. Then headed to Esplanade to catch a bus home. Then there was quite a crowd and we saw a Carnival. Its that 春到河畔 thingy. I showed Geoky the roof-top view and we looked at the IR for a short while. Then we walked towards the Carnival and the rest of the displays.
We looked at the rides, the new one that we had never sat before was the Sky Walker thingy (pic in facebook). Its the UK carnival thingy. She asked me whether I wanted to try cos she is keen on that. Knowing myself, and the fact that I had decidedly turned 'chicken' and retired from such rides, I offered to carry all her bags and valuable and take a pic of her. So we headed to get her tokens for that one ride. The vortex is very high and we had tried it before at the Escape Themepark several years before I 'retired' so I am NOT going to pay $15 to scream my head off.
So I was fiddling with my phone and her phone to take pics of her before the ride started. Then I got the video working just in time for the ride to start. Had timed the ride earlier, its about 3mins long and sitting on the outermost are the most scary. Geoky did sit at the outermost seats. Oh well.
So when the ride started, I started the video. At first its not so fast nor scary. The 'fun' part started when the ride started tilting and the swings go around very fast and swing up and down. I was looking out for her and saw that she had closed her eyes. In the earlier ride, she was 'laughing' at one guy who obviously was covering his eyes during the ride. She thought that it wasnt scary at all. Guess what, she did the same.
After the ride ended, I ended the video for her. She came down, she said her legs a bit jelly. She said that she closed her eyes cos it felt as though they were swinging and will hit the nearby tree or walls and it swung so fast that the on-lookers were a blur. Well I told her "新年大难不死" good year desu. LOL
We headed to look for the rest of the stalls and lantern displays. The food stalls were crowded and I took a brief look but needed to buy the coupons to use. Dunno where they get the coupons, so we walked to the lanterns. The impressive displays were the Dragon made of sugar and the Dragon & Phoneix made of spoons, bowls and plates. Didnt feel like juggling with the rest to take pics, so just take a quick look and then we went back to Esplanade to use toilet, and take a bus home. I was eating the sweet corn in a cup happily. It cost $2 but its one of those things you eat, that reminds you about the 'Carnival' feeling. Cos when we were younger, my dad does bring us to those carnivals that set up in the neighbourhood (and its getting rarer these days) and the food they sell are mainly candy floss and cup corn.
We headed home, along the way, watching Geoky's video of the "Longest 3mins of her life". We reached home around 7 plus and ate dinner at home. Something different besides watching tv for the new year.
Then I found this Chinese song that I really liked. I got the lyrics, mp3 and tried to 'figure out' the chords, melody and have to work out the strumming cos that is one part of my guitar evaluation. The other is to memorise 5 songs learnt and play it out of memory without looking at the songsheet... I have poor memory... Signz.
So I was figuring out that chinese song chords, which I found I really am not good in it. The melody is easier to figure out... Did that until 1am plus.
The song, 画心, I dunno why but I like this type of song, that is ancient type cheena song than the modern songs.
3rd day
I continued figuring out the melody of the chorus. Now left with chords, strumming and also the Introd, interlude which are instrumental.... Doesnt seem easy. Have to work on it, but at least I like the song and have feeling for the song. Will try to apply whatever I have 'supposedly' learnt to figure out this song.
Also practiced 1 of the 5 songs and I surprised myself by being able to remember half the song. The chords takes me a while more to memorise. Its good to finally have the 'inspiration' to play the guitar. I have not had it for quite a while since I had changed instructor... not that he is not skilled but really I dont understand nor grasp certain concepts well nor do I know how to apply, and also no mood to practice. This meant the thick skin on my left hand fingers got thinned out. So though I wanted to practice more today, my fingers hurt so have to take a break. Hope to keep it up.
Today didnt know where to go explore. Wanted to jio Geoky to Jurong Point. I quite like Old Town Coffee, the other time we went. Their Ice blended White coffee very thick and nice. In the end, we dragged and dragged until my dad unexpectedly came back from malaysia. Then I ended up falling asleep until evening again... waited and waited, nothing, so sleep lor. Woke up, already near 7.30, so ate dinner and went to Ginza around 8pm. More shops open but still alot closed. We ended up buying drinks cos I am having very bad heatiness, then I bought coffee to drink also.
Now nothing much else to do, maybe I go pick up guitar again. Tomorrow I am unable to get driving slot but I booked simulator. So tomorrow is go swimming first, then later go driving simulator.
Due to the long weekend, I hope to hear from the Jap school and get signed on the offer. Actually for me, I dont mind it, in fact its good so far. Near to home, working hours okay, not as early as waking at 5.30am for morning session. Even the pay is within my range. Its a slight pay-drop BUT its still at the 3k+ range. Though its an entirely new system and stuff, but if I keep an open mind and try, think I can do it. Also the best part is I dont have a BOND to lock me in. Its something of my own choice. And I am somewhat looking for a job that I can stay on longer (maybe its a growing old thingy) and maybe work towards heading to japan. So for now, can only cross fingers and hope everything goes smoothly and after that, then make plans. Cos now, nothing is set in concrete, dont want to get expectations too high, later cancel on me like that tuition centre. So no point counting chickens before they hatch, when things are more settled then we talk.
For now, I just wanna try to 'enjoy' the present. Which is something I have to keep reminding myself to do, cos sometimes my mind wanders back to the problems and anxieties... Have to keep telling myself to live now and not let worries ruin the 'now' part.
We headed down by public transport. In the train, there are many many chinese. Alot of them are headed downtown too. Guess its rather boring staying indoors for too many days. We went to Rafflescity, many shops are closed. We walked a short round, then headed to City Link. The watch shop was open but many many people. We did bio a few watches that are suitable in another shop that was closed unfortunately. Then we walked to Suntec. Along the way, more than half the shops were closed. Those open are mainly fast food, starbucks, some restaurants. And you can see those that open, enjoyed brisk business.
It was a similar story at Suntec and we walked the link to Millenia walk. Along the way, looked around, lesser crowd. Then we walked the bridge to Marina which was again, mainly closed and stuff. Then headed to Esplanade to catch a bus home. Then there was quite a crowd and we saw a Carnival. Its that 春到河畔 thingy. I showed Geoky the roof-top view and we looked at the IR for a short while. Then we walked towards the Carnival and the rest of the displays.
We looked at the rides, the new one that we had never sat before was the Sky Walker thingy (pic in facebook). Its the UK carnival thingy. She asked me whether I wanted to try cos she is keen on that. Knowing myself, and the fact that I had decidedly turned 'chicken' and retired from such rides, I offered to carry all her bags and valuable and take a pic of her. So we headed to get her tokens for that one ride. The vortex is very high and we had tried it before at the Escape Themepark several years before I 'retired' so I am NOT going to pay $15 to scream my head off.
So I was fiddling with my phone and her phone to take pics of her before the ride started. Then I got the video working just in time for the ride to start. Had timed the ride earlier, its about 3mins long and sitting on the outermost are the most scary. Geoky did sit at the outermost seats. Oh well.
So when the ride started, I started the video. At first its not so fast nor scary. The 'fun' part started when the ride started tilting and the swings go around very fast and swing up and down. I was looking out for her and saw that she had closed her eyes. In the earlier ride, she was 'laughing' at one guy who obviously was covering his eyes during the ride. She thought that it wasnt scary at all. Guess what, she did the same.
After the ride ended, I ended the video for her. She came down, she said her legs a bit jelly. She said that she closed her eyes cos it felt as though they were swinging and will hit the nearby tree or walls and it swung so fast that the on-lookers were a blur. Well I told her "新年大难不死" good year desu. LOL
We headed to look for the rest of the stalls and lantern displays. The food stalls were crowded and I took a brief look but needed to buy the coupons to use. Dunno where they get the coupons, so we walked to the lanterns. The impressive displays were the Dragon made of sugar and the Dragon & Phoneix made of spoons, bowls and plates. Didnt feel like juggling with the rest to take pics, so just take a quick look and then we went back to Esplanade to use toilet, and take a bus home. I was eating the sweet corn in a cup happily. It cost $2 but its one of those things you eat, that reminds you about the 'Carnival' feeling. Cos when we were younger, my dad does bring us to those carnivals that set up in the neighbourhood (and its getting rarer these days) and the food they sell are mainly candy floss and cup corn.
We headed home, along the way, watching Geoky's video of the "Longest 3mins of her life". We reached home around 7 plus and ate dinner at home. Something different besides watching tv for the new year.
Then I found this Chinese song that I really liked. I got the lyrics, mp3 and tried to 'figure out' the chords, melody and have to work out the strumming cos that is one part of my guitar evaluation. The other is to memorise 5 songs learnt and play it out of memory without looking at the songsheet... I have poor memory... Signz.
So I was figuring out that chinese song chords, which I found I really am not good in it. The melody is easier to figure out... Did that until 1am plus.
The song, 画心, I dunno why but I like this type of song, that is ancient type cheena song than the modern songs.
3rd day
I continued figuring out the melody of the chorus. Now left with chords, strumming and also the Introd, interlude which are instrumental.... Doesnt seem easy. Have to work on it, but at least I like the song and have feeling for the song. Will try to apply whatever I have 'supposedly' learnt to figure out this song.
Also practiced 1 of the 5 songs and I surprised myself by being able to remember half the song. The chords takes me a while more to memorise. Its good to finally have the 'inspiration' to play the guitar. I have not had it for quite a while since I had changed instructor... not that he is not skilled but really I dont understand nor grasp certain concepts well nor do I know how to apply, and also no mood to practice. This meant the thick skin on my left hand fingers got thinned out. So though I wanted to practice more today, my fingers hurt so have to take a break. Hope to keep it up.
Today didnt know where to go explore. Wanted to jio Geoky to Jurong Point. I quite like Old Town Coffee, the other time we went. Their Ice blended White coffee very thick and nice. In the end, we dragged and dragged until my dad unexpectedly came back from malaysia. Then I ended up falling asleep until evening again... waited and waited, nothing, so sleep lor. Woke up, already near 7.30, so ate dinner and went to Ginza around 8pm. More shops open but still alot closed. We ended up buying drinks cos I am having very bad heatiness, then I bought coffee to drink also.
Now nothing much else to do, maybe I go pick up guitar again. Tomorrow I am unable to get driving slot but I booked simulator. So tomorrow is go swimming first, then later go driving simulator.
Due to the long weekend, I hope to hear from the Jap school and get signed on the offer. Actually for me, I dont mind it, in fact its good so far. Near to home, working hours okay, not as early as waking at 5.30am for morning session. Even the pay is within my range. Its a slight pay-drop BUT its still at the 3k+ range. Though its an entirely new system and stuff, but if I keep an open mind and try, think I can do it. Also the best part is I dont have a BOND to lock me in. Its something of my own choice. And I am somewhat looking for a job that I can stay on longer (maybe its a growing old thingy) and maybe work towards heading to japan. So for now, can only cross fingers and hope everything goes smoothly and after that, then make plans. Cos now, nothing is set in concrete, dont want to get expectations too high, later cancel on me like that tuition centre. So no point counting chickens before they hatch, when things are more settled then we talk.
For now, I just wanna try to 'enjoy' the present. Which is something I have to keep reminding myself to do, cos sometimes my mind wanders back to the problems and anxieties... Have to keep telling myself to live now and not let worries ruin the 'now' part.
Monday, February 15, 2010
CNY, done and not done
Eve, on friday, I started tidying up the last few remaining stacks of things left from work, plus all my discs accumulated to epic proportions. I sat down and started chucking stuff.
Took out the discs and the paper covers from the disc box. Then put disc in disc storage, put paper in bag for paper recycling and finally empty disc box in another bag for plastic recycling. Did that for my entire PS1 games, movie collection. Couldnt finish by 1am, then slept and continued next day on Saturday.
Finally finished that and cleaned up the room. It has become so spacious and the floor is entirely clear of stuff. Also changed the bedsheets and tidied up clothes. Outside table also tidy a bit. Still a bit messy but better than before. More organized a bit, I can find my stuff easier.
Then me and Geoky helped out a bit with the CNY dinner preparations. Think as age progress, mom being 60 this year, energy is not there, better to help out and also learn how to make some of the CNY food that we always eat. Then around 6pm, we had a reunion dinner. The typical dish that we always eat is the home-made 肉卷 and Grandma's style 猪肚汤 which my mom adapted to make it 排骨汤. I did ask her later about the recipe. Hope to find my book of mom's recipe and write it down. I havent been writing down recipes for ages.
After dinner, my sisters and I were feeling sleepy. How to do 守岁 so I made a cup of coffee. Then we were playing Mahjong but we werent very clear of the rules, but just play some otherwise the mahjong set, nobody christen it. I kept winning though but we didnt play all those fan and money.
Eventually after the 12am countdown, I slept near 3.45am, kept awake by reading storybooks borrowed.
Sunday, 1st day itself, woke up late obviously. But as not supposed to go out cos of dunno why 'bad luck' plus dont really have friends and relatives to visit, so stay at home. I was reading more storybooks and then fell asleep in the afternoon until evening. Bathed, and wore my new earrings. Didnt buy new year clothings, dont really practice that (at least for me), but I did get new earrings.
Aces earring

Mizumi (mouse)

The mizumi earrings being the one that started it all. Quetzal and I were walking around Marina area and headed to those capsule shop. I saw this box that housed alot of cute earrings. What caught my attention was the Mizumi. They were really cute and it cost $4 per pair, cheap and reasonable. Since my youngest sister is born in the year of the Rat, very apt.
I tried to get a pig one for my other sister but the pig didnt look nice. So I got a pair of Kani

I wanted to get something for my mom but thinking that she is older and dunno if she would like, so in the end didnt. I also didnt get for myself cos too cute for me liao. Gave my presents to them in advance, dont think I wanna hold until actual birthday.
Then guess what, my mom saw the Mizumi earrings and thought it was very very cute and she asked me where I got it from. I told her and offered to buy on her behalf since I often pass by Marina. She wanted to buy 4, 1 mizumi, 1 dog, 1 cow for her friends and god-daughters, and one for herself, a tiger. I reminded her that they dont sell Zodiac signs, its just some animals and plants and cute stuff.
On friday early afternoon, I was free and I decided to head out to run errands at one go. I picked up Tab's book, bought Toto and headed down to Marina to buy the earrings. Managed to get the mouse, dog and cow. Didnt really like the cow so didnt take photo. And since no tiger, bought the mouse and cat combination cos dont have a pair of cats.
Cat and Mouse (mom)


I quite like the cute designs. In a pair, usually both earrings are slightly different from each other, eg one male, one female, one hold one msg, other holds something else, different colour. So its very creative and cute.
When I put on the aces earring, my sister said, not that suitable cos my hairstyle is more J-rockish, so a more fitting one is those long dangling chain but for me, its okay. Its not tooo cute until I cant carry off. Also its a change from the steel ones I wear though I am not that used to the dangling feeling on my mimi.
2nd day, Monday, I woke up late again cos last night I was reading storybook until quite late. Got up and cooked pasta around 12 plus. Got the ingredients ready. Mom wanted to cook 炒米粉 so I let her finish then cook the pasta. The most time-consuming is actually boiling the pasta. This time is the flat long pasta and it takes quite a while of boiling for the pasta to separate. Then cooked a pot of sauce, usual of carrots, minced meat, onion. Ate both the mi fen and pasta. Those can last for tea, dinner and more.
Wanted to head out but while I was cooking, it started raining!!!! Argh... nothing much to do except go blog, facebook, and watch tv... Man I feel like curling up to sleep again...
Took out the discs and the paper covers from the disc box. Then put disc in disc storage, put paper in bag for paper recycling and finally empty disc box in another bag for plastic recycling. Did that for my entire PS1 games, movie collection. Couldnt finish by 1am, then slept and continued next day on Saturday.
Finally finished that and cleaned up the room. It has become so spacious and the floor is entirely clear of stuff. Also changed the bedsheets and tidied up clothes. Outside table also tidy a bit. Still a bit messy but better than before. More organized a bit, I can find my stuff easier.
Then me and Geoky helped out a bit with the CNY dinner preparations. Think as age progress, mom being 60 this year, energy is not there, better to help out and also learn how to make some of the CNY food that we always eat. Then around 6pm, we had a reunion dinner. The typical dish that we always eat is the home-made 肉卷 and Grandma's style 猪肚汤 which my mom adapted to make it 排骨汤. I did ask her later about the recipe. Hope to find my book of mom's recipe and write it down. I havent been writing down recipes for ages.
After dinner, my sisters and I were feeling sleepy. How to do 守岁 so I made a cup of coffee. Then we were playing Mahjong but we werent very clear of the rules, but just play some otherwise the mahjong set, nobody christen it. I kept winning though but we didnt play all those fan and money.
Eventually after the 12am countdown, I slept near 3.45am, kept awake by reading storybooks borrowed.
Sunday, 1st day itself, woke up late obviously. But as not supposed to go out cos of dunno why 'bad luck' plus dont really have friends and relatives to visit, so stay at home. I was reading more storybooks and then fell asleep in the afternoon until evening. Bathed, and wore my new earrings. Didnt buy new year clothings, dont really practice that (at least for me), but I did get new earrings.
Aces earring
Mizumi (mouse)
The mizumi earrings being the one that started it all. Quetzal and I were walking around Marina area and headed to those capsule shop. I saw this box that housed alot of cute earrings. What caught my attention was the Mizumi. They were really cute and it cost $4 per pair, cheap and reasonable. Since my youngest sister is born in the year of the Rat, very apt.
I tried to get a pig one for my other sister but the pig didnt look nice. So I got a pair of Kani
I wanted to get something for my mom but thinking that she is older and dunno if she would like, so in the end didnt. I also didnt get for myself cos too cute for me liao. Gave my presents to them in advance, dont think I wanna hold until actual birthday.
Then guess what, my mom saw the Mizumi earrings and thought it was very very cute and she asked me where I got it from. I told her and offered to buy on her behalf since I often pass by Marina. She wanted to buy 4, 1 mizumi, 1 dog, 1 cow for her friends and god-daughters, and one for herself, a tiger. I reminded her that they dont sell Zodiac signs, its just some animals and plants and cute stuff.
On friday early afternoon, I was free and I decided to head out to run errands at one go. I picked up Tab's book, bought Toto and headed down to Marina to buy the earrings. Managed to get the mouse, dog and cow. Didnt really like the cow so didnt take photo. And since no tiger, bought the mouse and cat combination cos dont have a pair of cats.
Cat and Mouse (mom)
I quite like the cute designs. In a pair, usually both earrings are slightly different from each other, eg one male, one female, one hold one msg, other holds something else, different colour. So its very creative and cute.
When I put on the aces earring, my sister said, not that suitable cos my hairstyle is more J-rockish, so a more fitting one is those long dangling chain but for me, its okay. Its not tooo cute until I cant carry off. Also its a change from the steel ones I wear though I am not that used to the dangling feeling on my mimi.
2nd day, Monday, I woke up late again cos last night I was reading storybook until quite late. Got up and cooked pasta around 12 plus. Got the ingredients ready. Mom wanted to cook 炒米粉 so I let her finish then cook the pasta. The most time-consuming is actually boiling the pasta. This time is the flat long pasta and it takes quite a while of boiling for the pasta to separate. Then cooked a pot of sauce, usual of carrots, minced meat, onion. Ate both the mi fen and pasta. Those can last for tea, dinner and more.
Wanted to head out but while I was cooking, it started raining!!!! Argh... nothing much to do except go blog, facebook, and watch tv... Man I feel like curling up to sleep again...
Monday, February 08, 2010
Sunday routine and Canned fruits
Usually on Sundays, I try to go the gym to fulfil the minimum of twice a week exercise workout, one being swimming, one being gym.
So I did manage to do that then I came back home for brunch. I try not to let my body go into starvation and conservation mode, hence ate a museli bar immediately after the workout. BUT when I reached home, was so hungry, I ate a big bowl of porridge and a big bowl of fried rice. There goes the calories... Nevermind, at least upkeep my general fittness.
Then felt tired, slept several hours from 4pm. By the time I woke up, its 8.30pm. Ate dinner. Then sister was feeling unwell and cos by the time she went to see the doctor, think they closed, so went to hospital for drip and then see if severe enough to be warded. Got gastric flu but cos of her condition, more severe. So she's on 3 days mc. While parents and her went to the hospital, I busied myself watching the cable tv, the backlog of shows I recorded but hadnt been watching for the past 2-3 weeks.
By the time, I finished, they came back and its already 1.30am++ I had forgotten to do my newspaper articles cutting. GRRRRR... it meant I have to do it on Monday.
Today, as I was not sure if my sister wanted me to pass her keys to her collegues, I changed my plan of going to swim in the morning. So didnt need to do that errand, went next door to eat with mom and then helped her carry groceries. Also monitoring the stock market to "buy-in" to replenish the shares that I had sold off, and also "sell" some of my current holdings, given the generally downturn (evidenced by red numbers, meaning that most counters are dropping)
I did buy my own supply of Museli bars and 2 cans of canned fruti, namely Pear and Rambutan with pineapples. I wonder how do those taste in alcholic drinks like Martini... Argh I shouldnt go near any cannded fruit sections... that's what I think about. I even saw canned grapes but didnt want to try that yet. Going to push myself to do the cuttings at a go and then go for my driving. Just hope not to use too much 精神 until later cant concentrate.
So I did manage to do that then I came back home for brunch. I try not to let my body go into starvation and conservation mode, hence ate a museli bar immediately after the workout. BUT when I reached home, was so hungry, I ate a big bowl of porridge and a big bowl of fried rice. There goes the calories... Nevermind, at least upkeep my general fittness.
Then felt tired, slept several hours from 4pm. By the time I woke up, its 8.30pm. Ate dinner. Then sister was feeling unwell and cos by the time she went to see the doctor, think they closed, so went to hospital for drip and then see if severe enough to be warded. Got gastric flu but cos of her condition, more severe. So she's on 3 days mc. While parents and her went to the hospital, I busied myself watching the cable tv, the backlog of shows I recorded but hadnt been watching for the past 2-3 weeks.
By the time, I finished, they came back and its already 1.30am++ I had forgotten to do my newspaper articles cutting. GRRRRR... it meant I have to do it on Monday.
Today, as I was not sure if my sister wanted me to pass her keys to her collegues, I changed my plan of going to swim in the morning. So didnt need to do that errand, went next door to eat with mom and then helped her carry groceries. Also monitoring the stock market to "buy-in" to replenish the shares that I had sold off, and also "sell" some of my current holdings, given the generally downturn (evidenced by red numbers, meaning that most counters are dropping)
I did buy my own supply of Museli bars and 2 cans of canned fruti, namely Pear and Rambutan with pineapples. I wonder how do those taste in alcholic drinks like Martini... Argh I shouldnt go near any cannded fruit sections... that's what I think about. I even saw canned grapes but didnt want to try that yet. Going to push myself to do the cuttings at a go and then go for my driving. Just hope not to use too much 精神 until later cant concentrate.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Shitty Dream
On Friday night, I had a shitty dream, literally.
For one who hardly dreams when sleeping, even when it happens, the number of times can be counted within 2 hands.
Yet, on the rare occasion it happened, friday evening/ wee hours of sat morning, one might expect something more decent... Maybe meeting a shuai ge in the dream, going on an adventure, being rich and mighty... anything but Shit?
I woke up from a very short 'nightmare'. There is only 1 scene.
The public toilet.
And I needed to use the toilet urgently but go into first cubicle, got shit. Dunno how some of the shit actually landed on my shoes, gross!
Then head to next cubicle, more Shit and damn smelly. Basically the stench of shit.
I ran down into the next 1-2 remaining cubicles to find more shit littering the place, and the Smell...
And the next thing I woke up.
I noticed a GREAT STENCH of SHIT and it was very very very bad. Huh? I didnt shit my pants or anything. It was very dark still. I was still in disgust from all the shit experience in the dream. Tried to go back to sleep with a bolster over my nose, to block out the stench but cant breathe... So the REAL stench kept me awake. Then I heard a bit like humming sound, checked the time, it was 5.30am. Suspected is those sewage sucking machine.
Man, after another 5mins of ordeal, suddenly I smelt fresh air. Then tried to go back to sleep. Telling myself that I should have a 101 things to dream about and No More SHIT.
I am surprised that my dream is actually linked with reality. I smelt the shit stench and then dreamt out a scenario with the shit stench incorporated inside.
Maybe I should go look at some shuai ge pics b4 I sleep? Maybe can dream of them *wishfully thinking*
Its kinda rare that I remember my dreams cos they are so few and rare. But this one being only 1 scene is easily recalled. Literally a SHIT dream that is full of shit.
For one who hardly dreams when sleeping, even when it happens, the number of times can be counted within 2 hands.
Yet, on the rare occasion it happened, friday evening/ wee hours of sat morning, one might expect something more decent... Maybe meeting a shuai ge in the dream, going on an adventure, being rich and mighty... anything but Shit?
I woke up from a very short 'nightmare'. There is only 1 scene.
The public toilet.
And I needed to use the toilet urgently but go into first cubicle, got shit. Dunno how some of the shit actually landed on my shoes, gross!
Then head to next cubicle, more Shit and damn smelly. Basically the stench of shit.
I ran down into the next 1-2 remaining cubicles to find more shit littering the place, and the Smell...
And the next thing I woke up.
I noticed a GREAT STENCH of SHIT and it was very very very bad. Huh? I didnt shit my pants or anything. It was very dark still. I was still in disgust from all the shit experience in the dream. Tried to go back to sleep with a bolster over my nose, to block out the stench but cant breathe... So the REAL stench kept me awake. Then I heard a bit like humming sound, checked the time, it was 5.30am. Suspected is those sewage sucking machine.
Man, after another 5mins of ordeal, suddenly I smelt fresh air. Then tried to go back to sleep. Telling myself that I should have a 101 things to dream about and No More SHIT.
I am surprised that my dream is actually linked with reality. I smelt the shit stench and then dreamt out a scenario with the shit stench incorporated inside.
Maybe I should go look at some shuai ge pics b4 I sleep? Maybe can dream of them *wishfully thinking*
Its kinda rare that I remember my dreams cos they are so few and rare. But this one being only 1 scene is easily recalled. Literally a SHIT dream that is full of shit.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Home-based Tuition
Today I finally dragged my ass out of the home by around 10am plus to go swimming. Had deferred from Mon and Wed until now. Then Sunday is gym. Have to really try to make a 3rd slot out to ensure there is higher propensity for achieving the 3500 calorie per kg deficit.
BUT before I count my calories. I did already SINNED on the drinks front. Man 5 logan martinis(Vodka) on Monday and then a Lychee-Gin on Wednesday. And immense pigging out on Wed... Hope to rectify the calories by eating plainly from Thur to Sunday.
Then I will do a weigh-in on Monday.
I just got a sms from one of the tuition centre offering home based tution but they are like the other agenciese, take 1/2 of first month, which is fine with me. Then I took this opportunity to one-shot register at 4 such agencies. I had saved their websites but didnt act upon them cos I didnt want it to clash with my search for the full-time position. But since nothing is forth-coming, I had taken a break from job serach for a good 1.5 weeks already. My plan was to start home based after CNY, but if any thing comes in, I can start anytime, provided that those timing dont clash with my lessons. I did black-out 3 days that are no-touch.
I hope that I can find another flow of income through work/employment that can be used to finance my daily living expenses, insurance commitments and also to save up a portion of it that can be used to add-on to my Investible reserve that is used mainly for stocks investment. Currently I dont think my Investible reserve is big enough to generate anything near to my previous annual income level. The way about it is to grow it dually, through additonal funds from savings and gains from stocks.
So see how that goes. And I am still monitoring the stock market. My dad mentioned that it is downtrend, though there is a retracement, so dont think that the Retracement is the Rebound. I am monitoring closely to firstly make some decisions, think through my targets, how to achieve and also monitor the price movements. Anyway whehter is good time or not, I cant say cos its up to your judgement.
BUT before I count my calories. I did already SINNED on the drinks front. Man 5 logan martinis(Vodka) on Monday and then a Lychee-Gin on Wednesday. And immense pigging out on Wed... Hope to rectify the calories by eating plainly from Thur to Sunday.
Then I will do a weigh-in on Monday.
I just got a sms from one of the tuition centre offering home based tution but they are like the other agenciese, take 1/2 of first month, which is fine with me. Then I took this opportunity to one-shot register at 4 such agencies. I had saved their websites but didnt act upon them cos I didnt want it to clash with my search for the full-time position. But since nothing is forth-coming, I had taken a break from job serach for a good 1.5 weeks already. My plan was to start home based after CNY, but if any thing comes in, I can start anytime, provided that those timing dont clash with my lessons. I did black-out 3 days that are no-touch.
I hope that I can find another flow of income through work/employment that can be used to finance my daily living expenses, insurance commitments and also to save up a portion of it that can be used to add-on to my Investible reserve that is used mainly for stocks investment. Currently I dont think my Investible reserve is big enough to generate anything near to my previous annual income level. The way about it is to grow it dually, through additonal funds from savings and gains from stocks.
So see how that goes. And I am still monitoring the stock market. My dad mentioned that it is downtrend, though there is a retracement, so dont think that the Retracement is the Rebound. I am monitoring closely to firstly make some decisions, think through my targets, how to achieve and also monitor the price movements. Anyway whehter is good time or not, I cant say cos its up to your judgement.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Best way to drive away Monday blues...
It was kinda spontaneous Monday.
Dad eventually didnt head to Malaysia, and I didnt head swimming cos I was too hungry. Will go on wednesday. I was looking at shares, online and ate lunch. Then headed out for driving. Finally realized why Feb is so full, almost 0 slots, cos the older batch of learners who are trying to pass with parking with poles. So they are trying to clear. Learners like me who just learnt lane change today, is up for the parking with no poles. And all along, I was thinking that these kiasu people want to drive their new cars on Chinese New Year's Day >_<"
Then called and checked if Tab was free. Cos I was sick of going to ION and even Marina square area, I suggested Junction 8. It was just 12 stops from the Bukit Gombak MRT, which is the North-East Line. And I was learning at the Bukit Batok Driving School, at Bukit Gombak. So sat the rather short half hr ride there. I dressed in my usual except I wore jeans instead of 3/4 and suddenly I tio 2 times survey and donation thingy mere minutes after stepping out of the MRT... So its the jeans that makes the person?
Met up with Tab and FH, and ate at a HK cafe. The fried rice is good, the tempura brinja and fried wanton also very good. FH left after dinner, sick and jap lesson. Me and Tab walked around. As it was still early, around 8.30am, walked back to her place.
I asked her if she got ice at home. She had. So I just bought a can of longan from the provision shop cos no lychee and opened that. Made Longan Martini for both of us while watching cable tv. Tab's parents came back and were surprised to see me but soon offered the CNY snacks they had brought back from Potian. Tab and I chatted and drank, then I made more. Martini, poured not shaken. After 4 martinis each, we still didnt feel the effect of the vodka. Finally after the last glass, 5th cos finished longans by then, felt some of the effects. I left just before 10pm. Was feeling comfortable on the bus, tempted to doze but listened to radio to the Muttons for laughs. I made it back home safely by 11pm.
It really felt like those fri/sat drinking parties except that it was in Reality, a Monday evening.
Now since tomorrow I am heading in to do flexible work, see if Tab had a hangover. Then would see her hiding out at office too.
Dad eventually didnt head to Malaysia, and I didnt head swimming cos I was too hungry. Will go on wednesday. I was looking at shares, online and ate lunch. Then headed out for driving. Finally realized why Feb is so full, almost 0 slots, cos the older batch of learners who are trying to pass with parking with poles. So they are trying to clear. Learners like me who just learnt lane change today, is up for the parking with no poles. And all along, I was thinking that these kiasu people want to drive their new cars on Chinese New Year's Day >_<"
Then called and checked if Tab was free. Cos I was sick of going to ION and even Marina square area, I suggested Junction 8. It was just 12 stops from the Bukit Gombak MRT, which is the North-East Line. And I was learning at the Bukit Batok Driving School, at Bukit Gombak. So sat the rather short half hr ride there. I dressed in my usual except I wore jeans instead of 3/4 and suddenly I tio 2 times survey and donation thingy mere minutes after stepping out of the MRT... So its the jeans that makes the person?
Met up with Tab and FH, and ate at a HK cafe. The fried rice is good, the tempura brinja and fried wanton also very good. FH left after dinner, sick and jap lesson. Me and Tab walked around. As it was still early, around 8.30am, walked back to her place.
I asked her if she got ice at home. She had. So I just bought a can of longan from the provision shop cos no lychee and opened that. Made Longan Martini for both of us while watching cable tv. Tab's parents came back and were surprised to see me but soon offered the CNY snacks they had brought back from Potian. Tab and I chatted and drank, then I made more. Martini, poured not shaken. After 4 martinis each, we still didnt feel the effect of the vodka. Finally after the last glass, 5th cos finished longans by then, felt some of the effects. I left just before 10pm. Was feeling comfortable on the bus, tempted to doze but listened to radio to the Muttons for laughs. I made it back home safely by 11pm.
It really felt like those fri/sat drinking parties except that it was in Reality, a Monday evening.
Now since tomorrow I am heading in to do flexible work, see if Tab had a hangover. Then would see her hiding out at office too.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Jan 2010 expenses and income
I did mention that I was actively monitoring my expenses and spending using the $20-$25 daily limit. Also excluding 2 expense items separately, namely Driving and Guitar.
After 31 days of recording, usually 5mins at the end of the day, I have gotten the amount. At this point, I havent done analysis to it, except total the figures.
Total about => $592.52
Driving => $300
Guitar 2mths => $240
Total about $1132.52
Given my original budget figures was $750 expenses, $120 guitar and $200 driving for a grand total of $1070.
The fact that I had pre-paid for the guitar (cos they collect for next month) and topped up driving (still have balance of $150 in system for booking) meant that I have successfully kept to my budget.
The amount I spend is not a lot cos I am not working daily and if I can, eat meals at home. So for those without the option but cos u are working, can afford a higher budget.
What is inside my $592.58 amount?
Ezy link top-up $70
Hp $31
Cable tv and internet (after sharing out) $45.50
Cab ride $50
Interview shoes $74
Toto $10
Grocery of 2 x lychee, 2 x miller beer, 1 x Margarita mixer etc
With meals eaten out quite often but at cheaper alternatives, still there is Soupspoon, ramen, ice cream, green tea latte, Old town coffee.
So its not so much of NOT eating out but changing to cheaper alternatives, example coffee shop, food court or just other alternatives. Of course the option of being able to eat at home makes up for the reduced meals eaten outside. Even if that is not possible, eating out at coffee shop, food courts and hawker is cheaper.
My income for flexible work so far is $1k. It more or less off-sets this month's expenditure.
As for my shares, for 2010 so far, I have sold off most of my Singapore shares for cash and made slightly more than 2 months of my previous nett pay. I dont intend to use that to top up my living expense account. I will re-channel them to look for more opportunities to buy. It would mean monitoring the market more consistently and alot of decision making again.
So although my NETT picture for income and expenses is positive for 2 months, I still have to think about looking for work, getting income flows. Also there are many more years to live out... so yes I have more important things on my mind minding my own affairs than to be too overly concern about other's affairs.
Think I will go swimming on Wed instead. Today is too hungry.
After 31 days of recording, usually 5mins at the end of the day, I have gotten the amount. At this point, I havent done analysis to it, except total the figures.
Total about => $592.52
Driving => $300
Guitar 2mths => $240
Total about $1132.52
Given my original budget figures was $750 expenses, $120 guitar and $200 driving for a grand total of $1070.
The fact that I had pre-paid for the guitar (cos they collect for next month) and topped up driving (still have balance of $150 in system for booking) meant that I have successfully kept to my budget.
The amount I spend is not a lot cos I am not working daily and if I can, eat meals at home. So for those without the option but cos u are working, can afford a higher budget.
What is inside my $592.58 amount?
Ezy link top-up $70
Hp $31
Cable tv and internet (after sharing out) $45.50
Cab ride $50
Interview shoes $74
Toto $10
Grocery of 2 x lychee, 2 x miller beer, 1 x Margarita mixer etc
With meals eaten out quite often but at cheaper alternatives, still there is Soupspoon, ramen, ice cream, green tea latte, Old town coffee.
So its not so much of NOT eating out but changing to cheaper alternatives, example coffee shop, food court or just other alternatives. Of course the option of being able to eat at home makes up for the reduced meals eaten outside. Even if that is not possible, eating out at coffee shop, food courts and hawker is cheaper.
My income for flexible work so far is $1k. It more or less off-sets this month's expenditure.
As for my shares, for 2010 so far, I have sold off most of my Singapore shares for cash and made slightly more than 2 months of my previous nett pay. I dont intend to use that to top up my living expense account. I will re-channel them to look for more opportunities to buy. It would mean monitoring the market more consistently and alot of decision making again.
So although my NETT picture for income and expenses is positive for 2 months, I still have to think about looking for work, getting income flows. Also there are many more years to live out... so yes I have more important things on my mind minding my own affairs than to be too overly concern about other's affairs.
Think I will go swimming on Wed instead. Today is too hungry.
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