For the next few days, my pet project is to list down 100 things I wanna do. Would be updating this list until I hit a minimum of 100.
Will categorize into places, things to learn, try out, eat etc
Places to visit
1. Japan for ohanami
2. Australia for a few days of farm stay
Visit the 13 states of Malaysia, the main city parts and some of the places of interest. Been to Melaka, J.B, K.L and Trengganu.
3. Negri Sembilan
4. Penang
5. Kedah
6. Pahang
7. Kelantan
8. Perak
9. Perlis
10. Selangor
11. Sabah
12. Sarawak
13. Beach resort like Langkawi
14. Genting or Cameron Highland
Things to learn
1. Acoustic guitar (still doing hence not completed)
2. Japanese language (doing)
3. Electric guitar
4. Drums
5. one martial art form (maybe muay thai?)
6. Malay language
7. CFA (maybe)
8. Drive a car (doing)
9. Swim well in the 4 types of strokes
10. Master and bake 10 types of desserts cakes
11. Make most basic types of alcoholic cocktails by memory
12. Music theory and foundation
13. Compose musical pieces
14. Draw the ideas in my brain down on paper
15. Magic card tricks
16. Chinese calligraphy
17. Learn how to brew beer
18. Learn how to make wine
19. Animation
20. Character creation
21. Storyboarding
22. Website design using computer language instead of just copy-pasting codes
23. Sculpting (be it ice or stone or wood)
24. Oil-based painting of scenary
25. Design and make clothing (not enough of certain styles)
Things to try and do once at least
1. Wave-boarding
2. Cosplay an actual character from anime/j-rock
3. Bungee jump?
4. Fly a glider
5. Fly in a helicopter
6. Surfing
7. Go for a sauna
8. Go for a full spa treatment
9. Jet ski-ing
10. Archery
11. Shooting at gun range
12. Snow ski
13. Snow board
14. Fishing in the open waters
15. Ride that banana boat pulled by a speedboat
16. Ride or drive a speedboat around
17. Go for a cruise trip
18. Ride a bike (not on road, on dirt track type)
19. Sit in the side-car while a bike ferrys me around
Things to eat at least once in a lifetime (this seems to resemble fear factor, the more stuff I add to it)
1. Escargot
2. Foie Gra
3. Sea Urchin (hope dont puke)
4. 海盗饭团 (taiwan)
5. Frog legs porridge
6. Fried worms (thailand)
7. 盆菜
8. Peking duck
9. Braised Pork Trotters/Knuckles (cant remember the name but is an entire pork trotter or knuckle that is stewed until it is so soft, you take a bone from inside it to slice open the meat)
Pets to keep due to space constraint - smaller dogs
1. Shetland
2. Pomeranian
Current no = 69
This list is not entirely complete yet, will be adding to it when things pops to mind over the next few days.
Incidentally just watched a show on Animal Channel 10 Cable tv. Its called Downsize my pet. Its about how the owners overfed and pampered their pets until they are severely overweight >50% of fat and how they helped the owners to stop overfeeding and exercise their pets into shape. Its a good watch to learn about what food are good and bad for dogs/cats.
I think after eating and sampling all the different flavours of D-plus bread. I have almost reached the end.
So far I had eaten,
Red bean, Pumpkin, Caramel, Maple, Hokkaido cream, Blue berry, Melon, Cheese.
Last one I bought today is Chocolate. But cos I dont intend to eat that for dinner or as a snack, the actual taste will be tomorrow or Sat before guitar.
Then do a review. There are some more outstanding flavours (at least to my taste) that I wont mind rotating among, after I have finished this task of sampling all their flavours.
Well it meant I have been eating bread to substitute or at least as a snack inbetween some meals especially during days when I am out for driving, Jap lesson. At times, its as a snack or half dinner. Then eat lighter dinner after that. At least my stomach wont growl.
BUT one thing I learn is that Bread contains refined sugar and carbo, so meant alot of it turns into gluccose in your body. That is not that good for ya body. So I will limit the bread and go back to Museli bars. The difference is great though. A D-plus bread is about 250-350 calories depending on flavours. A Museli bar is 90 calorie (Quaker Oats brand is 90 calorie per bar, Love the strawberry one) So I should go for museli more. Then rotate with bread so taste buds wont sian.
Finally got into the gym for the first workout this week, after the bout of flu that lasted almost an entire week. Feel better after a workout, more relaxed and a great sense of well-being. Also feel good knowing that I am trying to keep up the 21-7 routine and hence commited to my exercise regime and diet thingy. If tomorrow, feel well without much aches, I shall go for the second session. Then come back to do a weekly body and facial scrub.
Sounds good.
25th March (Thu)
Did finished eating the chocolate D-plus bun. Think my favorite flavours are Pumpkin, Red Bean, Maple and Blueberry. These flavours are memorable and tasty to me. Dont mind eating them again when I have to eat something on the go.
Went to gym after my flu somewhat cleared up. Found myself getting stronger cos doing my same gym routine, certain tasks are easier and can actually do more. BUT unfortunately my weight has NOT DROPPED at all. So hope to keep this fittness and routine up. Hopefully the muscles can burn more calories overall eventually over time. Need to build up the muscles and fittness first and also ensure DIET is healthier to see a weight loss over time.
27th March (Sat)
Did my 2nd Earth hour at Tab's home with lychee, alcohol and green tea. Think green tea with lots of lychee tastes alright.
I did miss the entire cosplay at Ginza but its alright. Something different to do and watch. The costumes are definitely of higher standard. Then Tab told me its the semi-finals. The final is to be held at Cosfest. That will have to find out where and when that is.
28th March (Sun)
I dragged my reluctant ass out of home to the gym around 4pm. Yes, almost lost momentum but I did dragged myself out. Just remembering that I hadnt lost weight is enough to drive me to get out to the gym.
Surprisingly some task, I found a bit harder than on Thurs. Dunno is it the fittness not there, muscles tired or still not that well. I still have my cough. BUT I did finish my routine.
Had fish soup with rice for lunch with sisters. Parents went back to sweep ancestor graves. Then dinner we did our stake-out at the newly open cafe. I ordered a Chicken mustard salad with bacon. I dipped as little of the mustard as I could, ate the leaner parts of the bacon and ate the rest of the chicken breast meat with veg for dinner. Exercise does repress my appetite. I think that this is good. Maybe I should aim to go for more exercise or daily exercise.
I shall try to enforce the 3 times a week first. Then move on and see if can do even more. One step at a time. I am definitely going to clock in the minimum of once a week cos dont want to lose this 21-days-to-establish routine. Also after exercise, though my hands might shake, muscles a bit tight, slight aches but overall I feel good about myself. Like all the stress gets worked out. I like feeling. Its like you had accomplished something and for the upkeep of general health and fittness.
29th March (Mon)
Well as long as my 100 things list is not completed, I dont wanna do more entries to overshadow it. So just edit more and add more stuff. I had woken up at 7am (part of my waking up early routine) then ate breakfast. Headed home to let it digest for 2hrs. Was thinking of going to swim but various parts of my body suffer from muscle aches especially the knee. Ya think the weights I used for leg press are a bit too heavy though I did do my 3 sets of 30. Only to suffer the effect the next day. So after slobbing at home for 2hrs watching cable tv, I didnt go to swim. Rather rest the knee instead of over-strain. Had nothing much to do and even felt bored watching cable tv, I ended up sweeping the floor then mopping it. Washing up the cups and dishes in the sink and filling up the water heater with water. Sisters working. Dont think they had the time to do chores after coming home. Parents in Msia.
Around 1 plus, I headed to the driving school. Learnt more about reverse parking, did E-brake. Asked how many more lessons do I need to reach the end, aka Stage 5. About 6 lessons. BUT still hadnt gotten the driving test dates cos of clash with working hours. Would have to login daily to get the Sat timing. Got a different instructor, he is young (think younger than me) and really chatty. Got a recommendation for a fortune teller whom he says is very zun, can tell you about ur past 3 lives. I did tell him that there are some things I am not sure IF I want to know. And many more stuff. Interesting lesson and a departure from my usual instructor who is more old-fashion.
Met up with Tab after that cos I didnt want to head straight home and be even more "sedentary" (though I did do the chores...) Nothing much, ate dinner, walked around then had a drink. Took bus back. Think I better go sleep very very soon. Its 12am already!?!? So fast?
30th March (Tue)
Today I did wake up at 7am but then I switched off the alarm and went back to sleep until 10am. Didnt know why I felt quite tired. Need various alarms to make sure I dont go late to work. I had intended to go to swim and I actually headed out near 10.30am but when I looked at both pools, there were many many kids having lessons. Even in the deep pool, more than 4 lanes, so I didnt go in. Cos I was wearing swim gear and not gym gear, I couldnt go to the gym. And also stomach felt uncomfortable cos didnt eat breakfast (I had been training my stomach to eat breakfast at earlier timing for the past month plus) So I headed to eat desperately to stave off the discomfort. The pangs lasted until I reached home... Okay will settle for musli bars or bread for breakfast.
Headed out later for driving. Did more E-brake, parking and circuit. Then had a mock test, which I failed cos failure to see a car coming hence failed under the 'almost cause accident'. This is my 2nd mock and both I had failed cos of this reason.... Sian I need to practice more. The good thing is my circuit, no hitting curb or mount. Only that for the past several lessons, doing alot of circuit that my actual driving on road kinda rusty. Today drove on the road and circuit. Did learn the 3 point turn on a slopey road. OMG, hand-brake & turn, hand-brake & turn. Tough siah. Think I should continue my practice regularly. So far in the month of April, I only gotten one slot. For May and June, its once a week. Waiting to get the Sat slot for test, have to login daily. Think Automatic cars are so much easier. That is after I had learnt Manual. Definitely for practical purpose. Most cars in Msia, all manual. Only in Sg then I see automatic cars. Also automatic cars on the rise.
Today staying at home. To check through my working clothes and sorting through, iron some. Need some time home to settle stuff, do stuff, practice my guitar etc. Heading out daily and coming home late is also not productive and doesnt help with my sleeping late, cos I still have to go online when I come home, to update share prices, check driving school slots, then doing face book, blog, read some manga. So add to the hours. So its better to be home earlier to clear all these. Then can sleep earlier.
1st April (Thur)
2 words sums up my experience 'cultural diffence'. After a full day, which includes having to help carry tables, chairs, sort through books, ate lunch. And the rest which I occupy by looking through docs in their netdrive (entirely in Jap), conversations in Jap, and then looking through the worksheets. So far my scope and timetable are not that clear. I understand that I would have to teach on one day, the rest are assisting. Time table not out yet. Luckily Mon dont have to go. Then Tue onwards back to being overwhelmed by the language barrier. Term hasnt started yet, more to see how then.
So far I am remaining positive cos of the very short travelling time. I reached home by 5.30pm despite leaving a bit late around 5.15pm. The bus ride is so short. So I dont wanna just let some admin hiccup to damper my hopes. But the amount of Jap I heard was enough to drain me mentally cos I am more of an auditory learner (discovered this while I was learning Jap, that I listen and can learn better this way) So I rested a short while and got ready for gym. I reached the gym by 6.30pm and worked-out until 8pm. Then sufficiently relaxed and feeling the calming effects of adrenaline. Actually had an earlier night too. Think this will be my way of handling stress. After work, go for gym/swim. Confirm feel great after the workout. So that's one down, at least 1-2 more to go over this Fri, Sat and Sun.
3rd April (Sat)
I didnt do much on Good Friday. Glad for the time to hide at home. Hibernate as it seems. Actually I was nursing very sore muscles all over my body, abs, knee, butt, shoulders and even neck. Slapped on tonnes of muscle cream throughout the day. Then watched Cable tv a bit, Dvd. Re-watched Naruto while I did my work. I did do my good deed by helping sister to call for a hair cut appointment. So finally she got her haircut.
Today, after guitar, then later on, I met up with Tab shortly for my badly needed shopping. Cos I dug out my working clothes and pants. Guess what I put on weight so that out of 8 pairs of pants, I could only wear 3 comfortably. The other 5 pairs are tooo fitting until can see VPL (visible panty line) Definitely an emergency. Then the working tops I have. Quite a few, bust too tight or bursting forth type. Walao didnt know chest expanded. And lastly shoulders also too tight. As in, before I even button, the shoulders cannot flex. Huh, so I grew fatter in some areas, figure got better in other areas and on top of that, still grew in broadness??? Great work.... Hence my wardrobe emergency. I also realized I dont have to dress up to the nines, so top wise still alright. Its the bottom.
Tab had to leave earlier. To cut the story short, I made DEEP impact. Bought 2 pairs of proper work pants $92. 4 pairs of cargos which look smart but easy on maintanence and can wear to work too, $196. 1 pair of shorts $35 (replace my berms) and 1 pair of sport shoes $30. A grand total of $353 *kaching kaching* Ouch! Yes definitely pain. But given that out of the items bought, only 3 are directly work related. 1 is purely casual. The other 4 can be worn for both work and going out.
Anyway my style of shopping is that when I really need to buy, buy at a go instead of spreading out. Also this month will have full income. So I need to make sure I can balance my this month's budget well by making sure I reduce amount spent on other items eg eating out etc.
So eating simply and also to ensure that food eaten is more controlled. Not in terms of skipping meals but more so of making better food choices, eating proper meals at proper timing and being very strict about no extra fattening snacks. Snacks limit to museli bars of 90 calories that are filling. Also have to do exercise more to counter the body going into starvation mode. I wanna make this weight loss count and not have to see it yo-yo up and down again. This time I want it to stay off.
The sturdy oak Tree has fallen and the aged Saru has left the land of the natto beans behind. What else awaits in the uncertain future?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
More disturbia
Today on my way home from driving, at the bus interchange, I glance and saw this secondary school boy who is in full uniform. Then was talking to another 3 boys from another secondary school. I took a second glance when I noticed that the boy is too pretty, then I realized that its cos of his eyes and later face.
The eyes were very emphasized, meaning EITHER those were very nicely natural dark eye rings or they were eye make up. So there's eye shadow below the eye, seems to have eye-liner and even mascara or those were very long and natural eye-lashes? Also the face seems to be lighter colour compared to neck, so foundation? The whole over-all look reminds me of Adam Lambert's look.
What is disturbing to me is NOT the fact that there are effiminate guys around Sg. In fact J-Rock artists use make-up extensively to look pretty too, so I am pretty well-acquainted. Its the fact that he is in uniform. Walking with a girl beside him but obviously not boy-girl relationship and the three other boys were treating him as a girl and later ask for money? Wonder did he pass off his apparent make-up in school as eye-bags and pale complexion. Guess its my inner Educator tsking on such things. I did saw him pass a dollar to one of them, presumably cos he 'complimented'??? This is speculation on my part but I was reading the body language.
Several weeks back, I saw another sporting some of Adam lambert's signature looks eg the hair, the eye-make up esp mascara, eye-shadow and lashes. Still a young guy but not sure if still schooling. Cos I was on my way to flexible work around 10am plus on a weekday and he was not in unform. Now I wasnt as disturbed cos not in uniform, I presume. But noticed that he was looking at the guys coming into the train carriage but didnt look to meet my eyes.
I dont have a problem with Adam Lambert as a singer/performer, in fact I like his songs 'For your entertainment' and 'What do you want from me?' BUT I do have a bit of problem with those following his style. Maybe I am old-fashion or maybe its just a fad. Oh well... to each his own
Driving lessons up to parallel parking, vertical parking and three-point turn. I still havent gotten my test date booked cos of working hours clashing with the test timing which tends to be during work hours on weekdays. Will be logging in everyday to check out and find slots for Sat. Cos my line of work has no leave. See how. 2 more lessons in March, then April only got 1 but for May and June is once a week. Need to book more in April (taking those slots people throw out) See how.
My work is starting soon. Its a 1-year contract. So far I signed an adknowlegement of the wages, working hours and completion bonus. What is not present are whether there are any benefits. Either there is or there isnt. At this point, I am not too picky about this. That would have to find out later on I guess. My guess is dont have? Think usually contract work dont have.
Well that would mean that for me, I have to make sure that I save 'extra' to make sure I can cover my insurance policies and also medical if needed. Have to take care of own health and make sure I exercise 3 times a week unless I am ill. Also have to monitor diet and make sure eat proper meals and not miss any. Hope to slim down this way.
My family tree both sides paternal and maternal has alot of health problems. One side is coronary problems - stroke, heart atk and other is hypertension - high blood pressure and choloestrol levels.
Scary siah.
I noticed out of my family, I seem to be the only one more active in terms of exercising. Though I am NOT the thinnest, and had put on weight which stayed on, I am the only one exercising regularly.
From NIE 2006 to 2008, I was kinda sedentary and too tired after work to exercise. I decided to put in more effort AND it took a lot of Will-power and Persistence to start exercising in 2009. From then until now, I had exercised at least once a week to max of three times a week. Now I am trying NOT to break the 21 day cycle for a routine to form.
BUT last week I went once only cos from last friday until even today, still feeling a bit sickly. Hopefully will clear up by tomorrow and hope to go either tomorrow or Thurs once and Sunday once more.
So having to exercise and regulate diet is imperative for me cos of genetic disposition from both sides of the family tress. Also it gives me more energy, definitely reduces the stress level, helps me sleep better and regulates my eating habits.
K hope the Muay Thai trial can be arranged and timing-wise it can work out to become part of the weekly routine.
The eyes were very emphasized, meaning EITHER those were very nicely natural dark eye rings or they were eye make up. So there's eye shadow below the eye, seems to have eye-liner and even mascara or those were very long and natural eye-lashes? Also the face seems to be lighter colour compared to neck, so foundation? The whole over-all look reminds me of Adam Lambert's look.
What is disturbing to me is NOT the fact that there are effiminate guys around Sg. In fact J-Rock artists use make-up extensively to look pretty too, so I am pretty well-acquainted. Its the fact that he is in uniform. Walking with a girl beside him but obviously not boy-girl relationship and the three other boys were treating him as a girl and later ask for money? Wonder did he pass off his apparent make-up in school as eye-bags and pale complexion. Guess its my inner Educator tsking on such things. I did saw him pass a dollar to one of them, presumably cos he 'complimented'??? This is speculation on my part but I was reading the body language.
Several weeks back, I saw another sporting some of Adam lambert's signature looks eg the hair, the eye-make up esp mascara, eye-shadow and lashes. Still a young guy but not sure if still schooling. Cos I was on my way to flexible work around 10am plus on a weekday and he was not in unform. Now I wasnt as disturbed cos not in uniform, I presume. But noticed that he was looking at the guys coming into the train carriage but didnt look to meet my eyes.
I dont have a problem with Adam Lambert as a singer/performer, in fact I like his songs 'For your entertainment' and 'What do you want from me?' BUT I do have a bit of problem with those following his style. Maybe I am old-fashion or maybe its just a fad. Oh well... to each his own
Driving lessons up to parallel parking, vertical parking and three-point turn. I still havent gotten my test date booked cos of working hours clashing with the test timing which tends to be during work hours on weekdays. Will be logging in everyday to check out and find slots for Sat. Cos my line of work has no leave. See how. 2 more lessons in March, then April only got 1 but for May and June is once a week. Need to book more in April (taking those slots people throw out) See how.
My work is starting soon. Its a 1-year contract. So far I signed an adknowlegement of the wages, working hours and completion bonus. What is not present are whether there are any benefits. Either there is or there isnt. At this point, I am not too picky about this. That would have to find out later on I guess. My guess is dont have? Think usually contract work dont have.
Well that would mean that for me, I have to make sure that I save 'extra' to make sure I can cover my insurance policies and also medical if needed. Have to take care of own health and make sure I exercise 3 times a week unless I am ill. Also have to monitor diet and make sure eat proper meals and not miss any. Hope to slim down this way.
My family tree both sides paternal and maternal has alot of health problems. One side is coronary problems - stroke, heart atk and other is hypertension - high blood pressure and choloestrol levels.
Scary siah.
I noticed out of my family, I seem to be the only one more active in terms of exercising. Though I am NOT the thinnest, and had put on weight which stayed on, I am the only one exercising regularly.
From NIE 2006 to 2008, I was kinda sedentary and too tired after work to exercise. I decided to put in more effort AND it took a lot of Will-power and Persistence to start exercising in 2009. From then until now, I had exercised at least once a week to max of three times a week. Now I am trying NOT to break the 21 day cycle for a routine to form.
BUT last week I went once only cos from last friday until even today, still feeling a bit sickly. Hopefully will clear up by tomorrow and hope to go either tomorrow or Thurs once and Sunday once more.
So having to exercise and regulate diet is imperative for me cos of genetic disposition from both sides of the family tress. Also it gives me more energy, definitely reduces the stress level, helps me sleep better and regulates my eating habits.
K hope the Muay Thai trial can be arranged and timing-wise it can work out to become part of the weekly routine.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I just headed out to post some letters, drop a cheque and also some bank book updates. When I reached downstairs, I encountered a boy. He is in primary school age. His brother or friend was giggling near the lift and the boy was trying not to laugh. When I walked past the boy, he asked me "do you have $1?"
I gave him a look and walk off. Reason being, this is an obvious begging/asking for money. Though I definitely have the money, I feel no obligation to give just cos he asked. Also he is not in rags. In home clothes and alright ones, with a friend or brother. I wonder what is he doing asking for money? Think this is fun and an easy way to make money? Wondered what their parents were doing, letting them run around and 'play' this type of games?
Really disturbed by this incident. Guess the Educator in me frowns upon such things. I can understand if this is in another poorer countries where there are beggers. But THIS, just asking for money to try the luck, for a quick buck is really apprehensible. I tio once before when I just graduated. A girl well dressed asked for some money cos she forgot/didnt have enough. I gave her $1-2 if I remembered but later felt like an idiot for doing so. So that's the first and last time of it.
I guess there's always a paying for lesson for some of these types of scams. On my way about my errands, I did spend that $1 on a pack of tissue from a handicapped seller. That is what I rather give to.
I still have some stuff to settle and also cut 3 weeks of newspapers accumulated. Okay better get started.
I gave him a look and walk off. Reason being, this is an obvious begging/asking for money. Though I definitely have the money, I feel no obligation to give just cos he asked. Also he is not in rags. In home clothes and alright ones, with a friend or brother. I wonder what is he doing asking for money? Think this is fun and an easy way to make money? Wondered what their parents were doing, letting them run around and 'play' this type of games?
Really disturbed by this incident. Guess the Educator in me frowns upon such things. I can understand if this is in another poorer countries where there are beggers. But THIS, just asking for money to try the luck, for a quick buck is really apprehensible. I tio once before when I just graduated. A girl well dressed asked for some money cos she forgot/didnt have enough. I gave her $1-2 if I remembered but later felt like an idiot for doing so. So that's the first and last time of it.
I guess there's always a paying for lesson for some of these types of scams. On my way about my errands, I did spend that $1 on a pack of tissue from a handicapped seller. That is what I rather give to.
I still have some stuff to settle and also cut 3 weeks of newspapers accumulated. Okay better get started.
Flu in more than 6 months
Yes ever since I quitted my job, I didnt really fall ill until now. Think mostly is cos I am less stressed, exercised regularly and have enough sleep. Which again was what I had been doing even though I am reaching the last days of unemployment.
In fact, I suspect I had gotten infected by my interaction with others, not cos my body fell ill. So far I think my body is fighting off the virus. Came down with a bit of sore throat on Friday late evening, woke up to a Sat with sore throat and cough with phelgm. But had to head out... despite the weather, not for guitar though cos it was cancelled. Dragged my sickly-feeling ass to town. Then after eating medicated lozenges, having my lunch, drinking water and wrapped up snuggly in my dragon jacket, by evening, was actually better except for the frequent coughs. Trying to drink more water and sleep more.
In town, we decided to check out the Cosplay event at the Cathay. Supposedly having a cosplay competition. Definitely many more cosplayers but not as large scale as the one at Pasir Ris a few years back. Have to find out when do they hold the annual Cosplay convenction thingy.
Tab kept on asking me whether I would be wearing the J-rock jacket I owned from Halloween last year. BUT seriously I dont really know how to do eye make-up. For one, I dont own eye make-up stuff. Second dont know how to do. Third I am feeling sick. Fourth, I am not even cosplaying any particular J-rock artist/anime so kinda not keen. Fifth, if the weather is sunny, bloody hot in all that jacket and make-up. Sixth, also not sure if I wanted to go all out and then end up have to let people take pics and pose etc. So given many unknowns, I rather opt for watching.
Though I would admit, it would be nice to cosplay a character but dont have any particular in mind. FH thinks he's the J-rock property agent.
Next Sat, supposedly a cosplay competition at Ginza. BUT cos I have guitar lesson, think by the time I reach from guitar, would miss bulk of it. But dont mind still taking a look. IF you ask me about dressing up, still no. For all the same above reasons plus rushing here and there, no point. Just rather watch.
Actually high on my list of priorities is not so much of cosplay but is to lose weight and go back to slimmer self. Think slimmer, means wear whatever clothes, also look good. Instead of thinking about cosplaying, I should be thinking and doing exercise and diet to lose weight so that I can look and feel better all the time. Not just for one day under the guise of make-up and hair.
Get what I mean?
In fact, I suspect I had gotten infected by my interaction with others, not cos my body fell ill. So far I think my body is fighting off the virus. Came down with a bit of sore throat on Friday late evening, woke up to a Sat with sore throat and cough with phelgm. But had to head out... despite the weather, not for guitar though cos it was cancelled. Dragged my sickly-feeling ass to town. Then after eating medicated lozenges, having my lunch, drinking water and wrapped up snuggly in my dragon jacket, by evening, was actually better except for the frequent coughs. Trying to drink more water and sleep more.
In town, we decided to check out the Cosplay event at the Cathay. Supposedly having a cosplay competition. Definitely many more cosplayers but not as large scale as the one at Pasir Ris a few years back. Have to find out when do they hold the annual Cosplay convenction thingy.
Tab kept on asking me whether I would be wearing the J-rock jacket I owned from Halloween last year. BUT seriously I dont really know how to do eye make-up. For one, I dont own eye make-up stuff. Second dont know how to do. Third I am feeling sick. Fourth, I am not even cosplaying any particular J-rock artist/anime so kinda not keen. Fifth, if the weather is sunny, bloody hot in all that jacket and make-up. Sixth, also not sure if I wanted to go all out and then end up have to let people take pics and pose etc. So given many unknowns, I rather opt for watching.
Though I would admit, it would be nice to cosplay a character but dont have any particular in mind. FH thinks he's the J-rock property agent.
Next Sat, supposedly a cosplay competition at Ginza. BUT cos I have guitar lesson, think by the time I reach from guitar, would miss bulk of it. But dont mind still taking a look. IF you ask me about dressing up, still no. For all the same above reasons plus rushing here and there, no point. Just rather watch.
Actually high on my list of priorities is not so much of cosplay but is to lose weight and go back to slimmer self. Think slimmer, means wear whatever clothes, also look good. Instead of thinking about cosplaying, I should be thinking and doing exercise and diet to lose weight so that I can look and feel better all the time. Not just for one day under the guise of make-up and hair.
Get what I mean?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wedding in Muar and Spa Sand
Wedding in Muar
Last sat, our entire family went back to Muar to attend my cousin's wedding. Now for English, cousin doesnt say which side of the family. So is more of 表哥, which means is different surname cos the blood relationship is to the mom, who is my aunty 姑姑. My brother drove down from Segamat to meet us at 'home' which is to me, is grandparents place, aka ancestral home.
Now for the past 5 CNY, I had chosen NOT to go back during CNY holidays for various reasons. The biggest is the rush to and back is tiring. Cos dont get to sleep well there. Also the reason for rushing back was to see Grandparents, whom had passed away. Though there are a few other relatives to see but they dont rank high on my list.
The other main reason is that I dislike the 'cave-man style', or 'time-warp' which happens whenever I go back. Things had deteoriated from the time of my grandma's passing. With mentally ill aunty and maniac uncle (I dont even use the term uncle at all, call loser) running around the house, things like daily necessities are really not there. Things that most if not everyone takes for granted, are not there, cos aunt is not mobile nor independent, loser cant be bothered to lift a finger at all unless its to his own gain.
So given such an environment, MOST of us, excluding my Dad, detests going back. Whenever go back, have to clean and dust like crazy cos nobody maintains the cleanliness of the house at all. Only bother their 'own' area. So I also detest seeing such extreme selfish behaviour. My mom whenever she goes back had to clean like crazy. My dad doesnt lift a finger to help. Its a woman's job implied and that's another thing I hate about this old-fashion thinking that seems to stay in this house, despite the rest of the world moving on.
Its really like a 'twilight, time warp' that despite great advances in technology, appliances. Things like getting hot water is still through the old fashion way of heating using kettle and then pouring into a bucket to mix cold water. That there is no connection to the outside world except through the tv, which doesnt belong to us. So cannot use. Its like a stand-alone island in the middle of the ocean. No wonder the older we get, the more we want to head out to the town area. To see people, to buy things needed, to 'feel' that the world is progressing, to see normal people.
So Geoky and I helped mom to clean up the dusty room, the outside living area and downstairs room for Dad. Many hands make light work cos my mom has gotten older. And plus the fact that we are no longer kids, should help out, cos not like we are kids and dont know how to clean. So I wiped, swept, mopped the whole upstairs excluding the loser's area of course. Geoky helped to wipe and clean the dusty table tops, windows, chairs, bed. Then mom settle the bed and mattress to set up the bed, put in pillows and covers. True enough, within an hour plus, finished.
I was grumbling about having to clean the downstairs room cos like my dad and bro supposed to sleep there but the girls have to clean it. Bro was out then. Dad didnt lift a finger to help. Grr... didnt want Mom to have to do it cos nobody to do it. So I grudgingly went to mop the whole floor. I didnt do as spectacular a job as I did for upstairs. Just made sure floor is clean. Then later helped Geoky settle the bed. Felt so tired after that. Think even a maid dont do so much... or had to clean such a dirty place. Blame those lazy asses who inhabit the ancestral home and made it such a dump. Even our home in Sg is cleaner though its smaller and more cramp, at least its cleaner, has necessities, has comfort, which are the things lacking in this ancestral home. Signz.
Then after that peng san and stoned at table, drink water/tea/coffee. Later took a quick bath to freshen up cos felt dirty after doing all the cleaning. That was around 5pm. We arrived and ate in town, reached about 2-3pm plus. Then settle to do a little bit of work I brought, read storybook, talk. Intense cleaning is tiring. Every time is like a spring-cleaning session. I pity my mom who had to follow my dad back on a number of occassions alone. That meant she did all the cleaning herself. Signz.
Later near evening, we got ready and dressed for the evening. Then kanchong dad drove us over. The event itself is held in a newly built convenction hall in the outskirts of town. Though I feel happy for cousin, but the whole dinner seemed subdued. Partly cos our family didnt get to sit together in a table. Cos free seating, so not enough empty seats at the tables. Initially had one clear table but while we were settling down. A whole bunch of elderlys came and started sitting down and jioing more elderly to sit down together. So in the end, we split into different tables. I sat with my sisters, at a table with 7 other aunties of at least 45-70 that we dont know. My I-touch is more interesting than anything else going on.
So mainly was looking at stage for the usual wedding stuff, then playing I-touch, talking with sisters, eating food, trying to get the people to refill my cup with tea. But dunno why nobody serving tea. So in the end, settled for beer and even some watered down VSOP. The best dish is the Suckling Pig and the Fish. The worst is the Fish Maw soup.
I would really count myself as an unpicky eater. Most if not all food I eat. I eat most class of meat, types of veg, all sorts of fruits. There are a few food items that I genuinely dislike due to the taste but I can really count with fingers. Of course there are a list of food that I am sick of eating cos of my Dad. BUT this particular fish maw soup takes the cake. I had eaten fish maw before BUT dunno why our table's one. When I put a piece chewed, I almost PUKED immediately. In fact, I wanted to spit it out but I was surrounded by a whole table of elderly at a wedding dinner.
Well cos when I chewed through the fish maw, the middle dunno why, the soup didnt get it, so tasted the original taste. AND IT TASTED AND SMELT LIKE A CB in my mouth lor! Wah lao. It got worse as I had to chew it so that I could force myself to swallow. I tried to keep my face straight though I think my brows and face was obviously distressed. After downing that piece, I looked at my sisters and yet they seem okay. I told them it smelt and tasted like I was eating my own CB but they say okay leh. Hmm.... was thinking maybe it was just me. So I took another one out of the 3-4 pieces in my bowl and put in my mouth to try again.
OMFG! The second one lagi worse than the first time. The experience of eating 臭豆腐 taught me that after the first taste, it knocks out the system such that the 2nd and so on, tasted pretty good. BUT in this case, it didnt. I really almost spitted out the damn big piece on the table. Frows curved and facial distress. It was another super smelly CCB! Argh... (FYI, I had never eaten a CB before but just that the whole smell reminds me of one)
Man after that I had to rinse my mouth and throat with the tea/water. Almost died from this experience. Then I just drank the soup and ate everything else except those fish maw. Frankly fish maw if cooked well are nice but dunno why, this version really almost killed me by suffocating on CB smell. Call it over-exaggeration. BUT NO, it was THAT BAD. Really, I never want to eat something like that ever again.
Luckily for the rest of the dinner, everything else was fine, some delicious too. Then we took pics here and there with our various cousins. I have 6 cousins from the same aunty. After dinner we headed home.
Due to not airing too much dirty laundry in public already, I shall skip one incident that resulted in me and my mom and sister, sleeping at twelve plus and then waking up at 3am plus. Frankly my opinion is this. My grandfather can drink and hold his liquor and is a man of few words. The second generation (aka my dad and bunch) cant drink and cannot hold liquor well. As for me, part of third generation, my 酒量 is good (though at times cos I dont drink much 烈酒, switched to drinking beer, it has fallen a bit) but still I think I hold my liquor well. I dunno the limit of my bro and sisters to qualify. But still think IF a person 酒量 and 酒品both not good, then the person better NOT drink to limit and then 现丑. Really unpleasant and embarassing.
Also drinking one to oblivion doesnt solve the problem though it is a convenient escape route. I am sure that everybody has problems, big and small, serious and trival. Nobody can completely understand another's problems and help cos you are just not that person, nor can one easily get into the head of another. There is the part about you taking some actions instead of feeling helpless or worrying. For me, I feel when I translate problems/stress into actions that can help solve the problem or at least do something about it, overall I feel better, even if it is not resolved.
K then next day, I woke up late around 9-10am and found I was the only one still sleeping in the room. I came out, and shortly my bro drove sisters and I out to city to run errands. My sister wanted to buy working clothes and I accompany them around. The thing about Malaysia is that boutiques are really littered amongst shops of others. Really have to walk all around just to find a boutique and inside sizes really small. Designs also quite not the same as Sg fashion sense. So in the end didnt buy clothes, though I did ate cup corn and a cheap cap.
Then my bro drove back to Segamat that evening. Our family had dinner at a nearby restaurant. Think too much 'good' food that when I came back to Sg, I had been eating veg and soupy stuff instead of rich food. Had a better sleep that evening. The next day we left around late noon.
I took some pics of ancestral home with my hp so that those places with memories, I can see them, cos I am not sure when is the next time I will go back. But it was good to see some closer relatives. I cant help but noticed they all look so much older. Then I realized that its been at least 5 years since I last saw them, also I myself am not getting any younger. So no wonder. Dont like this growing old thingy, especially when one is single still.
I was surprised that all of the relatives who spoke to me knew I was an Educator. Some asked for update. Told them quitted and then still educator though in a different sense.
Maybe, just maybe, might consider next CNY.
Sand Spa
Yesterday, I got a late sms from Tab about meeting up with the rest for bridal studio hopping. I was on my way to driving. And after driving, I intended to run at least 2-3 errands. So I sms her that I still had to do errand and stuff, would contact when I arrive.
So driving, 2nd session at parallel parking then learn reverse parking. Quite a handful cos is new system without poles. Also did circuit and slope. Need more practice for slope and parking still. I actually am trying to get a test date booked but I saw all are weekday, off peak hours. So cannot. I looked at system and April no driving slots. Then booked a whole chunk for May and into June. Had to top up $700 at a go to ensure I had enough to book for lessons into May, June, catch up some last minute slots in April and also book for TEST. Very ouch.
My errands to run after included returning whole bunch of library books, fetching my watch from repair and fetching my photos. The problem is the location. To return library books, had to go to any national library, Bugis, Jurong Point, Jurong East, Bukit Batok. Photos in Clementi. Watch in Holland Village. So got on MRT in Bukit Gombak after driving. Headed to Bukit Batok to return and borrow a couple. Then called watch to see if ready, its not. So took MRT to Clementi to collect photos. Then MRT down to Tanjong Pagar. At clementi, I ate a bread cos no lunch. I did eat Mee Pok in the morning. Arrived there, was kinda low in energy and 精神。 Had a refuelling at Subway and then my irritation metre went down.
So I agree, a hungry man, is an angry man. Especially for me, trying to manage my stomach and trying very hard to eat regular meals.
In the end, skipped Jap (sumimasen sensei) and we went shopping for working clothes. We got way-laid by a lady who got us to sample her Sand Spa. I remembered I was busy planting Zombies and Carrots with my I-touch and Quet and Tab were giving me the eye whites at playing a lame game. We got our hands scrubbed and it really felt smoother. After that and going through the mud and moisturizer and facial scrub. I came away with a Facial scrub and a Body scrub for $100 after the deal. Actually I think it is a good deal cos you dont have to scrub everyday, its like once to twice a week at most. Also the swim has tanned my skin alot, should do something for it. The facial scrub tester sample did make one of my wrist smoother than the other. So I bought it. Cos I bought and still have mositurizer so see how about the moisturizer.
Then the lady asked about nails. She showed a whole set to file ur nail, shine it, cutlise oil and hand cream. She did the shine thingy for me and woah, my ring nail was so shiny after. Cos for me, I dont do nails, so of course not as unhealthy nails which need this type of maintence. BUT I must say, that is the shinest nail I had ever seen. Plus its natural, just rubbing off the dead layers? Much like the skin scrub. Think that it is a good set for those who do nail jobs.
So I must say that the sales lady is very very good. She knows her stuff, knows how to talk, knows what sort of distance to keep, yet very effective persuasion. Sounds enthusiastic too. I remembered my I-touch later on and my carrots had wilted cos I left it too long. We spent about 45mins there at the booth. She also did cross-selling and also prospecting and hence the whole nail set.
To qualify. After I reached home yesterday, I tried the facial scrub and the face felt very smooth after. Then put moisturizer on. Hopefully absorption better. More youthful skin, less wrinkles?
Today after a good workout, I reached home and tried the Body scrub, my skin feels very smooth after that. I think its worth it for just a $100.
We did continue on and I bought another jacket thingy for $40. I think so far I hadnt really overspent except on the DRIVING side.
Oh well, back to monitoring my expenses, diet, exercise, stocks. Today went to the gym and had a good and hard workout. Felt great after that though sleepy. After the body scrub, felt very clean that I just wanna sleep now. But still tidied tabletop a bit more, got a letter to post. Then that's about it.
Last sat, our entire family went back to Muar to attend my cousin's wedding. Now for English, cousin doesnt say which side of the family. So is more of 表哥, which means is different surname cos the blood relationship is to the mom, who is my aunty 姑姑. My brother drove down from Segamat to meet us at 'home' which is to me, is grandparents place, aka ancestral home.
Now for the past 5 CNY, I had chosen NOT to go back during CNY holidays for various reasons. The biggest is the rush to and back is tiring. Cos dont get to sleep well there. Also the reason for rushing back was to see Grandparents, whom had passed away. Though there are a few other relatives to see but they dont rank high on my list.
The other main reason is that I dislike the 'cave-man style', or 'time-warp' which happens whenever I go back. Things had deteoriated from the time of my grandma's passing. With mentally ill aunty and maniac uncle (I dont even use the term uncle at all, call loser) running around the house, things like daily necessities are really not there. Things that most if not everyone takes for granted, are not there, cos aunt is not mobile nor independent, loser cant be bothered to lift a finger at all unless its to his own gain.
So given such an environment, MOST of us, excluding my Dad, detests going back. Whenever go back, have to clean and dust like crazy cos nobody maintains the cleanliness of the house at all. Only bother their 'own' area. So I also detest seeing such extreme selfish behaviour. My mom whenever she goes back had to clean like crazy. My dad doesnt lift a finger to help. Its a woman's job implied and that's another thing I hate about this old-fashion thinking that seems to stay in this house, despite the rest of the world moving on.
Its really like a 'twilight, time warp' that despite great advances in technology, appliances. Things like getting hot water is still through the old fashion way of heating using kettle and then pouring into a bucket to mix cold water. That there is no connection to the outside world except through the tv, which doesnt belong to us. So cannot use. Its like a stand-alone island in the middle of the ocean. No wonder the older we get, the more we want to head out to the town area. To see people, to buy things needed, to 'feel' that the world is progressing, to see normal people.
So Geoky and I helped mom to clean up the dusty room, the outside living area and downstairs room for Dad. Many hands make light work cos my mom has gotten older. And plus the fact that we are no longer kids, should help out, cos not like we are kids and dont know how to clean. So I wiped, swept, mopped the whole upstairs excluding the loser's area of course. Geoky helped to wipe and clean the dusty table tops, windows, chairs, bed. Then mom settle the bed and mattress to set up the bed, put in pillows and covers. True enough, within an hour plus, finished.
I was grumbling about having to clean the downstairs room cos like my dad and bro supposed to sleep there but the girls have to clean it. Bro was out then. Dad didnt lift a finger to help. Grr... didnt want Mom to have to do it cos nobody to do it. So I grudgingly went to mop the whole floor. I didnt do as spectacular a job as I did for upstairs. Just made sure floor is clean. Then later helped Geoky settle the bed. Felt so tired after that. Think even a maid dont do so much... or had to clean such a dirty place. Blame those lazy asses who inhabit the ancestral home and made it such a dump. Even our home in Sg is cleaner though its smaller and more cramp, at least its cleaner, has necessities, has comfort, which are the things lacking in this ancestral home. Signz.
Then after that peng san and stoned at table, drink water/tea/coffee. Later took a quick bath to freshen up cos felt dirty after doing all the cleaning. That was around 5pm. We arrived and ate in town, reached about 2-3pm plus. Then settle to do a little bit of work I brought, read storybook, talk. Intense cleaning is tiring. Every time is like a spring-cleaning session. I pity my mom who had to follow my dad back on a number of occassions alone. That meant she did all the cleaning herself. Signz.
Later near evening, we got ready and dressed for the evening. Then kanchong dad drove us over. The event itself is held in a newly built convenction hall in the outskirts of town. Though I feel happy for cousin, but the whole dinner seemed subdued. Partly cos our family didnt get to sit together in a table. Cos free seating, so not enough empty seats at the tables. Initially had one clear table but while we were settling down. A whole bunch of elderlys came and started sitting down and jioing more elderly to sit down together. So in the end, we split into different tables. I sat with my sisters, at a table with 7 other aunties of at least 45-70 that we dont know. My I-touch is more interesting than anything else going on.
So mainly was looking at stage for the usual wedding stuff, then playing I-touch, talking with sisters, eating food, trying to get the people to refill my cup with tea. But dunno why nobody serving tea. So in the end, settled for beer and even some watered down VSOP. The best dish is the Suckling Pig and the Fish. The worst is the Fish Maw soup.
I would really count myself as an unpicky eater. Most if not all food I eat. I eat most class of meat, types of veg, all sorts of fruits. There are a few food items that I genuinely dislike due to the taste but I can really count with fingers. Of course there are a list of food that I am sick of eating cos of my Dad. BUT this particular fish maw soup takes the cake. I had eaten fish maw before BUT dunno why our table's one. When I put a piece chewed, I almost PUKED immediately. In fact, I wanted to spit it out but I was surrounded by a whole table of elderly at a wedding dinner.
Well cos when I chewed through the fish maw, the middle dunno why, the soup didnt get it, so tasted the original taste. AND IT TASTED AND SMELT LIKE A CB in my mouth lor! Wah lao. It got worse as I had to chew it so that I could force myself to swallow. I tried to keep my face straight though I think my brows and face was obviously distressed. After downing that piece, I looked at my sisters and yet they seem okay. I told them it smelt and tasted like I was eating my own CB but they say okay leh. Hmm.... was thinking maybe it was just me. So I took another one out of the 3-4 pieces in my bowl and put in my mouth to try again.
OMFG! The second one lagi worse than the first time. The experience of eating 臭豆腐 taught me that after the first taste, it knocks out the system such that the 2nd and so on, tasted pretty good. BUT in this case, it didnt. I really almost spitted out the damn big piece on the table. Frows curved and facial distress. It was another super smelly CCB! Argh... (FYI, I had never eaten a CB before but just that the whole smell reminds me of one)
Man after that I had to rinse my mouth and throat with the tea/water. Almost died from this experience. Then I just drank the soup and ate everything else except those fish maw. Frankly fish maw if cooked well are nice but dunno why, this version really almost killed me by suffocating on CB smell. Call it over-exaggeration. BUT NO, it was THAT BAD. Really, I never want to eat something like that ever again.
Luckily for the rest of the dinner, everything else was fine, some delicious too. Then we took pics here and there with our various cousins. I have 6 cousins from the same aunty. After dinner we headed home.
Due to not airing too much dirty laundry in public already, I shall skip one incident that resulted in me and my mom and sister, sleeping at twelve plus and then waking up at 3am plus. Frankly my opinion is this. My grandfather can drink and hold his liquor and is a man of few words. The second generation (aka my dad and bunch) cant drink and cannot hold liquor well. As for me, part of third generation, my 酒量 is good (though at times cos I dont drink much 烈酒, switched to drinking beer, it has fallen a bit) but still I think I hold my liquor well. I dunno the limit of my bro and sisters to qualify. But still think IF a person 酒量 and 酒品both not good, then the person better NOT drink to limit and then 现丑. Really unpleasant and embarassing.
Also drinking one to oblivion doesnt solve the problem though it is a convenient escape route. I am sure that everybody has problems, big and small, serious and trival. Nobody can completely understand another's problems and help cos you are just not that person, nor can one easily get into the head of another. There is the part about you taking some actions instead of feeling helpless or worrying. For me, I feel when I translate problems/stress into actions that can help solve the problem or at least do something about it, overall I feel better, even if it is not resolved.
K then next day, I woke up late around 9-10am and found I was the only one still sleeping in the room. I came out, and shortly my bro drove sisters and I out to city to run errands. My sister wanted to buy working clothes and I accompany them around. The thing about Malaysia is that boutiques are really littered amongst shops of others. Really have to walk all around just to find a boutique and inside sizes really small. Designs also quite not the same as Sg fashion sense. So in the end didnt buy clothes, though I did ate cup corn and a cheap cap.
Then my bro drove back to Segamat that evening. Our family had dinner at a nearby restaurant. Think too much 'good' food that when I came back to Sg, I had been eating veg and soupy stuff instead of rich food. Had a better sleep that evening. The next day we left around late noon.
I took some pics of ancestral home with my hp so that those places with memories, I can see them, cos I am not sure when is the next time I will go back. But it was good to see some closer relatives. I cant help but noticed they all look so much older. Then I realized that its been at least 5 years since I last saw them, also I myself am not getting any younger. So no wonder. Dont like this growing old thingy, especially when one is single still.
I was surprised that all of the relatives who spoke to me knew I was an Educator. Some asked for update. Told them quitted and then still educator though in a different sense.
Maybe, just maybe, might consider next CNY.
Sand Spa
Yesterday, I got a late sms from Tab about meeting up with the rest for bridal studio hopping. I was on my way to driving. And after driving, I intended to run at least 2-3 errands. So I sms her that I still had to do errand and stuff, would contact when I arrive.
So driving, 2nd session at parallel parking then learn reverse parking. Quite a handful cos is new system without poles. Also did circuit and slope. Need more practice for slope and parking still. I actually am trying to get a test date booked but I saw all are weekday, off peak hours. So cannot. I looked at system and April no driving slots. Then booked a whole chunk for May and into June. Had to top up $700 at a go to ensure I had enough to book for lessons into May, June, catch up some last minute slots in April and also book for TEST. Very ouch.
My errands to run after included returning whole bunch of library books, fetching my watch from repair and fetching my photos. The problem is the location. To return library books, had to go to any national library, Bugis, Jurong Point, Jurong East, Bukit Batok. Photos in Clementi. Watch in Holland Village. So got on MRT in Bukit Gombak after driving. Headed to Bukit Batok to return and borrow a couple. Then called watch to see if ready, its not. So took MRT to Clementi to collect photos. Then MRT down to Tanjong Pagar. At clementi, I ate a bread cos no lunch. I did eat Mee Pok in the morning. Arrived there, was kinda low in energy and 精神。 Had a refuelling at Subway and then my irritation metre went down.
So I agree, a hungry man, is an angry man. Especially for me, trying to manage my stomach and trying very hard to eat regular meals.
In the end, skipped Jap (sumimasen sensei) and we went shopping for working clothes. We got way-laid by a lady who got us to sample her Sand Spa. I remembered I was busy planting Zombies and Carrots with my I-touch and Quet and Tab were giving me the eye whites at playing a lame game. We got our hands scrubbed and it really felt smoother. After that and going through the mud and moisturizer and facial scrub. I came away with a Facial scrub and a Body scrub for $100 after the deal. Actually I think it is a good deal cos you dont have to scrub everyday, its like once to twice a week at most. Also the swim has tanned my skin alot, should do something for it. The facial scrub tester sample did make one of my wrist smoother than the other. So I bought it. Cos I bought and still have mositurizer so see how about the moisturizer.
Then the lady asked about nails. She showed a whole set to file ur nail, shine it, cutlise oil and hand cream. She did the shine thingy for me and woah, my ring nail was so shiny after. Cos for me, I dont do nails, so of course not as unhealthy nails which need this type of maintence. BUT I must say, that is the shinest nail I had ever seen. Plus its natural, just rubbing off the dead layers? Much like the skin scrub. Think that it is a good set for those who do nail jobs.
So I must say that the sales lady is very very good. She knows her stuff, knows how to talk, knows what sort of distance to keep, yet very effective persuasion. Sounds enthusiastic too. I remembered my I-touch later on and my carrots had wilted cos I left it too long. We spent about 45mins there at the booth. She also did cross-selling and also prospecting and hence the whole nail set.
To qualify. After I reached home yesterday, I tried the facial scrub and the face felt very smooth after. Then put moisturizer on. Hopefully absorption better. More youthful skin, less wrinkles?
Today after a good workout, I reached home and tried the Body scrub, my skin feels very smooth after that. I think its worth it for just a $100.
We did continue on and I bought another jacket thingy for $40. I think so far I hadnt really overspent except on the DRIVING side.
Oh well, back to monitoring my expenses, diet, exercise, stocks. Today went to the gym and had a good and hard workout. Felt great after that though sleepy. After the body scrub, felt very clean that I just wanna sleep now. But still tidied tabletop a bit more, got a letter to post. Then that's about it.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Some strange and interesting experiences in sg
So free at night?
Last week or the previous, when Quetzal drove me back and stopped at Macs for some drink and chat, we walked along the West Coast Park and noticed a bright lantern and some lights in the night skies. We decided to walk closer to see what is the source.
It turns out there are people flying kites at night, it was already near 1am by then. The kites were visible as there were led lights attached to it. So the lights blink and shine and one can see where exactly the kite was at and control it. Hmm good idea, kite-flying at night is cooling, very little people to fight for space and definitely a different experience but maybe not so good on the sleep-debt.
Then the lanterns turned out to be 孔民灯, which is a lantern invented by Zhuge Liang. It is a paper lantern without a hole on the top. A small candle/light is placed at the bottom of the lantern (imagine the old chinese style ones) and when enough hot hair fills it, it floats upwards. In China, they have a practice of releasing this during special occasion (dont know which occasion though) but have seen on news before.
Crowded gyms and pool during weekdays
Dunno why the public gym is quite full of guys working out at 5.40pm? Are there so many jobs that end so early that they can crowd the gym? Another secret of the working word. I remember going at 2pm and still a large number of users. So many bums around?
The same can be said of the public swimming pool. I reach around 9.45am and the lanes of the deep pool seem to always be full. Even by 11am, the lanes are never empty for long. Yes there's the retiree and housewives but still see abunch of people sun-tanning. They are not that young and seem to be working age.
Crowded buses on way home
Think this has something to do with working adults clocking in more and more hours at work. Its a common sight to see quite a number of people still heading home around 9.30-10++ Some I understand are from retail and service and their hours are actually longer. Some work from 10am - 10pm type of hours, lunch and dinner hours added inside. Think the working class are generally working longer hours than before.
If not, those people are hanging out after work and then heading home later. Either way, its becoming a common sight to experience a bit of squeeze (depending on how many deckers the bus comes in) at evening times.
Then there seems to be a rather large bunch of young adults hanging around while others like the working are heading home. It leads me to ask the question, dont they have school? Mind ya, its not exactly during school holidays. Its during a normal working weekday. They 'seem to' be having a good time, enjoying their youth. What was I doing during my youth? Signz.
Just some peculiar sights from the point of view of a bum over this period of time.
Last week or the previous, when Quetzal drove me back and stopped at Macs for some drink and chat, we walked along the West Coast Park and noticed a bright lantern and some lights in the night skies. We decided to walk closer to see what is the source.
It turns out there are people flying kites at night, it was already near 1am by then. The kites were visible as there were led lights attached to it. So the lights blink and shine and one can see where exactly the kite was at and control it. Hmm good idea, kite-flying at night is cooling, very little people to fight for space and definitely a different experience but maybe not so good on the sleep-debt.
Then the lanterns turned out to be 孔民灯, which is a lantern invented by Zhuge Liang. It is a paper lantern without a hole on the top. A small candle/light is placed at the bottom of the lantern (imagine the old chinese style ones) and when enough hot hair fills it, it floats upwards. In China, they have a practice of releasing this during special occasion (dont know which occasion though) but have seen on news before.
Crowded gyms and pool during weekdays
Dunno why the public gym is quite full of guys working out at 5.40pm? Are there so many jobs that end so early that they can crowd the gym? Another secret of the working word. I remember going at 2pm and still a large number of users. So many bums around?
The same can be said of the public swimming pool. I reach around 9.45am and the lanes of the deep pool seem to always be full. Even by 11am, the lanes are never empty for long. Yes there's the retiree and housewives but still see abunch of people sun-tanning. They are not that young and seem to be working age.
Crowded buses on way home
Think this has something to do with working adults clocking in more and more hours at work. Its a common sight to see quite a number of people still heading home around 9.30-10++ Some I understand are from retail and service and their hours are actually longer. Some work from 10am - 10pm type of hours, lunch and dinner hours added inside. Think the working class are generally working longer hours than before.
If not, those people are hanging out after work and then heading home later. Either way, its becoming a common sight to experience a bit of squeeze (depending on how many deckers the bus comes in) at evening times.
Then there seems to be a rather large bunch of young adults hanging around while others like the working are heading home. It leads me to ask the question, dont they have school? Mind ya, its not exactly during school holidays. Its during a normal working weekday. They 'seem to' be having a good time, enjoying their youth. What was I doing during my youth? Signz.
Just some peculiar sights from the point of view of a bum over this period of time.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
D-Plus Bread
I chanced upon this bread a few weeks ago while rushing down for guitar on a Sat early afternoon. By the time my mom finished cooking, I had to leave. Didnt have the time to sit and eat anything. No breakfast, definitely no lunch. So I headed to the 7-Eleven and looked for both a drink and food. I saw this brand of bread, it was rather cheap $1.50 (when they already marked up) I took the Pumpkin flavour one and bought a barley drink. Then while walking to my music school, I opened up and ate it.
Pleasantly surprised that it is VERY tasty. The bread is VERY soft and chewy. The pumpkin flavour is rich. Just by looking at the appearance, this bread appears ordinary but really taste extra-ordinary. I know pple who buy all the designer bread and stuff might disagree but this is really one of the best bread I've tasted ever.
Then at the clementi interchange Mama store, I found the same bread for $1.20. So the mark-up is $0.30 extra. Not alot so I wont rule out buying. Overall compared to other bread that cost from $1.30 to $2. It is affordable and definitely taste better.
Shortly after that Sat, last wed, I bought a Maple flavour one and ate after gym workout, heading to driving school. This one has a strong maple flavour and you can see that when you break open the bread, the lines of Maple syrup (baked into the bread) is spread through the entire bread. That's value unlike some where only the outside has it. Still very soft and chewy.
Yesterday I bought 2 other flavours, the Hokkaido cream and the Red bean. I ate one after my gym workout and while walking to the driving school. The Hokkaido cream is mainly sweet-tasting but not as memorable as the Pumpkin and Maple ones. I decided to keep the Red Bean til today to eat as lunch or something, since my breakfast is the Mee Pok and coffee.
Incidentally last friday, when FH joined me and Tab late. I was kinda irriated by mom's sudden sms to reach home by 12 midnight. Something about Tiger day. When I called back to ask WHY (being irriated already) I got irriated response along the lines of "come back if you want, dont come back up to you lah" So no explanations being given. So after FH came, asked him what is Tiger Day? Basically only after meeting Ting, on Sat then realized that is the day to pray to 虎爷, that deity, I have seen before. Did not specially pray to him before, dunno why start now and last minute fuss. This led to bad jokes about tiger and chicken. Those songs will never sound the same again.
Before we left, FH wanted to get some water from 7-Eleven. He also bought the D-Plus bread (red bean) and said its his favourite and he's been buying and eating it. I saw it and was telling him the Pumpkin and Maple flavours were great and we were saying how soft and tasty the bread is. Tab tried some of the bread and asked for more.
In the end, I did reach home before midnight and (my Cinderella gown turned to rags)....
BTW I havent checked out Cold Storage nor NTUC for this bread yet. I know for sure, 7-Eleven stocks it. Seen it around for quite a while already.
I chanced upon this bread a few weeks ago while rushing down for guitar on a Sat early afternoon. By the time my mom finished cooking, I had to leave. Didnt have the time to sit and eat anything. No breakfast, definitely no lunch. So I headed to the 7-Eleven and looked for both a drink and food. I saw this brand of bread, it was rather cheap $1.50 (when they already marked up) I took the Pumpkin flavour one and bought a barley drink. Then while walking to my music school, I opened up and ate it.
Pleasantly surprised that it is VERY tasty. The bread is VERY soft and chewy. The pumpkin flavour is rich. Just by looking at the appearance, this bread appears ordinary but really taste extra-ordinary. I know pple who buy all the designer bread and stuff might disagree but this is really one of the best bread I've tasted ever.
Then at the clementi interchange Mama store, I found the same bread for $1.20. So the mark-up is $0.30 extra. Not alot so I wont rule out buying. Overall compared to other bread that cost from $1.30 to $2. It is affordable and definitely taste better.
Shortly after that Sat, last wed, I bought a Maple flavour one and ate after gym workout, heading to driving school. This one has a strong maple flavour and you can see that when you break open the bread, the lines of Maple syrup (baked into the bread) is spread through the entire bread. That's value unlike some where only the outside has it. Still very soft and chewy.
Yesterday I bought 2 other flavours, the Hokkaido cream and the Red bean. I ate one after my gym workout and while walking to the driving school. The Hokkaido cream is mainly sweet-tasting but not as memorable as the Pumpkin and Maple ones. I decided to keep the Red Bean til today to eat as lunch or something, since my breakfast is the Mee Pok and coffee.
Incidentally last friday, when FH joined me and Tab late. I was kinda irriated by mom's sudden sms to reach home by 12 midnight. Something about Tiger day. When I called back to ask WHY (being irriated already) I got irriated response along the lines of "come back if you want, dont come back up to you lah" So no explanations being given. So after FH came, asked him what is Tiger Day? Basically only after meeting Ting, on Sat then realized that is the day to pray to 虎爷, that deity, I have seen before. Did not specially pray to him before, dunno why start now and last minute fuss. This led to bad jokes about tiger and chicken. Those songs will never sound the same again.
Before we left, FH wanted to get some water from 7-Eleven. He also bought the D-Plus bread (red bean) and said its his favourite and he's been buying and eating it. I saw it and was telling him the Pumpkin and Maple flavours were great and we were saying how soft and tasty the bread is. Tab tried some of the bread and asked for more.
In the end, I did reach home before midnight and (my Cinderella gown turned to rags)....
BTW I havent checked out Cold Storage nor NTUC for this bread yet. I know for sure, 7-Eleven stocks it. Seen it around for quite a while already.
Monday, March 08, 2010
I need to exercise 3 times a week...
This period of time, I've lowered my exercise regime to 2 times a week. The thing is that my weight is NOT going down much or at all. At most go down a little bit, then after weekend went back up.
Then I looked back at my earlier days of Bumming and noticed that with 3 times a week, my weight did go down. Its only later the festivities at year end and holiday trip that my weight ballooned upwards.
Yes unfortunately it has stayed at that.
Also now I am trying to change my waking hours and eating breakfast. It is causing me a bit of dilemna. I woke up hungry around 9am last Sunday. Usually I go exercise at the gym (2nd exercise slot) BUT since I am very hungry, I headed to eat my usual of Mee Pok and coffee. To exercise then would have to wait and rest 2hrs. Later lose the Momentum. I spent the whole afternoon and evening reading the storybooks I borrowed on Sat. Finished 2 books in a sitting.
Today I set clock to 7.30am and 8.30am. I woke up successfully at 7.30am but decided to sleep until 8.30am. Then went over to eat breakfast by 9am. This means that morning swim is too tight in terms of timing to do. Cos after food, to avoid appendix, have to rest 2hrs. So IF finish eating at 9.30am, 2hrs, 11.30am, very very hot and sunny for swim. Hmm have to revert to gym then.
So the plan this week is to get 2 sessions of exercise done during the weekdays, and then slot in 1 last session during the 2 days of the weekend. SO that even if on Sundays, I dont manage to do (cos hibernate or lose momentum) can still achieve twice a week minimum instead of just once.
I note that my fittness is better already but just not seeing much of slimmer arms, stomache and weight loss. All the fats cover them... Have to control the diet more closely, up the exercise and also change diet. I got a bit of ache on Friday on left side of chest for a short duration of several minutes. Hope its not Heart problem but think I should switch more to soupy, plainer food.
K so this week, though I have many errands and stuff to do (cut hair, take photo, banking, collect cheque, Add 3 slots of exercise, Add 2 slots of driving, Add a jap class etc) Quite hectic.
Monday - gym, drive (get fertilizer, get my things photocopy)
Tue - cut hair, take photo, collect cheque, settle Poems stuff
Wed - gym, drive, Jap
Thu - swim or gymT-assignment, movie?
Fri - Flexi-work
Sat - head back to Msia (miss guitar) do malaysian banking
Sun - head out from Msia
Schedule is something like this.
Then I looked back at my earlier days of Bumming and noticed that with 3 times a week, my weight did go down. Its only later the festivities at year end and holiday trip that my weight ballooned upwards.
Yes unfortunately it has stayed at that.
Also now I am trying to change my waking hours and eating breakfast. It is causing me a bit of dilemna. I woke up hungry around 9am last Sunday. Usually I go exercise at the gym (2nd exercise slot) BUT since I am very hungry, I headed to eat my usual of Mee Pok and coffee. To exercise then would have to wait and rest 2hrs. Later lose the Momentum. I spent the whole afternoon and evening reading the storybooks I borrowed on Sat. Finished 2 books in a sitting.
Today I set clock to 7.30am and 8.30am. I woke up successfully at 7.30am but decided to sleep until 8.30am. Then went over to eat breakfast by 9am. This means that morning swim is too tight in terms of timing to do. Cos after food, to avoid appendix, have to rest 2hrs. So IF finish eating at 9.30am, 2hrs, 11.30am, very very hot and sunny for swim. Hmm have to revert to gym then.
So the plan this week is to get 2 sessions of exercise done during the weekdays, and then slot in 1 last session during the 2 days of the weekend. SO that even if on Sundays, I dont manage to do (cos hibernate or lose momentum) can still achieve twice a week minimum instead of just once.
I note that my fittness is better already but just not seeing much of slimmer arms, stomache and weight loss. All the fats cover them... Have to control the diet more closely, up the exercise and also change diet. I got a bit of ache on Friday on left side of chest for a short duration of several minutes. Hope its not Heart problem but think I should switch more to soupy, plainer food.
K so this week, though I have many errands and stuff to do (cut hair, take photo, banking, collect cheque, Add 3 slots of exercise, Add 2 slots of driving, Add a jap class etc) Quite hectic.
Monday - gym, drive (get fertilizer, get my things photocopy)
Tue - cut hair, take photo, collect cheque, settle Poems stuff
Wed - gym, drive, Jap
Thu - swim or gymT-assignment, movie?
Fri - Flexi-work
Sat - head back to Msia (miss guitar) do malaysian banking
Sun - head out from Msia
Schedule is something like this.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Keeping your yearly savings INTACT every year is the KEY
Hmm it seems that nowadays I have ALOT of thoughts in my mind. I guess partly is cos of the transition from no-work to working soon. So there are some anxieties, some thoughts. Then also thinking about investments, so more thoughts. It would mean alot of 'deposits' of thoughts here.
On the thought of savings again. One point that came up is the fact that most of us try to save some money. Its not that we intend or even purposely spend until $0 every month. We do put aside some money, whatever it is in a saving account.
There are just 2 issues.
First, whether the amount saved at the end of 1 year is kept intact.
Second, whether the amount saved is enough.
To illustrate. Say a person puts aside $400 a month into savings. After 12 months, its a sum of $4800.
For the first point of keeping the amount intact, is this. Is it being drawn out at the end of the year to pay for something? Assuming all drawn out to finance an expensive holiday abroad? To pay for insurance premiums? To buy a few expensive designer items?
IF that is the case. Then after 1 year of saving, the NETT effect is $0. I emphasize looking at the NETT Figure always in planning of savings, cos that is really the picture that matters.
Some might argue that cos of the insurance, all or a huge chunk is taken out of their savings. Hence save very little. I think unless one is earning MINIMUM income, about <$1800 gross a month, that is AN EXCUSE. It can be done but of course it meant spending lesser per month to 'save extra' on top of the insurance premiums.
So say insurance is $3000 a year. Save $400 a month previously. To avoid the nett picture of $4800-$3000 =$1200, a mere sum, one really has to raise the amount per month. So working backwards. $3000 / 12 = $250 extra. So it meant IF can now try to save $400+$250=$650 a month, it would mean at the end of the year, the Nett picture is $650x12 - $3000 = $4800. Hence you have managed to keep your savings intact.
The same principle can be applied to financing for a year-end holiday. You estimate how much it would cost you to have a good and comfortable holiday eg $5000. Work backwards. $5000 / 12 = $417 extra. So a target to try to hit is $417+$400 = $817. After a year of saving up. You can go for your well-earned holiday with a budget of $5000, and yet still have $4800 in your bank account intact. Also if you didnt fully spend that $5000, the extra is extra savings.
Some might say that what IF the sum I calculated is TOO high and it is very stressful and impossible to achieve it. As a flexible, thinking person, firstly the target is there to help you have a sense of where you are going with the money. If there are months, a bit tight, cannot hit, so long as most months manage to hit it. The nett effect at the end of the year, is still a larger amount intact in the bank compared to $0 if nothing is done. Secondly, IF after trying to spend less, still not able to hit the target amount, then it is a Strong indication that either you have TOO many stuff to finance at the year end or you are not making much inroad to rein in spending. Then I would advise a re-think on your part to better manage your money. Cos at the end of the day, its your money and your life. I am not one to dictate how much you should spend or save. So you make your decisions and live with it.
The second point about whether the amount is enough?
This is related to the first part about keeping the savings intact. If it can be kept intact. The next question is to ask IF you are happy with the intact amount per year. If yes, continue, cos at least every year, you can add on more intact money to your pot of gold. It WILL grow provided every year, it is kept intact.
But if it is a bit low for your liking. Tweak it by thinking of a slightly higher amount you like eg $6000. That would translate to $6000 / 12 = $500 a month. If there are insurance $3000, that would mean $250 extra. If there is a holiday, maybe lower $4000, that would mean $334 extra. So the total target is $500+$250+$334 = $1084, which seems to be a rather large figure. Now can try it out but montior monthly. If after a while, really is too unrealistic. Then look through the components. This $1084 is arrrived from 3 parts, the $500 intact savings, the $250 insurance premiums, the $334 for holiday. So maybe have to adjust some. Lower the holiday to $2000, $167 per month. The newly adjusted is $$917, lower and maybe more doable. Try out again for a few months, see if can hit, if not readjust the components again.
Some might ask WHY should I limit myself and live on a tight budget? That is so not enjoying life. I rather live with small savings than do this.
As mentioned, this is a method to 'force' out extra savings that can be used to finance those end-of-year huge expense and by doing so, allow your savings to be kept intact. Only the nett picture matters. So unless one is happy with the lowered nett amount cos didnt account for these large end-of-year expenses, otherwise its either earn much more or save much more.
This is an actual method that I use to manage my savings. I would say this is the HIGHEST level of analysis and planning I make to ensure I am saving
The basic being first monitor daily expenses to get monthly expenditure totals, next monitor and ensure monthly surplus mostly, also analyze expenditure patterns and adjust.
Then more advance is to get an annual figure saved eg 1st Jan to 31st Dec. The amount that is kept intact after ALL the annual expenses are accounted for.
Then the highest level is to set targets by looking at the overall picture, work backwards to arrive at a target amount per month.
Next is back to basics, checking nett figure per month to see if hitting the target, monitoring expenditure pattern (not every expenditure amount), total amount per expense item. Then annual figure, less year-end expense. After all of that check if the Intact savings is hitting target. Then repeat.
Too much trouble? Well its your money, its your life.
I did it this way, it doesnt take that much of my time at all. It allowed me to save up alot in my working days, enough for me to get started investing in shares, enough to build up a separate living expense reserve that is used to finace this period of unemployment and change in job.
It doesnt matter how much one saves every month IF at the end of say a year or 2 or even more, ALL or the bulk of it is used to finance something (non-income generating) Only with INTACT savings building up every year. Over a short few years, you can be surprised at the amount you build up, just by being more dilligent, conscious of where your money is going to, what are you saving up extra for, what are the things you have planned in your monthly, annual budget. Just like that.
Easier said than done. But getting started in small steps first. A journey of a thousand steps begins with one. Even if one does not manage to do everything listed above in a yearly cyle, the simple fact that you are putting more effort to manage your money is way better than what you started with (a simplistic idea of putting leftover of your salary into your bank account and hope it will grow somewhat)
On the thought of savings again. One point that came up is the fact that most of us try to save some money. Its not that we intend or even purposely spend until $0 every month. We do put aside some money, whatever it is in a saving account.
There are just 2 issues.
First, whether the amount saved at the end of 1 year is kept intact.
Second, whether the amount saved is enough.
To illustrate. Say a person puts aside $400 a month into savings. After 12 months, its a sum of $4800.
For the first point of keeping the amount intact, is this. Is it being drawn out at the end of the year to pay for something? Assuming all drawn out to finance an expensive holiday abroad? To pay for insurance premiums? To buy a few expensive designer items?
IF that is the case. Then after 1 year of saving, the NETT effect is $0. I emphasize looking at the NETT Figure always in planning of savings, cos that is really the picture that matters.
Some might argue that cos of the insurance, all or a huge chunk is taken out of their savings. Hence save very little. I think unless one is earning MINIMUM income, about <$1800 gross a month, that is AN EXCUSE. It can be done but of course it meant spending lesser per month to 'save extra' on top of the insurance premiums.
So say insurance is $3000 a year. Save $400 a month previously. To avoid the nett picture of $4800-$3000 =$1200, a mere sum, one really has to raise the amount per month. So working backwards. $3000 / 12 = $250 extra. So it meant IF can now try to save $400+$250=$650 a month, it would mean at the end of the year, the Nett picture is $650x12 - $3000 = $4800. Hence you have managed to keep your savings intact.
The same principle can be applied to financing for a year-end holiday. You estimate how much it would cost you to have a good and comfortable holiday eg $5000. Work backwards. $5000 / 12 = $417 extra. So a target to try to hit is $417+$400 = $817. After a year of saving up. You can go for your well-earned holiday with a budget of $5000, and yet still have $4800 in your bank account intact. Also if you didnt fully spend that $5000, the extra is extra savings.
Some might say that what IF the sum I calculated is TOO high and it is very stressful and impossible to achieve it. As a flexible, thinking person, firstly the target is there to help you have a sense of where you are going with the money. If there are months, a bit tight, cannot hit, so long as most months manage to hit it. The nett effect at the end of the year, is still a larger amount intact in the bank compared to $0 if nothing is done. Secondly, IF after trying to spend less, still not able to hit the target amount, then it is a Strong indication that either you have TOO many stuff to finance at the year end or you are not making much inroad to rein in spending. Then I would advise a re-think on your part to better manage your money. Cos at the end of the day, its your money and your life. I am not one to dictate how much you should spend or save. So you make your decisions and live with it.
The second point about whether the amount is enough?
This is related to the first part about keeping the savings intact. If it can be kept intact. The next question is to ask IF you are happy with the intact amount per year. If yes, continue, cos at least every year, you can add on more intact money to your pot of gold. It WILL grow provided every year, it is kept intact.
But if it is a bit low for your liking. Tweak it by thinking of a slightly higher amount you like eg $6000. That would translate to $6000 / 12 = $500 a month. If there are insurance $3000, that would mean $250 extra. If there is a holiday, maybe lower $4000, that would mean $334 extra. So the total target is $500+$250+$334 = $1084, which seems to be a rather large figure. Now can try it out but montior monthly. If after a while, really is too unrealistic. Then look through the components. This $1084 is arrrived from 3 parts, the $500 intact savings, the $250 insurance premiums, the $334 for holiday. So maybe have to adjust some. Lower the holiday to $2000, $167 per month. The newly adjusted is $$917, lower and maybe more doable. Try out again for a few months, see if can hit, if not readjust the components again.
Some might ask WHY should I limit myself and live on a tight budget? That is so not enjoying life. I rather live with small savings than do this.
As mentioned, this is a method to 'force' out extra savings that can be used to finance those end-of-year huge expense and by doing so, allow your savings to be kept intact. Only the nett picture matters. So unless one is happy with the lowered nett amount cos didnt account for these large end-of-year expenses, otherwise its either earn much more or save much more.
This is an actual method that I use to manage my savings. I would say this is the HIGHEST level of analysis and planning I make to ensure I am saving
The basic being first monitor daily expenses to get monthly expenditure totals, next monitor and ensure monthly surplus mostly, also analyze expenditure patterns and adjust.
Then more advance is to get an annual figure saved eg 1st Jan to 31st Dec. The amount that is kept intact after ALL the annual expenses are accounted for.
Then the highest level is to set targets by looking at the overall picture, work backwards to arrive at a target amount per month.
Next is back to basics, checking nett figure per month to see if hitting the target, monitoring expenditure pattern (not every expenditure amount), total amount per expense item. Then annual figure, less year-end expense. After all of that check if the Intact savings is hitting target. Then repeat.
Too much trouble? Well its your money, its your life.
I did it this way, it doesnt take that much of my time at all. It allowed me to save up alot in my working days, enough for me to get started investing in shares, enough to build up a separate living expense reserve that is used to finace this period of unemployment and change in job.
It doesnt matter how much one saves every month IF at the end of say a year or 2 or even more, ALL or the bulk of it is used to finance something (non-income generating) Only with INTACT savings building up every year. Over a short few years, you can be surprised at the amount you build up, just by being more dilligent, conscious of where your money is going to, what are you saving up extra for, what are the things you have planned in your monthly, annual budget. Just like that.
Easier said than done. But getting started in small steps first. A journey of a thousand steps begins with one. Even if one does not manage to do everything listed above in a yearly cyle, the simple fact that you are putting more effort to manage your money is way better than what you started with (a simplistic idea of putting leftover of your salary into your bank account and hope it will grow somewhat)
Another deposit of thoughts
Where I left off, I did manage to buy lunch for dad, then head to Gym near to Driving school, where I did stepper and weights for about 40mins then bathed and change to go straight for driving. After that, I took a bus to Bukit Batok Central to take bus 106 which will pass by Holland, for me to drop off my watch for repairs. Then I hopped onto 106 to head down to National library area to collect my cert. After which, I took a train down to Tanjong Pagar to meet Tab for dinner at Soup Spoon. Quite hectic indeed. I was more or less quite alert until I reached home and then feel the effects of so many stuff. BUT I did cook another pack of magee mee with egg white only to eat cos I felt hungry and cold after my long bus ride back from Orchard.
Hmm there are many things in my mind, if those thoughts are worth money, guess I'll be rich.
Just finished a quick tally up of my expenses for Feb and catch up for the few days into March.
All expenses (except Jap, guitar, driving) = $701.90 (plus minus a few dollars)
Driving $300, Jap $200
Total $1201.90.
A bit on the high side due to the courses. But cos those are more or less transient or at least until I finish those courses, my MAIN concern are all the other expenses.
My budget is $20-$25 a day or $600-$750. So judging from the figures, I have kept within the budget.
Income is $600 from flexi-work (received thus far) So more or less can cover the cost, except for the courses which will eat into part of my reserve.
Higher expense came from a Denim blazer, more eating out cos of birthdays, weekends. Will have to monitor and make sure not to overspend.
So far so good after 2 months of CONSCIOUS budgeting. I can see that expenses are reined in more or less. Its more of the courses that are the more expensive items in my budget. Will continue monitoring into the month of March.
The good thing about getting the flexible work (income) and also monitoring and reining in spending (expense) is that I see that my reserve is reducing much slower than before.
No further sales of shares yet, been buying an order for LONG-TERM portfolio. Then I looked at the excel files and chose those that I decide to put more long term. Turns out, I only have 1 counter for trading. The rest are all Mid-to-Long Term.
Have another 3.5 weeks more to adjust sleeping hours, nurse my health and get into better shape, finish up flexible work, start setting up routine/timetable to ensure ALL my courses & stuff are slotted nicely so that there is little strain on time and energy. Then its ready for work to start.
On a certain note, cant wait to start.
On another note, would have to say good bye to my 'break'.
It is overall a good and well-deserved one for me.
Monitoring of monthly expenses and savings to continue. Annual comparison of savings to continue. Annual review of Savings and Investment to continue. An overall review in 3-5 years time.
Hmm there are many things in my mind, if those thoughts are worth money, guess I'll be rich.
Just finished a quick tally up of my expenses for Feb and catch up for the few days into March.
All expenses (except Jap, guitar, driving) = $701.90 (plus minus a few dollars)
Driving $300, Jap $200
Total $1201.90.
A bit on the high side due to the courses. But cos those are more or less transient or at least until I finish those courses, my MAIN concern are all the other expenses.
My budget is $20-$25 a day or $600-$750. So judging from the figures, I have kept within the budget.
Income is $600 from flexi-work (received thus far) So more or less can cover the cost, except for the courses which will eat into part of my reserve.
Higher expense came from a Denim blazer, more eating out cos of birthdays, weekends. Will have to monitor and make sure not to overspend.
So far so good after 2 months of CONSCIOUS budgeting. I can see that expenses are reined in more or less. Its more of the courses that are the more expensive items in my budget. Will continue monitoring into the month of March.
The good thing about getting the flexible work (income) and also monitoring and reining in spending (expense) is that I see that my reserve is reducing much slower than before.
No further sales of shares yet, been buying an order for LONG-TERM portfolio. Then I looked at the excel files and chose those that I decide to put more long term. Turns out, I only have 1 counter for trading. The rest are all Mid-to-Long Term.
Have another 3.5 weeks more to adjust sleeping hours, nurse my health and get into better shape, finish up flexible work, start setting up routine/timetable to ensure ALL my courses & stuff are slotted nicely so that there is little strain on time and energy. Then its ready for work to start.
On a certain note, cant wait to start.
On another note, would have to say good bye to my 'break'.
It is overall a good and well-deserved one for me.
Monitoring of monthly expenses and savings to continue. Annual comparison of savings to continue. Annual review of Savings and Investment to continue. An overall review in 3-5 years time.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Too Sunny, Too Hot for comfort
Ever since 25th Feb onwards, suddenly there's been a big change in the weather. The sun got very very Sunny and hot by early morning eg 10am. Then even hotter by afternoon. The evenings are warm too, with little breeze.
It meant for someone who cant stand the cold, had to resort to blowing the fan while I sleep, otherwise its no sleep. Blankets are kicked aside, windows are open fully and I even lie on the floor or near the walls cos those are cooling. Though a voice (my mom) would be at the back of my head nagging that sleeping on and near those are not good for the body cos the cold seeps into the body. But really, heck.
This doesnt bode well for my morning exercise at all. Last Sunday, I woke up earlier around 10 plus. Usually I would head to the gym. BUT cos I was quite hungry, deferred it to after lunch. Then the afternoon was so SUNNY and Glaringly hot that I didnt want to step out of the house. So last week only exercised once.
Also at the same time, I am STILL adjusting the body clock to say 8am, 7.30am timing. So this entire week, I set the clock around those timing to 'try' to get up and see what sort of mental state I was in when I wake. I did get up to switch off the alarm successfully. Usually if I can adjust my body, I wake up alert mentally.
I was zombified on Monday but woke by 9am. Cos 9.50am went to JB. Bought Naruto Episode 200-300. Spent a grand total of RM$30. Nothing else to buy, not to mention its Pelangi so really not much stuff. Didnt have a chance to go to the pharmancy nor the supermarket.
On Tuesday, I woke up 8.30am, went online to put in BUY order. Reached the swimming pool by 9.45am on an empty stomach. Usually for all the morning swims, I dont eat before I swim. By the time I finished, I would eat something after. Yet I was thwarted. It was very HOT and SUNNY by then, then when I peeped at the pools, there were a big bunch of kids at the Medium pool, and a bunch of kids at the Deep pool. So I didnt go in. Went to find food, thinking that I could go eat first, run my tuition assignment errand (buying assessment books) and even browse around a bit for the food to finish digesting (about 2hrs) then go back to a rather empty pool to swim. Guess what, by the time I finished eating and running the errand, it was only 11.30am and the SUN was scorching. I dont wanna swim under such hot sun, so I went home and hid at home. Didnt feel like going anywhere. I had intended to go down to Bugis to collect my JLPT certificate (cos would need to furnish certs IF I am called to go down at new workplace. I sent email, they havent gotten back to me on the date yet but I have some forms to fill up) but kept delaying until evening. Forget it. Had real bad munchies. Cooked magee mee with egg, then ate 3 chocolate biscuits... there goes my diet... I dont dare to go on the weighing scales yet.
Today I set 2 alarms, 7.30am and 8.30am. I was quite awake when I switched off the 7.30am but didnt go out to eat breakfast as intended (so that I wont be hungry by 9am and can go swim) I head back to sleep until 8.30am. Woke up, set BUY order for shares. Was thinking of whether to head out to swim BUT I was SO HUNGRY. Signz... went over to coffee shop to eat mee pok and coffee. Later around 2.10pm til 4pm, I have driving. In the evening, have Jap class. Inbetween I was thinking of running 2 errands, to fix up my watch and to get my JLPT cert. With 2.5hrs inbetween, might be possible. Today think no chance to swim. Later still have to help dabao lunch for dad. My plan is to go out to dabao lunch for him first. Come back to pick up my stuff (gym stuff, change of clothes, bathing stuff, Jap notes and dictionary, all packed into a bag) then head out. Go to gym, bathe, then go to drive, after that fix watch, get JLPT cert, and finally go for Jap class.
I dare not step on the weighing scales yet... lemme get 2 times of gym workout before I do so...
It meant for someone who cant stand the cold, had to resort to blowing the fan while I sleep, otherwise its no sleep. Blankets are kicked aside, windows are open fully and I even lie on the floor or near the walls cos those are cooling. Though a voice (my mom) would be at the back of my head nagging that sleeping on and near those are not good for the body cos the cold seeps into the body. But really, heck.
This doesnt bode well for my morning exercise at all. Last Sunday, I woke up earlier around 10 plus. Usually I would head to the gym. BUT cos I was quite hungry, deferred it to after lunch. Then the afternoon was so SUNNY and Glaringly hot that I didnt want to step out of the house. So last week only exercised once.
Also at the same time, I am STILL adjusting the body clock to say 8am, 7.30am timing. So this entire week, I set the clock around those timing to 'try' to get up and see what sort of mental state I was in when I wake. I did get up to switch off the alarm successfully. Usually if I can adjust my body, I wake up alert mentally.
I was zombified on Monday but woke by 9am. Cos 9.50am went to JB. Bought Naruto Episode 200-300. Spent a grand total of RM$30. Nothing else to buy, not to mention its Pelangi so really not much stuff. Didnt have a chance to go to the pharmancy nor the supermarket.
On Tuesday, I woke up 8.30am, went online to put in BUY order. Reached the swimming pool by 9.45am on an empty stomach. Usually for all the morning swims, I dont eat before I swim. By the time I finished, I would eat something after. Yet I was thwarted. It was very HOT and SUNNY by then, then when I peeped at the pools, there were a big bunch of kids at the Medium pool, and a bunch of kids at the Deep pool. So I didnt go in. Went to find food, thinking that I could go eat first, run my tuition assignment errand (buying assessment books) and even browse around a bit for the food to finish digesting (about 2hrs) then go back to a rather empty pool to swim. Guess what, by the time I finished eating and running the errand, it was only 11.30am and the SUN was scorching. I dont wanna swim under such hot sun, so I went home and hid at home. Didnt feel like going anywhere. I had intended to go down to Bugis to collect my JLPT certificate (cos would need to furnish certs IF I am called to go down at new workplace. I sent email, they havent gotten back to me on the date yet but I have some forms to fill up) but kept delaying until evening. Forget it. Had real bad munchies. Cooked magee mee with egg, then ate 3 chocolate biscuits... there goes my diet... I dont dare to go on the weighing scales yet.
Today I set 2 alarms, 7.30am and 8.30am. I was quite awake when I switched off the 7.30am but didnt go out to eat breakfast as intended (so that I wont be hungry by 9am and can go swim) I head back to sleep until 8.30am. Woke up, set BUY order for shares. Was thinking of whether to head out to swim BUT I was SO HUNGRY. Signz... went over to coffee shop to eat mee pok and coffee. Later around 2.10pm til 4pm, I have driving. In the evening, have Jap class. Inbetween I was thinking of running 2 errands, to fix up my watch and to get my JLPT cert. With 2.5hrs inbetween, might be possible. Today think no chance to swim. Later still have to help dabao lunch for dad. My plan is to go out to dabao lunch for him first. Come back to pick up my stuff (gym stuff, change of clothes, bathing stuff, Jap notes and dictionary, all packed into a bag) then head out. Go to gym, bathe, then go to drive, after that fix watch, get JLPT cert, and finally go for Jap class.
I dare not step on the weighing scales yet... lemme get 2 times of gym workout before I do so...
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