(1) Mapling
Well its nothing new except for the fact that me and my bro and sisters opened a shop to pool resources to sell. Last week, I bought a cash card and used some credits, abt 6 bucks to buy a shop permit to open a stall in the designated marketplace. My siblings passed me stuff that they want to sell and their selling prices. So inbetween times when I am not hunting, I would hop down to the market and open stall. It means being open at the busiest timing, leaving messages to ask players to look around, and even includes closing time. Man tough work. My bro joked that I really sounded like a stall-keeper. It must be all that bazaar skills. Check it out! (my character name has been blanko to prevent harrassment or identification watever)
Example of a typical day in my 'stall'

Well I still get laughed at for wearing a box. But I love my little box! Anyway takings for the shop was quite good for the first few days with about 3million of meso sales thus far. After distributing out the meso to my siblings, I became a meso millionaire. Meaning I have more than a million meso. Yay! Now stronger also so hunting dragons and ghosts and crabs, no more mushroom and pigs and snails.
Also Maple is having a Christmas event where u can enter a special town during christmas. Its winter over there and u can decorate your own tree. Check out my trees and my impersonation of 'The Little MatchStick Boy'.
My Own Christmas Tree

Little MatchStick Boy I

Little MatchStick Boy II

(2) Possessed Kneecap???
About 2 weeks back, I had a long lasting cough so much so my mom brought me to this sinseh who is currently treating my family. I havent gone to see him before cos I was busy at hall. So when he saw me, I told him about my knee and my cough. To cut the long story short, I got medicine for my cough, which has incidentally gotten better. The interesting part comes when he asked me about my knee.
Basically the story was 'I sprained my ankle at my grandma's funeral, at the graveyard. Later my uncle helped me massage and treat it, but that same nite I had sharp pain all the way to the kneecap. A week later went to another sinseh to treat but damage done. Henceforth had knee problem'
After listening to it, that sinseh told my mom that 'dirty things' might have caused me to sprain it in the first place since it was the graveyard. Also might be the reason y after 2 years, its still giving me trouble. So while massaging and twisting my knee, the sinseh actually chanted something. But I only got to know this after I returned home since they conversed in cantonese. When I told Tab, she plainly said "So... it means your knee is possessed?!?"
Well I think not that type of possession or what, otherwise when I sleep at the hall, things would have happened and Tab would not have slept so soundly. BUT if he can make my kneecap better and even heal it, I would believe anything at this point cos this injury is already almost 3 years old and no improvements. But it is still a bit stiff and tired at times, and also my medicine is running out, so most likely today will go and see him again. See what else he has to say. Will keep you informed. (Exorcist II to be continued....)
(3) Scarecrow Race Revealed!!!!
Remember that Scarecrow guy that had my sister and her friend falling head over heels over? Immediately after the Batman Begins, there was the Justice League show starting at Koven Mall. They went to ask the stage crew whether the guy Scarecrow would be going there, and she said yes. Hence they made their way all the way down to Koven to catch a glimpse of him in action. Hopefully can see his real face.
When the show started, my sister filmed that with the camera..... she and her friend started giggling and critizing that actress being fat and stuff. They were laughing so hard that the camera was shaking, so me and my sister saw a shaking footage with lots of "Walao!!!" inside. Also hear their colourful commentry about each of the justice league actors and actress. But no ScareCrow guy. He wasnt there. They were disappointed.
Her friend found a blog with an entry about ScareCrow. That blogger's sister worked in the crew. It revealed that Scarecrow was a malay guy. So my sister and her friend were disappointed. They had thought that he was a caucasian male. Now I dun hear any more about Scarecrow... Suddenly no more craze. LOL!!!
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