Okay practicum posting are out AND i kena that crap contract school again. I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw my name and the school I was posted to... It was on a friday evening. Tab called me and asked. I went online immediately, stopping Maple, to take a look. Anxiously worried that my greatest nightmare would come true... It did.
I stared at the screen, and all the mood for mapling vanished.
That is all I have to say. It sums up everything that I feel.
My siblings and mom noted my displeasure, sianess and irritation cum anger for my posting. They tried to console me by telling me to look at teh bright side of things. I cant. Its dark where I see it. Its a blackhole that sucks all joy out. Not to mention that my mentor is no longer around. Hence life will be harder. Trust me, I know.
So I felt ultra sian to the max. So I mapled and refused to do my assignment. Call it the Resigned Mood Syndrome- where sufferers refuse to do anything remotely related to work. Again my usual cure is to just do what I wanted to do until that RMS resided. So it meant I was mapling until the late hours of the evening. I made a decision, since I cannot do anything else, I might as well zhi bao zhi qi and do something else. I decided I am getting a Maple Pet!
Since it was late. I went to sleep....
The next day, I woke up. It was quite early around 10am. I logged on and bought a maple pet. Tada!

"Master I also want to sleep if I were you... Oink Oink"

"Master u so poor thing... Oink Oink."

Both of us sad at my current plight
Oh before CNY, me and my sisters used 1 desktop and 2 laptops to play Maple and posed together. Left is young sister, right is youngest sister. My bro is missing cos lack of one more computer.

Happy Chinese New Year!
Okay so behold my birthday present. A maple pet called Black Pig by default. Its VERY Cute! I love it. Yay. That seemed to cheer me up abit.
So when I got it on Saturday morning, I played that black pig until 3am in the morning. Err inbetween I went to see the sinseh, but after dinner, I played and half-worked on my assignment that was due on Monday while feeding my pig. So I did 1/3 of my assignment and played with it until I felt tired and went to bed, not feeling so sian anymore (or that I am too tired to care)
The next morning, I was rudely waken my an auntie singing bloody off-key, apparently some karaoke thing in the neighbouring void-deck elderly corner. It reverberated across the road and hit smack my block. My sleeping brother and sisters all woke up simultaneously one after the other. Sign that was 9am in the bloody morning. And we all slept around 3-6am. Okay more mapling and doing assignment. Nothing much. But I still feel like shouting 'No!!!!!!!!!' whenever I can until I have recovered from the shock.
Monday, today. A day where I tried to contact the MOLE to try to change the results. Promised to get back to me but never. Now it seems inevitable....
I will harrass them until they answer me though by then it might be too late. Ultra sian to the maximum man! Anyway after classes and discussion, went to clementi to check out the hang ten, bossini, baleno and giordano for polo-Ts with collars for the impending practicum ahead. It was a fruitful trip, both me and Tab bought 4 tops each. Mine comes in different colours whilst Tab's came in different colours and types. She got working shirts for 15 bucks, fitting ones too. On the way back though, I bought a Henikien beer. It tasted good, and for the time being, I wont suddenly burst out into another long NOs. Sign. 1 alcoholic educator coming right up. Maybe can include Tab.
Your PIG is SOOO CUTE!!!! Quetz
mqYour PIG is SOOO CUTE!!!! Quetz
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