The 7 deadly sins,
Lust Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Envy Pride
Not that I have turned Christian or what. Its just that its kinda appropriate at this point of time. My holidays finally came on 30th Nov after braving through 2 weeks of work after school closed. Most I know started holidaying after the 1 week.
Oh well, as I was saying, I have been hibernating at home and eating and sleeping. Its like you wake up hungry, then eat, after eating then feel like sleeping. I am guilty of Gluttony and Sloth.
Maple recently launched this system of ridng an animal ie a pig that can run real fast. I was commenting to my sister that I am turning into a pig cos I kept feeling hungry and just eat n sleep. She remarked soon, I'll turn into one for riding...
Yep the hog is shown below, my bro is riding it. Me and my bunny hat :)
In line with the turning into animal theme, chanced upon this rock band - Three Day Grace. Like 2 of their songs.
Animal I Have Become (for my case, a pig)(real nice guitars)
Home (mirrors exactly what I feel about my Muar home currently after my grandparents passed away) (dedicated to my bro)
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