For those who like music games, its a very cute game.
Also an ego-booster. You are the GOD of the Patapons.
You lead them with your drum beat.
You hit the drums, they follow the order to move, attack, defend, even summon rain.
Brings a smile to your faces.

After every battle, they dance to the fire like those tribes people

Just when you think they cant get cuter still, as you play, you unlock more mini-games (also music-based)

I like the rain-dance tune.
Phew after playing several hours of the game, I have upgraded my units using the resources (so its a bit RPG in that aspect) Its quite addicting, I let my FFtactics lag behind...
Yar the downside, have the beat-tunes stuck in my head...
Pon Pon Pon
Pon Pon Pon
Pon Pon PonPon...
Highly recommended for those who like music-games, or like cute games, dun need to think too much.
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