The sturdy oak Tree has fallen and the aged Saru has left the land of the natto beans behind. What else awaits in the uncertain future?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Stock market rallies.... bubu
Bad news for me.
Had wanted to wait a bit more for more downside before going in. Found out that using CPF to invest, capital gains cannot be withdrawn. Then so far I have been using CPF, not much of cash. Though still have some cpf to use and was waiting for the price to fall further.
My dad seems to think the financial storm is over. My sister thinks otherwise. I am sitting on the fence and monitoring. If it goes up, wait. If it goes down further due to recessionary pressures, I would buy using cpf. Then if further drops, then use cash. Cos I am not monitoring the indicators like the rescue packages, the fiscal policies and their impact, the prices of commodities but only just seeing the closing prices daily if I can. So I dun have a full picture. So trying to lower the risk by doing more monitoring and making some decisions I can live with.
My guitar lessons are starting soon, about two fridays from now. BUT I may not be able to make it or maybe still can cos of staff function. Need to find out more details before I can decide which one to go for.
I have an adminstrative piece of work to do and I cant seem to bring myself to do it. I am still in my working clothes. I had arrived home later cos I had left later sorting through some work after work hours. Then ate dinner and stone slightly infront of laptop. Now its already 9pm+. Proscratination is not going to bring any rewards cos it meant I will have to rush it out by hook or by crook tom. Also I had intended to go in earlier to clear other admin work. It meant I just have to DO IT.
(You gotta do it, do it... you just gotta do it)
SIGNZ. I better go and take a bath first before anything else
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Interesting conversation...
I have been advised not to 'trap myself with worries' otherwise it will affect my wealth. K, so will try to look at the brighter side of things and start my pursuit of things that matters to me. One being the guitar course. Yay! Just crossing my fingers and hope for no more fiasco.
I kinda remember some conversations with Tab, Candle and Quetzal, that are blog-worthy cos of the nature of it. Lemme blog them down for the aeons.
Be very weary if you ever get amnesia.
Certain friends (very very xin tong that they would all band together in this), decided that if I ever lose my memory. They would tell me that I was ORIGINALLY a branded bag totting lady who walks in high heels wearing short, frilly skirt who prances around the shopping belt. (Yar Tab drew that pic in her jap textbook a couple of years back)
Yar imagine the shock of sudden and total recall in that outfit in the middle of singapore.
To counter that, I would make a video of my REAL self to show my amnesiatic self who I really am, but which would duly be destroyed by these so-called friends who would replace it with another 'version'. So to be doubly safe, I would have to record 2 versions and hide them in separate locations.
Signz what kinda of company am I mixing in? My safety is in jeopardy.
Suddenly I cant seem to recall the others. Lemme jog my memory and rest earlier. Leave that for another time, if I remember.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A 'hectic' weekend
K, Friday, met up with Tab, FH and Candle for dinner at Big O. Thereafter went to Borders to buy books. End up getting near 45% discount for regular priced books plus I applied for membership but the card is in Tab's custody cos she frequents it more than I do. Also I often hang around with her, so chances are WHEN I wanna buy books, she be around with the card. Grudgingly handed over my card. That's it.
Saturday, went out to the Music school to be 'assessed'. Went with my sister cos she headed to the This Fashion outlet there. I hang with her cos Tab hadnt called me. In the end, I ended up buying a top. Met up with Tab, head to the music school, had to wait quite a bit. I could skip about 1.5months for the 1st level. So next comes the slotting of classes. The one I wanted on Sat was full! WTF? So fast? So there's another at Friday, late evening, into their 2nd month of lesson which I can join. So I signed up for membership and they'll call me up in about 2-3 weeks to tell me when to go for the class. So soon, my fridays are days I'll be out in town.
Then walked over with Tab to the GuanYin temple cos Candle wanted to go qiu qian for her love life and relocation question. While waiting for her, cos the weather was hot and sunny plus I needed the toilet. We headed to the nearby OG. I came out with a pack of nougots and a pocky-like snack.
Tab headed to Bugis Junction cos she saw the crowds throning at the temple and didnt want to wait around in that. I met up with Candle and headed inside. I didnt qiu cos the only remaining qn unasked would either be my love life or whether I would strike 4d or 1st,2nd prize in Toto. Didnt feel like asking. So I stood around until she finished and we looked at the answers using the qian book. Both for her are status-quo. Well at least its not negative bad news. We headed over to give thanks and put in donation, ask for a 'fu' to put in wallet and also eat a sweet from the offerings. That being done, we walked back to Bugis Junction.
Met up at the Fries place, a small food stall that sells fries (freshly fried after you order) with different sauces. Went for Garlic yougurt and Salsa. Both quite nice. Then walked around looking for Candle's dress. Stopped at MOF for a late breakfast+lunch+dinner for me. Breakfast I ate a bit of yam cake, then half the fries but it was around 4pm then. Verdict - the watermelon dessert in MOF are very light and refreshing. Siok esp the Watermelon Kakigori. Ordered the pork rice, tamago boto which is more egg than rice. Instead of egg sushi with lots of rice and thin slice of egg. Its egg-wrapped rice. Plus the surprisingly tasty and light Unagi salad. Its very filling. (Didnt really feel hungry until around 12am, cooked and ate instant noodles) Later after walking, I chanced upon a belt with an interesting way of belting up. Its like the two buckles lock only when a piece of metal is slide through the interlocking holes. Much like those old, ancient chinese door concepts with the sliding wood lock. So its only 5 bucks. Bought one.
Candle left later and Tab and I headed to Raffles City. We walked around and I bought Jellybeans and Sugar-free Butterscotch sweets at Mark's and Spencer's. Then we continued walking aimlessly around until I felt kinda tired and we sat for dinner at Coffee Club. Koup the salad and a few wedges cos still felt kinda full. After that we headed home.
They both went back empty-handed. I bought 6 items. Though mostly food stuff.
Sunday, went to the gym only to find my fittness dwindled after a few weeks of absence. Sian. Need to build it up again. Then headed to see the sinseh and after that treat family to dinner. The rest were good but today's curry fish head a bit watery, so sad.
Incidentally many weeks back, maybe about a month ago. I had a dream where I won Toto and I remember the numbers from my dream. I went about to dilligently buy it until this week where I forgot about it. Then this thursday, 4 of the 6 numbers I remember opened. Well if I had bought my usual, its only $20 payout. BUT if I had bought System Roll, it would mean, $2500 in prize. Technically I could do that cos I have 6 numbers, I only need to choose 5 and R the rest. Then I still have that combination. The downside of this is its more expensive, $20 per draw. Still if I had done it, still could net in more than $2k. Signz. K lemme go to sleep more and dream of more numbers. I better remind myself in the dream to memorise those numbers.
Now I am not sure whether to buy those numbers still? Hmm... better treasure this Lucky year for Monkey before its over. It's gonna be over soon. NO!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
My favourite Sesame street song - I dont want to live on the Moon
Brings back memories.
Will try to find the guitar chords for this song.
Saw others covering this song on guitar on Youtube.
Have to go to work liao. Sian.
Ja mata.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Finally I have done something
I wrote down the number of the music school, checked online for their next opening intake convenient for me and after work, called up to enquire about some finer details like group course fees, timing, individual class timing and fees.
In the end, I got myself an appointment to go 'assess' where I stand at least for playing of acoustic guitar and see whether, I could skip a bit of the beginner, cos the first level is really for beginners. So if I am not a beginner, I can skip a month or two, then join the class nearer the end and continue. Sounds good.
So today after dinner, I dug out my guitar (very very dusty) and took out my songs and started playing. Its been a very long while since I've played my guitar. Practiced the common chords, some barring and different ways of strumming and plucking (basically all those our senior, C, taught us so many years ago in University) plus a few I improvised for some songs.
After more than an hour, my fingers hurt that its affecting the pressing of the frets. Its time to stop for today. Tom I'll play a few more songs, then off to the school on Sat. Hope that it wont be another Yamaha fiasco. That bloody shit that put me off guitar or at least electric guitar for a while. Luckily I really like rock music and the guitar solos to want to pick it up eventually.
The hectic demands of work meant little time. BUT now after being more 'settled' in terms of finances and time (cos Jap moved to Wed) I wanna pick up the things that have been pushed aside to make way for work. Things like my waistline, my health, my interests. Though I still have to schedule it on a weekend. At least it wont be a boring weekend.
Think its a good start. Especially if there is no more fiasco, I will doggedly pursue this acousitic guitar playing for the next 1.5yrs or so. Then move on to electric guitar after graduating from the 3 levels.
In case you are wondering, who's Aoi? The one whom in the earlier post with Mash Game.
He's the rhythmn guitarist of the GazettE, a band that I've started listening to for about a year and more. What happened to Gackt? Well he stopped producing music for quite a long while and his recent songs are forgettable.
Its not only the looks, its the music and the talent. Oh well. Its my dream right, so I can choose who I like to admire. Yar like him for the guitar solos found in the band's songs. His is the pic I bring to get my J-rock like haircut. The only thing is that my hair is too straight naturally to recreate the look. The good thing is the style fits me well. More reason to like.
This pic is my current laptop AND psp wallpaper. Its a very nice pic.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mash Game: Predict Your Future at eSPIN-the-Bottle
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
More movies
Headed to same venue cos by the time released, could only watch early evening show. Reached, ate food, hung at BK and did some more marking. Headed to watch the movie.
Verdict, its a lousy movie too, BUT it still beats yesterday's one hands-down.
Its shorter, 1.5hr.
Its also brainless.
It had better action, lots of guns
It had some special effects.
It had actors who are 'easier' on the eyes.
Though the plot or even the execution of the movie could be better. It still beat yesterday's one. I got to relax my brain and just leave it on standby mode. Bad ending though. Then again, the plot is also typical. And its not about angels and devils.
Then made my way back home. At least, I got what I wanted. At least I wasnt tempted to walk out, make snide remarks.
arrived home and asked my sister who had watched it on Sunday but had fallen asleep by the time I reached home to ask her about her comments. Her verdict: It SUCKS! She couldnt understand the lameness of the plot and the setting and plot are seriously out-dated in this day and age, no matter how far, they try to portray different eras. She reminded me she had sent me an sms regarding what she thought, ie read the manga is better, many confusing elements.
Then I told her, why didnt she JUST plainly tell me, DONT WATCH COS IT SUCKS. Next time if she goes out watching movies, which she does very regularly, I shall ask her for feedback and stick to it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Movie rant (dun read if not interested)
What's so bad?
I dunno. The plot which seems so out-dated and far-fetched and childish, the ultra slow pace. 2hrs still no end in sight, the lameness of the characters, non memorable and with zilch character depth, the lameness of the villian and his minions, omg its painful to watch and so many more. I was unengaged for hours. Its a bloody long show, 2.5hrs.
I had intended to relax with a movie, then head home to mark another 2 urgent stacks of ws after a whole intense day of national exam marking. Who knows, it would turn out this way? Reached home near 10.30pm, took a bath and now feeling the effects of fatique gnawing at my consciousness.
So it brought out the worst in me. Was complaining and making comments about the movie, about 1hr into it. Got on the nerves of Tab I supposed. Then when Quetzal came, we were making comments about the show to each other on the other side. Never had I ever made such comments about a movie I sat through. Of those, that I've watched, I hardly eat, make a comment until the show is over. BUT this one is seriously so unengaging that I was bored out of my mind and it seems never-ending.
This is seriously the WORST movie I had ever watched in a theatre. The matter of fact is that I purposely avoid Chinese movie cos there are many with lame plots and acting. English movies, I go for action mostly. Japanese, I mostly watch anime and an occasional Jap movie. Like the recently borrowed dvd - Shinikami no Himitsu, was way better in originality and engaging with nice elements compared to what I've watched today... Its so cliche that can even guess the ending, or non-ending. OMFG!
To the question and complaint why I hadnt simply just stood up and left the cinema. First, I had never encountered such a movie that warranted such action until today and had not done so before. Second, I was with friends, not alone in the movie. So now that I have had to sit through something like this, know my limit for bad movie, IF there is a next time, I would definitely STAND UP and GET OUT.
Sian dad listening to loud irritating old chinese songs on the tv, makes mood even more sullen than its already. Heck, later I do what I can, then if not continue marking elsewhere later after work and then go watch that Max Payne, which had seemed so much more interesting. I mean how bad can it get?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tiredz and stomach all feeling funny
Sat was a hectic affair. All in, it was a new experience. But at the end of it, kinda knocked out. Can only vaguely imagine the fatique the bridegroom and bride had to endure.
Yep this Sunday was entirely used to recuperate. Slept late, stomach making funny noises. Later on, cos it rained, didnt go anywhere, went back to sleep some more. Then the day has almost ended. Thought that it was still a saturday when I walked over next door to run some errands with my sister. Then only realized its almost monday and that meant another two more gruelling days of marking... Ultimate sian. Think I wanna have an earlier night than usual. Stomach still feeling funny.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tiredz... need more be said
So I leave my pupils with most of their work except a math wb and a set of eng unit ws. Which I will finish and return when I return to work on wed. The next 4 days are going to be spent in another venue, marking. The working hours follow the so-called office hours. But marking is an intensive affair, draining. Pity those who end up having to mark composition for 4 days, can puke (from personal experience of marking own paper) My hats off to those who can manage one of the toughest of things to mark in the Eng language - Wu Ti Tou Di
Yay, passed the Jap test today despite having a huge-blackhole-in-my-head. Due to the hours spent doing marking, hardly had time to revise. Though I had studied the week before, cant seem to recall much. I tried vainly to look through once, on the train to class but it was difficult cos I had firstly, slept at 3am the night before, secondly had a full day of meeting and class, and also squeezed tight like sardine in a damn crowded MRT during the rush hour. Plus was lugging my speakers around, kinda bulky and heavy in a crowded mrt.
Arrived and headed to the 7-11 and bought a can of Red Bull. Sipped it and headed up. When I arrived, others had started long ago. Usually I would be 45mins to 1hr late cos I had to travel straight from workplace. Workplace is far and inaccessible. Takes me that long to arrive.
Sat down, started and looked at the paper. Oh man, suddenly cant remb most of the grammar sentence stuff I was trying so hard to read through. Brain hiatus alert! Just tried to do every qn, reading slowly to roughly comprehend what it was saying and cracking my skull vainly to recall those Verb forms to use to no avail. But I did recall a bit of the classwork done in the 1hr I usually manage to attend every week and just got through. Did I mention I was the last one out. Cos most had finished by the time I had arrived. Most left. I was left with another lady inside. When she finished and handed in, I was the last one (a rarity cos we usually finish fast but that was if we started at the same time) Oh well, it was a quiet environment. I was only at Section 7, got 10 sections. Took my time to signz, scratch my head, shift my leg position... cross one way, cross the other way. Finally finished, just handed in, only briefly checked left no blanks. Walked out to find Tab reading a comic outside. We went back in to check if we passed. Yes both passed.
Went for dinner, Salmon hot pot with fried potatoe cake. So far been faithful to my food diary and am making better choice in food. Hope to see some results when I jump on the weighing scales tomorrow. Have stuck rigidly to the unsugared 1litre of green tea routine and avoided eating out unnecessarily, plus avoided oily food. Only hope I can keep this up more long term to lose weight long term.
Watching the market with interest yet not able to monitor fully like my dad could. BUT even him doesnt know how this finacial turnout will play out. It could be a temporary rebound or a bottom-ing of the fall. Its anyone guess at this point. Its an interesting case to look at. BUT sadly I cant afford that time of time, energy to monitor it extensively. The most I do is to check the closing prices of the kiv stocks in excel, Dow and ST index. Listen to a bit of the Bloomberg when my dad switches to that while I am online like now.
Tom I be bringing that thick book of TA, that I will attempt to read during any free time in-between marking, and finish from that mid-point which I have been stuck hopelessly for more than 3years. Maybe can try to read the chart of the current situation. Well at least its something to help out my aim to be a skilled investor.
My dad always says “人赚钱,æ…¢。钱赚钱,å¿«。"
I agree totally.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Jie Mei-ing, Jap test, upcoming exams
Upcoming exams meant the time factor is intensifying. Dabaoed 4 stacks home yesterday. I knew I had to try to finish. I was too tired after the long day, fell asleep near 11pm. The plan was to wake up at 5am to mark some before I had to go in much earlier to do marking of exam papers. BUT at 5am, though I woke from the alarm, I was too tired. Set to 6am, the same happened. Finally around 7.45am I woke up, no time to do my marking. Had to make my way earlier to go for work.
Today I dabaoed another 3 stacks. 2 are more urgent. I just had my 2nd cuppa of coffee. Can feel the fatique coming. Now family kinda noisy, Father and Uncle talking about family problem. Sian mood. I am now blasting my ears with music to 'lift the sian mood'.
Jap test was somewhat supposed to be last wed, dunno why it got postponed to this week. BAD choice. This week is ULTRA hectic everyday, how to study? I tried to read a bit on the train and bus on my way to and fro from work today. Dunno how much I can retain with my typical brain-dead mode.
Wish me the best for tom test.
Jie mei check-list
- Songs x 2 (downloaded into laptop), Dunno supposed to burn or what.
- Tinsels x 2 (bought)
- Ku gua (buying tom cos dun want it to shrivel, also gonna boil it a bit on Friday night)
- Speakers (have to dabao tom for Jap, since we are all being sent to other schools to do PSLE marking. So wont be going back to workplace after wed)
Monday, October 13, 2008
To make an otherwise sucky Monday, while I was proscrastinating and surfing internet, I just hopped over to the Pools webby. Saw my hp no! Its 2nd prize. Yay! Was just looking through my finances/savings for the few months (its an excel file) , noted that I didnt save much at all for the past 2 months. Mainly due to bangkok trip, treat, Jap class fees, premiums etc, plus just handed to my mom her accumulated $50 per month for a year. I hold for her (part of her allowance) and then give it to her when a year is up.
So happily made my way this morning to the pools to collect the money. Its very exciting to hold thick stack of money but scary also, cos dun want to be robbed. Then hurriedly walked over to a nearby bank and banked in. Then made my way to work. It came at a good timing and the feel-good-effect is still there.
Incidentally my sinseh says this year is good for monkey. Say can get wealth, HOW is another matter altogether. I was sceptical but now okay lor. Some may think its the Guan Yin temple and praying there, but according to same sinseh, Guan Yin wont grant me wealth. Must be Wang Lao Shi Zu (another goddess, more Taoist belief one) Err I havent exactly found a temple with her and gone praying.
SO.... its either the 4-faced buddha OR the cai shen (key chain dangling off my bag, courtesy of my sister) There is a 4-faced buddha in sg, so maybe later on in Nov then go give thanks. These few weeks kinda busy.
Why my sister got me the cai shen, cos the sinseh told me that cai shen is waiting for me in the SE direction. So I have to shout loudly to the skies "I want money!", then cai shen notice then can get. But must be on sunny days, not rainy ones. The problem is there are many many mondays where its rainy. Serious. And of course, I didnt go shouting "I-want-money" plus do Thai dance at the Toto outlets. So I keep wanting to get a cai shen gachapon but didnt. So my sister bought me a chibi cai shen keychain from taiwan.
May it continue to work wonders to my wallet.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Signz Queen of Proscrastination
It is like imperative I finish them but as the saying goes, "the mind is willing but the body is weak"
or my version
"Mind and body both unwilling cos not a shred of motivation."
I didnt go out to the gym but took out my dusty weights and did just some arm weight workout.
Mixed myself a Brown Cow cos my mom's friend gave her 2 bottles of Khaluar and one was already opened. She took a taste and kinda liked it also.
Then went next door to return comic, borrowed 1 and even rented Dvds. Now even more unmotivated to do work.
Should I try to do some more, or wake up god-damn-early to do the work. Chances are I would opt for the latter. K I will aim to go to work earlier than usual and finish whatever I can tomorrow. Maybe conscience will hit me and I would half work and half mark as I watch the dvd.
Wah the Halloween sweets are very very very sweet...
Candy Corn and Candy Pumpkin

So nevermind, I opened it and handed everyone a Candy Corn. Its a firm candy that when you put into the mouth and chew, dissolves into little bits. And its DAMN SWEET. Argh, all of us , save my dad were writhing with 'agony' from the sweetness. That was from a rather small candy corn alone. Then I was telling my sister that there are Candy corn, chocolate Candy corn and Jack-O-Lantern(pumkin) candy inside. My dad showed me his palm, wanting a Jack-O which I handed over. Note, the Jack-O is slightly smaller than a $1 coin. Pure sugar rush, ouchy.
Definitely a candy for those with the sweet tooth. Rather affordable, 300g pack for $4.
Havent gone to the gym yet. Woke up near 10am hungry. Then looking at the pile of marking to do, I decided to go later. Settle my hungry stomach first. Went downstairs to eat breakfast - WonToon mee then came back. Looked at the pile which I thought was 9 and sorted through, yar its 9. I see if I can perform a miracle and finish 7 like last week. BUT 2 stacks are rather thick papers... oh well, I had my fun yesterday.
Now I am just putting off starting. Feeling sleepy...
You are The Tower
Ambition, fighting, war, courage. Destruction, danger, fall, ruin.
The Tower represents war, destruction, but also spiritual renewal. Plans are disrupted. Your views and ideas will change as a result.
The Tower is a card about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth. The Tower stands for "false concepts and institutions that we take for real." You have been shaken up; blinded by a shocking revelation. It sometimes takes that to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Tom dun come so soon.
Meals eaten - 3, 1 home, 2 outside.
Food bought - candy corn (for sis), Lipton Forest Fruit, mineral water and unsugared oolong tea.
Though I am feeling the rumbles of hunger or just stomache. Will stick to this!
Incidentally ordered the Forest Fruit in a pot of tea from NLB cafe. It came and I saw it was a Lipton tea bag. Paid $4.50 for that. Its nice enought I decided to buy it if I go to the supermarket. 20 bags for $4.25. Expensive mark-up. BUT if I hadnt ordered it, I wouldnt find it nice, which wont translate to buying it. The lesson though is not to order pot of tea in NLB cafe.
The 'downside' of staying out so many hours meant, I only finished 1 miserable stack of marking out of the 9 piles I brought back. Its is seriously imperative that I finish them asap. So TOM is gonna be hell.
For now, lemme go and close my eyes in oblivion.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Non-Share Post
OMG, I have let myself go that much?
K the good part is I have not exceeded my mom in weight yet, though 2 kg more...
The bad parts are numerous!!! Krynnder's upcoming wedding jie mei and havent lost a gram... As what Quetzal mentioned on wed in Waraku, which I concurred, going to look FAT in the photos that will last very very long, maybe not forever.
Also my mom was reminding me that my family's medical history of heart attack, hypertension and high cholestrol level. So the risk WILL increase as I gain more weight...
AND I dont want to bu ru my Dad's hou cheng (follow my dad's example) His weight sky-rocketed due to his eating habits. Mine too! Over a period of 3.5years, increased 8kg.
SO besides aiming to go to the gym this Sunday (missed 2 weeks due to going out with family) I have started a FOOD DIARY on this WED.
The aim is to monitor exactly WHAT TYPE OF SHIT, I have been putting into my mouth. Bloody hell, huo chong kou ru (diesease and weight gains all come from putting food into the mouth) Also trying to make conscious food decisions and trying consciously to eat regular meals.
Besides that, I have suddenly go cold-turkey over those sweet drinks eg Pokka green tea, H2O that I drink cos thirsty after I finished my bottle of plain water. FOR the past two days, I fill up 2 bottles of plain water instead of 1 and made unsugared green tea. Sometimes drink those sweet drinks cos plain water is too plain. So unsugared green tea is my answer. WILL STICK TO IT FOR MY WAISTLINE!!! The only soft drink I am drinking still is COKE Zero but also cutting down on that, trying to wheen myself off it.
IF I ever managed to lose that bloody 8kg and go back to my Uni days weight, I am NEVER ever going to complain about being FAT. If that was fat, then I am now a blob of fat... Signz, day 3 here I come.
Seems everyday is news from Wall Street
Just like I've mentioned my 2 losses,
I would want to celebrate a small win on hindsight. Effective 1st April onwards, the first $20k in ordinary account cannot be invested etc so it is locked in. Like many others, was considering whether to go ahead and invest up to the maximum before the ruling takes effect. In fact many did, in the various instruments.
I didnt in the end cos of a few reasons. First to invest the cpf for stocks, it meant going to one of the local bank to apply for a CPF-investment a/c. Then it takes a few days to process. Besides that one has to have a trading account with either POEMs or the various broking house. It meant settling up an account with them, linking one bank account to it, SGX account to hold your shares as they are scriptless and also linking your bank acc to share account to payment mode eg ATM, cheque.
K the Poems part, I set up long ago but didnt try to trade. The CPF part, I had to drag my ass out of the home early on a Sat morning to do it. I put it off as been very hectically busy during that March period. Then was still monitoring the share prices, and all are very high, in the range of $4-7 for those counters I was KIVing. So even if invest before the deadline, not getting much value as its too expensive, cant buy that many lots. So after the deadline, a few months later then I got about to finish the cpf-investment part. (I am not getting married soon or buying a house so shares is the one for me)
So where's the win? Well the decision NOT to invest then is good given the huge declines now. Looking back, across the board, those counters have lost in the region of $1-2k and some I was monitoring, even more $3-$5k (but didnt buy those cos they are TOOO expensive but I was just monitoring them) So now have used the same cpf amount to buy at some 40% and greater discount compared to the prices in the start of the year. BUT nobody knows if it will fall even more. Can only trust oneself to be prudent and try to monitor and make a good judgement.
My losses
My father is starting to go into the Sg market. Err me and my sister were 'burning' inside already being too impatient after more than 1 year and decided to jump in to buy 1 lot each to stay 'invested' and 'try waters' since we are relatively sheltered by father. Cos we buy and sell when he recommends and we buy his portfolio of stocks. So we wanted to foray outside the comfort zone and get 'dirty'. Indeed we got more than dirty, we were burning backside. Then later on, in July, I bought another lot cos I monitored the prices and it fell about $2 already. But now it has fallen more also. So that 2 decisions are my LOSSES.
As I've mentioned, my dad's going into the market and monitoring and buying. He and I had the same thought, that its cheap enough to buy one particular lot. So both went in without telling each other. I managed to buy 2 lots with cpf (cpf can hold longer term cos its not immediate money in bank account) but he didnt manage to get it even lower. Prices shot up $0.30 just before closing and remained above $2. Well both of us dunno if it will fall further but its an encouragement for me that my dad also felt it was a fair price to pay for that counter. Lemme keep trying.
An interesting (at least to me) phenomenon that my dad mentioned was the Election effect. Simply, the election is now stalling the market from falling further. In 27 more days, the US president election will end. Lemme see with my own eyes if it is true, that the market may fall even more then. Lemme practice more refrain and patience NOT to just jump in too quickly and burn (should have learnt my lesson...)
Just to put down some thoughts before I go sleep
I am not confident of passing but at least get it over and done with, so I dun have to do all these studying inbetween what time or energy I managed to gather. And due to hole-in-head theory, it meant I cant retain much, so already forgetting the stuff...
Signz have to get out of house earlier this coming Sat to stop pigging out at home due to boredom and maybe hole up somewhere to study. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Anyway Waraku soup pasta is very delicious. Its like pasta with a thick and tasty soup. Mine was Bacon with Veg. Its good to eat on a cold day or when one is feeling particularly cold and wanted something soupy. If there are more chances, will try out other flavours. Keep up with my policy of trying different dishes from the menu.
Also now the stock market is feeling the ripple-effects from the jitters in Wall Street. In a short span of 2 months, particularly this 2-3 weeks, there's been sharp drops from the moon back to the earth for the stock prices. Making huge losses in the 2 lots I bought much earlier this year. Nevermind, learn lessons and am going to hold longer-term. Anyway one of it is bought using CPF amount allocated for stocks, which is like 30% of the Oridinary acc.
I am not saying that the losses dont matter or what, even if its cpf. It just meant I had made a bad judgement. Also meant I have to be more careful and not use money like punters trying to win the jack pot. It meant I have to re-assess when is 'cheap' enough to enter the market. Obviously with hind-sight, I entered a bit too early despite my 1 year wait at the sidelines.
Now what matters is that stock prices are falling still. I am trying to gauge without really much of financial statements but with some understanding of some of their biz, the 'fair' value to pay for the stocks I am KIVing.
An interesting lesson is that at this juncture, how low could stock prices fall is really anyone's guess. I have to be patient yet careful to buy-in when I feel/judge a cheap buy is at. Its scary to buy then watch the value go down some more. Then you'll not be as confident cos you start to second-guess your decision and valuation (which is a good thing to make a better decision) but nobody can be completely certain. So basically I felt this cos I left an order for 2 lots via cpf the day before, yesterday and today. All below the current day's trading price, anticipating the fall in stock price for that counter. Today the order got filled and fell slightly than what I paid for.
"Aiya, if I had just waited a bit more, maybe I'll pay lesser? But what if, it falls even lower than that? Did I buy in too early? How much is it worth?"
A lot of second-guessing about your decision start arising. Guess its so partly cos of the uncertainty in the market and it is affecting investor sentiments. There was this damn rich guy in Sg who bought in to AIG when its share price tumbled after the cash flow problem. Later it recovered and he sold it off and earned 7million. He was in the news yesterday for donating 1million to Lee Kuan Yew's scholarship thingy. A risk or an opportunity? One has to decide and act upon your decision. Of course there are those who lost lots of money in the Lehman brother's bankruptcy. So take a calculated risk, stay away or do nothing. To each his own.
Now I still have some funds in cpf to use. Am going to monitor some more and if it falls lower, hope to pick up more and stretch the money (cos if each share even lower price, I can buy more lots with the same cpf funds)BUT it all remains to be seen how things play out.
Its anyone's guess cos my Dad did share with us before how he kept on buying a share when it was falling. He went in later when it has fallen quite a bit and bought and bought. It kept falling from $2 to $0.55. He bought until he had quite a significant no of shares. Then it stayed low for a while (meaning more than a year) and then when prices start to rise, he started to sell off to make gains. The issue is whether this will play out again and that if go in too early, get 'locked in' yet if had waited more, could buy-into more value cos each lot is cheaper. Also it meant your investable amount is locked in and you end up with less funds when dirt-cheap deals appear. Howeever, without the benefit of hindsight, one can never know if the decision to buy is going to go right (yield huge profits in very short term) or go wrong (get locked in for medium to long term)
Oh well, after some considerations, I will continue to see where are things heading and if the price hits my next targeted level, I may buy 1-2 lots or even 3 (provided low enough) See how lor. Still havent used much of cash (backup in case of dirt cheap price) Its a strategy I come up with based on my limited forray in the stock marktet and considering the amount of capital budgeted for investment. So far, I have quite big losses on the first 2 lots. Well it remains to be seen. I am so far okay with my decision. Its my first forray and first time trading through a recession-like bear market. See if I come out burnt or more experienced with some gains?
Monday, October 06, 2008
Finally something MORE exciting
It was kinda a long wait for the food but the wait was worth it cos the curry fish head is very nice, not overly hot but nyona style curry. We also ordered stir-fry brocoli and fried furong egg. For 3 pple, its filling. Finished almost everything.
Then we came back to the Dow Jones, falling 500+ points since the market opened for trading. My dad was kinda happy, though uncertain cos many Sg stocks start falling alot. He did buy some. He didnt encourage us to buy in yet cos there might still be more space for fall, which I agree. But as my sister told me today, one of the stock I was bioing, falling near $2.
The sian part was I bought in too early, making losses on the both lots I had. But still have funds to buy. I intend to use my CPF to buy another 2 lots. Put in an order, see if tom it will be filled but I priced it below $2. Hopefully this will lead to more panic selling. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Anyway there seems to be more downside in stall as more news come in. I am hopeing. Now just waiting, dun intend to use cash yet, use CPF first. More holding power. Then if things go lower, can then use cash after finish CPF.
Headed there near appointment time, found that the lab shifted so cannot do the scheduled test. It means have to wait and try to kill 2hrs. Though I have my jap book but try studying in the hospital? Its kinda unfriendly with few seats. No cafe in sight. Called home to tell mom, she told me to call the receptionist to see if they can forward the consultation.
Anyway I still had to see the doc cos I have to get an mc for this. Fuming, I sat down... tried studying the jap test but dunno how much can be retained. All and all after seeing the doc, collecting medicine and making my way home, its was almost 5pm.
Feeling ultra sian from all the drama today. SIAN! Played Oasis until its almost 9pm. Signz a beautiful day is gone.
Lemme now stop playing game and try to finish the rest of Jap so that I wont be so hecked up for time on workdays.
Yesterday was another busy affair. Went with family in late morning to fetch sister who came back from taiwan. After waiting a bit, incidentally the 5YueTian members were also onboard that plane, saw a bit of fangirls crowding around. They were here for the SuperBand 2 contest yesterday.
My sister arrived and after we put the luggage away, we hopped on the skytrain to T2, where I treat my family for my P******** Then we drove back, I was dropped in IMM to get my popular card. It was ready and I didnt want to run the errand again. I headed to the Popular wanting to get that Selly's Spa game but its not available. Went to Jurong east branch just next door to check it out. Its a new game, so not out yet. Instead I ended up buying 3 games - Cake Mania, Oasis, DinnerDash, since its buy 2 free 1.
Entertained myself by playing Cake Mania until very late. Inbetween watched Super Band 2. Later laid on the bed and studied a bit of Jap before falling asleep. Still wake a few times but slightly lesser than before.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Bored to my tears
Typical of my saturday, I was woken up kinda early by neighbourhood communtiy event noise... then I lazed around and looked at that stack of marking. Before I started, I was playing Loco Roco on PSP. Near noon, I ate then lazed around trying to sleep.
Did managed to sleep a bit, 2hrs then woke up. Resigned myself to marking. Finished more than half of the pile. 3 more piles to go. Lemme clear that tomorrow.
Then I was so bored from marking that I wanna head out. BUT nobody jio so sms pple instead. Had no idea what or where I wanted to go, just feel restless. But others couldnt make it, so I busied myself with trying to find the newspaper article showing places for buffet in spore, about 2-3 weeks back. Couldnt find it but I cut out some recommendations about Liang court, Cuppage road.
Resigned that I couldnt go out, I went online to play Yahoo games, since my Maple is not working.
1) Played Cake Mania 1- making cakes and serving customer
2) Played Cooking Dash - another version of Diner dash, it had so many many tasks... gotta serve doughnuts, smoothie, juice, western dishes, burger, sandwich... quite a handful.
Then headed out to pay bills which are overdue or almost overdue. Came back, continue to play.
3) Selly's spa - a fun game about managing spa biz. Think I am going to buy this game tomorrow when I go Popular to collect my membership card. Its simple, can upgrade, graphics are good, got stages.
4) Now trying out Cake Mania 3, see if got improvement from Cake Mania 1.
ALl these games can be downloaded and you can only play 1hr for free, then either buy or uninstall.
There goes 3hrs of my life. But at least I dun feel so restless now.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Just glad the day is over for now...
Woken up by a follow-up phone call by a prof, suddenly keeping in contact with me, even since I grad from NIE years back (my bond's almost over in slightly more than half a year) The catch, to attend some course, out of passion... Earlier I got sent an email regarding the details. Guess what, bad enough, its on a sat. Next it in Tab's area and if that's already not bad enough, its in the early morning time range. I must be siao to agree to it. Then call me so early in the morning, in the range of 8am+ to ask my response. I was lying in bed trying hard to sleep for another 30mins before I have to drag my sorry ass to work cos of a very tight deadline. I didnt exactly mince my words and wasnt very pleasant.
I rather stay at home and study my upcoming and very very soon jap test, which is my plan for this coming weekend. Its been really hectic, going for Jap class. I have to rush from workplace, travelling more than an hour on 2 modes of transport to reach the place, 1hr++ late, hungry and tired. Then by then, missed half the lesson, wreck my drained-brain to understand what is being taught. Not to mention, retention is almost nil. This is going to be a tough level to pass at my current stage.
Then I headed to work, bought stuff needed for work (pay thru own pocket) and then when I arrived, started doing up that tight deadline thing. Took more than an hour of non-stop to get it done up. By then, its time for lesson. Rushed for lesson. After that, went back to continue, hand it over and then rush off for more lessons. That took the rest of the day. Kinda heavy day since i have 8p. Tom is much much worse, 9p plus remedial. Am going to stone really bad for Krynnder's wedding discussion.
After work, and more than 1hr of travel, I reached home. Ate then head next door to return comics. Was kinda in a stone state, that after returning and borrowing. I just wanna lie down and sleep. Dunno if I have the energy to open the comics and read. Then reached home, bathed (smells good and feels clean using the Soap) and now online. I vaguely remember an interesting thought to blog about, that occurred to me while I went next door and walked around to reach the comic shop but that thought has now slipped my grasp. Cant seem to remember it now. Brain is on hiatus.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Miss the pills
The downside is, I have not been sleeping as well at night. One of the medicine I took at night, causes drowsiness. It meant after taking it and lying in bed, I would be knocked out until I wake up.
Now, I am waking up every 2-3hr intervals. Its irritating. Its like sleeping and then waking not knowing where you are, and the next thing, you checked the clock and you only slept for a short 2hrs. Then its kinda hard to go back to sleep but eventually it happens (esp if you wake up at 2am) and then only to shortly wake up near 8am, then sleep and wake at 11am.
Its a lazy day for me. I still have a piece of work that I am putting off until later tonight. It meant I woke and slept until 11am, went out to eat lunch. Later near 12.30pm, went back to sleep again, sleep and wake 2pm, 4pm.
Woke up hungry, cooked and ate Magee mee. Feeling restless cos like nothing to do. The irony is that I could watch tv (but dad is hogging), play PSP (dun have the patience to do that), go out (dun feel like going out, cos got work to do still and dunno where to go), online (nothing much to do online) and sleep (dunno whether I want to, since I've just eaten) and even study for upcoming Jap test (dun feel up to it) so that meant I have 'NOTHING' to do except stone and grow fat.
Holidays are kinda boring and restless but workdays are definitely tiring and busy. I would still take a boring and lazy day doing 'nothing' than a workday which starts tom again...