I wrote down the number of the music school, checked online for their next opening intake convenient for me and after work, called up to enquire about some finer details like group course fees, timing, individual class timing and fees.
In the end, I got myself an appointment to go 'assess' where I stand at least for playing of acoustic guitar and see whether, I could skip a bit of the beginner, cos the first level is really for beginners. So if I am not a beginner, I can skip a month or two, then join the class nearer the end and continue. Sounds good.
So today after dinner, I dug out my guitar (very very dusty) and took out my songs and started playing. Its been a very long while since I've played my guitar. Practiced the common chords, some barring and different ways of strumming and plucking (basically all those our senior, C, taught us so many years ago in University) plus a few I improvised for some songs.
After more than an hour, my fingers hurt that its affecting the pressing of the frets. Its time to stop for today. Tom I'll play a few more songs, then off to the school on Sat. Hope that it wont be another Yamaha fiasco. That bloody shit that put me off guitar or at least electric guitar for a while. Luckily I really like rock music and the guitar solos to want to pick it up eventually.
The hectic demands of work meant little time. BUT now after being more 'settled' in terms of finances and time (cos Jap moved to Wed) I wanna pick up the things that have been pushed aside to make way for work. Things like my waistline, my health, my interests. Though I still have to schedule it on a weekend. At least it wont be a boring weekend.
Think its a good start. Especially if there is no more fiasco, I will doggedly pursue this acousitic guitar playing for the next 1.5yrs or so. Then move on to electric guitar after graduating from the 3 levels.
In case you are wondering, who's Aoi? The one whom in the earlier post with Mash Game.
He's the rhythmn guitarist of the GazettE, a band that I've started listening to for about a year and more. What happened to Gackt? Well he stopped producing music for quite a long while and his recent songs are forgettable.
Its not only the looks, its the music and the talent. Oh well. Its my dream right, so I can choose who I like to admire. Yar like him for the guitar solos found in the band's songs. His is the pic I bring to get my J-rock like haircut. The only thing is that my hair is too straight naturally to recreate the look. The good thing is the style fits me well. More reason to like.
This pic is my current laptop AND psp wallpaper. Its a very nice pic.

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