Sunday, November 23, 2008

Guitaring, Stroking & Stoning

That kind of sums up what I did over the weekend.

Friday guitar class was kinda enjoyable. It brought back fond memories of C's guitar lessons during Uni days. The instructor is quite helpful, telling me about certain aspects and fingering during melody, answering my questions in a very easy to understand manner, which is great for a zombifed-after-work-mode which I will be in.

I somewhat can 'correct' certain wrong techniques accumulated along the way. Its kinda relaxed for the moment cos I have done those parts before, eg chord changing, playing bits of melody and plucking, so can pick up faster. My classmates face the inital challenge of the painful fingers, chord changing speed etc etc.

Saturday was spent sleeping. Was feeling very very stoned in the morning, played guitar until fingers ache then managed to sleep in the afternoon then headed to Suntec with Tab for the Anime fest. Its kinda empty in the sense of the booth displays. Luckily there are cosplayers who spice up the event. After that we headed to Ichiban boshi. Later met Quetzal for dinner at my Humble Home. Next time will try to eat dinner there instead. They only start around 6.30pm and I was hungry before then.

Quetzal came with this kitten problem. She had agreed to bring one of the two kittens found int the Esplanade home. So after dinner, all 3 of us had to baby-sit a box with 2 kittens inside. They were kinda scared and kept hissing (first time, I heard cats hissing) Then I fashioned a string like toy from my 2 rubber bands and a ribbon-like deco piece from my perfume. So used that to 'stroke' the kittens in the box. We sat along the river, being near enough to hear the outdoor performance. The kittens seem to calm down after a while, partly the stroking? partly the music, so they were aptly named Bossa and Nova.

Bossa is a black tiger-striped tabby cat. Its kinda fierce. It kept hissing. But it became quite docile after it was stroked by the make-shift stroker. Nova is a ginger cat that is more timid and didnt like the stroking. But its a more active kitten. It slept, walked about, stretched and even groomed itself while in the box. Bossa just laid in the corner. Then after more than an hour, we brought Nova out of the box. Its very easy to reassure with the stroking of its fur and its kinda curious. Kept walking over to try to escape over my thighs which were blocking its way. Quetzal and Tab were taking photos of it. It responded quite well to Quetzal's friends who came along later too.

Shortly after they came, Quetzal brought out Bossa. At first, it seemed calm enough but maybe cos didnt manage to stroke it a bit to calm it cos there were 2 kittens in the open, quite a handful. Suddenly it freaked. It tried to jump and dash off the seat and landed straight in my vest. My vest acted as a net and it got caught. It let out a mournful miao and we brought it back into the box where it calmed down. Guess it may like the darkness of the box, its more reassuring to a young kitten when its scared. So human.

After that we washed our hands from so much stroking of the cat and I used soap to wash a few scratches from both Bossa (its panic episode) and Nova (its curiousity which I ended up being its claw pillow...) But they are shallow so its okay. Then Quetzal and her friends settled upon ownership of the kittens, Bossa being kinda unpopular and Nova being both cuter, active and friendly. Its kinda sad for Bossa. It seemed to be a nice kitten except maybe it opens up slower than Nova. Both seem to take a bit to me, maybe cos I was the one stroking them for close to 2 hours... they better be... BUT I cant keep them cos my parents dont approve. Also my place is kinda small and cramped. If I live alone, maybe I will consider raising 2 kittens and my Shetland Sheepdog.

Sunday was spent stoning also. Woke up with the intention to go to the gym but was hungry so it got shelved. Ate then went online to try this game Gaiaonline, a game I was given a banner to during the Anime fest. Later I wanted to head to the nearby shopping mall but first I practiced my guitar a bit more with my sore fingers, then next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep. Woke up near 7pm and after dinner, headed to the mall, then now back online. The day is almost over. Feel slightly more rested after so much sleeping over the weekends. Think batteries still kinda flat at the moment.

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