Hmm nothing much else spectacular to update yet cos work has started and has drained my 'life'. I was refreshed after the trip, but one week of working has sucked me quite dry. I console myself that its only for a bit more.
This was a quote I heard over FM98.7 morning show, when Mr Young turns the big 30. "Its not the hours in your life but the life in your hours." Basically the other 2 DJs had a hella of a time teasing him and listing out 'things' to be done by 30.
Having my ears full of shrieks of "Hee hee" emitted by my sister every 10 to 30 mins. Yes, she's a MJ fan, and I must admit, I did like a few of his songs. She told me she was doing the 'moonwalk' to show her collegues and their reaction was mostly puke and eye-white.
I threatened to let my foot connect with her butt if she keeps it up... Then for the past 10 mins, kinda peaceful until the next mention of MJ... Signz.
Me, Tab and Quetzal are in a 'rockband', on I-touch. Its just more text based online game. We dont interefer with each other and the band is just a number thingy. You need more members to do more stuff but each play their own independant game.
My guitar evaluation is coming in 2 months, dont think its a public thingy. There are however time when the school is open for open performance. Nope, I am not performing.
My jap test is coming in 2 weeks, havent started. Then that's the end of level 5B and on to the last level 6 and JLPT 3 in the next term.
My current work deadline is this friday, and I have just only opened the attachment and amended 5% of the stuff. I have zilch motivation. Will attempt to do more as and when up until Thursday evening.
Why isnt it Friday already? I was saying that to my dad, when he asked to check what day it was.
I finally remembered Yingel's company name despite her telling me about Nth times. Geoky also didnt remember it and asked just now. She got the letter P correct. I dont even remember an alphabet. That's memory failing for ya.
The sturdy oak Tree has fallen and the aged Saru has left the land of the natto beans behind. What else awaits in the uncertain future?
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Highs and lows
Nope it's not about shares, it's this week. Having to work for 4 days instead of two sucks. Private sector friends would jeer but only those in the same line understand how intense one works. Transformer 2 is Great! I really like optimas prime's theme music, it sounds very noble. Reaching home then shortly after heading out is taxing cos very stoned from work liao, or feel the effects of late nites and early mornings. Or I am simply getting older. I have gone out everyday this week, mon to swim, tue, swim then meet tab, wed, jap and dinner, thur, movie and dinner, fri, guitar, sat, bartending at tab's place, sun, meeting jc friends for lunch. On top of that, have an urgent piece of wok, next week deadline but highly reluctant and too stoned to start yet.
Think partly is cos I reach home late via public transport. Travelling long hours do take a toll over time. Then i reach home near twelve mostly, go online to update shares etc, its easily one... Signz, I am going to take a nap, batteries flat.
Think partly is cos I reach home late via public transport. Travelling long hours do take a toll over time. Then i reach home near twelve mostly, go online to update shares etc, its easily one... Signz, I am going to take a nap, batteries flat.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A penny for your thoughts
This entry will be about the thoughts swirling in my head, and there's alot in there.
Again lapsing into thoughts, in recent times I find myself thinking about this thing called 'life'. Seriously what is our purpose?
I think my default view is still that there is NO reason at all. You didnt choose to be born nor aware. It just is. How sad and mundane that sounded.
Many a times, we are guilty of thinking that the world revolves around you and that your existence is important. BUT the truth is the world can still continue without you. Though your existence is important to family and friends.
Yet as I get older still, I still question life itself. True enough there is no one way to live a life, but many a times, we are guilty of taking the 'easy' path which is safe (maybe by other's perception) yet many a times we are unhapppy about the path. My dad did say something insightful when I told him of my quitting decision. He says that he wasnt happy also. Many who are employed are not happy. But they had to '忍' it, have to put up with it because of family commitments. True enough, the norm. Yet to someone like me, there is little commitment due to my singlehood. Of course I have a commitment to myself and also have to plan for many things for myself and family, but time and again, I wonder IF I am ready to take the next step?
To get married, eventually have kids and the whole thing that comes with that. With my current mentality, I am nowhere near that step, nor am I ready mentally to deal with the whole package. No reason to get into commitments from current nil commitment. Maybe if I find the right guy, I would be heading there. BUT for now, nowhere near there.
So what's the next thing to do? If I am stuck at this stage of life, what's there to do? Well with the impending joblessness and transformation into '9am to 5pm' infront of laptop for share trading and investing. Inbetween dividing time for Jap lessons, guitar lessons, exercise routine and even driving lessons, I think at least, I'll be a bit pressed for time initially as I try to slot all these stuff into timing that is not too taxing for me. Given the age and stuff, travelling about on public transport tires me. Also if too much mental stuff in one day, also taxing. At least that's my thoughts about it.
But then again, beside all these, is there more to life itself? Aside from these stages in life, what else constitutes living, not just breathing. I had a sudden thought that one shouldnt overchase the meaning of life, cos then one may lose out in the 'living' and experiencing part of life, which is the main part of life. Yar insightful.
Also there are parents whom wont be forever by your side... Thinking of that saddens me. So I hope in spite of my busier schedule, I can spend time with aged parents. That would mean days where I am contented to stay at home and be more involved. Staying under the same roof doesnt constitute family time. One could be in the room all day and hardly talk, and that time doesnt count for anything. Should be more involved like helping around with household chores, talking and chatting with parents, cooking and experimenting with new dishes like I always try to, even go for morning marketing or evening walks with mom, go out with dad to run his errands, help out if I can. Think that will be time well spent.
Certain aspects are more important to me now than just an income. Maybe I will regret this move, but then again, for me at this point in time, this is my truest desire and wish. So be it.
Again lapsing into thoughts, in recent times I find myself thinking about this thing called 'life'. Seriously what is our purpose?
I think my default view is still that there is NO reason at all. You didnt choose to be born nor aware. It just is. How sad and mundane that sounded.
Many a times, we are guilty of thinking that the world revolves around you and that your existence is important. BUT the truth is the world can still continue without you. Though your existence is important to family and friends.
Yet as I get older still, I still question life itself. True enough there is no one way to live a life, but many a times, we are guilty of taking the 'easy' path which is safe (maybe by other's perception) yet many a times we are unhapppy about the path. My dad did say something insightful when I told him of my quitting decision. He says that he wasnt happy also. Many who are employed are not happy. But they had to '忍' it, have to put up with it because of family commitments. True enough, the norm. Yet to someone like me, there is little commitment due to my singlehood. Of course I have a commitment to myself and also have to plan for many things for myself and family, but time and again, I wonder IF I am ready to take the next step?
To get married, eventually have kids and the whole thing that comes with that. With my current mentality, I am nowhere near that step, nor am I ready mentally to deal with the whole package. No reason to get into commitments from current nil commitment. Maybe if I find the right guy, I would be heading there. BUT for now, nowhere near there.
So what's the next thing to do? If I am stuck at this stage of life, what's there to do? Well with the impending joblessness and transformation into '9am to 5pm' infront of laptop for share trading and investing. Inbetween dividing time for Jap lessons, guitar lessons, exercise routine and even driving lessons, I think at least, I'll be a bit pressed for time initially as I try to slot all these stuff into timing that is not too taxing for me. Given the age and stuff, travelling about on public transport tires me. Also if too much mental stuff in one day, also taxing. At least that's my thoughts about it.
But then again, beside all these, is there more to life itself? Aside from these stages in life, what else constitutes living, not just breathing. I had a sudden thought that one shouldnt overchase the meaning of life, cos then one may lose out in the 'living' and experiencing part of life, which is the main part of life. Yar insightful.
Also there are parents whom wont be forever by your side... Thinking of that saddens me. So I hope in spite of my busier schedule, I can spend time with aged parents. That would mean days where I am contented to stay at home and be more involved. Staying under the same roof doesnt constitute family time. One could be in the room all day and hardly talk, and that time doesnt count for anything. Should be more involved like helping around with household chores, talking and chatting with parents, cooking and experimenting with new dishes like I always try to, even go for morning marketing or evening walks with mom, go out with dad to run his errands, help out if I can. Think that will be time well spent.
Certain aspects are more important to me now than just an income. Maybe I will regret this move, but then again, for me at this point in time, this is my truest desire and wish. So be it.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Another post courtesy of Uru.
This week so far, I went swimming twice liao. Cos Quetzal jio to watch movie on thurs. After today's late afternoon swim, I headed over to suntec to meet Tab for dinner. Had to go for work very reluctantly, but some crap cleared Liao. Just grateful it won't last long.
Having grilled Saba dinner. Tab mentioned that my unofficial facebook is quite happening? She showed me this comment 'supposedly' written by me,"... BFF :)..." brought shudders to my already cold self. Very cold indeed. I have to admit that my team of ghostwriters are doing a good job to make it 'interesting".
This week so far, I went swimming twice liao. Cos Quetzal jio to watch movie on thurs. After today's late afternoon swim, I headed over to suntec to meet Tab for dinner. Had to go for work very reluctantly, but some crap cleared Liao. Just grateful it won't last long.
Having grilled Saba dinner. Tab mentioned that my unofficial facebook is quite happening? She showed me this comment 'supposedly' written by me,"... BFF :)..." brought shudders to my already cold self. Very cold indeed. I have to admit that my team of ghostwriters are doing a good job to make it 'interesting".
Monday, June 22, 2009
Starting my fittness regime again
This time I hope to persists until weight loss to 62kg. I am now 68kg... *sianz*
But at least for today, Monday, I had gone swimming 12 laps. Found my stamina gone down a bit but after a few laps okay.
Think I will designate Monday, Thur and Sat as exercise days. Maybe Mon and Thur are swimming and Sat is either gym or swave-boarding. Yep at least swave boarding wont cost me much unless I fell and need to go see sinseh. Hope not. Then hope to see a slimmer self by end of the year.
I still wanna to get back into shape even though its getting harder to do so due to age and work. Before I reach 30, I should look my best!
Didnt have much time to look at stock market though I was tracking a bit around 4pm. Prices slight fall, not low enough to buy in, not high enough to sell. It is a stagnant point and the only thing is to wait and see. Now instead of being at the side-line, I am "invested", hence in for the roller-coaster ride.
The good thing is I have dividends coming in mid July from the malaysian share counter, almost RM$2k (S$825) that can help to add to my amount earned from shares. I am short about $9k in my personal reserve cos I diverted quite a bit to my share investment amount. I shall see how much I can save from my last salary, then top up the difference from the share investment account to make it $30k. Then I am set for almost 2 years money needs.
Some plans in the pipeline to study the share books more intensely, drawing my own point-and-figure charts, learn driving, go for JLPT 3 preparatory classes and also think and refine certain ideas for biz. Think I somewhat still have idealistic views about certain things. All these needs a bit of money esp driving but mainly time and energy, which would be in plentiful supply once I am free.
The good thing is that I am not playing much games anymore, I do play on the long bus and train rides home but once I reach home, occassionally. The game I am playing now is "Shares and my life". I dug up quite a few inspirational postcards I bought several years ago. They are still meaningful to me that I've laminated them to remind myself with words of wisdom that I am doing the right thing.
Lemme write a few.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward." (insightful)
"When the night seems to be its darkest, it means the sun will soon rise up. Press on... Dont give up."
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
and my all-time favourite
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." (really eptiomizes what I feel now)
But at least for today, Monday, I had gone swimming 12 laps. Found my stamina gone down a bit but after a few laps okay.
Think I will designate Monday, Thur and Sat as exercise days. Maybe Mon and Thur are swimming and Sat is either gym or swave-boarding. Yep at least swave boarding wont cost me much unless I fell and need to go see sinseh. Hope not. Then hope to see a slimmer self by end of the year.
I still wanna to get back into shape even though its getting harder to do so due to age and work. Before I reach 30, I should look my best!
Didnt have much time to look at stock market though I was tracking a bit around 4pm. Prices slight fall, not low enough to buy in, not high enough to sell. It is a stagnant point and the only thing is to wait and see. Now instead of being at the side-line, I am "invested", hence in for the roller-coaster ride.
The good thing is I have dividends coming in mid July from the malaysian share counter, almost RM$2k (S$825) that can help to add to my amount earned from shares. I am short about $9k in my personal reserve cos I diverted quite a bit to my share investment amount. I shall see how much I can save from my last salary, then top up the difference from the share investment account to make it $30k. Then I am set for almost 2 years money needs.
Some plans in the pipeline to study the share books more intensely, drawing my own point-and-figure charts, learn driving, go for JLPT 3 preparatory classes and also think and refine certain ideas for biz. Think I somewhat still have idealistic views about certain things. All these needs a bit of money esp driving but mainly time and energy, which would be in plentiful supply once I am free.
The good thing is that I am not playing much games anymore, I do play on the long bus and train rides home but once I reach home, occassionally. The game I am playing now is "Shares and my life". I dug up quite a few inspirational postcards I bought several years ago. They are still meaningful to me that I've laminated them to remind myself with words of wisdom that I am doing the right thing.
Lemme write a few.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward." (insightful)
"When the night seems to be its darkest, it means the sun will soon rise up. Press on... Dont give up."
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
and my all-time favourite
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." (really eptiomizes what I feel now)
My dad didn't take it badly, but is advising me to wait til the end of the year. Go for driving, go learn stocks while still working. I know he means well but can I take it?
I don't think I have it in me to wait until then. I think he is considering the possible disruption to my students, that is something I have also considered earlier BUT when I give a damn about them and even sacrifice, who gives a damn about me? Definitely not mgt, not so much collegues. Parents and students would be thankful but is it of anything to me? This reminds me of the decision to persist in the internship at shitty bank despite all the crap I had endured out of my own sense of personal responsibility and loyalty. Look where that got me? Tired, jaded, negativism, burnout, all these just so I can say to myself "I didn't give up halfway, I finished the job, then leave at the convenient end" even though I really suffered to finally reach the "end" to leave without creating a "hole".
If there is one thing I have really learnt from that, is many a times, pple don't give a damn. You may think they do, or they even appear to let you think they do, most don't give a damn unless your 'move' impacts their plans. Otherwise they think you will just guai guai take all the crap they shove you. Even then if you find a 'convenient' time to move on so as to minimise disruption, nobody will be grateful that you have pushed your plans back instead, endured even more crap for a longer time, shoved with even more shit for the extended period. No one gives a damn save for family and true friends. In fact they would be happy that you chose such a convenient time for them to find someone to replace you so easily. So I wanna ask, "Is this worth staying on until the convenient end?"
I seriously don't wanna wait, even if it is reasonable to do. My lesson in shitty bank has taught me that. I personally have to drag myself and already endured until the bond is over. I am through enduring and waiting for the end. Let me choose my own 'end' given I had endured so long for it. Let someone else who can endure this crap continue in my steed. For those directly affected, my apologies, and my word to do a good job until then, for those who are 'inconvenienced' by my decision, sorry I don't give a damn. It's high time I start giving a damn about myself, my own feelings and happiness, my own health.
My mind and heart are set. Just as one door closes, another opens. If not, open one path by yourself with your bare hands and ability! Life is not always about taking the straight and safe path inspire of being very unhappy. At my age, I can finally take my OWN path, no more bonds to fulfill, no more constraints except the running out of youth part. Just as I have finally made some money from shares, I strongly believe I can work to make it better, biz plans and ideas, I have some ideas and need the time and energy to refine. Maybe I will fail, bit what's the worst? That I re-join, go back to Msia, lose some money in stocks, use up my personal reserve? What's the big deal? If go back to msia, the money can last doubly longer. I don't believe I can't do anything, without this job? Maybe the re-employment part would be a problem, furthering studies could be a longer term answer.
For now there are many things on my mind, some ST, some LT, anxieties and problems to think about. Uncertainties loom and I can't say for certain where or what I will end up at? But let them come, I am sick of this sinking ship, I am moving on.
I don't think I have it in me to wait until then. I think he is considering the possible disruption to my students, that is something I have also considered earlier BUT when I give a damn about them and even sacrifice, who gives a damn about me? Definitely not mgt, not so much collegues. Parents and students would be thankful but is it of anything to me? This reminds me of the decision to persist in the internship at shitty bank despite all the crap I had endured out of my own sense of personal responsibility and loyalty. Look where that got me? Tired, jaded, negativism, burnout, all these just so I can say to myself "I didn't give up halfway, I finished the job, then leave at the convenient end" even though I really suffered to finally reach the "end" to leave without creating a "hole".
If there is one thing I have really learnt from that, is many a times, pple don't give a damn. You may think they do, or they even appear to let you think they do, most don't give a damn unless your 'move' impacts their plans. Otherwise they think you will just guai guai take all the crap they shove you. Even then if you find a 'convenient' time to move on so as to minimise disruption, nobody will be grateful that you have pushed your plans back instead, endured even more crap for a longer time, shoved with even more shit for the extended period. No one gives a damn save for family and true friends. In fact they would be happy that you chose such a convenient time for them to find someone to replace you so easily. So I wanna ask, "Is this worth staying on until the convenient end?"
I seriously don't wanna wait, even if it is reasonable to do. My lesson in shitty bank has taught me that. I personally have to drag myself and already endured until the bond is over. I am through enduring and waiting for the end. Let me choose my own 'end' given I had endured so long for it. Let someone else who can endure this crap continue in my steed. For those directly affected, my apologies, and my word to do a good job until then, for those who are 'inconvenienced' by my decision, sorry I don't give a damn. It's high time I start giving a damn about myself, my own feelings and happiness, my own health.
My mind and heart are set. Just as one door closes, another opens. If not, open one path by yourself with your bare hands and ability! Life is not always about taking the straight and safe path inspire of being very unhappy. At my age, I can finally take my OWN path, no more bonds to fulfill, no more constraints except the running out of youth part. Just as I have finally made some money from shares, I strongly believe I can work to make it better, biz plans and ideas, I have some ideas and need the time and energy to refine. Maybe I will fail, bit what's the worst? That I re-join, go back to Msia, lose some money in stocks, use up my personal reserve? What's the big deal? If go back to msia, the money can last doubly longer. I don't believe I can't do anything, without this job? Maybe the re-employment part would be a problem, furthering studies could be a longer term answer.
For now there are many things on my mind, some ST, some LT, anxieties and problems to think about. Uncertainties loom and I can't say for certain where or what I will end up at? But let them come, I am sick of this sinking ship, I am moving on.
I still haven't told my dad, would be doing that on another 10 mins time
I still haven't told my dad of my decision to quit cos the opportunity didn't present itself until now. My mind is already made up and my heart has already flown away, the passion and interest are waiverinf, almost non exisitent.
Am going to tell him as a form of respect, and hope that my reasons are somewhat understood. I do not know how this will play out. Hope to come out on speaking terms. Okay let's do this.
Am going to tell him as a form of respect, and hope that my reasons are somewhat understood. I do not know how this will play out. Hope to come out on speaking terms. Okay let's do this.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fat again...
I tidied up my table and some parts of the room, clearing the shelves, clothes and some stuff. Still have about another 40% to go, cos I still have dvds and games to sort through, more organizing of the shelves to make productive use of the space freed up.
I chanced upon my pictures, old and new that I had chucked at a shelf cos I didnt want to lose them nor did I have the 'luxury' to organize them. Finally I did. I used my newly bought laminator to laminate some of Tab's old drawings for me, my bdae card and life at shitty bank days, old graduation photos, both at NUS and NIE, even recent photos from friends' wedding attended.
I couldnt help but noticed how I have ballooned. The most obvious being the face is rounder compared to earlier Uni days of a sharper jawline. I think looking through my photos, I looked the best just after graduation, liked my dyed hair, longer hair and slimmer self.
BUT that period of time after graduation was a shitty point of my life, the bond and constraints of finance. Finally I am free of the bond and finances are much better. Though I would say, my weight was the trade-off.
So I laminated my fatter photos and my slimmer photos and put them on my table top to remind myself to work towards that slimmer self. I give myself another 1.5years to work towards that cos the weight wasnt gained in a few short months but over at least 5 years gradually.
Hope in next week, I will push myself to go swimming and exercising again as a routine. I was kinda short of time this week, having go out many nights and also proscrasinating about work that led me to keep deferring opening up the files to get started, so I had been doing that all Saturday and most of today. Didnt leave time left for exercise...
Signz I cant wait to be free.
I chanced upon my pictures, old and new that I had chucked at a shelf cos I didnt want to lose them nor did I have the 'luxury' to organize them. Finally I did. I used my newly bought laminator to laminate some of Tab's old drawings for me, my bdae card and life at shitty bank days, old graduation photos, both at NUS and NIE, even recent photos from friends' wedding attended.
I couldnt help but noticed how I have ballooned. The most obvious being the face is rounder compared to earlier Uni days of a sharper jawline. I think looking through my photos, I looked the best just after graduation, liked my dyed hair, longer hair and slimmer self.
BUT that period of time after graduation was a shitty point of my life, the bond and constraints of finance. Finally I am free of the bond and finances are much better. Though I would say, my weight was the trade-off.
So I laminated my fatter photos and my slimmer photos and put them on my table top to remind myself to work towards that slimmer self. I give myself another 1.5years to work towards that cos the weight wasnt gained in a few short months but over at least 5 years gradually.
Hope in next week, I will push myself to go swimming and exercising again as a routine. I was kinda short of time this week, having go out many nights and also proscrasinating about work that led me to keep deferring opening up the files to get started, so I had been doing that all Saturday and most of today. Didnt leave time left for exercise...
Signz I cant wait to be free.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Part 2
Before I start, I am seriously feeling sian. Cos I still have 3 pieces of work to do, which I have completely ignored until now. Also dont intend to start today or tom. Maybe kick myself to do it on Sat. The next week would have to go back. Ultra sian. Then today supposed to go swimming around 7pm but I am feeling the heat, the laziness, the sianness and am reluctant to leave home. The irony of "exercising more during holidays".
Anyway I put back on the weight that I had lost... Why is it that every time I go for a holiday, I am at my fattest... Then I can lose the weight after but just before another holiday, I put them right back on. Is this the holiday effect?
Part 2
The next morning, our final stay at HK, I woke up again near 8.15am and got ready but didnt change into my wet suit (lemme clarify, its not a swimming costume, its a wet suit that covers up to the elbow and thighs) I went up to the swimming pool on the roof floor of the hotel to see the signage "Pool closed due to thunderstorm alert" Sian. Went back to hotel room and continued sleeping until around 10am, when we all woke up and packed.
We checked out and walked down to the Lun Dun Tian Xin. FH was wearing his "Big (Cock) t-shirt. We had a lot of jokes about him going to Macau and acting all manly, yet put a small bet of 5HKD, a whole series of bad jokes in the hotel room.
Along the way, we had passed by a newspaper stand that sold p*rn magazines displayed openly. I decided to get for my sister but didnt stop to buy yesterday, thinking that I could do that later. FH was buying for Wil as present. As Candle asked, "Which is worse? Buying p*rn for your friend or buying p*rn for your sister?" Err dunno. We tried to find it by stopping at the 2nd station. Yesterday we had walked the total distance of 3 MTR stops to reach Langham. It was along the way but we didnt remember where exactly. We did passed by many bookshops and news vendors but none of them stocked as much if any.
Hence we went on ahead to eat brunch first. Dian Xin brunch of siew mai, chicken feet, glutinous rice, char siew bao, carrot cake, pai gu, and some more. Am reminded again of the "Siew Mai, Ha Gao and Lo Ma Kai" bad joke. But okay. Then we headed to Nu Ren Jie to take a look. I ended up buying 12 key chains at one go, FH bought t-shirts at $20 each. Still pricey given that its supposed to be a pasar malam style thingy. Didnt feel like buying other stuff. Along the way we retraced the steps back to the hotel, headed into book shops for my books and finally found the stall. I looked through the covers and had a hard time finding someone whom I think my sister would like. Then unknowingly FH took a photo of me searching through, with Candle behind pointing. OMG! My crime is caught on photo and immortalized (10 years later, I can look back at myself and laugh. Maybe by then buying p*rn dvds liao. LOL!) The vendor came to "recommend" some books, both FH and I bought 2 books each. With help of Candle too. That was $30. Another 'epic' to add on to my legacy... >_>
Headed back to the hotel to collect the bags and we headed to the Ferry terminal to catch a ride. The ride over cost 133HKD => $27 and was rather uneventful, except the bumpy ride over the waters reminded me again, why I didnt like to travel much in boats or planes. The bumpiness caused me to be a bit nauseous so I closed my eyes and rest throughout the 1hr plus ride. There was a large group of japanese tourists and I could understand the instruction their guide was giving them just before we arrived about the passport and travel documents (I must admit, my listening is still way way better than my speaking. Not much opportunties to practice speech plus I cant seem to retain the things learnt once lesson ends. Lack of revision also contributed to that. I must say I am more dilligent in practising for guitar than jap. That should change when I have more time on my hands plus signing up for JLPT 3 preparatory class)
We arrived at the Wynn hotel via the shuttle bus service. When we entered the room, I must say I am very impressed. The room is very spacious indeed, putting our previous hotel to shame. Even compared to the 5 star at KL, this room is much bigger, with very very soft beds (OMG, that's the best bed I had laid in so far) and very very spacious toilet. The toilet itself is seriously large enough to be a small hotel room. It has a tub, with two sinks, dressing table, furnished with stuff to use, a tv, then separate cubicles for toilet and shower.
Then after we unpacked and relaxed in the room, dunno why, we dug out the p*rn books. Candle took pics of the book with own-made signage about who the books were intended for. I was peering at some pages from both the male p*rn and female p*rn. Didnt look through thoroughly. Then Candle asked, "Why are the part of the male so spikey like a porcupine?"
Signz, I should have kept my mouth shut but didnt. Instead I answered her about how g*y men tend to keep their bodies hairless but doesnt mean they dont keep some hair there... And Candle captured that dialogue in video in her camera!!! OMG!!! I was inside flipping through the p*rn and answering her question. FH was looking on. Another incriminating video (this trip is like a sin spree for me, first I buy p*rn, then I look at p*rn, drank beer and gambled, all in all commiting so many of the sins)
We bathed and headed out for dinner. I put on the newly bought brown top. The thing is that it has a rather low V-shape. But still okay if I dont purposely bend down over. Candle commented that I looked sexy, to which I gave her a look as though she had said something obscenely wrong to me. Err she was going on about having things to show blah blah and how I should be proud of them blah blah (err I still dont think highly of them cos the inconveniences they cause are still more than whatever asthetic perception of them) Then FH said "You look sexy." *sweat drops* >_> (Must be I dress up in T-shirt too much that when I change into stuff, impact bigger plus the low V-neck, nevermind that. BUT I look fat in the pictures especially the flabby arms. Need to go train them up)Then we were camera whoring with taking photos. We headed out to a Portuguese canto restaurant. I ate the soup with bread. The kelp soup is good and goes well with the fresh baked bread and butter. Then the seafood rice was alot... It was meant for 3 pple? I managed to eat most of it. A bit too sea food tasting but was better eaten with baked potatoe and some pepper. Then ordered their hot-favourite milk cream with biscuit crumbs. That was very good. Light tasting, cool and very soft yet wont melt.
After dinner, we headed to the Venetian, walked through the halls, the numerous branded goods shopping part and the casino. I was impressed with the size of the building and some of the architecture. It was like being out of the country to elsewhere. Though the gondola was rather unimpressive cos their singing though okay, had echo due to the indoor nature. There is this part where the ceiling is painted as the evening skies. The give-away are the numerous pockedmark signs of sprinkle system that is visible when you look up at the 'sky'. Think this place is too expensive for my liking. All branded. Some familiar, some different. Prices exorbitant. The Venetian is more classy. The feel of the architecture, lighting and theme.
Then we walked outside and crossed to the City of Dreams, Hard Rock Hotel. According to FH, that's the newest place built. While we passed by travelling by cabs, there were still many casino resorts being built, in various stages of construction. The City of Dreams feels like a more modern place. It has more 'cheaper' looking places to eat and drink. We didnt check out the shoppping part but headed to the casino. The casino has a very Hard Rock Cafe style. You have cars displayed, motorbikes, the music and lighting are rock inspired. Then there were many funky guitars, hanging around for display. I asked Candle to take pics of me standing there with the cooler ones. I saw an escalator that had drum sets decorating the sides. Impressive, at least more modern, western rock and roll.
Next we headed back to Wynn (saw the music fountain display) and walked over to Libosa Casino which according to FH is one of the oldest and the style is very HongKong, traditional. It turned out to be very very old Chinese. Kinda plain. We headed over to the sister casino and it has lots of huge antiques and large Chinese art pieces displayed in the lobby. The layout is okay, very chinese. Then the additional feature is that it had a stage where 'flamingo girls' perform. The style is more Bossa Nova. There is singing and dancing and the girls had very very good figure, and very scantily claded but vital spots still covered. Eye candy for guys, envy for girls. The whole casino is shaped like a golden vase, inside they had this huge crystal egg shaped thing. FH claimed that that egg shape is his ball and the entire building is the size of his ego. Another bad joke.
By then after so much walking around in my court shoes, my small toes on both legs were killing me. We managed to buy water and headed back to Wynn (and saw the dragon performance. The impressive part is not the dragon but the ceiling opening up and then later on closing so smoothly) We went up, showered and came down to the casino. Its slightly better cos they had actually set up sections. Its like walking through sections with different minimum bet amounts. I changed 350HKD =$70. I tried my hand at black jack. First round, lost 100HKD =>$20. Went over after walking around to roulette with lowest bet of 25HKD, after 2 rounds, lost all. The total time spent in the casino looking was 2 hours, the actual gambling time was 5 mnutes. 5 minutes to lose $70. Ouch! I learnt my lesson. Think I am not cut out to be a gambler. Luckily I am rational and feel that I cant win back what I've lost and dont feel compelled to play more. I rather prefer my stock bets than gambling, cos of my confidence, my experience. Though the amount I lost at the casino pales in comparison to my stock trades amount, I dont think I want to gamble again this way. BTW we didnt find the side door, and all went through the front one with metal detector. All of us lost. FH $100, Me $70 and Candle $35. Though both of them were luckier as in they did win in a couple of bets but I was the only one who lost all my 3 bets. Their feng shui is damn powerful lor (I was telling the sinseh yesterday after I came back, he said the Macau ones are very powerful cos they believe in it feverently)
Nevermind, $70 to learn a lesson to last my lifetime is cheap. I wont be going into the SG IR when they open. Been there, done that (I did buy a keychain from the airport that looks and feels like the 25HK casino chip for myself, to remind me of this lesson. Plus its green too, should put on my new green bag)
Headed upstairs and showered again to get rid of the cigarette smell in the hair and clothes. Slept very late past 2am.
The next day, woke up near 9am to resolutely head for a swim. Though it rained a bit, the swimming pool wasnt closed (its on the ground floor and there were numerous buildings around that were bloody tall, so little chance of lightning strike) Finally could use the wet suit and goggles I had brought all the way and tried unsuccessfully to swim in. FH also swam. Candle tagged along to take pictures. The service is impressive. It was raining so there were aunties whom used the umbrella to ferry us to the changing rooms, with lockers and shower facilities. Came out and went in. The water was BLOODY COLD, the coldest water I had gone into. Pity FH who had only a pair of trunks, while I had a wet suit covering up to just before the elbows and knees. So I felt the cold slightly lesser. We swam the very short pool. About 13-15 strokes, reached from one end to the other. I reckon its about 1/3 the length of a proper swimming pool. So did 40 laps. FH was a better swimmer, using free and breast stroke, I only did breast stroke cos that's the only one I could swim well in. He offered to teach free style but I told him mine was the "drowning" free style, end up drinking water one.
After that we headed to the jacuzzi next to the changing room. (The true verion of the story is here, instead of Tab's abridged version) It looked enticing cos of the bloody cold waters that we just swam in, plus the waters were swirling around with steam coming out. We headed in and there were strong jets of water inside the jacuzzi. Good massage for my sore little toes. Too bad the jets of water were not placed higher to reach my sore, stiff neck. They were aimed at the back and the legs. Later FH went for a quick dip in the cold water, whereas I stayed on and "massaged" more. Then headed for a quick shower before heading back to the room. We were very lucky. When we came, it was slight drizzling then the rain cleared for the rest of the swim. Up until we came out of the changing room, then it was suddenly raining very heavily.
We headed up to the room to find Candle changed and ready to go. I lazed around on my soft bed that is not that well utilized by me cos I slept in it so little hours >_< We ate our brunch at the HK restaurant inside the casino section. Good food, though again >$30 The wonton and soup is good, not a tragic story, it has a happy ending. The duck pancake is good (I ordered cos I had never eaten Peking duck. FH told me that Peking duck is almost the same except this had a bit more meat) the salted fish fried rice is good, the Yang Zhi Gan Lu is very good too. After that we headed back to check out. Didnt have much time to look around the city area cos of the 2hour earlier check-in for our flight.
We headed there only to find that the flight was delayed from 3.45pm to 4.25pm. Which later delayed further to 5.25pm. I was kinda sleepy by then. Think the late hours plus early waking up to swim everyday and the actual swim took its toll. After buying my chip keychain, we sat at the cafe and later I fell asleep at the waiting area. Got on and I was dozing. Woke up thirsty and ordered a coke to drink with my hidden crossont.
Reached airport and I bought $185 worth of alcohol using all 3 passports. A Contrieu ordered by my mom, a Cockburn Port for my dad, a Jack Daniel for my bro (whom finished his rather quickly) and its nice to mix with root beer, a Chivas for my collection (which all that I am doing is buy buy buy, havent drink drink drink and no room to display. IF I ever have my own place, will definitely have a bar counter to display. What I have now is a huge plastic container to store all my alcohol, with the newly bought shot glasses and the lottery shot glass game set with my 500 cocktail book) The only thing I drink are the beers. Yar bought 3 different beer, a Tiger classic, Guiness draught, one more I forgot, something I hadnt drank before. That's all the alcohol quota saved for 2 more wines which I didnt know what to get, so didnt use. FH and Candle waited patiently while I made the purchase and we got on separate cabs to head home. The cab fare is $25 for me due to the distance. But given my 3 bags of luggage and 3 bags of alcohol, think its okay.
Overall the HK and Macau trip is short but enjoyable. Its a very different culture and set of experience compared to Bangkok. Thankfully nothing much else to shop in Macau due to the branded stuff there in all the casino resorts. BUT both places are expensive, in fact more expensive than SG in more ways than one. I feel the pinch due to the higher amount of money I changed. Changed $750 or 3750HKD and spent until last 10HKD note. Scary. The rest of hotel and flight $700 is normal I guess and the alcohol is expected since I had bought so much. Hmm... think FH makes a good guide. I feel that I have seen and experienced most of what is to be offered, maybe save for the Disney, some cultural and historical aspect. But in terms of trying out stuff, trying out their local food fare, going to the more popular of places, did have a number of experiences.
Due to the fact I had spent SO MUCH, I will try to hibernate at home to save money. Though I already met up with Tab and bought 3 storybooks and a CD and dinner after jap for $50. Tom I be eating buffet sushi at Suki sushi, that's another expenditure. Hmm... I try to cut from other aspects.
Stock market is in the downs, sort of a correction. So my 'punt' didnt work and I will have to pay to convert the nil rights to shares. I will put those into ST portfolio. Think they will have a unit payout somewhere in August, if I remember correct from the annual report. See how. For now, I am sitting on some paper losses for my cash portfolio due to the prices going down. Since I dont need money immediately, I can hold and wait to see how things play out. UIC acutally went up to $1.91 then now closed near $1.82 earlier this week but I was out of the country then so nevermind, not a big enough gain for me also. Just invested and have to go-with-the-ride.
Anyway I put back on the weight that I had lost... Why is it that every time I go for a holiday, I am at my fattest... Then I can lose the weight after but just before another holiday, I put them right back on. Is this the holiday effect?
Part 2
The next morning, our final stay at HK, I woke up again near 8.15am and got ready but didnt change into my wet suit (lemme clarify, its not a swimming costume, its a wet suit that covers up to the elbow and thighs) I went up to the swimming pool on the roof floor of the hotel to see the signage "Pool closed due to thunderstorm alert" Sian. Went back to hotel room and continued sleeping until around 10am, when we all woke up and packed.
We checked out and walked down to the Lun Dun Tian Xin. FH was wearing his "Big (Cock) t-shirt. We had a lot of jokes about him going to Macau and acting all manly, yet put a small bet of 5HKD, a whole series of bad jokes in the hotel room.
Along the way, we had passed by a newspaper stand that sold p*rn magazines displayed openly. I decided to get for my sister but didnt stop to buy yesterday, thinking that I could do that later. FH was buying for Wil as present. As Candle asked, "Which is worse? Buying p*rn for your friend or buying p*rn for your sister?" Err dunno. We tried to find it by stopping at the 2nd station. Yesterday we had walked the total distance of 3 MTR stops to reach Langham. It was along the way but we didnt remember where exactly. We did passed by many bookshops and news vendors but none of them stocked as much if any.
Hence we went on ahead to eat brunch first. Dian Xin brunch of siew mai, chicken feet, glutinous rice, char siew bao, carrot cake, pai gu, and some more. Am reminded again of the "Siew Mai, Ha Gao and Lo Ma Kai" bad joke. But okay. Then we headed to Nu Ren Jie to take a look. I ended up buying 12 key chains at one go, FH bought t-shirts at $20 each. Still pricey given that its supposed to be a pasar malam style thingy. Didnt feel like buying other stuff. Along the way we retraced the steps back to the hotel, headed into book shops for my books and finally found the stall. I looked through the covers and had a hard time finding someone whom I think my sister would like. Then unknowingly FH took a photo of me searching through, with Candle behind pointing. OMG! My crime is caught on photo and immortalized (10 years later, I can look back at myself and laugh. Maybe by then buying p*rn dvds liao. LOL!) The vendor came to "recommend" some books, both FH and I bought 2 books each. With help of Candle too. That was $30. Another 'epic' to add on to my legacy... >_>
Headed back to the hotel to collect the bags and we headed to the Ferry terminal to catch a ride. The ride over cost 133HKD => $27 and was rather uneventful, except the bumpy ride over the waters reminded me again, why I didnt like to travel much in boats or planes. The bumpiness caused me to be a bit nauseous so I closed my eyes and rest throughout the 1hr plus ride. There was a large group of japanese tourists and I could understand the instruction their guide was giving them just before we arrived about the passport and travel documents (I must admit, my listening is still way way better than my speaking. Not much opportunties to practice speech plus I cant seem to retain the things learnt once lesson ends. Lack of revision also contributed to that. I must say I am more dilligent in practising for guitar than jap. That should change when I have more time on my hands plus signing up for JLPT 3 preparatory class)
We arrived at the Wynn hotel via the shuttle bus service. When we entered the room, I must say I am very impressed. The room is very spacious indeed, putting our previous hotel to shame. Even compared to the 5 star at KL, this room is much bigger, with very very soft beds (OMG, that's the best bed I had laid in so far) and very very spacious toilet. The toilet itself is seriously large enough to be a small hotel room. It has a tub, with two sinks, dressing table, furnished with stuff to use, a tv, then separate cubicles for toilet and shower.
Then after we unpacked and relaxed in the room, dunno why, we dug out the p*rn books. Candle took pics of the book with own-made signage about who the books were intended for. I was peering at some pages from both the male p*rn and female p*rn. Didnt look through thoroughly. Then Candle asked, "Why are the part of the male so spikey like a porcupine?"
Signz, I should have kept my mouth shut but didnt. Instead I answered her about how g*y men tend to keep their bodies hairless but doesnt mean they dont keep some hair there... And Candle captured that dialogue in video in her camera!!! OMG!!! I was inside flipping through the p*rn and answering her question. FH was looking on. Another incriminating video (this trip is like a sin spree for me, first I buy p*rn, then I look at p*rn, drank beer and gambled, all in all commiting so many of the sins)
We bathed and headed out for dinner. I put on the newly bought brown top. The thing is that it has a rather low V-shape. But still okay if I dont purposely bend down over. Candle commented that I looked sexy, to which I gave her a look as though she had said something obscenely wrong to me. Err she was going on about having things to show blah blah and how I should be proud of them blah blah (err I still dont think highly of them cos the inconveniences they cause are still more than whatever asthetic perception of them) Then FH said "You look sexy." *sweat drops* >_> (Must be I dress up in T-shirt too much that when I change into stuff, impact bigger plus the low V-neck, nevermind that. BUT I look fat in the pictures especially the flabby arms. Need to go train them up)Then we were camera whoring with taking photos. We headed out to a Portuguese canto restaurant. I ate the soup with bread. The kelp soup is good and goes well with the fresh baked bread and butter. Then the seafood rice was alot... It was meant for 3 pple? I managed to eat most of it. A bit too sea food tasting but was better eaten with baked potatoe and some pepper. Then ordered their hot-favourite milk cream with biscuit crumbs. That was very good. Light tasting, cool and very soft yet wont melt.
After dinner, we headed to the Venetian, walked through the halls, the numerous branded goods shopping part and the casino. I was impressed with the size of the building and some of the architecture. It was like being out of the country to elsewhere. Though the gondola was rather unimpressive cos their singing though okay, had echo due to the indoor nature. There is this part where the ceiling is painted as the evening skies. The give-away are the numerous pockedmark signs of sprinkle system that is visible when you look up at the 'sky'. Think this place is too expensive for my liking. All branded. Some familiar, some different. Prices exorbitant. The Venetian is more classy. The feel of the architecture, lighting and theme.
Then we walked outside and crossed to the City of Dreams, Hard Rock Hotel. According to FH, that's the newest place built. While we passed by travelling by cabs, there were still many casino resorts being built, in various stages of construction. The City of Dreams feels like a more modern place. It has more 'cheaper' looking places to eat and drink. We didnt check out the shoppping part but headed to the casino. The casino has a very Hard Rock Cafe style. You have cars displayed, motorbikes, the music and lighting are rock inspired. Then there were many funky guitars, hanging around for display. I asked Candle to take pics of me standing there with the cooler ones. I saw an escalator that had drum sets decorating the sides. Impressive, at least more modern, western rock and roll.
Next we headed back to Wynn (saw the music fountain display) and walked over to Libosa Casino which according to FH is one of the oldest and the style is very HongKong, traditional. It turned out to be very very old Chinese. Kinda plain. We headed over to the sister casino and it has lots of huge antiques and large Chinese art pieces displayed in the lobby. The layout is okay, very chinese. Then the additional feature is that it had a stage where 'flamingo girls' perform. The style is more Bossa Nova. There is singing and dancing and the girls had very very good figure, and very scantily claded but vital spots still covered. Eye candy for guys, envy for girls. The whole casino is shaped like a golden vase, inside they had this huge crystal egg shaped thing. FH claimed that that egg shape is his ball and the entire building is the size of his ego. Another bad joke.
By then after so much walking around in my court shoes, my small toes on both legs were killing me. We managed to buy water and headed back to Wynn (and saw the dragon performance. The impressive part is not the dragon but the ceiling opening up and then later on closing so smoothly) We went up, showered and came down to the casino. Its slightly better cos they had actually set up sections. Its like walking through sections with different minimum bet amounts. I changed 350HKD =$70. I tried my hand at black jack. First round, lost 100HKD =>$20. Went over after walking around to roulette with lowest bet of 25HKD, after 2 rounds, lost all. The total time spent in the casino looking was 2 hours, the actual gambling time was 5 mnutes. 5 minutes to lose $70. Ouch! I learnt my lesson. Think I am not cut out to be a gambler. Luckily I am rational and feel that I cant win back what I've lost and dont feel compelled to play more. I rather prefer my stock bets than gambling, cos of my confidence, my experience. Though the amount I lost at the casino pales in comparison to my stock trades amount, I dont think I want to gamble again this way. BTW we didnt find the side door, and all went through the front one with metal detector. All of us lost. FH $100, Me $70 and Candle $35. Though both of them were luckier as in they did win in a couple of bets but I was the only one who lost all my 3 bets. Their feng shui is damn powerful lor (I was telling the sinseh yesterday after I came back, he said the Macau ones are very powerful cos they believe in it feverently)
Nevermind, $70 to learn a lesson to last my lifetime is cheap. I wont be going into the SG IR when they open. Been there, done that (I did buy a keychain from the airport that looks and feels like the 25HK casino chip for myself, to remind me of this lesson. Plus its green too, should put on my new green bag)
Headed upstairs and showered again to get rid of the cigarette smell in the hair and clothes. Slept very late past 2am.
The next day, woke up near 9am to resolutely head for a swim. Though it rained a bit, the swimming pool wasnt closed (its on the ground floor and there were numerous buildings around that were bloody tall, so little chance of lightning strike) Finally could use the wet suit and goggles I had brought all the way and tried unsuccessfully to swim in. FH also swam. Candle tagged along to take pictures. The service is impressive. It was raining so there were aunties whom used the umbrella to ferry us to the changing rooms, with lockers and shower facilities. Came out and went in. The water was BLOODY COLD, the coldest water I had gone into. Pity FH who had only a pair of trunks, while I had a wet suit covering up to just before the elbows and knees. So I felt the cold slightly lesser. We swam the very short pool. About 13-15 strokes, reached from one end to the other. I reckon its about 1/3 the length of a proper swimming pool. So did 40 laps. FH was a better swimmer, using free and breast stroke, I only did breast stroke cos that's the only one I could swim well in. He offered to teach free style but I told him mine was the "drowning" free style, end up drinking water one.
After that we headed to the jacuzzi next to the changing room. (The true verion of the story is here, instead of Tab's abridged version) It looked enticing cos of the bloody cold waters that we just swam in, plus the waters were swirling around with steam coming out. We headed in and there were strong jets of water inside the jacuzzi. Good massage for my sore little toes. Too bad the jets of water were not placed higher to reach my sore, stiff neck. They were aimed at the back and the legs. Later FH went for a quick dip in the cold water, whereas I stayed on and "massaged" more. Then headed for a quick shower before heading back to the room. We were very lucky. When we came, it was slight drizzling then the rain cleared for the rest of the swim. Up until we came out of the changing room, then it was suddenly raining very heavily.
We headed up to the room to find Candle changed and ready to go. I lazed around on my soft bed that is not that well utilized by me cos I slept in it so little hours >_< We ate our brunch at the HK restaurant inside the casino section. Good food, though again >$30 The wonton and soup is good, not a tragic story, it has a happy ending. The duck pancake is good (I ordered cos I had never eaten Peking duck. FH told me that Peking duck is almost the same except this had a bit more meat) the salted fish fried rice is good, the Yang Zhi Gan Lu is very good too. After that we headed back to check out. Didnt have much time to look around the city area cos of the 2hour earlier check-in for our flight.
We headed there only to find that the flight was delayed from 3.45pm to 4.25pm. Which later delayed further to 5.25pm. I was kinda sleepy by then. Think the late hours plus early waking up to swim everyday and the actual swim took its toll. After buying my chip keychain, we sat at the cafe and later I fell asleep at the waiting area. Got on and I was dozing. Woke up thirsty and ordered a coke to drink with my hidden crossont.
Reached airport and I bought $185 worth of alcohol using all 3 passports. A Contrieu ordered by my mom, a Cockburn Port for my dad, a Jack Daniel for my bro (whom finished his rather quickly) and its nice to mix with root beer, a Chivas for my collection (which all that I am doing is buy buy buy, havent drink drink drink and no room to display. IF I ever have my own place, will definitely have a bar counter to display. What I have now is a huge plastic container to store all my alcohol, with the newly bought shot glasses and the lottery shot glass game set with my 500 cocktail book) The only thing I drink are the beers. Yar bought 3 different beer, a Tiger classic, Guiness draught, one more I forgot, something I hadnt drank before. That's all the alcohol quota saved for 2 more wines which I didnt know what to get, so didnt use. FH and Candle waited patiently while I made the purchase and we got on separate cabs to head home. The cab fare is $25 for me due to the distance. But given my 3 bags of luggage and 3 bags of alcohol, think its okay.
Overall the HK and Macau trip is short but enjoyable. Its a very different culture and set of experience compared to Bangkok. Thankfully nothing much else to shop in Macau due to the branded stuff there in all the casino resorts. BUT both places are expensive, in fact more expensive than SG in more ways than one. I feel the pinch due to the higher amount of money I changed. Changed $750 or 3750HKD and spent until last 10HKD note. Scary. The rest of hotel and flight $700 is normal I guess and the alcohol is expected since I had bought so much. Hmm... think FH makes a good guide. I feel that I have seen and experienced most of what is to be offered, maybe save for the Disney, some cultural and historical aspect. But in terms of trying out stuff, trying out their local food fare, going to the more popular of places, did have a number of experiences.
Due to the fact I had spent SO MUCH, I will try to hibernate at home to save money. Though I already met up with Tab and bought 3 storybooks and a CD and dinner after jap for $50. Tom I be eating buffet sushi at Suki sushi, that's another expenditure. Hmm... I try to cut from other aspects.
Stock market is in the downs, sort of a correction. So my 'punt' didnt work and I will have to pay to convert the nil rights to shares. I will put those into ST portfolio. Think they will have a unit payout somewhere in August, if I remember correct from the annual report. See how. For now, I am sitting on some paper losses for my cash portfolio due to the prices going down. Since I dont need money immediately, I can hold and wait to see how things play out. UIC acutally went up to $1.91 then now closed near $1.82 earlier this week but I was out of the country then so nevermind, not a big enough gain for me also. Just invested and have to go-with-the-ride.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
HK & Macau and a lot of bad jokes...
Lemme start this LONG entry about the 2 irony about me traveling more and more in recent years. First, I really have not caught the travel bug, its more like friends jio me, so I okay and go. End up traveling more instead. Though the 2 countries I wanted to go to, Japan and Australia are still in the works. Second, ever since the first Bangkok trip, I always go there expecting not to buy much stuff, and always come back with tonnes of stuff. Be it food, alcohol, books, key chains, bags etc. I end up eating my own famous words,"I dont think I will shop much." Indeed.
This short trip cost me $750 shopping, $185 alcohol, $700 for flight, hotel plus insurance => around $1700 *sounds of kaching* Ouch!
Seriously I didnt intend to spend so much for the shopping part but then considering the prices are similar and even higher than here, its no wonder. Yar buying stuff and eating at more posh and pricey restaurants. Luckily didnt hit the $1k mark for shopping. Then again, that amount can buy me a Wii. Oh well, its an experience money cant buy... or perhaps more accurately, financed by money.
As photos and videos, which many are incriminating are with Candle, I shall just do a post about my point of view (the truth which has already been distorted by Tab)
The plane ride and the interior of the airport were more uneventful, save for taking pics of us wearing masks. We wore them throughout the flight, taking off only to eat and drink.
The cab ride from the airport provided a very beautiful night scene. The architecture of the private buildings that looked at first glance, a reflection of the night lights against the water, yet on second look, the 'reflection' and original are two parts the same building. Then the long suspension bridge looked spectacular from afar.
We checked in and headed out straight via cab to the Peak, the highest point in HK. We wandered around, looking at the night city view from the top of the Peak. Enjoyed the cool night wind, with fog, and the out-of-world feeling. We ate at a posh restaurant, where my duck curry cost me nearly $35, together with beer, total about $40. It was good but I got a tummy ache later on due to my lack of tolerance for chilly after I suddenly went cold turkey.
Later after more photos, it was near midnight, and we took the tram down. Its a very steep hill and the angle of incline was more than 30 degrees. It was a new experience sitting in the tram as it accelerated downhill very fast.
Then we walked through the streets, led by FH to the Pub area. Forgot the name but its the Nightlife area, numerous pubs. If you think Clark Quay is full of pubs, that place is stocked and stacked literally with pubs. Imagine having staircases going down into a unit to a pub, stairs leading up to more pubs, ground level pubs. Very very packed full of pubs. Then there were many ang mo having a good time outside, inside. We just walked through, looking and headed to the MTR (the octopus, MRT) and headed back to the hotel. The rest was getting water, watching tv, sleeping later than 1am.
The next day, I woke up at 8.15am, got ready, and changed. Went to the swimming pool intending to swim. BUT it was closed due to thunderstorm reports. Sian. Went back to change out. Then we headed out to look for breakfast. We headed down Nathan road, the main road along the hotel. We walked to a Cha Can Ting, recommended by the front desk when we asked for good HK fare.
Along the way, we walked along the street filled with neon lights and signage, all in Mandarin. FH walked infront, Candle walked in the middle. I prefer to stay behind, to keep an eye on Candle who would suddenly stop to take photos. If both FH and I walked on ahead, she would be lost. Plus I walked slower cos its a holiday. I want to walk and look at the streets, the way of life, the people. So that was the walking arrangement throughout the trip. I noticed that macaroni soup is a staple of the HK breakfast. My breakfast of the borsque soup with macaroni with "Zhu Zai Bread" is very good and cheap.
After breakfast, we walked on only to be caught in the rain. The thunderstorm report is very accurate!!! We took shelter in the Langham, which is a very tall shopping centre, 13 floors high. We headed in and at the first floor, after going into the H&M, I looked around at the clothes and decided to take 2 to try. In and out of the changing room to get the sizes, took about half an hour, then bought 2 tops, a brown and a beige colour (about $40 altogether) I was thinking about IR's wedding and that I dont have that much clothes to wear for it, given her theme. BUT the tops I bought are not that theme. Just look more smart with them. FH waited for us at the Macs while we explored around.
Cham liao. Went up to 5th floor to this part of the mall and headed inside this store "Funky Gabe", looked through the stuff. The T-shirt (though guys) are very unique and nice pieces. Then I saw a female t-shirt with vest combination. Went to try it, sold. It made me look good and funky smart-casual. Okay buy and intend to wear for IR's wedding though it doesnt follow her theme, or I try to mix and match the vest with the beige top I bought earlier. Then I noticed the bags. There is a particular nice model because of the width and size of it. Though the pink looked very nice, it didnt match with me. I bought the Green one instead *kaching* about $100 already. Yes the things are not cheap, prices for most stuff in HK are SG standards but what I personally feel is that most things are more expensive cos I dont really seem to see cheaper boutiques. Most boutiques are in the upper range of usual clothe prices. But I am happy with the two items bought.
It was Candle's turn to fall at the next shop we went into. She ended up with 2 items costing $150 (around there, I cant seem to remember) Ouchy! We restrained ourselves for the next few and headed to meet FH. We werent done but didnt want to keep him waiting too long. He had just left when we arrived so we continued our exploration while he met up with his friend. There are 2 wings to the mall. The part where we headed to is up to 5 floors. The other part leads up to 13 floors. Its a spiral mall. You walk downwards in a spiral manner. There were many shops and we headed into almost all.
Along the way, I ended up playing Gachapon for sister, we bought a T-shirt with a witty slogan for FH, wanted to buy for Tab and Quetzal but their designs were very expensive $40 each. So it was expensive jokes and if they dont wear, wasted. Nevermind, tell them later. Stopped for a drink and then continued on. Candle wanted to buy a hat cos of the dripping water that often drops on you while you walk the streets of HK (I wore my visor) and in the hat shop, she finally bought one for $60! I told her better to wear it many times to make sure get the money back. Anyway it looks good on her and actually fits her well.
We stopped and shopped in another shop that had alot of cats theme stuff, from bags to t-shirts. I bought another combination of sleeveless-t with a casual vest-like over. Thats another $38. Candle bought a top for herself as well as one for her cousin. The number of things inside the Langham are really a lot, the limit was our own HKD in our wallets plus the hefty prices after conversion.
By the time we were done, it was way past 4pm. We had spent close to 3hours inside! Then we walked back towards the hotel but took a different parallel street behind the main road. Basically there are 4 parallel streets running down. The three streets are "Niu Ren Jie, Dian Qi Jie and Sportswear" We unintentionally headed to Dian Qi Jie that had lots of electrical stores, bookshop, money changer, okashi etc.
I saw a building that seemed to have several floors instead of the usual 3-5 floors used for shop lots, rest for residential, and hopped in. It turned out to be an Otaku Heaven. There were numerous shops selling anime related memorabilia. Numerous small (really very small) shops with the renting of display boxes all filled with memorabilia. We walked up and up to several more floors. I ended up playing more Gachapon to get stuff for my sisters. Maybe a few for myself too. Later we walked back to the main street and I was looking around for the Chinese wave theory book my dad lent to me. Its written by a HK, printed in HK, so most likely I can get my own copy. Went up a dingy-looking place to a small bookshop filled with chinese books. Even had a picture for it.
Eventually by the end of the HK stay, after numerous book shop stops, I bought 4 chinese books written by the same author about Wave theory, Options, FX and Dow Theory. Spent slightly more than $100. I found all of what I wanted.
Candle and I headed into another Cha Can Ting cos we hadnt eaten lunch yet and it was already 4pm. I ate the wonton mee and it was delicious! The mee, the soup and the wonton. All win! The lemon tea also very very good. And its cheap. Yar I did the usual to ask for the Zao Pai Cai and ask for recommendations. That is good wonton. HEAVEN compared to Candle's tragic Wonton Story.
We met up with FH at the hotel but he came back later. So Candle and I laid out our purchases on the bed and took a photo of it. Then took photo of FH's shirt. It has a slogan "I have a very big (picture of a cockerel)" Put the cylinder container plus 2 gachapon balls to mimic the thing. He came back and saw it. The start of bad joke "Dropped the balls"
We bathed and got ready. Headed to TimeSquare, another mall several MTR stations away. While browsing through the books, Candle chanced upon some good places to eat. We headed to the cheaper one featured. Made our way there, and ordered enough food to feed 5 people. But most of them not tasty, overly scallopy and salty. But the meal still cost $30 cos we really ordered alot. Again wonton was ordered. The fried ones were delicious! But the soup one was another tragic story. Yuck.
Continued walking around to find the dessert place for Boiled Milk. We passed by a amazaki stall and I stopped to buy some. Amazaki (if I spell correctly) sells the japanese snack that is a dough shaped like a fish with red bean filling inside. That stall offered exotic flavours, chocolate banana, cinnamon custard, traditional, italian, that's why I stopped. FH ordered the chocolate banana which was DELICIOUS! The cinnamon custard is good too. (The traditional red bean one was kinda okay, I ate it the next morning for breakfast)
We walked on, looking at the people, shops, queer stuff (Sex Toy Story, ads with a grandma holding a vibrator), book shop hopping along the way for my books, and reached the Boiled Milk place. I ordered the hot one and its good too. Like eating condensed milk soft curds. It rained shortly and we made our way back to the MTR and hotel.
(To be con'd tomorrow, I am quite stoned at 1.10am now. Think lack of sleep and dehydrated)
This short trip cost me $750 shopping, $185 alcohol, $700 for flight, hotel plus insurance => around $1700 *sounds of kaching* Ouch!
Seriously I didnt intend to spend so much for the shopping part but then considering the prices are similar and even higher than here, its no wonder. Yar buying stuff and eating at more posh and pricey restaurants. Luckily didnt hit the $1k mark for shopping. Then again, that amount can buy me a Wii. Oh well, its an experience money cant buy... or perhaps more accurately, financed by money.
As photos and videos, which many are incriminating are with Candle, I shall just do a post about my point of view (the truth which has already been distorted by Tab)
The plane ride and the interior of the airport were more uneventful, save for taking pics of us wearing masks. We wore them throughout the flight, taking off only to eat and drink.
The cab ride from the airport provided a very beautiful night scene. The architecture of the private buildings that looked at first glance, a reflection of the night lights against the water, yet on second look, the 'reflection' and original are two parts the same building. Then the long suspension bridge looked spectacular from afar.
We checked in and headed out straight via cab to the Peak, the highest point in HK. We wandered around, looking at the night city view from the top of the Peak. Enjoyed the cool night wind, with fog, and the out-of-world feeling. We ate at a posh restaurant, where my duck curry cost me nearly $35, together with beer, total about $40. It was good but I got a tummy ache later on due to my lack of tolerance for chilly after I suddenly went cold turkey.
Later after more photos, it was near midnight, and we took the tram down. Its a very steep hill and the angle of incline was more than 30 degrees. It was a new experience sitting in the tram as it accelerated downhill very fast.
Then we walked through the streets, led by FH to the Pub area. Forgot the name but its the Nightlife area, numerous pubs. If you think Clark Quay is full of pubs, that place is stocked and stacked literally with pubs. Imagine having staircases going down into a unit to a pub, stairs leading up to more pubs, ground level pubs. Very very packed full of pubs. Then there were many ang mo having a good time outside, inside. We just walked through, looking and headed to the MTR (the octopus, MRT) and headed back to the hotel. The rest was getting water, watching tv, sleeping later than 1am.
The next day, I woke up at 8.15am, got ready, and changed. Went to the swimming pool intending to swim. BUT it was closed due to thunderstorm reports. Sian. Went back to change out. Then we headed out to look for breakfast. We headed down Nathan road, the main road along the hotel. We walked to a Cha Can Ting, recommended by the front desk when we asked for good HK fare.
Along the way, we walked along the street filled with neon lights and signage, all in Mandarin. FH walked infront, Candle walked in the middle. I prefer to stay behind, to keep an eye on Candle who would suddenly stop to take photos. If both FH and I walked on ahead, she would be lost. Plus I walked slower cos its a holiday. I want to walk and look at the streets, the way of life, the people. So that was the walking arrangement throughout the trip. I noticed that macaroni soup is a staple of the HK breakfast. My breakfast of the borsque soup with macaroni with "Zhu Zai Bread" is very good and cheap.
After breakfast, we walked on only to be caught in the rain. The thunderstorm report is very accurate!!! We took shelter in the Langham, which is a very tall shopping centre, 13 floors high. We headed in and at the first floor, after going into the H&M, I looked around at the clothes and decided to take 2 to try. In and out of the changing room to get the sizes, took about half an hour, then bought 2 tops, a brown and a beige colour (about $40 altogether) I was thinking about IR's wedding and that I dont have that much clothes to wear for it, given her theme. BUT the tops I bought are not that theme. Just look more smart with them. FH waited for us at the Macs while we explored around.
Cham liao. Went up to 5th floor to this part of the mall and headed inside this store "Funky Gabe", looked through the stuff. The T-shirt (though guys) are very unique and nice pieces. Then I saw a female t-shirt with vest combination. Went to try it, sold. It made me look good and funky smart-casual. Okay buy and intend to wear for IR's wedding though it doesnt follow her theme, or I try to mix and match the vest with the beige top I bought earlier. Then I noticed the bags. There is a particular nice model because of the width and size of it. Though the pink looked very nice, it didnt match with me. I bought the Green one instead *kaching* about $100 already. Yes the things are not cheap, prices for most stuff in HK are SG standards but what I personally feel is that most things are more expensive cos I dont really seem to see cheaper boutiques. Most boutiques are in the upper range of usual clothe prices. But I am happy with the two items bought.
It was Candle's turn to fall at the next shop we went into. She ended up with 2 items costing $150 (around there, I cant seem to remember) Ouchy! We restrained ourselves for the next few and headed to meet FH. We werent done but didnt want to keep him waiting too long. He had just left when we arrived so we continued our exploration while he met up with his friend. There are 2 wings to the mall. The part where we headed to is up to 5 floors. The other part leads up to 13 floors. Its a spiral mall. You walk downwards in a spiral manner. There were many shops and we headed into almost all.
Along the way, I ended up playing Gachapon for sister, we bought a T-shirt with a witty slogan for FH, wanted to buy for Tab and Quetzal but their designs were very expensive $40 each. So it was expensive jokes and if they dont wear, wasted. Nevermind, tell them later. Stopped for a drink and then continued on. Candle wanted to buy a hat cos of the dripping water that often drops on you while you walk the streets of HK (I wore my visor) and in the hat shop, she finally bought one for $60! I told her better to wear it many times to make sure get the money back. Anyway it looks good on her and actually fits her well.
We stopped and shopped in another shop that had alot of cats theme stuff, from bags to t-shirts. I bought another combination of sleeveless-t with a casual vest-like over. Thats another $38. Candle bought a top for herself as well as one for her cousin. The number of things inside the Langham are really a lot, the limit was our own HKD in our wallets plus the hefty prices after conversion.
By the time we were done, it was way past 4pm. We had spent close to 3hours inside! Then we walked back towards the hotel but took a different parallel street behind the main road. Basically there are 4 parallel streets running down. The three streets are "Niu Ren Jie, Dian Qi Jie and Sportswear" We unintentionally headed to Dian Qi Jie that had lots of electrical stores, bookshop, money changer, okashi etc.
I saw a building that seemed to have several floors instead of the usual 3-5 floors used for shop lots, rest for residential, and hopped in. It turned out to be an Otaku Heaven. There were numerous shops selling anime related memorabilia. Numerous small (really very small) shops with the renting of display boxes all filled with memorabilia. We walked up and up to several more floors. I ended up playing more Gachapon to get stuff for my sisters. Maybe a few for myself too. Later we walked back to the main street and I was looking around for the Chinese wave theory book my dad lent to me. Its written by a HK, printed in HK, so most likely I can get my own copy. Went up a dingy-looking place to a small bookshop filled with chinese books. Even had a picture for it.
Eventually by the end of the HK stay, after numerous book shop stops, I bought 4 chinese books written by the same author about Wave theory, Options, FX and Dow Theory. Spent slightly more than $100. I found all of what I wanted.
Candle and I headed into another Cha Can Ting cos we hadnt eaten lunch yet and it was already 4pm. I ate the wonton mee and it was delicious! The mee, the soup and the wonton. All win! The lemon tea also very very good. And its cheap. Yar I did the usual to ask for the Zao Pai Cai and ask for recommendations. That is good wonton. HEAVEN compared to Candle's tragic Wonton Story.
We met up with FH at the hotel but he came back later. So Candle and I laid out our purchases on the bed and took a photo of it. Then took photo of FH's shirt. It has a slogan "I have a very big (picture of a cockerel)" Put the cylinder container plus 2 gachapon balls to mimic the thing. He came back and saw it. The start of bad joke "Dropped the balls"
We bathed and got ready. Headed to TimeSquare, another mall several MTR stations away. While browsing through the books, Candle chanced upon some good places to eat. We headed to the cheaper one featured. Made our way there, and ordered enough food to feed 5 people. But most of them not tasty, overly scallopy and salty. But the meal still cost $30 cos we really ordered alot. Again wonton was ordered. The fried ones were delicious! But the soup one was another tragic story. Yuck.
Continued walking around to find the dessert place for Boiled Milk. We passed by a amazaki stall and I stopped to buy some. Amazaki (if I spell correctly) sells the japanese snack that is a dough shaped like a fish with red bean filling inside. That stall offered exotic flavours, chocolate banana, cinnamon custard, traditional, italian, that's why I stopped. FH ordered the chocolate banana which was DELICIOUS! The cinnamon custard is good too. (The traditional red bean one was kinda okay, I ate it the next morning for breakfast)
We walked on, looking at the people, shops, queer stuff (Sex Toy Story, ads with a grandma holding a vibrator), book shop hopping along the way for my books, and reached the Boiled Milk place. I ordered the hot one and its good too. Like eating condensed milk soft curds. It rained shortly and we made our way back to the MTR and hotel.
(To be con'd tomorrow, I am quite stoned at 1.10am now. Think lack of sleep and dehydrated)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
This post comes rather late given we had already gone ahead to drink and celebrate at Morton's. To celebrate my and Tab's end of bondage days. Also it meant Krynnder is released from being my gurantor.
Man, I've made it... Its a long long 3 years of bondage. The worst part of the bond is the fact that you cant screw up. You have to do and do, without complaint, even unreasonable stuff. You dont have an avenue.
Finally that is over. My time is almost over too.
Is it what I envisioned it to be?
Though I am bond free, not out of the rat race yet. There is still the financial aspect to consider, the future direction to take. Yar feeling a bit lost when thinking about those. Rather not think about it too much.
Lemme slaughther this song by posting up MY version of it
Title: Bond(bond) free
Bond-free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Bond-free to follow your heart.
Live free and dont have to take crap
They dont have a hold on you
Each time you shove the shit back.
Stay free, where no bonds can bind you
You're free as the roaring tide
so there's no need to stress.
Bond-free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're bond-free.
(Stay free, and dont get another one)
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to stress.
Bond-free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're bond-free.
Man, I've made it... Its a long long 3 years of bondage. The worst part of the bond is the fact that you cant screw up. You have to do and do, without complaint, even unreasonable stuff. You dont have an avenue.
Finally that is over. My time is almost over too.
Is it what I envisioned it to be?
Though I am bond free, not out of the rat race yet. There is still the financial aspect to consider, the future direction to take. Yar feeling a bit lost when thinking about those. Rather not think about it too much.
Lemme slaughther this song by posting up MY version of it
Title: Bond(bond) free
Bond-free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Bond-free to follow your heart.
Live free and dont have to take crap
They dont have a hold on you
Each time you shove the shit back.
Stay free, where no bonds can bind you
You're free as the roaring tide
so there's no need to stress.
Bond-free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're bond-free.
(Stay free, and dont get another one)
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to stress.
Bond-free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're bond-free.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
StoryTeller 1 and 2
This series titled "Storyteller" was a magazine with a cassette. It has very good narration, interesting music and sound effects to add to the overall experience of reading.
I only have 2 books out of the entire collection though the cassette tapes didnt survive. Its a piece of my childhood.
I tried to look for it online. The surviving copies are sold separately and very expensive, 9 Euro per copy. The publisher is Marshall Cavendish! Why didnt they re-release the whole series now again in CDs? If they ever release it, I'll definitely get it.
For those who know what I am talking about, there is this video showing ALL the covers. Man, I wish I could get my hands and ears on them again.
I only have 2 books out of the entire collection though the cassette tapes didnt survive. Its a piece of my childhood.
I tried to look for it online. The surviving copies are sold separately and very expensive, 9 Euro per copy. The publisher is Marshall Cavendish! Why didnt they re-release the whole series now again in CDs? If they ever release it, I'll definitely get it.
For those who know what I am talking about, there is this video showing ALL the covers. Man, I wish I could get my hands and ears on them again.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Signz, I feel so lazy, sitting infront of the laptop.
I hardly move from my seat. Watching 'live' prices moving up and down. I find it hard to go do something else for long. Ate in front of the laptop too. Its just looking at the prices. Checking both SG and Msia prices.
I observed the NIL Right issue price and watched it go up and down. When just 5 mins ago, it reached a bit lower, I decided to try "punting" a bit and keyed in an order for 5 lots. Seeing how there are a huge number of buyers, I shall see if it gets through by the end of trading hours (5.05pm) then only when I have the shares, I will think and talk about doing some punting.
Today a few situations occured in stocks that I monitored.
IF I had bought a Citydvt share yesterday at $9.00 and sold it off around now at $9.40, I could pocket gains of $220. Which theoretically is fast money but risks too much capital. Imagine risking $9k to earn $220, which is only 2.5%. Not worth it.
IF I had bought a CapitaLand at $3.68 and sold for $3.87, pocket $120. a return of 3.26%, it seems a better deal. The capital risked is $3.7k and if buy 3 lots, risking $9k like in the Citydvt amount, can magnifiy the gains to $360.
Yet I did neither.
Cos the bulk of my ST capital are now in UIC, the amount remaining from the transferring and selling off of the 5 cheaper lots, is not high enough for me to feel comfortable to take such bets. Also to take such bets, ONE must be prepared for prices to go down instead and instead of quick gains, result in quick losses. Unless you are one who can 'cut losses' ie sell off to reduce losses and preserve most of the capital to take the punt another day, its not recommended. Currency traders who take bets make losses 3 time to 1 time of gains. They have a system of balancing out the losses and gains such that as long as for the 1 time that they gain, its about 3 times of the amt lost, they still profit. Its a whole complex thing I am not sure I wanna head into. Seriously I dont have the capacity to sell to cut losses.
The good thing is before I went to snooze around 2pm, prices of UIC was unmoving at $1.80. After I woke up, its up to $1.86, I am very near to break-even prices for the 20 lots bought. At least I am not sitting on paper losses. Almost break-even.
I wont sell off even if prices reach the break-even point. I am waiting to see if there is indeed the 5th wave. Given the corrective 4th wave seems to be quite weak, prices have not fallen as much. Either its on the way or its almost over. Hmm that I cannot say much, I am blind in this aspect still. I asked my dad and asked if wave 3 is over and we are into 4th wave? He said no, still at Wave 3. Huh? Think I better study faster the WT but the HOT weather and sense of boredom or just sitting in front of the 'live' prices keeps me from doing other stuff. I shall try later on again.
Anyway as for my policy for trading and investing. I have the holding power to hold until profits appear. I am confident in my selection of counters, ie they are worth the prices I am paying, cos I looked through the value. So I can "park" my money in them for longer term to earn money. That I cant say for just other counters. Hence the search for counters to invest in is very very high in priority. Just like the analogy that one wont bank your money in a dubious bank. The same thinking applies. So have to do "homework" to make sure that you are not investing in dubious companies that would fly-by-night and disappear, go bankrupt and you end up losing your money. The next step is to consider and decide the prices to buy-in or sell. That, again I am reminded by my Dad to be patient. He said we are at wave 3, we sold too early, so have to wait. If not, can lose if go in at wrong timing. True indeed, I wouldnt want my cash positive gains to become huge negative paper losses that overshadows the cash gains. So again I remind myself to be patient.
As for selling off too early and being left with little, that has changed with the glitch and now I am "invested". I hope prices for UIC can go much higher to hit the $2 mark, but then again I am just hoping cos prices hadnt reached that high yet for this counter. But I feel I am more knowledgable now compared to my initial foray. I have targets, MA, RSI to help set selling prices, I have ST and LT portfolios to manage the trading and investing part. I re-read my earlier posts about the initial forays into stock, I feel I have grown some.
Like to end off quoting my Dad, as he drove me to IMM several days back. "If you look at the Chart and can see/judge which wave we are at now, you have reached University level."
To that my answer was "Err I havent finished reading, I think I am at Primary level, maybe P1?"
I hardly move from my seat. Watching 'live' prices moving up and down. I find it hard to go do something else for long. Ate in front of the laptop too. Its just looking at the prices. Checking both SG and Msia prices.
I observed the NIL Right issue price and watched it go up and down. When just 5 mins ago, it reached a bit lower, I decided to try "punting" a bit and keyed in an order for 5 lots. Seeing how there are a huge number of buyers, I shall see if it gets through by the end of trading hours (5.05pm) then only when I have the shares, I will think and talk about doing some punting.
Today a few situations occured in stocks that I monitored.
IF I had bought a Citydvt share yesterday at $9.00 and sold it off around now at $9.40, I could pocket gains of $220. Which theoretically is fast money but risks too much capital. Imagine risking $9k to earn $220, which is only 2.5%. Not worth it.
IF I had bought a CapitaLand at $3.68 and sold for $3.87, pocket $120. a return of 3.26%, it seems a better deal. The capital risked is $3.7k and if buy 3 lots, risking $9k like in the Citydvt amount, can magnifiy the gains to $360.
Yet I did neither.
Cos the bulk of my ST capital are now in UIC, the amount remaining from the transferring and selling off of the 5 cheaper lots, is not high enough for me to feel comfortable to take such bets. Also to take such bets, ONE must be prepared for prices to go down instead and instead of quick gains, result in quick losses. Unless you are one who can 'cut losses' ie sell off to reduce losses and preserve most of the capital to take the punt another day, its not recommended. Currency traders who take bets make losses 3 time to 1 time of gains. They have a system of balancing out the losses and gains such that as long as for the 1 time that they gain, its about 3 times of the amt lost, they still profit. Its a whole complex thing I am not sure I wanna head into. Seriously I dont have the capacity to sell to cut losses.
The good thing is before I went to snooze around 2pm, prices of UIC was unmoving at $1.80. After I woke up, its up to $1.86, I am very near to break-even prices for the 20 lots bought. At least I am not sitting on paper losses. Almost break-even.
I wont sell off even if prices reach the break-even point. I am waiting to see if there is indeed the 5th wave. Given the corrective 4th wave seems to be quite weak, prices have not fallen as much. Either its on the way or its almost over. Hmm that I cannot say much, I am blind in this aspect still. I asked my dad and asked if wave 3 is over and we are into 4th wave? He said no, still at Wave 3. Huh? Think I better study faster the WT but the HOT weather and sense of boredom or just sitting in front of the 'live' prices keeps me from doing other stuff. I shall try later on again.
Anyway as for my policy for trading and investing. I have the holding power to hold until profits appear. I am confident in my selection of counters, ie they are worth the prices I am paying, cos I looked through the value. So I can "park" my money in them for longer term to earn money. That I cant say for just other counters. Hence the search for counters to invest in is very very high in priority. Just like the analogy that one wont bank your money in a dubious bank. The same thinking applies. So have to do "homework" to make sure that you are not investing in dubious companies that would fly-by-night and disappear, go bankrupt and you end up losing your money. The next step is to consider and decide the prices to buy-in or sell. That, again I am reminded by my Dad to be patient. He said we are at wave 3, we sold too early, so have to wait. If not, can lose if go in at wrong timing. True indeed, I wouldnt want my cash positive gains to become huge negative paper losses that overshadows the cash gains. So again I remind myself to be patient.
As for selling off too early and being left with little, that has changed with the glitch and now I am "invested". I hope prices for UIC can go much higher to hit the $2 mark, but then again I am just hoping cos prices hadnt reached that high yet for this counter. But I feel I am more knowledgable now compared to my initial foray. I have targets, MA, RSI to help set selling prices, I have ST and LT portfolios to manage the trading and investing part. I re-read my earlier posts about the initial forays into stock, I feel I have grown some.
Like to end off quoting my Dad, as he drove me to IMM several days back. "If you look at the Chart and can see/judge which wave we are at now, you have reached University level."
To that my answer was "Err I havent finished reading, I think I am at Primary level, maybe P1?"
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Things done and not done
Hmm first I woke up late. Usually I'll be up around 8.30am easily. Today I slept until 10.30am. It must be the hard time I had yesterday trying to get to sleep. Dunno if it was the weather or my active mind, but couldnt sleep until the wee hours. Even then, woke up several times to kick away cover, then cover up, kick away.
Things I did today
- Login to stock market and monitored prices.
- practiced guitar
- watched cable tv with dad until I fell asleep on the floor.
- Went out to a nearby badminton court to practice swave-boarding for an hour.
- Bath, ate dinner, then played PSP Patapon 2 until I got stuck at some boss... (think I played several hours of PSP)
- Now online to update my Stock excel file, read and check mail.
Think I want to end off with reading that WT book before I sleep.
Today is a slow day. Didnt go out so didnt spend much, which is a good thing but yet staying indoors for too long can be boring. But I feel this is just the initial adjusting to no-work mode. At first will be bored, but shortly after there isnt enough time to do all the things I wanna do.
I didnt tidy up the room today. I wanna do that tomorrow. Tidy up my clothes and some parts. Maybe spread the task over 2 days instead of one day. Better kick myself to do it before I fly.
I hope to have a chance to go into JB to do some shopping. No more stationary shopping. Now is more to get games, dvds... Yar IF I take out my PS and PS2 to play, there are tonnes of games to play. Even the anime dvd sets I bought, there are still a couple of titles I havent watched. Yar that and plus getting into shape.
Suddenly there are many many things to do. Lemme kick myself to do it.
Things I did today
- Login to stock market and monitored prices.
- practiced guitar
- watched cable tv with dad until I fell asleep on the floor.
- Went out to a nearby badminton court to practice swave-boarding for an hour.
- Bath, ate dinner, then played PSP Patapon 2 until I got stuck at some boss... (think I played several hours of PSP)
- Now online to update my Stock excel file, read and check mail.
Think I want to end off with reading that WT book before I sleep.
Today is a slow day. Didnt go out so didnt spend much, which is a good thing but yet staying indoors for too long can be boring. But I feel this is just the initial adjusting to no-work mode. At first will be bored, but shortly after there isnt enough time to do all the things I wanna do.
I didnt tidy up the room today. I wanna do that tomorrow. Tidy up my clothes and some parts. Maybe spread the task over 2 days instead of one day. Better kick myself to do it before I fly.
I hope to have a chance to go into JB to do some shopping. No more stationary shopping. Now is more to get games, dvds... Yar IF I take out my PS and PS2 to play, there are tonnes of games to play. Even the anime dvd sets I bought, there are still a couple of titles I havent watched. Yar that and plus getting into shape.
Suddenly there are many many things to do. Lemme kick myself to do it.
Monday, June 08, 2009
$20k target hit
I had just sold off 5 lots of UIC.
Luckily before the glitch that cost me to buy 20 lots. I had bought 5 lots at much cheaper prices. That was why when prices rosed a bit, I wanted to buy 5 more lots but ended up with 20 instead... *sweats*
Anyway as the 'accounting solution' to the problem entry, I transferred these 5 cheaper lots to my Trading portfolio. Then out of the more expensive 20 lots, I divided into half and put 10 in LT portfolio and 10 into Trading portfolio.
For the 5 cheaper lot, I was sitting on some paper gains. Today's prices seemed unstable. It fell from $1.83 to $1.76, then climbed and now at $1.81 I decided to sell off the 5 cheaper lots.
Reason: So that I can get back some capital to bump up my measley remaining ST investment amount to look out for opportunities. My dad was saying its the start of correction. Of course dont jump in to buy yet. Have to wait for a bit more. I am still sticking to my target prices and KiVing.
Cos I still have 10 lots to trade after selling, so I am not that concerned if prices shot up later, cos still have lots to sell.
So with the sale of the 5 lots, I made a tidy profit of 28% and the amount is enough to bump my gains up to the $20k figure, my third target. Next target levels are $25k, $30k and >>$30k.
Seriously speaking, IF I hadnt started saving up dilligently and then investing, I would still be at the mercy of my job. Feeling of security aside, the job doesnt provide much personal satisfaction and growth, in fact I am stagnating except my own courses and forays outside of work, saved me from the downward slide.
Though I am nowhere near my last year's annual income of $52k (yar surprisingly, pure pay is $38k, bonuses is $14k) I think IF I can achieve the basic pay amount of $38k. I can live reasonably. There is nothing stopping me from taking up other work on a free-lance, part time basis to add on. Of course, I am also aware that NOT every year can be as good in the stock market as this year. True. I am also preparing for that with my personal reserve, for tough times.
Whether my preparations are enough and whehther I can make a livilihood out of this remains to be seen. There are lots of ambuiguities, though I feel apprehensive but what's the alternative? To rot mentally, physically at work for a pay? Hmm... what's the worst that could happen? That after a few years, I go back to it. That doesnt sound as bad for the worst case. Okay, I shall stick to my path RESOLUTELY.
Wish me luck.
Luckily before the glitch that cost me to buy 20 lots. I had bought 5 lots at much cheaper prices. That was why when prices rosed a bit, I wanted to buy 5 more lots but ended up with 20 instead... *sweats*
Anyway as the 'accounting solution' to the problem entry, I transferred these 5 cheaper lots to my Trading portfolio. Then out of the more expensive 20 lots, I divided into half and put 10 in LT portfolio and 10 into Trading portfolio.
For the 5 cheaper lot, I was sitting on some paper gains. Today's prices seemed unstable. It fell from $1.83 to $1.76, then climbed and now at $1.81 I decided to sell off the 5 cheaper lots.
Reason: So that I can get back some capital to bump up my measley remaining ST investment amount to look out for opportunities. My dad was saying its the start of correction. Of course dont jump in to buy yet. Have to wait for a bit more. I am still sticking to my target prices and KiVing.
Cos I still have 10 lots to trade after selling, so I am not that concerned if prices shot up later, cos still have lots to sell.
So with the sale of the 5 lots, I made a tidy profit of 28% and the amount is enough to bump my gains up to the $20k figure, my third target. Next target levels are $25k, $30k and >>$30k.
Seriously speaking, IF I hadnt started saving up dilligently and then investing, I would still be at the mercy of my job. Feeling of security aside, the job doesnt provide much personal satisfaction and growth, in fact I am stagnating except my own courses and forays outside of work, saved me from the downward slide.
Though I am nowhere near my last year's annual income of $52k (yar surprisingly, pure pay is $38k, bonuses is $14k) I think IF I can achieve the basic pay amount of $38k. I can live reasonably. There is nothing stopping me from taking up other work on a free-lance, part time basis to add on. Of course, I am also aware that NOT every year can be as good in the stock market as this year. True. I am also preparing for that with my personal reserve, for tough times.
Whether my preparations are enough and whehther I can make a livilihood out of this remains to be seen. There are lots of ambuiguities, though I feel apprehensive but what's the alternative? To rot mentally, physically at work for a pay? Hmm... what's the worst that could happen? That after a few years, I go back to it. That doesnt sound as bad for the worst case. Okay, I shall stick to my path RESOLUTELY.
Wish me luck.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Look at what I found...
Today I set upon the Herculan task of tidying up my table in the living room.
Before that my Dad offered to drive to East Coast cos he was bored. He wanted to jio us to go out together. But none of us wanted to head there. I went there just yesterday. Yingel was doing her work that was due. Geoky wanted to go Swirve-boarding at West Coast Park instead.
Plus if I went with him, I would definitely put off tidying up my table until god knows when, the next blue and full moon perhaps.
I started near 2pm, and just finished around 10pm. There was so much accumulated dust and things to sort through, tonnes of mail, books, comics, IT warranty stuff, bits of it here and there. Had to wipe, throw, sort out, set to dry, organize, even reminiscent through when I flipped through the stuff to look at. I can say, I did throw out and sort through most of the stuff on my actual table and under my table. Its cleaner and more organized that I can finally see the table top.
I am now left with the side of the table, the box I used to store bags, books and stuff, plus the room, the shelves in the room, the bed area, my clothes and storage boxes. Its time to get rid of clunky stuff.
Guess what I found?
An urn!
Remember this?

If I should be cremated, I would like to be put into this container from my budding artist friend, Tab. Nicely done, with name and even my favourite guitar, which is still true today. I think all of the gang has one "urn" each.
I still remember Krynnder's reaction when she got hers and we looked at each other with a knowing look. Then she said "urn". Both of us were doing the "praying to our urns" actions with the Valentine's rose we got. LOL =P
Well, think I will continue with part 2 of the cleaning up on Tuesday. Tom supposed to go crash at Candle's office. Before that I would have to make a trip to the salvation army to give away the stuff I've packed, check out the pharmancy to collect more medicine, go to the closing I-shop on the way there. Then go for lunch. I wonder if there's enough time?
Hmm... see how things go. Should I bring my guitar to practice? Or full day of stock tracking? But guitar heavy leh, today I practiced until my fingers pain... think I should bring my stock book to read too. Okay, tom is a purely stock day.
Before that my Dad offered to drive to East Coast cos he was bored. He wanted to jio us to go out together. But none of us wanted to head there. I went there just yesterday. Yingel was doing her work that was due. Geoky wanted to go Swirve-boarding at West Coast Park instead.
Plus if I went with him, I would definitely put off tidying up my table until god knows when, the next blue and full moon perhaps.
I started near 2pm, and just finished around 10pm. There was so much accumulated dust and things to sort through, tonnes of mail, books, comics, IT warranty stuff, bits of it here and there. Had to wipe, throw, sort out, set to dry, organize, even reminiscent through when I flipped through the stuff to look at. I can say, I did throw out and sort through most of the stuff on my actual table and under my table. Its cleaner and more organized that I can finally see the table top.
I am now left with the side of the table, the box I used to store bags, books and stuff, plus the room, the shelves in the room, the bed area, my clothes and storage boxes. Its time to get rid of clunky stuff.
Guess what I found?
An urn!
Remember this?
If I should be cremated, I would like to be put into this container from my budding artist friend, Tab. Nicely done, with name and even my favourite guitar, which is still true today. I think all of the gang has one "urn" each.
I still remember Krynnder's reaction when she got hers and we looked at each other with a knowing look. Then she said "urn". Both of us were doing the "praying to our urns" actions with the Valentine's rose we got. LOL =P
Well, think I will continue with part 2 of the cleaning up on Tuesday. Tom supposed to go crash at Candle's office. Before that I would have to make a trip to the salvation army to give away the stuff I've packed, check out the pharmancy to collect more medicine, go to the closing I-shop on the way there. Then go for lunch. I wonder if there's enough time?
Hmm... see how things go. Should I bring my guitar to practice? Or full day of stock tracking? But guitar heavy leh, today I practiced until my fingers pain... think I should bring my stock book to read too. Okay, tom is a purely stock day.
Date crashing, Beach bumming and Furniture hunting
A busy busy day indeed.
I woke up, shortly after brushing my teeth and washing my face, my dad asked me if I wanted to go to IMM. Since my holidays have finally officially started, I decided to go. I drank my water and changed to go.
He was sending my sister for her Er Hu lesson, then turn and drive to IMM. We ate breakfast, went banking to clarify issues and shopped at Giant. I chanced upon long and short burmudas, bought 5 at a shot, $5 each, 4 shorter, 1 longer. Also bought 2 sleeveless tops, $7 each for the bloody hot weather. My older sleeveless going-out shirts seemed to have fallen out of shape with age.
My plan after I reached home, changed out, was to catch up with some sleep. Still feeling the effects of fatique and was lying in bed listening to my FF music (still havent finished the 5 albums)
Shortly, I heard my phone and picked up. It was Quetzal, she's near my home, heading to East Coast, meeting up with Tab to go 'crash' Candle and FH's "date". Huh? Okay, I got dressed and picked out a long bermuda and the white sleeveless top to wear. The weather is bloody sunny and hot, plus going to East Coast, a fitting outfit.
My youngest sister suggested excitely to buy the Swirve Board, that we tried the other time. Its $79. We decided to share between us both, but all 3 of us can use. Okay, I headed out with my visor (man, its really nice to wear something to block out the sun, really worth the money for the visor)
We headed to Tab's place. Her dad's reaction when he saw Quetzal and me was "Where are you going?" Cos I was obviously very casual, Quetzal smart-casual and Tab was kinda Orchard-going clothes. After that, we headed to buy cat food and litter sand. Brought them up to her place and she changed into more casual clothes. Then we headed down to East Coast.
Its a nice sunny and hot day. The type where the skies are very clear with a bit of clouds, and the sun shines hotly down upon you. There were many many people at the beach as usual. We headed to eat Korean BBQ, though the 3 of us had set lunch, FH and Candle shared the BBQ. I stuck to my no-beef policy. The food was surprisingly good.
After, we headed to the shop I saw the other time and bought a Red swirveboard, with a set of guards (after they reminded me, I was not getting any younger) Then I had to "demo" to them what I had "achieved" the other time. Previously had less than an hour of practice with my sisters when we rented 2 swirveboards.
I could mount the board rather easily, but getting it to swirve is another thingy. I was doing the more 'S' shape thingy (which they termed butt-shaking) but a lady stopped and gave some pointers, watched that she alternated her feet only. Hmm... that is something I have to practice and work on. I think I have done pretty well with less than 1 hour under my belt.
After they had their fun taking photos, videos... we headed to the coffee bean to stone in air con. Man, its really nice to stone away from the sunny sun. Near 5pm, we headed to Candle's area to search for Quetzal's bedframe. She needed one.
I had never done such intensive furniture shopping before. After we headed to Kaki Bukit industrial where there were a few warehouse/clearing sale. The most out-of-the-world experience came when we took the cargo lift, which seriously is kinda creepy, like those in-the-movies either supernatural or action film, whereby something pops up. LOL, the other out-of-world experience came when the cargo lift opened to this funky-looking furniture place, complete with bit of disco lighting and funky music. We were so surprised, with the WTH face? Huh?
After that, we drove to another place that had 2-3 furniture retailers but they were closed by then. Then picked up IR and headed to eat at Chomp chomp. After, I dropped off at Bishan and made my way home. I stoned on the bus back and it was either a quicker ride or I was so zonked out that I didnt realized time passing by. Reached home in one piece, bathed and now online.
Tom I WILL tidy up my outside table and my bedroom. There are serious things to throw, or give to Salvation Army. I need to clear space, make my things more organized, clear away those seriously old things that I didnt use for many years. A more organized place for me to "work", play, think and live in. Though the "work" I refered to refer more others than my real work.
I woke up, shortly after brushing my teeth and washing my face, my dad asked me if I wanted to go to IMM. Since my holidays have finally officially started, I decided to go. I drank my water and changed to go.
He was sending my sister for her Er Hu lesson, then turn and drive to IMM. We ate breakfast, went banking to clarify issues and shopped at Giant. I chanced upon long and short burmudas, bought 5 at a shot, $5 each, 4 shorter, 1 longer. Also bought 2 sleeveless tops, $7 each for the bloody hot weather. My older sleeveless going-out shirts seemed to have fallen out of shape with age.
My plan after I reached home, changed out, was to catch up with some sleep. Still feeling the effects of fatique and was lying in bed listening to my FF music (still havent finished the 5 albums)
Shortly, I heard my phone and picked up. It was Quetzal, she's near my home, heading to East Coast, meeting up with Tab to go 'crash' Candle and FH's "date". Huh? Okay, I got dressed and picked out a long bermuda and the white sleeveless top to wear. The weather is bloody sunny and hot, plus going to East Coast, a fitting outfit.
My youngest sister suggested excitely to buy the Swirve Board, that we tried the other time. Its $79. We decided to share between us both, but all 3 of us can use. Okay, I headed out with my visor (man, its really nice to wear something to block out the sun, really worth the money for the visor)
We headed to Tab's place. Her dad's reaction when he saw Quetzal and me was "Where are you going?" Cos I was obviously very casual, Quetzal smart-casual and Tab was kinda Orchard-going clothes. After that, we headed to buy cat food and litter sand. Brought them up to her place and she changed into more casual clothes. Then we headed down to East Coast.
Its a nice sunny and hot day. The type where the skies are very clear with a bit of clouds, and the sun shines hotly down upon you. There were many many people at the beach as usual. We headed to eat Korean BBQ, though the 3 of us had set lunch, FH and Candle shared the BBQ. I stuck to my no-beef policy. The food was surprisingly good.
After, we headed to the shop I saw the other time and bought a Red swirveboard, with a set of guards (after they reminded me, I was not getting any younger) Then I had to "demo" to them what I had "achieved" the other time. Previously had less than an hour of practice with my sisters when we rented 2 swirveboards.
I could mount the board rather easily, but getting it to swirve is another thingy. I was doing the more 'S' shape thingy (which they termed butt-shaking) but a lady stopped and gave some pointers, watched that she alternated her feet only. Hmm... that is something I have to practice and work on. I think I have done pretty well with less than 1 hour under my belt.
After they had their fun taking photos, videos... we headed to the coffee bean to stone in air con. Man, its really nice to stone away from the sunny sun. Near 5pm, we headed to Candle's area to search for Quetzal's bedframe. She needed one.
I had never done such intensive furniture shopping before. After we headed to Kaki Bukit industrial where there were a few warehouse/clearing sale. The most out-of-the-world experience came when we took the cargo lift, which seriously is kinda creepy, like those in-the-movies either supernatural or action film, whereby something pops up. LOL, the other out-of-world experience came when the cargo lift opened to this funky-looking furniture place, complete with bit of disco lighting and funky music. We were so surprised, with the WTH face? Huh?
After that, we drove to another place that had 2-3 furniture retailers but they were closed by then. Then picked up IR and headed to eat at Chomp chomp. After, I dropped off at Bishan and made my way home. I stoned on the bus back and it was either a quicker ride or I was so zonked out that I didnt realized time passing by. Reached home in one piece, bathed and now online.
Tom I WILL tidy up my outside table and my bedroom. There are serious things to throw, or give to Salvation Army. I need to clear space, make my things more organized, clear away those seriously old things that I didnt use for many years. A more organized place for me to "work", play, think and live in. Though the "work" I refered to refer more others than my real work.
Friday, June 05, 2009
The website for the Distant World music from FF. I went there to search out the cost of the CD, by USD is $14.99, equivalent to SGD$22 excluding shipping.
Then at the side bar, there is the mp3 to listen from the concert. Wow, does brings back memories of the concert. Maybe I should check out Esplanade, whether they had stocked up on it in that merchandise shop.
Was listening to the "Maria and Draco", damn dramatic sounding still. Surprisingly this CD is recorded by the performers in the SG concert. Think because it is the first stop. The earlier album which I just bought "More friends" is recorded in another country, I presume US concert.
The website for the Distant World music from FF. I went there to search out the cost of the CD, by USD is $14.99, equivalent to SGD$22 excluding shipping.
Then at the side bar, there is the mp3 to listen from the concert. Wow, does brings back memories of the concert. Maybe I should check out Esplanade, whether they had stocked up on it in that merchandise shop.
Was listening to the "Maria and Draco", damn dramatic sounding still. Surprisingly this CD is recorded by the performers in the SG concert. Think because it is the first stop. The earlier album which I just bought "More friends" is recorded in another country, I presume US concert.
My own card
Be getting my first card except Atm, which incidentally I have 3.
Am getting a debit card to get into the Apple I-tune store. Reason, Tab wasnt that comfortable with loaning me hers, though I did assure her I wont download "Sexy girls in Bikini" paying applications like nobody's biz. And I wont download "Sexy Japanese men in bikini" too... as if there are shuai ge applications >_>
But nevermind, get my own, so that I wont have too much consideration downloading paying applications eg Sexy girls in Bikini... or would much prefer Sexy Men. Anyway my sisters were dying to buy some stuff only available online eg hair shaver (private use) and all of us dont have cards. So put off, kiv very long. To avoid problems, I linked it to the bank account that I had set up and maintained specifically to pay all my insurance. So there isnt too much money inside and its very easy to monitor cos all my insurances are annual modes. Hence only near Nov-Dec then there are deductions.
Connecting to the wireless at home, I had scrolled through most of the apps. Mostly I will be getting those finance related, mainly things like a portfolio manager, but I am already using the original Stock inside and that is already good for me cos I had input all my portfolio counters inside. When I am out, can take a peep at times, though cant transact. But given the pricey stocks, plus the fact I am over-invested in one counter, I have to wait it out for much lower prices due to lowered capital. Also a more patient longer view would allow me to sit more comfortably through the upswings and downswings in the market. Maybe wait it out for more gains, which I hope to.
Think I be getting a portfolio mgt type that allows keying of lots of shares and prices to monitor, though I am already doing that on excel. Good to have a ready version to kiv when i am away from my laptop at times.
Another would be Exchange rate, Commodity prices tracking. These have impact on the stock market. Also allows me to know when to get ringgit at a glance.
Another would be Financial news, which are easily available through that app, instead of have to surf several webpages and search.
Another would be Personal finances/ expenses tracking. Which is useful cos I wanna make sure I can save more given my impending loss of income.
A couple of games, music apps, 4D and Toto app. That's about it. I think I remembered seeing some other apps that I would like to kiv but cant remember now.
All these would have to wait. The processing for debit card takes 2-3 weeks. I should kick myself to load my entire CD collection into Uruha... Havent started yet.
My holidays would begin after tomorrow's work has ended. This is very much a very delayed holiday, given Tab has already started hers. SIGNZ.
My plans would be to be actively online for next Monday til Friday during stock market hours. Of course inbetween would do other stuff and especially catch up on the reading of the Wave theory and even revisit the Technical analyis book. Next Friday is the drinking celebration for Bond-Free, plus guitar after, then flying off.
I have been thinking through the things to do after. So far really nothing is set in stone, though I am trying to think through and sort through the prospects and all the considerations. Uru's note function is very useful for this. Just type in some thoughts and save. Review and add on. Very useful indeed.
Am getting a debit card to get into the Apple I-tune store. Reason, Tab wasnt that comfortable with loaning me hers, though I did assure her I wont download "Sexy girls in Bikini" paying applications like nobody's biz. And I wont download "Sexy Japanese men in bikini" too... as if there are shuai ge applications >_>
But nevermind, get my own, so that I wont have too much consideration downloading paying applications eg Sexy girls in Bikini... or would much prefer Sexy Men. Anyway my sisters were dying to buy some stuff only available online eg hair shaver (private use) and all of us dont have cards. So put off, kiv very long. To avoid problems, I linked it to the bank account that I had set up and maintained specifically to pay all my insurance. So there isnt too much money inside and its very easy to monitor cos all my insurances are annual modes. Hence only near Nov-Dec then there are deductions.
Connecting to the wireless at home, I had scrolled through most of the apps. Mostly I will be getting those finance related, mainly things like a portfolio manager, but I am already using the original Stock inside and that is already good for me cos I had input all my portfolio counters inside. When I am out, can take a peep at times, though cant transact. But given the pricey stocks, plus the fact I am over-invested in one counter, I have to wait it out for much lower prices due to lowered capital. Also a more patient longer view would allow me to sit more comfortably through the upswings and downswings in the market. Maybe wait it out for more gains, which I hope to.
Think I be getting a portfolio mgt type that allows keying of lots of shares and prices to monitor, though I am already doing that on excel. Good to have a ready version to kiv when i am away from my laptop at times.
Another would be Exchange rate, Commodity prices tracking. These have impact on the stock market. Also allows me to know when to get ringgit at a glance.
Another would be Financial news, which are easily available through that app, instead of have to surf several webpages and search.
Another would be Personal finances/ expenses tracking. Which is useful cos I wanna make sure I can save more given my impending loss of income.
A couple of games, music apps, 4D and Toto app. That's about it. I think I remembered seeing some other apps that I would like to kiv but cant remember now.
All these would have to wait. The processing for debit card takes 2-3 weeks. I should kick myself to load my entire CD collection into Uruha... Havent started yet.
My holidays would begin after tomorrow's work has ended. This is very much a very delayed holiday, given Tab has already started hers. SIGNZ.
My plans would be to be actively online for next Monday til Friday during stock market hours. Of course inbetween would do other stuff and especially catch up on the reading of the Wave theory and even revisit the Technical analyis book. Next Friday is the drinking celebration for Bond-Free, plus guitar after, then flying off.
I have been thinking through the things to do after. So far really nothing is set in stone, though I am trying to think through and sort through the prospects and all the considerations. Uru's note function is very useful for this. Just type in some thoughts and save. Review and add on. Very useful indeed.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Accounting 'Magic" - the glass is half-full or half-empty
The last thing I remembered was telling myself to sleep earlier and not so late. Then when I woke up, I realized it was in the early morning cos I could hear my sister getting ready for work. The light in the room was left on cos I fell asleep on the bed trying to read the Wave Theory. I re-read the earlier pages to refresh, then read a little bit more and re-read the part just read again to try to commit to memory. At this stage, cos I am just reading the theory, certain things dont stick. When I have somewhat finshed, then its my turn to try Charting and reading them.
I woke up again and it was 9.30am. Login to poems and saw the amount outstanding for the yesterday's glitches... Signz. I had come to a 'somewhat' accounting solution.
I had 5 lots bought earlier under LT portfolio. That I would 'transfer' to ST portfolio instead (help to lower average cost of lots) and then 'transfer' 10 lots bought at higher prices to LT portfolio.
Effectively, I am 'using LT funds' to invest in more lots. Then the other 10 lots plus the 5 cheaper lots, I put under ST portfolio to do trading. Helped to lessen the amount of ST funds used, still have a little bit of ST funds left...
Anyway all those things above are just 'Accounting' methods to make the picture more rosey... I am sure for those who are more knowledgeable, they realize the 'NETT' effect is the same, which is the undeniable fact that I had many many lots and a huge chunk of investment capital in it...
Using Uru, I was checking through the Apple applications. There are quite a number of free ones I wanna get, but dont have account... Bubu... Then there are seriously bizarre ones. Think there are useful ones, eg financial news, 4D, Toto numbers, guitar, games etc. Only see a couple of paid ones that I might be interested.
I woke up again and it was 9.30am. Login to poems and saw the amount outstanding for the yesterday's glitches... Signz. I had come to a 'somewhat' accounting solution.
I had 5 lots bought earlier under LT portfolio. That I would 'transfer' to ST portfolio instead (help to lower average cost of lots) and then 'transfer' 10 lots bought at higher prices to LT portfolio.
Effectively, I am 'using LT funds' to invest in more lots. Then the other 10 lots plus the 5 cheaper lots, I put under ST portfolio to do trading. Helped to lessen the amount of ST funds used, still have a little bit of ST funds left...
Anyway all those things above are just 'Accounting' methods to make the picture more rosey... I am sure for those who are more knowledgeable, they realize the 'NETT' effect is the same, which is the undeniable fact that I had many many lots and a huge chunk of investment capital in it...
Using Uru, I was checking through the Apple applications. There are quite a number of free ones I wanna get, but dont have account... Bubu... Then there are seriously bizarre ones. Think there are useful ones, eg financial news, 4D, Toto numbers, guitar, games etc. Only see a couple of paid ones that I might be interested.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Money, money and money
Today I headed to the bank, to deposit the coins in the piggy bank. Had about 1.2k, intend to use this to top up my reserve amount and also to pay for the upcoming trip so that I 'dont feel like I had drawn from my reserve amt', but the main bulk was saved last year. I remembered wrapping up 1k of coins last year. This year, surprisingly I didnt save much $1 coins. Wonder is it cos I didnt dilligently put away the coins, which I did. Or that I am spending more of notes, that I dont get much coins back.
I loaded the coins into a normal plastic bag. Wow, it looks like a bag of gold.

Before I could put it into another plastic bag and load into my bag, it broke.

*(&$#(, have to pick them up and put into 3 bags. Then wasted more time. I was thinking, so much work for coins. Next round, I am doing the Tab's way, to save up $2 notes instead. First they are lighter, next I wont incurr transaction cost to bank in, dont have to specially go down on certain coin deposit days etc etc.
Finally done, and loaded into my bag. Seriously heavy. Definitely in the 15kg range cos I could feel the weight. Given my strength, 5-10kg is not an issue. It felt so heavy to carry in my backpack on both shoulders.

I heaved a sigh of relief once it was taken my the teller and banked in. Transaction cost of $5 which I gladly paid. Got my lunch then headed home. Shortly after, headed off to work.
Today I kinda very very suay. Its an understatement.
In the morning, I had login to poems. Decided to do 1 trade of 5 lots. Keyed in, later prices fell, I withdraw it, and keyed in another one. But then after 10-15mins, still no update, I withdraw it and keyed in one more. Later still not moving. I realized got problem and called up to ask.
It seemed, system problem and that the orders inside not sure whether withdrawn or carried out. Then I did a trade through the broker. That's 5 lots.
Later in the afternoon, after lunch, I got 3 sms, the 3 trades that I had keyed and withdrawn, all went through!!!!!!!! Walao, ended up with 20 lots that I have to honour.
LUCKILY I do have that amount but it meant ALL my ST capital are used up. SIAN. Now if prices start falling, paper losses magnified. Also hope the ones I was bioing dont start falling.
Also hope prices will go a bit higher for me to sell off a bit of them to comfortable levels. Currently I havent finished updating the excel. Just uncomfortable to hold so much in one counter. But on the other hand, my dad focused his money in 4 counters. Then again, I am not like my dad with such deep capital reserves. Those lots represents all of my ST trading capital... Then if hold it for a bit longer, got chance of multiplying gains or losses, also meant dont have much for other counters. I am not that confident.
Hmm I shall have to monitor the prices very very closely over the remaining and next week. I dont hope to make big gains, but I hope NOT to lose capital.
Sia Suay. I better go pray when I am free-er for better luck.
I loaded the coins into a normal plastic bag. Wow, it looks like a bag of gold.
Before I could put it into another plastic bag and load into my bag, it broke.
*(&$#(, have to pick them up and put into 3 bags. Then wasted more time. I was thinking, so much work for coins. Next round, I am doing the Tab's way, to save up $2 notes instead. First they are lighter, next I wont incurr transaction cost to bank in, dont have to specially go down on certain coin deposit days etc etc.
Finally done, and loaded into my bag. Seriously heavy. Definitely in the 15kg range cos I could feel the weight. Given my strength, 5-10kg is not an issue. It felt so heavy to carry in my backpack on both shoulders.
I heaved a sigh of relief once it was taken my the teller and banked in. Transaction cost of $5 which I gladly paid. Got my lunch then headed home. Shortly after, headed off to work.
Today I kinda very very suay. Its an understatement.
In the morning, I had login to poems. Decided to do 1 trade of 5 lots. Keyed in, later prices fell, I withdraw it, and keyed in another one. But then after 10-15mins, still no update, I withdraw it and keyed in one more. Later still not moving. I realized got problem and called up to ask.
It seemed, system problem and that the orders inside not sure whether withdrawn or carried out. Then I did a trade through the broker. That's 5 lots.
Later in the afternoon, after lunch, I got 3 sms, the 3 trades that I had keyed and withdrawn, all went through!!!!!!!! Walao, ended up with 20 lots that I have to honour.
LUCKILY I do have that amount but it meant ALL my ST capital are used up. SIAN. Now if prices start falling, paper losses magnified. Also hope the ones I was bioing dont start falling.
Also hope prices will go a bit higher for me to sell off a bit of them to comfortable levels. Currently I havent finished updating the excel. Just uncomfortable to hold so much in one counter. But on the other hand, my dad focused his money in 4 counters. Then again, I am not like my dad with such deep capital reserves. Those lots represents all of my ST trading capital... Then if hold it for a bit longer, got chance of multiplying gains or losses, also meant dont have much for other counters. I am not that confident.
Hmm I shall have to monitor the prices very very closely over the remaining and next week. I dont hope to make big gains, but I hope NOT to lose capital.
Sia Suay. I better go pray when I am free-er for better luck.
Monday, June 01, 2009
I-Pod Touch aka Uruha
I decided to name my new I-Pod touch, Uruha or Uru for short. Its the name of the other lead guitarist in the band, Gazette. The word means Beauty and the real Uruha is really way way way too beautiful for a guy. Actually I really much much prefer Aoi, who is the rhythmn guitarist instead.
Just that I had named my PSP, Aoi already, so let the other be the matching Uruha.
Just syched it.
Cant login to my Poems cos it needs Java applications. And when I searched through the apple homepage, cant find for it. Have to ask the next time I am in a I-shop, which will be very soon, to buy a protector and screen protector too, most likely Cineleisure.
Err I've done some setting up. Havent loaded in songs yet, havent downloaded apps yet, havent loaded pics yet, also havent set up any other accounts, except the apple id and also warranty registration. Think I should do that when I get my hands on Tab's debit card number *evil laughter*
Also cant tell when its fully charged or not... Whats the sign for fully charged?
Just that I had named my PSP, Aoi already, so let the other be the matching Uruha.
Just syched it.
Cant login to my Poems cos it needs Java applications. And when I searched through the apple homepage, cant find for it. Have to ask the next time I am in a I-shop, which will be very soon, to buy a protector and screen protector too, most likely Cineleisure.
Err I've done some setting up. Havent loaded in songs yet, havent downloaded apps yet, havent loaded pics yet, also havent set up any other accounts, except the apple id and also warranty registration. Think I should do that when I get my hands on Tab's debit card number *evil laughter*
Also cant tell when its fully charged or not... Whats the sign for fully charged?
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