I loaded the coins into a normal plastic bag. Wow, it looks like a bag of gold.
Before I could put it into another plastic bag and load into my bag, it broke.
*(&$#(, have to pick them up and put into 3 bags. Then wasted more time. I was thinking, so much work for coins. Next round, I am doing the Tab's way, to save up $2 notes instead. First they are lighter, next I wont incurr transaction cost to bank in, dont have to specially go down on certain coin deposit days etc etc.
Finally done, and loaded into my bag. Seriously heavy. Definitely in the 15kg range cos I could feel the weight. Given my strength, 5-10kg is not an issue. It felt so heavy to carry in my backpack on both shoulders.
I heaved a sigh of relief once it was taken my the teller and banked in. Transaction cost of $5 which I gladly paid. Got my lunch then headed home. Shortly after, headed off to work.
Today I kinda very very suay. Its an understatement.
In the morning, I had login to poems. Decided to do 1 trade of 5 lots. Keyed in, later prices fell, I withdraw it, and keyed in another one. But then after 10-15mins, still no update, I withdraw it and keyed in one more. Later still not moving. I realized got problem and called up to ask.
It seemed, system problem and that the orders inside not sure whether withdrawn or carried out. Then I did a trade through the broker. That's 5 lots.
Later in the afternoon, after lunch, I got 3 sms, the 3 trades that I had keyed and withdrawn, all went through!!!!!!!! Walao, ended up with 20 lots that I have to honour.
LUCKILY I do have that amount but it meant ALL my ST capital are used up. SIAN. Now if prices start falling, paper losses magnified. Also hope the ones I was bioing dont start falling.
Also hope prices will go a bit higher for me to sell off a bit of them to comfortable levels. Currently I havent finished updating the excel. Just uncomfortable to hold so much in one counter. But on the other hand, my dad focused his money in 4 counters. Then again, I am not like my dad with such deep capital reserves. Those lots represents all of my ST trading capital... Then if hold it for a bit longer, got chance of multiplying gains or losses, also meant dont have much for other counters. I am not that confident.
Hmm I shall have to monitor the prices very very closely over the remaining and next week. I dont hope to make big gains, but I hope NOT to lose capital.
Sia Suay. I better go pray when I am free-er for better luck.
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