The rest that me and my collegue took turns to choose from

Since she ordered first, and I joined in later, she got to choose first, then I, then we reversed the order, I choose first then she did, then her turn and I, basically I got the second last choice and she got the last respectively at the end.
So keeping in mind that I might just give to my sisters, I looked for more of those without people type when possible. Though life isnt perfect and dont really see any of the out-of-print in the 10s we got.
The only thing is that there is 3 cards slots, a coin pouch and a part for notes. So it meant I can only put in 2 atm, 1 ezy with IC, put in notes. Coins and other cards to go into another coin pouch/purse. That can be the sub wallet. So different to go out with a lighter wallet.
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