Same steps, change the proportions to follow an alternative recipe and made again. This time, due to better control of the size of the baking sheets, the baking time, the whipping of the mixture, it turned out better. Still no legs though... think need to go back to drawing board again first.
The matcha buttercream (inbetween macarons) was more liquid this time. The 1st round, more successful in the buttercream. But I had brought that home and forgotten to bring back so had to make another batch. So I chilled it for a short while but after I have finished baking most, it was too short a time for it to be more solid... so still slapped it on, hence the 'dripping' u see below.
After bringing it home and chilling in the freezer, and then putting in chiller, it tasted pretty good. Not bad for a 2nd try. Definitely not entirely caramelized wafers but a bit macarony in texture. I need more practice and also modify the recipe to see if I can improve it. Next try is Baileys cream, maybe try a bit of food colouring....
Went for archery for the 1st time with sister. It was organized by her company and she jio me along. But after we signed up then found out it was at Geylang Seria CC... man City Plaza was just nearby lor. And for a west-dweller, it really so happen that I end up there in 2 consecutive weeks... But we didnt go in, we took a cab from the mrt to the cc.
The venue and organization was rather lousy. In the roof-top though it had a zinc-shelter. Then some were bbqing at the first floor, directly under, so kept smelling bbq smoke. Also rather poorly organzied in terms of the practice session. Not enough of bows and had to keep queue and requeue for 5 tries of 3 arrows each. Then its time for the competition. I did manage to learn a bit about archery, how to nock the arrow, how to shoot. But for myself I didnt expect much initially and after seeing the venue and manner, also more so didnt expect anything much from myself. After the practice session, immediately the competition, I shot 0 after 3 arrows. My sister shot 17 and got into the finals. But she couldnt match the other 3 so lost out in the prizes. She did hit a red balloon. Nice going.
Then we headed home and I really conked out. I was really tired by Friday. To many, they are hyper cos its the last day of the term. For me, I am really zombified. Just so tired and at the last of the battery. So after cooking, also conked out.
Sat I woke up earlier to practice guitar and then had breakfast but was looking and feeling preety sleepy. Sunday was another day, I didnt do much, not even go to the gym. So last week only managed once.
I slept from evening time until the next day. I woke up various times but didnt leave the room. Just turned over and slept, turned over and slept.
Today I woke at 7 am plus intending to eat breakfast so that by 9.30am, I could go swimming. Stepped on the weighing scales and saw 69KG!!!!!!!!! Argh... Code-Red Code-Red. Still I made myself eat breakfast first. Then I watched the huge back-log of recorded shows........ and that meant I kept pushing going out until it was almost time for driving. In fact I pushed back some more until I had to take a cab otherwise would be late. Think tomorrow cant be like this.
After driving.... they changed car model to Jazz, aka no backside car, plus 4months never drive, alot of things forget but managed to have quite some come back. Just need to do more I guess. Hope I have enough sessions until before test.
Straight after driving, the shuttle bus dropped us at the MRT which has a gym beside. I brought my gear and went for my gym routine. So that meant 1 time so far. Hope to up it to 3-4 times in this period of holiday. Though I still have intensive driving lessons and assignments, I shall aim for that.
After gym, I had a nice shower (also brought the shower gear) and then headed to Dempsey to eat durians with my collegues. Its a first for most of us. My other local collegue and her husband helped ordered and we ate. The durians are really nice. The bitter-sweet and the more bitter ones are very good. Flesh is thick, seeds not big. I ate like 5-6 seeds of durian. Then we ate mangosteen and drank water. Each person is $22, 5 of us. We all got a ride back home. Thankful to my collegues for this new experience. Though pricey but you cant complain about the quality of the durians. Definitely different. To avoid hunger pangs, I did dabao porridge and zar chai for dinner, which I ate.
Tomorrow is more driving, maybe try swimming or if not gym and then assignement in the evening.
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