Brought my usual pic along to my usual salon which is nearby and just tell them to follow it but change it to centre-part cos I wear specs so a sideway part is not convenient as either have to sweep it to the side, pin it there etc etc (which would spoil the look cos its meant to fall over the face in the first place)
Got a different hair dresser this time. My previous few visits, the first one whom cut 2-3 times quit, the second one cut once for me, dun see. Today another guy cut for me. The male hair dresser who is quite tall and rather handsome cos his face is okay but his styled hair makes him stand out. Its nicely long at the side and very J-rockish. K the sad part for me is that when I take off my specs while he cuts, I cant exactly see him very clearly lor... Maybe I should get contacts lol
Anyway he did quite a good job of styling it and I went around with the most J-rockish hair (though I cut it several times already) cos he used an iron to straighten then style it really like this pic. I look at myself in the mirror when its done and man, I look great (though later walking around the windy places and taking bus, the wind did blew a bit of it off)
The pic I use for my hair.

I seriously doubt I could style my own hair til this standard. Well next time, I shall take a huge bunch of photos after a haircut. Haircut + treatment = $43 after their discount. Bought a new pair of specs with transistional lens that cost $398!!! If I had just taken normal lense, would cost me $98. The transisitonal lens cost $400 for the thinner ones due to my higher degree of shortsightedness. The good news is there is no increase for my short-sightedness. I should settle for Lasik... but afraid of such procedures.. need to consider further.
Later met Tab and we walked around to get gifts and stuff. Must mention though it seemed like there is recession but at 4pm in Taka, its quite crowded. And at 5pm, there are so many people eating like me and the Mos burger is crowded too.
We walked towards PS cos my sister smsed earlier to ask to watch the Bolt movie. So on the way there, we walked through Robinson cos Tab needed to bio some stuff for christmas presents. After buying the tix, we parted and I met my sister, Yingel.
We headed to eat at the Hot Tomato, but dunno why, the grilled pork was so hard today. The aglio aglio was kinda tasteless too. Is it a change in chef? Later we headed to the arcade to have a re-match. There is this basket-ball machine where you have to throw as many baskets in a given time. I had lost the first match in VivoCity arcade. Today I am proud to say I trashed her twice. LOL *nose high up in the air* Also played a few other games and I tried Guitar Freak cos I could somewhat manage Guitar Hero basic songs. Surprisingly I could go through 3 normal songs.
Also on the 7th floor, there are 4-5 hobbie shops that opened up. I went to play a gachapon for swords cos the swords are extendable. The one I got reminds me of the Sword of Thundera aka ThunderCat sword. Tom since I am heading down to the same area for Guitar class, I shall go play Guitar Freak and play a few more gachapon.
The movie is good. The hamster takes the cake for humor. Think its a worthwhile dvd to keep. By the time both of us came out and reached home, its near 12. Washed my hair and there goes the nice styling. Oh well.
Went online to check on stock prices. Work is starting soon and I might not have so many hours and opportunities to monitor, track and make decisions regarding certain counters. Also I needed to check if my trades went through and need to pay via ATM within T+3 days, also to update my excel file which havent been recording these few days. Kena distracted by games and mapling.
Now kinda sleepy. No more mapling til the wee hours of 4am... did that yesterday and today still somewhat zombified in the late morning. Its a enjoyable day.
Tom drinking at Morton. Later go to guitar class and press wrong fret.
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