In my first foray into proper soup, I made this. Its a milk-based soup with potatoe and a bit of curry powder for the taste. Its not a curry-potatoe meat soup, just soup with tinge of curry.
I was supposed to blend the soup after cooking it to make it all smooth without foodbits floating about but I was just not willing to blend it (it would mean alot of work too) So I did a short cut, I boiled and mashed up the potatoes, cut the onion into very small pieces.
First fried garlic and onion. Then add water, milk and mashed potatoe. Stir and add tablespoon of curry powder. Head and boil. But from taste-testing, it was too blend and thin. So added more curry powder, 2 tablespoon and 1 cup more milk. Boiled and simmer it some more. Scooped away the froth on top (supposedly the crap comes out in the frothy thing that have to scoop away) Until the soup was thicker then put aside.
It doesnt look appetizing but it taste alright. It was my lunch last Sunday.
Scooped up and put in a bowl and ate it with bread and some leftover heated veg and meat. Its kinda tasty on that cold and rainy sunday afternoon. BUT think I have to work on the appearance of the soup. Kinda gross. My sisters came back later on in the evening and thought that the soup was made by my dad (seriously his soup are smelly and gross) and I was kinda insulted. But they still ate it.
Staying at home
Been staying put right at home this holiday. Save for going out for weekly lessons, the most I've done is go next door to Ginza. The reason is that just kinda sian of going out, didnt feel like travelling. Also stayed at home cos Mom's health also not good. Stay at home to keep an eye and help out if I could. Also went out with her to buy groccery, evening walks to get her to exercise, go temple to pray and also see sinseh.
Sometime sian, then walk to Ginza with sister. We'll walk around inside, go Cold storage and then dabao kopi and come home. Other than that, I'll be heading to the bank and run some errands nearby. Weekdays at least for last 2 weeks, spent looking at the stock market to monitor closely. Practice guitar until fingers become almost purplish.
Still havent tidied my room.
Didnt really game until crazy until last weekend. Started Mapling a bit and went overboard. Also yesterday, I played the Yahoo game - Chocolatiar until crazy. Its an interesting trade route game. Go one town to buy materials for chocolate. Then manufacture in your factory. Then you travel to other cities to sell. Its resource managing, buy low, sell high, inventorizing game. The early part of the game is more fun cos you start with small amount of capital and need to manage it well. Subsequently profits ballooned until can anyhow inventorize cos just so much money made. But after playing for more than 6hrs, I still couldnt complete it. Maybe may buy but cos didnt want to repeat this going-crazy, better hold that for a while.
Went with mom to a temple nearby, called Qing Long Ye. Its one dedicated to Qing Long Ye and a very dragon theme temple. It has altars for Tai Shui too. So my mom had made a wish and needed to 'huan yuan' and I tagged along to shun bian pray.
First went the usual round of lighting the incense and walking one round to pray at the 7 different altars there. Whist my mom continued to pray. I went to look at the fortunes of the various Chinese horoscopes for 2009 displays. I remembered not so long ago, I had came to the temple and was reading the 2008 displays. Looked through the family's various horoscopes and noted down the lucky months and some advice.
Later went to pray at the main altar, give donations at the various other altars. Then helped to burn joss paper. After that, went to uncle there to buy a huge coiled incense to burn under my name. Its diameter is about 40cm wide. Its the biggest coiled incense I had ever seen! Too bad didnt bring my camera with me. Lit it and hung it up. Helped to hang the other 3 huge incense for my bro and sisters, under separate names.
My bro next year 'fang tai shui' so my mom bought a light for him to fend it. Its going to be lit for a year. Dun worry its not overly expensive. Works out to about $2.50 per month, once-off payment of $30.
Went to the Dragon fountain, where if you kneel on the mat, the water sprouts from the dragon statue and you wash your face and drink. Also went to the Laughing buddha and rubbed his tummy. There's another dragon fountain at the back, this time with water falling down continously from its fangs. There's also a dragon bridge where when you walk past, water will sprout from the smaller dragons on the bridge. We forgot to walk across the bridge though.
Finally after finishing, we went off to eat nearby. Then buy 4D using the recipt numbers. I shun bian did my banking and then we headed home. Kinda stoned after all these cos I slept late last night. Remembered reading comic but didnt remember sleeping. Next thing I know, I woke up in a darkened room with my spectacles still on. Had woken up rather early at 7am.
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