This is my experimental try at Green Tea Latte. Its one of my favourite drinks so since I am quite free, with a big pack of macha powder, had wanted to make this. Got the recipe from the internet. Interestingly I searched under 'Macha latte' and all sorts of recipes with macha came out except that. Then I remembered the England name. I used milk, macha, sugar and water. Heat in saucepot and served.
Verdict, the 'milky' taste of milk seems to become stronger after its heated. The recipe mentioned Soy milk, so I would try the smoothie with that.
A side note. Geoky tried it and shortly after was farting like crazy. Then she ran to the toilet. That is her cup in the picture, the smallest one too. I drank a big cup, Yingel a medium cup and both of us were fine. When Yingel heard that Geoky ran to the toilet for drinking, she remarked "So good..." Well her bowel is not regular yet she didnt tio anything. Strange indeed.
Macha Smoothie
Today I tried out Macha Smoothie. Geoky was at home cos of leave so the atmosphere is better. She went out with Dad and I asked her to help me get vanilla ice cream and Soy milk. Then cos of whole full day of looking at share prices and gaming, I fell asleep around 6pm. Much later, Yingel sms asking what we wanted to dabao back cos she's on the way home. I asked for a small packet of ice and iced coffee.
When she came back, I started making. Hmm.. vanilla ice cream, ice, soy milk. *blend blend*
"Hey sister, you look like making soy smoothie?" Geoky asked while looking at what I was doing.
"Huh? Oh I forgot the green tea powder..." *adds powder and blend*
"Eh... sugar leh?" Geoky reminded..
"Oh, I forgot to add sugar..." *adds sugar and blend* Then I stirred the mixture and took a small sip.
"Eh... your ice pieces like very big leh. Listen to the sound can tell."
"Yar, need to blend more." *blend blend* Then poured out the mixture into 2 cups. Excluding Geoky cos she's not feeling good. Dont want her to end up with mc due to stomache.
"Eh... the colour dont look good leh.." She remarked after I was stirring my Smoothie and taking sips with a spoon.
"Yeah I know, hmm cannot taste the Green tea much, must add more next time. But the soy milk taste is not as overpowering at the milk taste."
Well you see the whole reason why I was so distracted and forgetful was cos Geoky was talking about a whole series of N-21 stuff while I was making the smoothie. I was answering back her about some and kept forgetting to put in ingredients.
Later Yingel came out from her bath and I asked her to try. She gave me a highly suspicious look <_<" and I said "nevermind" and poured her portion into my cup. She offered to try a little bit. When she drank it, her facial expression actually changed from <_<" to ^_^ She said "its not bad."
\o/ Yay! Though I think, need to work on the appearance part of it. Maybe add a scoop of ice cream on top? More green tea? Nicer cup?
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