When I finally decided to go to sleep, I still couldnt. After a long while, I heard her getting up for good from the noises in the kitchen and her coughing. She has been coughing and sniffing for 2-3 days, yet refused to go and see the doctor. Whatever, I had asked a few times, she doesnt want to go. Fine.
Woke up rather early near 9am, given that I had slept fewer hours, I was a bit groggy but after munching some stuff was actually better. Then she came up to me, saying that she wanted to buy this foldable bike she saw, that it would help her exercise. I just asked her where to store it. Her reply was storeroom. I just kept quiet.
Inbetween, my dad suddenly asked when is the school holidays. Cos I had asked Tab so I know, and told him that next week is a 1-week holiday. Then he asked about end of the year. My reply was go and look at the calendar. He asked again in the region of 'you should know and memorise cos u were an Edcator' tone, to which I answered him its marked in the calendar and I dont know which is the exact day it start. He came back with a 'If you know and tell me, then I dont have to look at the calendar' remark. I just got irritated and continue looking at laptop. Bloody hell, its not that I always want to get into verbal tiffs but ask me stupid question with stupid expectations, expect impatient and irritated reply.
But there was no brunch for me and my dad. Nearing noon, I decided to go next door to pay bills and pack lunch. She wanted to go along to buy her foldable bike. I was walking behind her all the way cos she walked rather fast on ahead. Whatever. I had certain thoughts about this style... but lemme refrain a bit from over criticising. Its been always like this for many years. My dad also walks faster and infront too.
Reached there, she was on the 2nd floor, then looked to the right at some shops and asked whether that shop in the distance was Popular, which I replied NO, its on t 1st floor. Ask me stupid question, expect impatient and irritated reply. Feeling flares of irritation but yet keeping my mouth shut but mumbling in my breath, I followed her to Popular. She came out without buying stuff, I did.
Then reached Cold Storage. She went to look for the bike and told me to go look for the stuff I wanted first. I did, grabbing 2 bags of Nachos, 1 guntamalo flavour dip, 1 Pringles. When I came back, she had called the salesperson to help demonstrate how to fold the bike. So far nothing much irritating but it took a while. Then she demo the thing riding in the store with the manager's permission. I felt silly standing there and watching. Kept mumbling under my breathe about parents turning back into kids and behaving like one, giving her money yet anyhow buy things frivilously then later worry about own finances, not sleeping again then acting up again, sure is white elephant later...
Then I asked her storeroom got space, she replied, will find a space. More grumbling under my breathe. Whatever do what you like, so long as you can live with the consequences, I will NOT care. That is one of my own personal philosophy that I stick to. Fine. She told me to go on ahead, so I lugged my stuff, my chips and a milk powder which all together turned out pretty heavy but its mostly my own stuff. But felt my irritation rising cos of hunger. I walked briskly to next door to buy a drink and packed rice. Which altogether made my load heavier... Walked back then she appeared at the traffic light. I just mumbled whatever and we went home.
I was so hungry that I put away the stuff bought into proper places, took my stuff, put on my table and room, then started gobbling the rice. Its almost 1.30pm by then. Dad kept telling me to take money used from the basket, Mom was busy trying to fold the bike and also telling me to take the money from the basket for the milk powder bought. I just ignored by not answering and continued to eat and drink.
Later on, my Dad asked me about the bike. Its obvious he saw it when my mom came back and wheeled it to the kitchen. I anwered him that its Mom's. He started on long lecture about not-riding-on-the-roads-cos-it-was-dangerous lecture, starting with the same words he always use for the topic. I stopped him when he got past the first line about not riding on the roads. I told him "I dont want to listen, you tell me also no point." What's the point of telling me? What do you expect me to go tell Mom? You can go do that yourself. Plus she's an adult, she is old enough to think, plus not everyone is an idiot you know, need u to remind about bicycle safety.
I went straight to the room, took out the bedsheets that I wanted to wash today, put in washing machine, then went back to lie down. I can feel the cumulated effects of the late night, the toll of having to put up with so much irritating things. I just closed my eyes and really fell asleep not caring anymore....
Woke up feeling much better. Took out new sheets to change. Noticed that my stuff are in the dryer. So I just did up my bed. It looks really Autumny now. Its another set which I bought but didnt get the matching quilt cover. Actually took a pic.
Looking at it, makes one feel sleepy. Alright this weekend, I aim to tidy up the room a bit more. Didnt do too much. Not so irriated now. Have guitar later.
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