As those who saw the facebook comments by sister, aka guinea pig in my Macha smoothie attempts, she kena stomache twice. Hmm... so this late morning when I woke up late and was logging in, I was kinda struck my coffee craving.
The funny thing is that I usually drink 1 cup of coffee on weedays only and only IF I had to work or wake up eg for classes. Hence I was surprised recently to find that I have coffee addiction! Imagine that. I felt rather cranky and even had a bit of headache. Then I realized that its cos I didnt drink the coffee. So then I gave in. But in recent 1-2 weeks, I am NOT drinking it everyday. Toki-doki, a couple of days, then one cup, pack. I try to replace the caffine from Green tea, Oolong tea and even Coke Zero.
Today I gave in, cos have jap later. Suddenly an idea struck me. To make a coffee smoothie. The new fridge delivered just yesterday can make ice cubes, I have vanilla ice-cream and 3-in-1 instant coffee mix.
Using the mini-blender, I put in vanilla ice-cream, melted instant coffee in a small bowl of hot water and poured in, add a bit more of low fat milk, put in ice cubes then blend. Cos the blender is a mini one, hence it doesnt blend the ice very nicely but it'll do.
The result
Yup, in my place, there isnt much transparent glass, so its the same glass used in Macha photos. But its a nice coffee smoothie, not overly sweet cos I didnt add extra sugar in, though that ice cream is already enough. A nice way to fulfil a craving and get a kick. Hope it lasts until the end of jap class.
Hmm think the recipe can be varied easily for mango, nougot etc so long as the ingredient is available.
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