Friday, September 04, 2009

Throwing away WORK stuff

Right, I just wanted to write about my experience with cleaning up the stuff I brought back from work.

I brought back abt 13 boxes of stuff, with 4 bags of presents. I went about going through 9 boxes about 2 weeks back. I consolidated the excess stationary, assessment books, certain own-made and other resources into 5 boxes. Threw in a couple of moth balls per box and labelled them. Found a nice corner to stack them up. Then that took me the whole afternoon that I deferred tidying until another day.

Which... turned out to be today after a span of 2 weeks. The room was seriously cramped up and I had about enough that I took another shot at tidying up the work stuff still not unpacked. I went through 4 boxes of notes and stuff. Amongst them printed resources, lesson plans from nie, lecture notes from nie, lots of own made stuff accumulated since Contract times. I took my time to look through and threw about 95% of the stuff away. In fact what I am left with are empty folders and files, 2 sets of dividers, and some ws and resources that I would want to put into a consolidated file either to keep, pass to bro or Tab. So that means another 4 boxes gone.

It was near 12am by the time I was done, I was clearing and listening to music, inbetween checking out facebook - Restaurant city and Evony. By then I quickly pushed the rest of the stuff back so that I can have a bed to sleep on. I took a quick look, think I still have 2 more boxes to go through. One is a box full of construction papers, which I just want to organize and put with my sorted boxes of stationary and stuff. The other, I shall find out when I start the 3rd session to finally sort through work stuff.

As I was clearing through NIE notes, lesson plans and stuff, I read through some of the stuff which I did and went through. Certain things I supposedly learnt in Nie are seriously useless. The other part being that I am not that hardworking to sit down and relook and do up nice resources. Seriously certain notes were rubbish and crap. I should have thrown them earlier but you know how things are, you put them in a box saying that you will sort through but still didnt after years, due to tired, no mood, lazy or lack of time. Its only when you are really lacking space for storage then one is forced to really look through the junk accumulated. Lesson learnt for me, is not to accumulate anymore, by knowing what I already have, then what I really need, and space available for storage. I should apply it to work also. The matter of fact also is that I might not go back into education, hence wont know when certain stuff will ever be used again, hence alot of stuff goes into the dustbin.

Hopefully by the time I wake up (cos tomorrow is already here), I would have sort through the last 2 boxes, then finally finish tidying up the stuff from work, and then tackle my clothes and bags. Need to find efficient use of space in the cluttered room. Hmm...

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