Yups, as the title mentions, I have moved back to the hall. Did it on Sunday evening. Chucked a few bags of notes, lps, laptop, a few clothes, my mp3 and its speakers and charger, my phone and its charger. Basically quite a few things to make my stay comfortable. When I opened the door, a musty stench blew past. Its like opening the doors of a crypt. Everything was as I had left it 11 weeks ago except for the junk mails slide under from the door and the dust.
Started cleaning up the place. Even forgot the toilet code until a kind neighbour pointed out for me. Was half cursing and swearing by the time I finished my cupboard, table, shelves and bed. Havent started on the floor yet!!! *faints* Where is Tab when u need her? *grumbles grumbles* Thot she moving back also? Dun tell me I have to clean up the whole room? Hey the floor is much bigger than a single room lor. Walao alot of dirt and hair on the floor. So bo bian. With no help on the way, I used a broom and went through every corner, sweeping out tonnes of hair and very very long ones too. (meaning = not possibly mine) and had to do a very thorough job to get most of it. Then used water and cloth to wipe the entire floor twice! This reminds me of the akido classes, where we have to clean the mats after practice, jap style:
First spread out cloth over two hands, grip the ends, put ur upper body in a pushup position and use ur legs to drive you around.... Man I had to relive that.... So by the time I was done, it was way past 10.30pm, though I arrived around 8.45pm. After that WWIII clean-up, I had a good bath to clean up myself and started stoning.
Basically I still had work pending. My supervisor wanted to see my lp files. It wasnt my idea to meet her so early.... It was two other bloody free trainees under her. Itchy backside.... no life is it? nothing to do have to come and screw me after I just finished tp? Sian the problem was that for the last 2-3 weeks I have not been doing the daily lps dilligently. So I was supposed to get started once I moved into hall. But after that massive cleaning, I was too tired for anything. Online to open maple shop and chat with siblings online. Later was digging around for food cos hungry and ended up eating lots of snacks. Promised to get some munchies tom.
So I woke up at 7.20am automatically and started to tidy up the lesson plan files. Lets just say from then until 12pm, I finished maths file. English too much to do and too little. Just chucked in the lesson plans from the tb which I followed closely. Prayed wont look too hard. Had a quick lunch with Tab, some good jap food with delicious fried tofu then rushed to library to print out and file in. Then as I forgot where the Sup's office is at, I had to spend 10mins running up and down to search for it. Finally found it, went in. She just flipped casually over first the maths file, then even more casually over the english file. Asked me how I felt about the tp, gave some general suggestions, then told me to inform her where I would be posted to.... Of course she gave me back my files... If I had known, I wont even had prepared that maths file properly.... Sian. Went for lecture.
There is a lecture which like less than half the people went to. Me and Tab ended up there listening to an overview lecture about how we GENERALLY fared for our assignments, tps etc. Then listen to alot of useless stuff about how they grade our assignment, which I couldnt be bothered at this point. Blah blah and ended up watching 2 recordings of groups presenting there RT. Wow, jeez, I am not keen anymore. I only want to know pass or fail, Fullstop. Went to JP with Tab and bought subway sandwich(dinner) and grapes(munchies). Then play maple with this friend, Icy, who arranged to meet online to train around evening. Was half watching SuperBand and half playing but once Lucify came out, I stopped for 5 mins to watch. Once they done, I go back to half playing, half watching. Well I quite like their style of music, visual rock and they did sound very good last week. This week not so good to me but judges praise like mad. Oh well they made it to next week. Yay one more highlight!
Was up early again and decided that I wanted to get back in shape. Really like almost a year never exercise properly. I promised not to just wake up and Maple. Not healthy. So after brushing teeth, started some warm ups, crunches, dips, squats, leg lifts etc. My strength deteriorated but the general feel is still there. Still can do but not as many as before. Stairs currently no problem, have to try jogging. So after I did half an hour and cooled down, I opened Maple and started playing. Only to meet my bro and that friend, Icy online an hour later. Then we all train together until around 1.30pm. As different character class, we had different skills to add on and it was very benefical to all. Had a good time tag-teaming with my bro some of the tougher enemies. Yar I have another box! So far my 3rd box, and I have worn all the colours liao.
This week's fashion theme "Boxes" Eco-friendly, makes one look so stylish.Check it out!
#1 Cardboard Box- stylish

#2 Recycled Box - OUch! Hot!

#3 Paper Box - Eco-friendly! Fabulous darling.

Okay I'm not thinking straight. Its bloody 2am now and I am still awake. Will tell you why below. So Tada! I'm making a fashion statement in Mapleland. LOL!
Later got to go out. Went to see dentist cos almost time for scaling and also a tooth had a chip and there is a gap, that same tooth also had a natural hole, not cavity which the dentist suggested to drill do filling. But I was kinda reluctant as I had sensitive teeth. So the drilling is a torture and also had many bad experiences with other dentist about drilling. So I put off and off for one year until that chip came off and I braced myself and went to had the tooth filled. Hmm that dentist quite good, cos only mildly discomfort, no pain, no sensitive teeth feeling. And done pretty quickly. Except it set me back at 85 bucks, the rest is okay. 40 for scaling and 45 for filling. Can claim half from MOE so no problem.
Then after that went to see senseh with youngest sister, Geoky, to get medicine. That took up til 7pm. Ate dinner outside. Geoky was telling me that there is another guy in Korea, who acted in this movie about a King and a effiminate clown. It is a major HIT in US and other countries but havent come to Spore yet! Showed during end of December. Then that guy who acted as the clown really very beautiful!!! Some say even more beautiful than Gackt! Huh really. He became very very very famous after the movie. Like a Gackt of Korea. Woah really? So she gave me the official address and tell me to check out U-tube for it. Okay. I promised to go after Maple. So Geoky has a new craze now. Our upcoming trip to Segamat will see her frantically looking for that movie, the soundtrack(really very nice theme song-humming it now) Besides her other animes and yaoi comics. Oh well.
So after I returned to the Hall around 8pm, I bathe and played Maple. Met Icy again at 8.30pm for training part II and later my bro again. So played up to 11.30pm then stop. Set up maple shop and then watched for sales or the lack of it. Then I remembered that Korean movie. I went to their official website: The King's Clown. If you like DaChangJin, you would like this, ancient Korea setting. Checked out the pics and some videos, man that GUY is BEAUTIFUL. In fact too beautiful!!! Put gals to shame especially me... Sob sob :(
Okay the pics may not look good, but wait until u see the actual actor in the movie clips!!!! )*Shocking* "
God, you are not a fair god. Make guys so beautiful, its a sin to look at them. What about me?"
Anyway there is a music video with this ultra ultra ultra damn nice song! Go either to You-Tube or the offical webpage, Trailers, 3rd clip. (dunno why you-tube cannot host) Dmn nice tune, very dramatic song. Love it! Should download and ripped into Grey asap. That is like why I am still up, listening to it and blogging.
Oh oh, got one more clip, go You-Tube, there is a clip of that guy, Lee JunKi?? And the entire clip focused on him. Really he looks young and very very very beautiful too. Have features to die for. Then when he smiled, the gals keep screaming none stop... Warning alot of screaming in that clip. But he does look good. Is he better than Gackt? I dunno. I prefer gackt cos he can sing, play guitar, piano etc and compose his own songs, besides the look. Him, got to watch the movie to see if can act or not. So far from clip, cannot tell much... BUT another eye candy. After watching the trailer I also want to watch too. Not so much for the gay element but it looks interesting and like quite big-scale production type. Also I've caught a bit of the DaChangJin bug. My mom bought a few very famous serials like DaChangJin, YiDao, ShangDao. Quite good except I no time and patience to sit down and plow through at least 70 episodes each. I just watch parts and ask for the story.
GO AND VISIT AND MAKE UR OWN JUDGEMENT! I cannot host that you-tubes, its down. If can host later one, will put it up in my next post. So now I am still wide awake thinking of that song. Dmn nice song. The themes in the movie also nice and pleasant. Sign, if only tomorrow dun have stupid tutorial to go for. Definitely a waste of time one. Then evening got to go for Jap cos me going to segamat, Tab flying off to Cambodia. So Maple time reduced tomorrow, see how. Hmm I should think about what I want to get in Segamat.
Also another thing on my mind is Christine's upcoming wedding at the Church. Try as I might to think of things to wear but gothic stuff and dressing keeps coming to my mind! On second thoughts, it'll be fun. But Tab kept reminding me that its our senior's wedding leh... Okay so I'll wear a shirt. Then add chains, wristbands, trinklets, coffin handphone holder.... Maybe should have a hair cut and get contact lens.... Omg, wont even think of this if it is a Chinese wedding.... Exactly becos its a church thing so I have this urge.... hmm should go shopping in segamat see if got anything 'interesting' to wear. Need a bottom? shoes? haircut? lens? also lose some weight and work out to look fitter? Dunno. I shall strive to exercise a bit more now to be less flabby for a change.
Incidentally Tab is not living at the hall. Sunday went out with bf, leaving poor roommate to clean up whole room. Monday didnt stay, today didnt stay. Tom also not staying, thurs not too. Well I stayed cos I've cleaned up the place, brought my stuff liao. Noisy bitches have left so very peaceful now. Its like holidays so less than half the hall is occupied. Peaceful. Also my laptop can have uninterupted connection to play Maple and go online. Also can finish up any outstanding work eg lp files, disburse project money etc, tying up loose strngs. Also not to mention, already paid the rent, might as well live in for a short while. Next time want also dun have liao. Well the whole room is mine. Can sleep late and on lights at late nights like now. Can off fan if I am cold. (can throw stuff at her bed, jump on it, spray beer all over it... take her underwear and throw to guy's floor...) Hahaha.
Thinks that's all the interesting stuff I have for now.
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