Today is the official last day! *takes out champange and pops* Kampai! For all the hard work, sweat (from poor ventaliation) and tears.
Everyone who saw me today are like saying "last day right?" I am happy that at least for a short while I wont have to set alarm clock and wake up in zombie mode. Can maple in the afternoons, can sleep late in the evenings, can do what I like on sundays without LPs. Just finished up my last markings of correction.
Walao, yesterday went through, some didnt do properly and all are boys, luckily got oral for the boys, so I went up and caught these monkeys and made them finish up the corrections. The good thing is I got everyone except one. The bad thing was by the time I was done, it was already 3.30pm! Shoots! After makaning, its already 4pm. Took a cab home with my thick lp files so that my load on friday would be lighter. Knocked out. Changed and slept until 7.30pm. Pheng... woke up to eat dinner then get siblings to help pack the tibits. One pack got a jelly, a pack of crackers, a long chewy sweet and a chocolate biscuit. Man I got lots of leftovers as not enough to repacked the leftovers inside equally. By the time we were done, its close to 9pm and I spent some time online watching PVs (promotional videos = mtv) from the various jap visual rock groups that I follow. Then its time to sleep.
Today got Jap test and though I did study, I had almost forgotten all of it. Hope I dun hear from sensei. "sumimasen yenn san..." Argh! Better do last minute mugging today after school. Will go off on the dot.
The other trainee seems to be absent today. She went to hospital for her pregnancy check-up and has not been feeling well lately due to morning sickness. Too bad though cos I heard from that P5 class students that they are going to have a party for her??? I dunno how they knew she was going off but I think they did not know I am going off too. Well the better it is for me. Dun want to distract them from their studies and easier to leave without attachments or too much hoo-hars.
Oh I just went up and given the tibit packs to both classes. Both classes were shocked when I announced that it was my last day with them. Then I wished them all the best for the exams and walked around for them to pick up the tibits pack. As expected, it was a welcome treat for them all. Most were very excited about getting tibits. Then as I was walking off from the P5 class, one female student, the one whom gave me a get-well-card after I came back from my 2nd mc, asked for my handphone number. Err I told her later. Another passed me a small name card for me to fill up. Hmm so back at the staffroom, I had a dilemna, whether to devulge my hp or email to them. Hmm but the two are good students. And I felt if given to them, they are more of a keep-sake than anything. Hopefully they wont flood me with mails or calls or sms, in good faith, I filled up that card, made one for that gal and handed back to them after recess. The P5 had the same recess as the P4 and I had a P4 class immediately after their recess, so I walked over, handed to them then walked off to the P4 class. The P4 class also shocked that I was leaving, but I told them that I was studying, and if I study hard, they should too for their exams. Again the tibits were very welcomed. Anyway my load is much lightened.
The plan is to pack up and aim to leave by 1.30pm. Give out some of those leftover sweets if I could find the students. Need to study for jap test and rest. After jap test then celebrate. I've brought my Educator card, so if going drinking at Timber, got discount. Dunno though... See how first.
Okay add on from where I left off in the afternoon. Currently at home *grumbles grumbles* cos Tab got something on after jap test which she neglected to tell me earlier. Then I tried to make backup ie krynnder and ting, both busy. Thanks man. Hello what do you expect. Its last day of work, plus after jap exam, plus its a Friday!!!! Argh... nothing to say for that. Oh well, I had to settle my own dinner as I told my mom I would be going out. *grumbles grumbles* Well I'll just indulge in fastfood... duh... burger king dinner. Oishikunai!
Hmm in the end, I left work about 1.30pm. Had asked one student to see me for corrections after school, never turned up. I waited for half an hour, thanked my cts for their guidance and handed the cupboard key to the office staff. Just when I was about to walk off, that female student called and ran up to me. But when she was near, she didnt say much. Well I just asked her how was the english paper, which she shyly and very timidly said not good. (she is a very quiet and shy student in class) Gave her a pat and told her to try a bit harder, sure can one (why am I always doing this motivation thing???) Then bade her goodbye and walked off. I wondered what was it she wanted to say? I thought I had given her my contact details after recess? I dun carry high hopes that I've transformed any lives or whatever and I forgot to bring camera to take pictures but nevermind. Memories will suffice. In fact I wanted to get home earlier cos of Jap test and also mainly cos I was not feeling so good. Just dead-tired, my face was pale and lips purplish. I saw my own reflection in the staff toilet mirror and thought to myself "ghost!". Anyway tried to get a cab but too many people in the queue, so took mrt and bus home. Bought lunch home and ate. Then around 3.50pm, concus on bed, dead to the world until 5pm where I dragged myself up to go for Jap class. At least I am glad that tomorrow there is nothing on, a day to rest cos of elections. Can sleep damn late.
Oh one more news update. U all are familiar with Maplestory right? My pet which I bought immediately upon hearing my posting, still remember?
Yar, sob sob, my pig is DEAD!!!
It died naturally of age. It had reached its 3 mths lifespan.
My faithful pig which has been by my side throughout my practicum, is dead on the day that I regained my freedom.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another $4.50 to revive my pig!!!! NO!!!!!!!

Sob sob my box is gone, my pig is dead. I am at home on a friday evening after tp and jap test. No!!!! *Sobs sobs snivel snivels*
Oh well, I'll go and play Pharoh, play ruler of Egypt then have an early night. Tom watch SuperBand cos Lucify the group dress quite visually, maybe can learn a bit and 'dress up' for Christine's wedding... Hmm I'll need a tie, hair gel, eye shadow....
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