Sunday, February 22, 2015

End of drumming for now

Today marks the end of drumming lessons for me. Don't think I will consider picking it up again in the near future. There were various reasons why I decided to stop. But the main reason was I felt I was losing and lost the motivation to practice, due to being stuck at the same place for a long time, lack of progress, lack of motivation. I find the nail is the lack of motivation that built up until everything dwindled. I was at fault too, not practicing but work took a lot out of me that I couldn't even find time to play the drums. With many days for KM and rest, can't seem to make myself squeeze out practice time for drums.

In the end I still had one more lesson that I forfeited cos I found it very painful to sit through today's second last one. It was a waste of $42, though. But if I had to drag myself out in a Sunday afternoon,  travel down via public transport, go through the motions, then go eat a Sanum to cheer myself up, possibly go jalan outside town and eat more food to cheer up. I reckon my opportunity costs might be more.

So with that, no more music lessons for now. I shall fiddle with my neglected guitar, continue on with the music theory grade 2. On top of KM, investment reading and rest days. These are sufficient to keep me busy busy. And I have to consider going for driving lessons again... urgh the pain... move on, move on.

CNY Day 3
I had a cockroach encounter at 2am... Was jolted awake by the shock of seeing one when I was getting ready for bed. But it hid in my room before I could get the spray. Spent the night in parents room. With a can of Baygon by the bedside. Home alone with a cockroach... sian

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