Thursday, May 28, 2020

Covid thoughts in shut-in - Cabin fever and the mind

Plenty of time has passed since the last post. Surprisingly looking back, that was 2019 and now we are heading towards June soon.

In the gap since then, went back to gym. Was caught up with gym and work, commuting to and fro, early from home - gym then lunch out - work - home for late dinner, on workdays. On off days, it was early out from home - gym - stay out, lunch etc- dinner at home for 6 days a week. Days and weeks passed by in this manner.

Then changes came and it became fewer days of so but still took up about 4 days a week. Then days and weeks passed this year of 2020.

Final trip I took was to Taiwan with mom, sis and bro-in-law to pray in the various temples in Kaoshiung and Jiayi. That time was to be the last oversea trip looking back now.

Then the shut-down rebranded as "circuit-breaker" came in and since Mar 26th until now, been mainly home-bound. Saw how the disease swept through countries and the infected count sky-rocketed. For some moments, it felt like living through a so-called Zombie Apocalypse, of sort. Especially felt when shopping for groceries to have a stock and the deserted and quiet streets even on a nice sunny day. There is a surreal feeling living through this period and most wont forget it for years to come. No one is spared the impact. We have all been touched in one way or more. The impact can be felt and seen.

Many of us are at home, trying to keep to a routine of sort, looking out for signs of cabin fever. This word was not even in my vocabulary until now. We have different signs of it - in my case, there has been some craving for certain food, even though I can get it but still I havent gotten that KFC. There is also the looping thoughts in my mind. The most recent being fixated on ice chilled watermelon. I would attribute it to the hot summer weather as a contributing factor. Also kept reliving certain short oversea trips I had. The peculiar part being I can vividly recall the thoughts and emotions experienced at that particular time and part of the memory. My two Penang trips with Kheldar and solo one, the two Bangkok trips, with Quetzal and solo, the cheap Batam trip, the expensive Bintan spa trip. Even glimpse of the graduation Redang trip and KL trip. Certain moments pop up and I can recall the emotions, thoughts and sights. Peculiar...

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