Monday, December 21, 2009

People Skills? Expectations?

Now these 2 parts hit me squarely when I went for 2 interviews today.

The first was a tuition centre, where after some talk, the offer was $25 per hour of group teaching, on a part-time basis.

The other which followed after was a lecturer position at a private diploma school which only offers $2k for a 6-day work week.

Now I had only just sent out last nite and shortly received calls for these 2. It was such a hassle. Got my shirt and pants, ironed them. I thought the interviewers might be interested in my lessons, and brought a few stuff that I did, BUT when I reached, the objects of interest are mainly my certficates, reason for leaving, my high pay at MOE which they might not match. I did ask my share of questions about the work aspects, hours etc.

But seriously was I expected to be at all smiles? Trudge under hot sun to find first centre, then had walked circles around the find the second. Also was I supposed to expect a huge pay cut? The second only offered slightly more than half, despite all the talk about prospects. I can see why they need people. Also in the 2nd one, I was told that I appear stern and might need a make-over or put on more smiles to 'act' cos that's what the lecturers need to do to keep students learning etc. How do I show u my teaching-side face, which is actually more cheerful than my normal face, when I am not teaching yet nor is there a chance to showcase?

Expectations about work hours, salary and stuff for me are still rather hazy. The thing I realized about working in Singapore. It is really DIFFICULT to earn the money(through conventional means) But it can be done.

I was trying to make some mental calculations whether I could get a better deal by doing home-based tuition. Think the first offer was alright, IF they decide to call back.

I will still continue on, but would need to get some basic make-up, and maybe 1-2 shirts, of nicer brighter colours than my earthly colours. Also tomorrow I will try to go for a haircut. FH's assignment will be starting, luckily had arranged for a flexible arrangement.

I am rather unbothered for now except rather tired. The guy at the 2nd venue kept for more than 1.5hrs, really knows how to smoke his way. A story to share next time ya see me. Quite stoned by the time it was over. Almost fell asleep on the bus. Think tomorrow or later after, I rested. I will continue this job search. Need to be even more selective about whom I sent to, dont want to end up at some funny place with a dhingy looking prospect.

If nothing works out, then there is always home-based assignments or worse comes to worst consider going back. Was tempted to find out about the requirements to set up an own tuition centre. Some phone call enquiries that need to be made to ask about regulations. Now I need sleep.

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