Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Krav Maga L2

Yesterday we resolved to go for the second Krav Maga class, in part thanks to the veiled threat by Tab to post some photo-shopped pic if I didn't go. So it was a go. I stuffed my clothes into a holey net-like bag and stuffed that into my bag so I wont have a repeat of losing my stuff. Also put in my new knee guard and 2 ankle-guards and a wrist-guard. That just showed how many parts I have sprained or hurt before. Basically both ankles, my right knee and my left wrist.

I was looking forward to it cos finally something else besides going home after work and just zoned out and end up sleeping early and wake or even stay up late and then sleep late routine. So much so, my students actually noticed my 'happy' mood. Wow, they can read my face huh and they kinda know me a bit more. I did reply that I was going for self-defense class, excited, not cos it was a date (How ironic according to Tab)

So after work and cca, I headed out. Munched on a snack of a big green pear. Reached and met up with Tab around 6.30pm. Had little time to eat a dinner, didn't feel hungry cos of the snack. Our resolve was Not to injure Tab, otherwise she might not continue due to constant nagging and hoo-ha from husband and mom (Err... but I 'krav-ed' her... sorry)

We reached there and it was crowded, about 14 people for the basic group. A bit cramp. A different instructor but think the first one is better. This time the lesson was how to remove the threat of a knife at your throat. Involved a fake, scanning and then a reaction to move the knife away and retaliate and lastly disengage and scan then run.

Err to skip through, I accidentally palmed-hook Tab, not full force but made contact, she tio a cut in her inner lips just above her front teeth. I noticed her front teeth getting a bit reddish. We stopped and she rinsed her mouth and pressed tissue. I was very sorry and she really wanted to knife me... Err sorry really!!! Glad it was a small cut and it stopped after a short while. But I really controlled already and think I should get her to wear some sort of guard next time. So far 2 times Krav Maga, both times tio accident. The good thing is this incident is much much smaller than the first one. Hope third time lucky and she would be injury-free. I resolve not to have any more accidents with her.

But coming back to the practice, I was lucky both wrists were not twisted cos it was quite intense on both wrists. It was kinda easy to twist the wrists cos of the maneuvers if executed properly. I felt my right wrist twisting when Tab did the wrist 'kiap' cos she did it very well. I felt my right wrist being twisted and forced to move towards her. She's got the thing for it too.

Her brother was there and joined in the last drill about assailants and defenders. Quite aggressive and intimidating plus the size. Man I was pushed right up against the wall. Apparently he scared another guy until he turned white. I was the defender then so my eyes were closed, didn't see that. Tab saw cos she was the attacker then. Think it's great to have a training partner to spar with. By the end of it, I got a ride with them. Kind to drop me off at my block. Thank you, really saved me a lot of traveling time.

I walked over to the coffee-shop to have 'zh- char' dinner. Saw my youngest sister. She just came back from work. We both ate dinner together. Both parents in M'sia then, other sister is abroad. Came back and I felt the tightness in the muscles used. The arms, shoulders, upper back cos this time it mainly utilize the upper-body. Think if continue on, will have very toned arms and shoulders. After bathing, I quickly slapped on so much CounterPain muscle cream. Body was very tired but mind was active, slept late though. Had enough deficit to have an apple cider. Like that its chilled cos of the weather. Helps calm the active mind to sleep.

Woke up this morning and first thing I felt was muscle-aches - shoulders, sore wrists, upper back and bruises on the left forearm,  Man, not as bad but still very noticeable. When I move, certain parts aches more, I kinda had to keep massaging them. Also slapped on muscle cream again and again. But had to pass a day with aches here and there. I think this is already much reduced compared to without the cream. Got to suffer these aches until Friday or Sat perhaps. Still putting on a lot of cream today. Also felt tired but after work, during the meeting, after most of the work-related things I have finished thinking about, I find myself rethinking the lesson, the part about the kiap and a hook simultaneously, its the key part but I find I haven't really gotten the move fully cos the fingers open up. Need more shadow-practice to make it an automatic reflex muscle memory thingy. Too many things going on to notice like how to kiap, hook. Think we did well enough for the first time. Some things like technique refinement takes time.

Basically I like the fact that I could execute it, without complicated shit like 眼神 or having to do the 'seiza' position. Its quite intuitive and logical, not complicated. Plus I am a lot fitter though still not as slim compared to those earlier years when I tried Akido and Wushu. This one I know I might get injured, but at least its not from just cos I had to do this ritual move of sitting on my crossed ankles. So I really like it so far. I can see the practicality of it. Hope Tab can continue with me. Its really more effective to do with a partner of the same sex first.

Now I just hope for the muscle-aches to clear up so I can do kettle-bell and conditioning to clear this week's quota. But its mid week, things are slowing and I did some OT voluntarily to come up with a set of vocab ws I am going to use with my students to expand their vocab range.

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