Sunday, September 23, 2012

Skin now is Ultra-sensitive to sun

What irks me recently was two Friday ago, I didn't use the umbrella under the cloudy hazy non-sunny time of 4pm for just a mere 10-minutes duration.

And the next day, I woke up to a nose badly-swollen, unsightly pus-filled pimples starting to form all over. I had agreed to meet Tab n husband for Suki-buffet lunch. So I put popped some and put on a cream.

Let's just say by evening, after reaching home from dinner. I looked into the mirror to an even more serious case of pimples on the nose. Almost all the pores on my nose are painful, pus-filled pimples that hurts. Omfg... Pricked those with a needle head to get the pus out and slapped on the Oxy cream.

The next day, a Sunday, I had to head out to IMM to fix up the Internet with mom n sisters. So I covered up the nose with the Oxy cream. With the tinted cream, at least it covered up the ghastly sight... Still having pimples developing...

While I was there, I bought an untainted Oxy n an acne cream which was tinted. When I reached home, I washed off the Oxy, washed the face n put on the cream. By late evening, not so painful.

Mon, I had to go to work. By then there are still some pus pimples and some starting to dry up. I put the tinted acne cream over the nose. Told students straight up briefly about my colored-nose cos it was kinda obvious and I expected to have to put it on for several days.

By Thur, the pimples dried and the skin flicked off... Only to reveal the fact that ALL my pores on the nose are now BLACKHEADs!!! Wtf... Can't just go squeeze them all out cos that would leave scars... As if those pimples earlier didn't leave scars...

So, bought Pore-pack for women. Put it over my nose on Sat. Left it on to dry for an hour instead of 15mins. Pulled it off and stared in shock n amazement at the huge number of blackheads pulled out... It was like all sides of the strip had hard blackheads. This is the most I had ever pulled out from my nose ever.... The worst part was that when I looked at the mirror, there were still many obvious blackheads all over the nose still. Man... So have to keep this up.

This is seriously a very bad experience and the worst case of acne?? I ever had so far. It's kinda disturbing that there were signs of spreading beyond the nose area. Some parts of my T-zone are affected also whereas last time there wasn't.

All these meant, I am NEVER, ever going under the sun without an umbrella until it's safely 5pm... Rather be an "aunty" with an umbrella than suffer this kinda of double-scarring experience again... Bleah

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