Sunday, January 19, 2014

Thoughts for 2014

Haven't been updating much cos the Samsung interface for blogger sacked and the normalwewebsite blogging is not as easy. Their version of auto correct is irritatingly stupid at times. Hence my misspelling a lot.

Updates n thoughts

Our main KM instructor asked me to try for the coming grading but I was hesitant cos ever since the shift of venues, haven't covered that many techniques so I didn't feel like I've learnt much of the P2 techniques. True enough later when I looked at the list, half of it I haven't learnt. He assures me that there is time but I still don't think I am able to train so intensively with the further location and it's really a challenge at times to drag myself there and squeeze in the crowded trains. Maybe it would be better if I went only for the Adv classes, at least it's much later and hence less rushed, trains probably less packed by then. Now grading cost extra $$$ and money has been tight with my current pay, lowered pay and bonus. So all these adds to cost though. I was working through my finances with these courses and meds and insurance and commitment and not able to have much surplus... After July,  even the cost of KM would rise cos no longer have the 6 months package... so lots of money pressure. I will train but dun think I would go. It's too soon, rushed n I am not mentally prepared. Also the scheduled date is a Sunday, in the week of the exams. There's my bdae,  CNY,  work trip & frantic checking of books now marking of exams. Then that Sunday go for grading... I am afraid that I would end up unable to work the next day cos of the severe muscle aches like last time. I was bed-ridden n survived on bottles not bottles of isotonic drink after the grading which was on a Sat. By Monday, I could work but with lots of aches all over. I shudder at the thought of going through it and now even have to pay extra for it. But I will still train for it. I hope to reach P2 by July.

Work is still draining.  Despite me trying to increase my workout til 4-5 times a week, including twice KM, still drained and mentally concussed at times. The good thing is I haven't been drinking myself to sleep almost daily like last year. So far I've drank a couple of times, abt 5, more as something to go along with food especially fried chicken and not so much as a night cap. Pretty decent. Sleeping naturally.

In the meantime I will juggle studying Japanese, drums, music theory, guitar and KM. Not all of them I am going for classes. Some I am doing self-study. So see how. I think before this year ends, I would try for driving under private instructor... my dad's getting old and his driving is erratic at times... sigh.

So much to do and so little time, energy and money.

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