Monday, January 23, 2017

Birthday dinner treat and Spring cleaning

Today, after waking up earlier than usual, and thus am faced with the heavy rain and dreary skies. I was tempted to go back to sleep but couldn't fall back asleep. So thus I am up earlier than the usual lazing around.

This weekend, I was pigging out excessively. Saturday, the birthday dinner out with friends at Brewerkz was superb. We really demolished a lot of food and drinks. I find, I can only stomach 1 pint of beer instead of the past 2-3 pints. Did fill the rest with lots of meats. Thankful for friends who took time to come down despite the rain and also the treat. Did enjoy myself a lot. We were pleasantly surprised that many of the dishes tasted really good - the mussels unexpectedly and the buffalo wings, nachos, pizzas and the Big Pig Platter of ribs, pork knuckle and sausages. Delicious, big portions and reasonable pricing in light of the cafe and restaurant prices nowadays. I was surprised how much food just 7 adults can wipe out. I dabao the leftover Big Platter home and it became dinner on Sunday. And we haven't finished the pork knuckle meat yet.

On Sunday I have the munchies really bad. Like insatiable hunger. Ate a lot of food here and there. Even instant noodles though I already had dinner. Hmm... dare not step on the weighing scales until some more days have passed. Then there is CNY. Luckily we are having a very very toned down one. Just want to have the home-made hei zou and soup. A simple meal.

Today I finally kicked myself to start and helped to wipe the window panes and grills for 3 sets of windows - living room, own room and Mom's room. Didn't want her to do her own and potentially fall... so I did it. Man, while wiping the grills, I am reminded how Spring Cleaning is such a chore. At least we have progressed to using wet wipes instead of cloth and water.

As I get older, Spring cleaning is more and more of a chore. When I was younger, and in our schooling days, we had massive spring cleaning back in Msia ancestral house that lasted an entire week, from morning til evening type. I remembered all the rinsing of cloth and wiping, emptying and refilling water... A massive endevour which we have not done in many years ever since the grandparents passed away.

While doing the windows is definitely not as taxing as KM but its kinda dreary on a dreary rainy day so I played music on Spotify and did them at a shot. I have to keep the momentum going once I have started. No breaks until I am done. Then took down the old curtains and put up the new curtains. Suffice to say, at the end, I was tired and finished my cleaning-quota for the day.

I am definitely not such a diligent person to be wiping dust about the house very regularly. Also I feel, I got lazier as I age but I still do it cos don't want to trouble others to do on my behalf. Don't expect ageing Mom to do such things. So hence kicking myself to do it.

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