Thursday, February 12, 2004

Well Jap lessons have been fun. U see, we have been going up to our Jap teacher, and asking him for the Jap equivalent of some words that we commonly use. It is nice to see Sensei's amused or surprised expression when we asked him some of these words too. Then with the help of dictionary, some funny terms like dog and monkey. And also some phrases we all learn, like its hard....

So after a few weeks, we got words like 'shi ni masu' for die, 'su to re su' for stress, 'ta ma tte i masu' for being squeezed and everything is tumbling down, 'saru' for monkey and 'i nu' for dog.

Lemme practice:

" Everyday I begin work as a Saru, and work is making me sutoresu. On top of that, still being rushed to do my project and still help do data entry and other crap, t feels like tamatteimasu. Really shinimasu every single day this week...! Then at the end of the day, around 7 plus, I drag myself out of office like an inu. Thank god, the week is coming to an end...tomorrow. Its really HARD and INSANE work.... Taihendesuyo.

Signed Internal Bleeding and really puking blood.....

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