Monday, February 02, 2004

Its been a while since I've last blogged. Just had a memorable birthday with friends. Esp the jazz birthday song at Jazz@new south bridge. Thanks friends, for putting me in the 'spot light'. Thanks also for the present, in fact I will be using them really soon....

The long weekend was used for resting. In fact, I just concus on bed until the afternoon. It feels good to just not do anything for a while. Doing some stuff like playing a few songs on guitar, playing PSII and lazing around. But it seems fatigue and some aches have caught up with me.... Keep on feeling pretty tired, sleepy and a bit of aches. Well just started on the preliminary of my internship project, hope work will be less hectic and more interesting. Well just have another 95 working days to go. Dunno if this will 'convert' into a perm, but even if not, I hope the project can add value to me. Well another 19 weeks to go.

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