Thursday, August 14, 2014

Very clean, spartan lifestyle... :(

Guess the reason why I could go into this intensive diet n exercise mode is exactly due to the holidays.

I am limiting my calories to 1220 per day. Every meal is controlled. 0 calories from drinks except morning kopi-o. Rest of the drinks are all mugicha n tea, zilch sugar. This is better cos all the calories would come from purely food. And I could have more calories for food so that I can actually eat more to keep full. Plus one meal - lunch or dinner is the pack of chicken breast meat. It's pan fried with little oil. 5-6mins per side over a low fire. Tasty so far. Today is the 3rd pack. And also monitoring everything eaten using the Live Strong app though the measurements used are all US-based but still can manage. So far dropped 1.5kg. Haven't weighed today. Will weigh tomorrow. Stomach is a little less flabby. Plus knee cap pain is down a lot.  Still have to push on for another 4kg. That will be a challenge with the upcoming high-tea tomorrow and buffet lunch on Sat. I am playing around with thebreakfast and even lunch to see if I could minimise the damage. Good thing so far is my taste buds went gradually to plainer taste. But still got "hunger pangs and itchy mouth" at night.

Exercise so far I did work out (including KM) to achieve exercising almost every day. But yesterday my left shoulder felt a bit off and right wrist also. So decided to rest yesterday. Tonight is more KM. Approaching weekend, more exercise at home.

Have to tidy clothes, room, catch up with guitar and drums. Not doing them.

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