Saturday, May 08, 2004

" The candidate must have analytical skills, excellent verbal and written communication skills, must know XXX computer software programme.... blah blah...have 2-5 years work experience........"

so says the ABC job ad I saw.....

So lemme reassess myself in light of what the Job wants... and see if I have all that they want.... Of course no lah. They are asking for the PERFECT person. If I have all these qualities, then why am I looking at your job offering. I would have been head-hunted long ago, earning at least 50K per annum. Well I just have to find some means of going into what I want to.

As I opened my email, I saw this employment assessment, at JobsDb, so I tried and decided to put in this blog, to remind myself what sort of employee am I. (not to mention that I tire of complaints abt current job)

Summary Soo Y.L, your responses indicate that you are very persistent, creative, and able to relate to key issues in large scale activities. If you are called upon to develop long-range planning, your keen sense of timing and ability to produce practical, time saving innovations assists you. You communicate in the manner of a teller rather than a persuader, and you prefer to interact in one-on-one relationships and in small groups. You come across as warm and friendly.

Communication Style Soo Y.L, you are an attentive and perceptive listener. You tend to be sensitive to other people's feelings. When speaking, you avoid conflict by choosing your words carefully. You are especially skillful at maintaining harmony. Your style of persuasion is diplomatic and tactful.
Also, Soo Y.L, you are reserved and prefer to communicate with people one-on-one. You need to be spoken to and listened to in a respectful tone.

Your style of communication is easy-going and indirect. You express yourself in a calm, caring, and consistent manner.

Soo Y.L, you feel that cooperation and teamwork are very important, and you set clear time frames to complete projects. You plan actions carefully, allow for time considerations, and maintain harmonious relations with colleagues.

You function best when reporting to a strong leader. You are good at prioritizing work, establishing routines, and getting things done on time.

Leadership Style Leadership Style: Mentor
You perform your leadership role by accepting whatever comes your way, adjusting to it and then pushing ahead with persistence. You regard timing as very important and this is reflected in your expertise in planning and then in pursuing your goals. You freely delegate details and may be disinclined to delegate authority. You require some time to be alone in order to think of new methods to accomplish your goals.

Conscientiousness You balance solid, goal-oriented achievement and a relaxed approach to life. You may fluctuate between periods of highly motivated, achievement-oriented activity and periods of more easy-going behavior. Alternatively, you may demonstrate a sustained, moderate level of effort toward your goals. While you may not demonstrate an intense desire for achievement for its own sake, you are able to summon a sense of purposefulness and self-discipline when needed. The level of your positive motivation toward achievement may depend on the task or situation.

Motivational Needs Soo Y.L, you tend to be motivated when your personal efforts contribute to overall organizational goals. You prefer that your organization's structure be secure and steady. You desire to work in an environment distinguished by teamwork and compatibility. You are most productive in a harmonious, cooperative, and stable work environment. You respond positively when encouraged to use creativity in projects, and when there are no sudden changes in pace or workload.

You can be demotivated if excessive pressure is exerted on you at the last minute. Personality conflicts among co-workers can negatively impact your productivity. You may be less motivated in environments of rapid or sudden change. You can be frustrated by unrealistic expectations, or by frequent interruptions.
Primary Motivators
• An environment where there is harmony and cooperation.
• A minimum of conflicts and a steady, stable structure.
• A pace set for you with no sudden or abrupt changes.
• Forewarning of changes so that there is sufficient time to adjust.
• Encouragement in regard to creativity.
• Knowing how your personal efforts contribute to overall goals.
• Validation of self-worth.

Primary Demotivators
• Constantly pressured at the last minute.
• There are too many personality conflicts.
• There are too many sudden changes.
• Expectations are too high and/or not clear.

Emotional Intelligence Soo Y.L, your responses indicate that you tend to recognize your own emotions, moods, and drives as they occur. Furthermore, you tend to understand the emotional makeup of others, and to accurately sense what other people are feeling. You are able to attune your own style to the emotional reactions of others. You perform accurate self-appraisals of your talents and abilities.

Notice that all sounds very positive. If I wanted to know more, the catch is that I have to pay $90 bucks to know. Nope, thank you.

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