Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Small step:

Highlighted my hair ($65)

Middle step:

Bought more alcoholic chocolate ($15)

Big Picture:

Broke saru (monkey) with no peanuts, (:P) but happy? drunk?

Yep just did my hair. Though I chose a dark colour, when it came out, it was quite light. Then when i went to work on mon, a few noticed and commented nice. Some didnt notice until a few hours later.... Well it seems to 'light' up my face. I quite like it also, hmm maybe I should take more pics and wear some 'cool' clothes, metallic jewellery etc. Heheh.... If only I could find the energy to do so.

Today a bit xian cos the day passed so slowly, if only i was in paradise instead. Well lunched with some collegues, the new or not-so-new collegues who are around my age. They did ask me, so i hop along. To my surprise, while they chatted, they also mention that the time pass slowly, hours long. They also felt their brain turning mushy, not much skills used. Hmm i genuinely thot that only I felt this way. They also complain abt leave, and me also, about the lack of leave. One was surprised when i mentioned that sometimes the time passed so slowly... esp when trying to find things to do. There arent no shuai ges to look at. And dun sit facing the window, so no nice view to see. Well so I am human after all, there are pple out there who share my thots. I dun feel so alone anymore?

Well still have a long week ahead, will be gluping down more alcoholic chocolates, gin coke and coffee until the weekends.

Hmm I feel like learning Muay Thai if I have the chance. Need to find info? Anyone? Time, venue, cost.

Lastly hope I dun overspend, otherwise cannot afford my electric guitar at the end.

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