Sunday, February 26, 2012

Some worries, Seller's regret and calories frustration

Usually the worries come mainly from the job. Many colleagues are leaving, for a whole lot of reasons. Those of us who are not expatriate wonder if we would have a similar fate even though our contract is going to be renewed, no sign of the pay or anything. Should I be thankful just to have a job with no pay increase or minimal! Too bad my stock can't earn me a living yet, only some extra 'months of bonus' which helps with my insurance premiums. Which is kinda of a bigger burden now at my reduced pay and bonus compared to MOE. But I feel less burdened by work, not that I didn't habe to work hard.

So I wondered if I should stay on? When Candle wanted to go to the Guan Yingel temple, I decided to ask about this question. I got a good qian and so accordingly I should stay on a while longer. I find I am looking at a job to settle into. Not that I don't have challenges, like having to come up with lessons and activities, but some place, where I can be comfortable with. I am not sure if currently this is the ONE. But I do feel weary of the interview, job search. Wanna focus on doing more of the things I am interested, which would mean I need a stability in my work. When it's stable, I can pursue other interests and deal with all those uncertainties. The Qian help me allay my insecurities. Of course I would still work hard at what I can do. Cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Seller's Regret:
This is a term I coin for the feelings of regret when one sold off the shares when prices rosed due to realize gains with some stupid Greek debt news, only for it to shot up even higher. So far, I didn't make an additional RM$5000 due to selling off too soon. Another
SGD$1.3k from another SG counter... Bloody irritated with myself though I realized some gains. It could be much higher but hind-sight is always 6-6.

Then I keep having the urge to buy back that runaway Msia counter. I would term this feeling and compulsion as 'Seller Regret' as one wonders if there is more upside and buys back at High price only to risk buying at too expensive a price when the market turns. So my solution to this was to buy back just 1 lot. It helps alleviate the 'buy compulsion'. I am 'participating' in the potential upside but also limiting my potential to lose in a downside. It's just a way to keep that feeling at bay. Which surprisingly works. I started a "Little Black Book" for my investment and recorded my reflections for all the buy and sell transactions. I find by recording down the good and bad decisions and my reasons then for that decision, I am learning from every trade. I made 1 better sell decision after that 3 initial not-so-good ones. I will keep it up for this year's investments as I am not intending to do tuition. I want to see if the extra time and effort can yield me better returns both financially and health-wise (more rest time, free time, time to exercise)

Calories Frustration:
I find it really amazing and frustrating how easy it is to burst the daily calorie limit, sometimes by ALOT. This month of Feb is really busting all my previous 3 months of hard work. The no of parties, sumptous meals outside meant huge surplus in calories that I am not able to work back through healthier n lower calorie meals on weekdays. A Friday or Sat out can bust an entire week or two's effort.

I left home today having eaten breakfast n lunch that is 40% of my calorie limit. With just dinner with 60% limit, one would think that it should suffice, right? Wrong! After keying in all that I have eaten, I am up to 8% over the calorie limit! That meant I ate 68%. The muffin n latte teatime didn't help, plus dinner choices is really easy to bust. That meant Sunday, first is have to go gym (keep up with routine plus this week havent gone yet), second calorie deficit forced by eating a meal of subway (usually dinner), better choice of breakfast n lunch. Sian, food nowadays is getting too easy to bust the intake. No wonder it's so difficult to lose weight n not otherwise.

Am going to shop for a week's supply of fruits for breakfast, snack and eat that wheat with low-fat milk too. Sigh... Feb is too much of an excess.

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