Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Coming family trip / 2nd last week / Trying to count down

Last week, I was asking my mom whether she was available for a trip to Genting around my break period. Cos she has to go back during Qing Ming to sweep grave. After the date for the grave sweeping was finalized, she ask me to ask my dad whether he interested in the trip. By then my youngest sister didn't mind tagging along but bunk in with us.

So I spent some time finding out free n easy packages, 3D2N off peak that matches our timing. Called up to enquire about the details and get quotation etc. I presented the info to my dad and he surprisingly agreed to go very quickly. So that's 4 of us, going for twin-sharing. So we made that decision on Thur and on Sat, we headed over to the tour agency to sign and pay up. Offered to pay for my mom, cos she accompany me but she declined. Want to pay for herself. We also bought personal travel insurance. All settled, now left for the trip. FINALLY I am going somewhere. Even though it's Msia but I've never been to Genting, something to strike off my list. Hehehe bring my ATM along and some RM. Maybe I should change some but recent rates are not so good.

It's the 2nd last week of the term. Tom is the half-way mark. It's the graduation ceremony, have to wear formal. I got out my clothes, tom wake up earlier a bit to iron cos the steamer is in my sis's room and one of them is sleeping. Don't wanna wake her. Got ready my breakfast - grapes and lunch - leftover fried rice, some roasted pork and otak. Have to balance off with a Oven-roasted chicken breast wrap. Now I am trying harder to limit my Come Zero to just 1 can a day cos read an article about increased health risks from having 2 cans or more daily for women. Going to try harder to shift to Tea (Oolong, Pu-er etc) So far, with sheer will-power, resisted and kept at just a can. Thinking of going to the gym too after work. At the back of my head, I want to go out, redeem my Groupon deals but bolan jio and sometimes I wanna clear the exercise gym routine during weekdays. I blame this for the 2 consecutive work parties, 2 Fridays ago and just last Sat. Took up the time for me to head out, I'm starting to feel restless, like I need to be away from the people from work for a weekend to myself, family and friends, doing relaxing stuff, instead of having to dress, eat in a very unnatural atmosphere, trying to make small talks. It's more mentally and also physically tiring, as I had to make my own way there. First was a club in the middle of an industrial distict, gotta walk quite s distance to take bus and a long walk in. The Pink one, I had to take a 1.5th bus ride on Bus 10. I relented and shared a cab to reach home faster , 11.30pm.

Then Thur onwards I still have some lessons to go... Counting down.

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