Monday, June 14, 2004

....Finally the liberating day of freedom that has eluded this poor, sleep-starved, foul creature that was formerly called Hellbound, is at the door-steps. In another measley two days to eternal salvation.. The pitiful creature formerly known as Internal Bleeding shall EXIST no more. In its place is just plain, old Yenn....

..The Yenn that will be heading down to town and enjoying coffee in the cafe while the office crowd whizzes by; the Yenn that will be happily strumming her guitar and singing her unemployement song at the Esplanard on a sunny and windy afternoon, while the rest toiled in sub-artic temperatures; the Yenn that live in the alternate reality of games, manga and animation; the Yenn that could sleep until the cows come home....

Before long though, its going to be back to the Rat-race, or I would call it 'bond-serving time' cum peanut hunting time. But this time, I just want to get a banana, cos I am damn SICK of peanuts. Notice how HARD peanuts are to get, how DIFFICULT earning the peanuts are, eating too much can result in INDIGESTION, and on top of that note how LARGE a banana is compared to a measley peanut. Get the picture?

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