Monday, December 20, 2004


Woke up to another day, with an aching knee (Pain No 1) from the zoo yesterday, due to a call to turn up for another bbq from school. Huh? I didnt know i have to turn up. Ou, okay, i will turn up then, thanks. So now i am incharge of games. So have to go back for one day. Fine.

Went to nearby coffee shop for lunch with sisters, only shortly after all kenna stomache (Pain No 2). Then my mom came back from msia and we accompanied her to buy stuff. The final pain comes in the form of getting ears pierced. Why? Cos my youngest sister got hers pierced and she said painless so my other sister interested. Oh well, what the heck so I joined in also. So she dun feel lonely and stuff. We decided to get it done this holiday so can recuperate during holidays. My mom told us have to look for auspicious date to get it done. Hence we delay until tom cos its the winter solace festival. My mom came back from msia and told us that actually today is a good day to get it done. Fine, only that the auspicious time is after 3pm. So we did grocery shopping until 3. Went to the jewellery shop where my sister got hers done. Dunno why, but I was to go first. Hey, why no scissors, paper, stone. Lalalala so i sat there holding my hair while the uncle makes the mark and let us choose the color of the stud. After some trial and error, got the marks to be even then its time to fire the earrings.

"Thud!" went the first shot. "Ouch...." A sharp pain from my right ear. Then i turned around, "....sss..." Another pain in my left ear. Great, i thought when both are done. Now the pain feels more balanced, both my ears feels as though someone clipped some very tight clothes clippers on it.

"How? Still painful?" my mom asked.

"Yes... subsiding a bit but my ears still pain. When i open my mouth too wide it hurts more"

"For both ears? Oh then u must have been pierced at the nerves for both... When i first did mine....."

Just great isnt it.... Watashi no Mi Mi ga ITAI desyo!!!! ITAI ITAI ITAI!!!!

My sister had it much better, cos she didnt hit any nerves hence just feel numb, no pain.

*grumbles* At this moment while blogging, my mi mi still hurt. I can feel the studs distinctively. So the moral of the story, dun listen to your sister.

No lah. In chinese: Yao Mei Bu Yao Ming! (Want beauty not ur life)
I just hope the dull aching pain will subside soon... my sisters one is numb still. Unfair.

ITAI ITAI ITAI. Watashi no mi mi ga itai desyo!

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