Thursday, January 21, 2010

Primary level questions

Hmm I went for an interview yesterday. It was kinda last minute and there had been 2 missed calls cos they called on Monday and I was in JB for the good half of the day. Then I tried to call back but no answers. Then received a 3rd call. An interview on Tuesday. There is a academic test also.

Huh? I have heard of tutors being tested academically but didnt felt the need or urge to prepare by studying cos at this point, some of my maths stuff, esp those that I dont use eg Integration, sin, cos, tang, I had all returned to my teachers. So its either I know, or dont.

So I headed there, its actually near my first workplace. A bit nostalgic cos I walked down the same path daily to work during my contract days. But despite having driving lessons in that region, I didnt specifically walk the same path inwards. I filled up my details which is the norm on a form. Then had to do a Psychometric test, ie DISC assessment (which I found out today thanks to references from Wikipedia) and had to solve a few questions for Maths and Science and mark and grade 2 Eng compo.

Now the funny thing was that a couple of the Maths questions gave me a headache. Esp one deceptively simple question on ratio. I was literally cracking my brain on it. And supposed to solve with models. I tried but unsure if that simplistic manner was the answer. After the interview, I asked my sister, who btw scored better results academically than me. She managed to form 2 simultaneous equations very quickly and solve it. (Now looking at it, she got the correct answer) Problem is, looking at the solution, I am STILL unable to translate into model method. My model foundation is very strong but when it comes to this type of funny ratio, I am unable to use the model way. (Still thinking ath the time of this post)

After jap test, met up with Candle and after Tab left home cos she was unwell, I asked Candle to help me with the question. She also used equations and even an unorthodox matter to help determine the answer. The problem was working backwards. We literally cracked our brains in the BK (which I am 注定 to eat there...) I was almost home when Candle called me and mentioned she managed to solve. Still using equation.

Hmm primary maths literally can make one crack one's head. Cos unless I remember wrongly, up to P6, they only learn 1 variable. Only in Sec then they learn simultaneous equations. But my sister's method did solve with only 1 variable. Yet when I look at the method of solving, the amount of solving is at the Sec 1 standard. At least that's what it felt to me.

Still thinking about how to solve using ratio-proportion method, and/or models. Tomorrow I would go and get the PSLE 10 years series to take a look esp for solutions. Think I need some revision on ratios with models.

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