Sunday, March 17, 2013

End of another work year, 1st main sub hr

On Friday, surprisingly I didn't cry during the leaving colleagues speech. There were 1-2 whom I was closer and my eyes did tear up but cleared before tears formed. Phew cos once I start, it doesn't stop.

I went up about 15mins earlier than the time I should go in. A fe girls came up and chatted. Called me 'cool', 'ikemen' and even 'beautiful'. I wore a sleeveless collared T and they saw my sunburnt shoulders. Told them its rather normal to wear sleeveless but they being vain in their culture, prefer to cover up with jacket even under the scorching sun. I joked they can make a motif of their flag and paste on the arm, so when sunburnt , it can resemble their flag.

Surprisingly I got a thank you message board from my form class. It's a Jap way of expressing their thanks. Each student writes a message on it. Decorated and done up nicely (mostly almost entirely always by girls). Main Form didn't managed time well had to rush through the last part of the day, and I had few seconds to compose a so-so speech to the class. My first form class where I was the main sub. Wished those returning back to their home country good luck. For those who are still here next year, I looked forward to seeing them grow more. Especially some...

Doing my bus duty, my Eng student from FW's class came to pass me their 'thank you' card (half A4 vanguard) It's kinda an interesting card. They quoted me on my most used phrase (zannendesu) Wrote a few sentences to express their thanks. Then each of the 15 student wrote a holiday greeting including the Happy Birthday... Behind it is 15 lines of lyrics... Interesting card I must say but it shows their ability and sense of humor. Holidays cos some I did specifically teach, the lyrics mostly from the music Cds I burnt, I know all the lyrics. Surprisingly. Laminated that and will wrap up that message board and put at my table. A reminder of the good times together, inspiration and motivation.

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