Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Work work work

This post will be about work.

It seems the horoscope of this year is really accurate. Specifically about the busyness of work, the fatigue that follows thereafter and the health. So I will have to manage my health despite these.

Work had seen a big increase in of 30% in terms of teaching periods but obviously with much much lesser increase in pay. Still on a pay-cut... That is a push factor. This increase excludes the cca and the daily morning and dismissal 20+ minutes each. That's a lot of time. No wonder just within the first week but with no lessons, feel so tired already. Others seem to be in the same boat. Kinda like misery needs company and its a systemic thing cos it's the people whom perpetuate the system where other suffer... Hmm

My jade dragon is hidden at my table calendar, on the side of my table, pointing behind me. Plus the dragon tattoos are hidden inside facing both front and back. Hope it's powerful enough to deter certain crap in my direction.

I am trying to make certain resources before my own solo lessons starts and with the increased periods, might not have the energy and time to do so. Can just only do so much in advance though. Now I am kinda reaching my creative and responsible limit. Need to see how actual lessons go before I can adjust the lessons.

For now, all I wanna think about myself. About the courses I wanna take up, the cost n finances, of KM n the techniques, of guitar n the songs I'm trying to play.

Cos for the first week, I'm settling that sub-cca group thingy... A colleague thinks I'm being manipulated by this crafty student of mine. I had a more serious-toned talk with her about the impact of her actions. If I'm being manipulated, it matters not cos I did what I could to translate plans into actions instead of just saying no to ideas. If I'm being manipulated by this student, she is well-equipped with the skills for 'real-life' then. It's somewhat settled by now, except she didn't go and inform the colleague that she's switching cca though she's in his form class. He told me, he'll speak with her.

On another hand, though the colleagues who taught this current batch I'll be teaching tells me they are good generally, little problems unlike my previous cohort, I kinda reserve judgement until I see their real colors in actual lessons. Saw a couple of attitude-prob. See what happens then.

And unfortunately the previous cohort of mine are really not behaving well... The yaya-papayas of the level are not being trampled and controlled by the new bunch of colleagues n many in that level are rather new faces to them. Shake head at the appalling behaviors I've seen these few days.

Also a couple of my female ex-students, always seem so 'happy' to see me. Call me the by-now-usual 'cool' and 'best friend'... Man I thought things should kinda wear off by now. Maybe when they get more acquainted with their teachers, they'll stop missing their previous ones. It's kinda sad cos I do miss my students but I won't be part of their life this year. Then on another hand, I gotta restart again with another batch. Though they are pleasant thus far, I'm afraid, in a couple more years, I'll tire of knowing students and stuff cos commit too much. Kinda like the colleagues who come and go. That could be me going homophobic then.

So far nothing much really, except for KM which adds a level of excitement especially when we learn something new. On Monday I learnt about double-leg takedown and the defense of back break fall. Yesterday, had front break fall and roll. Today I rest cos I have to go to the Chinese sinseh and am nursing sore neck, shoulders and buttocks muscles. Really a good workout in that sense. I've started rejoining in the initial warm-up except I skip the touching the floor part. So far twice, my knees are ok, the usual sore going down the stairs but no pain, keeping fingers crossed.

It's just mid-week and I'm already quite tired. Think I need to manage my work and not stay back as best as I could. Just finish and go. I think sometimes just teaching on my own is less tiring but having to coordinate with colleagues for lessons is more timing and taxing. Sometimes I see HOW hard they have to work, so I take on more to help them clear and help out in their many mundane and kinda tedious work eg cut and paste pics on the student cards, paste names on vanguard signs. I believe 'many hands make light work' so helping them out can allow some to go back earlier. Their whole working culture, super long hours is really taxing. But I think they have to say 'enough is enough sometimes' but again it's not their way. Really is endure.

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