Thursday, March 03, 2005

Sorry for my longer than normal absence from this humble blog....

Pardon me for I have been very very busy doing up stuff for this up and coming BIG SCALE event at my workplace. The scale of it reminds me of another BIZAD rag. In fact this is worse cos the man power is severely limited given the sheer scale of it. Around 30 parents and school workers plus whatever time we all can chip in between our lessons, after school, after cca etc. And to top it off, I am not even in this committee, the one who suggested putting up that huge rag thingy. I am in other 3 projects that has to be showcased on that day. Hence I am torn between many tasks, teams etc.

First up is my cca. They are going to have a performance on that day linked to the theme of the rag thingy. Which means that it is a major selling point, which means we cannot screw up. The fish about this is that the instructor, who is being paid a huge sum of money, is screwing up very badly for us. They might as well pay me... I can do a better job than the instructor. So major clean up operation, given that my other partner decided to let me be the team leader. There are just the 2 of us, she wanted to concentrate on another project under her which has just 'exploded' after the Big P decided to bump it up a little.

So I began the week with monday, me doing up a status report plus issues to settle n distributing to other 2 staff involved.

Tuesday was a long day until 5.30 doing up displays, taking photos, trying to trouble shoot and patch the major screw up. We did what we could.

Wednesday, was for another project related to National education, also under the same partner teacher. So after meeting was this long discussion on work review and also on the tasks for the big event. Luckily that collegue was nice to me, she knows that I have one more project so she let others do more. Left after 5pm.

Thursday, today, was work starting on this 3rd project, which is staffed by one other collegue and me. Talk about work allocation.... She is a very nice lady and I have worked with her before last year for the P6 graduation performance. She also sits around my area and one of the few nice ones u can really trust to talk about your thoughts type. So of course I try to help as much as I can, given that alot are Word or Powerpoint stuff. Anyway many hands make light work, so today managed to clear most of the stuff. She also took on alot. Phew.

Tomorrow is Friday, the day of my current cca. A lot of things to settle but I can only cross my fingers and hope for the best. Have to grab a digital camera and take pictures for the cca as well as for the third project. I hope to survive and await the weekend eagerly.

My workplace will be open for sat and sunday but no way am I coming back. For what. This big scale project is part of the major marketing campaign undertaken by my workplace to promote itself to prospectors and stakeholders. I have no problem with that. The irritating part is when the leaders esp the P, only talk big and talk bigger while we do and do. The guidance and prescence of the leader is absent. Yes there is the money, but I dun see the leader getting dirty with the rest of us... Secondly the lieutantents who are planning the event, are too ambitious, and plan for tasks that are too intricate, too time consuming details, keep on picking on nitty gritty stuff even at this late hour, keep on adding stuff to beautify the already very beautiful setup... I just dun get it! I pity the perms and volunteers who stay back and work on this big rag thingy which is only one project under one committee. I admit the committee is big compared to my committee but its single project is way beyond its own capabilities, yet the head is not satisified with just some, she adds details and intricacies that are way beyond what we all did in the Bizad Intricacy Section last time. Way too much.

I was in one of the sub-teams doing up one set of the displays. Painting life-sized fairy tale characters. It was supposedly voluntary but cos they sent the first email but i didnt reply cos they didnt send to me, they send me a second email and cc to the P. Hence of course have to say yes rite? Okay fair enough, then I stayed back extra on Wednesdays after meeting to paint. The irritating thing was that the other 2 members took very long to finish their one character whereas I single-handedly finished 2 characters plus 2 mouses. True they came back on sat to cut out the figures but that sat, I was unwell so i want to rest. Then fine I paint lah. Then one member joined me. She kept on changing her colours and colour again and again. This one not nice lah... maybe lighter..... (trys) .... eeek the former one seems nicer and proceeds to paint again. While at this same time, I was 80% done on one character. I was the one mixing the colours to get the shade that I wanted whereas she used the primary colours.... Sign. Then the next 2 wednesdays, I continued. Finished up the other character and started on the mouses. After I was done, I helped paint that single character that was still unfinished at that point.... The only thing was that after it was done, I didnt have to do the outline. The other 2 did it. Later they did up 2 birds.

When that sub-project was finished and done for, we were the first team to have finished it. So now, I help around as and when I can spare the time but given that conflicting orders for the work, new additions suggested, more intricacies and crap ideas added on second thought by the leader and lieutantents only serve to undermine the effort to finish on time and also serve to drain the already fed-up members and morale. It has gone way beyond the line. Of course it is very impressive and beautiful but when I look at it, it reminds me of the very hard work done by especially the volunteers, I feel that it is a GIANT WHITE ELEPHANT that is the result of one person's ambition. Its not a group concensus but a one-man ambition ego thingy.

I pity the perms cos I reckon and guess that their performance appraisal depends on how hard and impressive they manage this event, the projects under them, instead of teaching results. This has become so big that everything else almost seem secondary, which seems wrong to me.

Next week will be the worst of them all. I am 'booked' already from monday to wednesday already. I reckon the rest of the week will also be busy doing up one of the three projects that I am down for. I wonder who is the FISH who allocate the work. It is very uneven or that I am in 'Hot demand' *pui* Like real. Just so happens that I end up with quite a pile of s*it. It just a coincidence that my cca, one project for that event allocated, plus my sub committee project all are being showcased at the same event. Its just my luck.

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