Friday, August 05, 2005

Ohisashiburidesu ne minasan!

Long time no see everyone. Havent been able to blog much due to the lack of a laptop as well as no internet connection at our room. Then after a LONG school day, after printing all the notes and stuff from the library, I am too tired and hungry to blog much. Better still some hostelites hog the few computer terminals at our Hall, playing warcraft and maplestory. Dun think I didnt see that. So life here is boring with little online activities.

For the past few mornings, Tab has been poking me with her pen. Why? Cos I wanted to sleep 5 minutes more. Its only 7.20am but I have to wake up for 8.30am lessons. Then there is that morning toilet call that I have to do daily. Damn the stomache. Finally I got my chance today to wake Tab with a few hits from my bolster! Revenge is sweet.

I am already stoning before the week is over. So many assignments and lack of sleep. Been going back around 7.15pm for the past few days. Did I mention that I have 8.30am classes daily. Its Hell man! So busy and tired that I havent practiced for guitar and stuff. I am so screwed.

The only highlight was watching the sneaks for Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Its a pretty good movie. Definitely recommnend for kids. And certain parts are funny. Tab was laughing so loudly that those sitting beside, gave her dirty looks. That was a mid-week dis-stressor. Hmm so far no shuai ges at NEI, but did see some when we hopped on the shuttle bus. Too bad none on the level below us. In fact, Tab was complaining on Tue, that when she walked past one of the rooms, she inhaled lots of BO cum sweat cum whatever ordors of questionable sources, while she walked back from the pantry to get water. Hmm... I smelt that too last night. Some people best keep their room doors closed... It can help aid the anti air pollution efforts globally.

Anyway with tonnes of assignments, it seems things are only set to get worse. Will try to get any reprieve and still resolve to try to enjoy myself inspite of the very very tight schedule. So chow. Got more lessons and my lunch is waiting. Hope to get my laptop... am very pissed about the lack of speed in receiving it.

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