Friday, December 30, 2011

Some thoughts and resolution

So far its the 8th day into the hols and in the week, I have gone out for a couple of dinners with friends, a lunch and the temple to pray, tidied up part of the room - put neatly the cooking stuff I bought and not using in a box to put neatly at a corner and also tidied up the anime, DVDs bought that are scattered around into those mass cd holders. Stacked neatly. The room floor is not so cluttered. More spacey cos the floors are cleared. Today I plan to tidy up my clothes neatly into the drawers where they belong. Also just started going to the gym yesterday. Today muscles are sore despite slapping on the muscle cream last night. Plan to go gym before heading out tonight in the evening.

I was shocked to discover that to lose 1kg, you need a deficit of 7700 calories. No wonder though I have been monitoring my diet this past 2 mths but the deficit is not large enough to warrant even 1kg of weight loss. So have to exercise to force up the calorie deficit. Even with this, to lose the weight would require at least half a year to a year. So this will be my new year resolution to work on in 2012.

I have come to realize during the tidying up of the discs, that I really have quite a few PS2 games that I would never really go about playing unless I do it on a regular basis. Even my curren game of FFXII, I won't game until late at nights, I can go a few days without touching. It just shows, I am not that into gaming cos I see the trade-off. If I game, I won't have time to go to the gym, monitor my investment, read, head out, or just some free time to do as I please. I still drool when I see the new games on PS3 and marvel at the animation but as a gamer who plays for keeps, I want my gains to be real and not virtual nowadays. In my investments and management of my finances, I play to keep. In my work and gym-efforts I aim to make real thing to keep. I pursue new experiences and skills to keep and use in real life. This is the difference. These games would stay dusty for a long while ahead.

But I do still feel the dust of daily life getting to me. I feel better now a week into the break, didn't sleep crazy hours at nights, didn't wake really late in the mornings. Enjoying the lax to lie around in bed and think, surf the net etc. There are questions about where exactly am I heading to in my life. What do I want to do with the rest of it. Unfortunately there is no guidebook with a walkthrough. On certain fronts, I am doing well but in certain aspects, dismally. While I wish to live without regrets in the present, I dont wish to look back and regret not doing certain things. Yet ironically it's all part of life *sigh*

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