Monday, August 06, 2012

First 6 days of hols - a lot of resting

Time flies, it's been 6 days since the start of the hols, including the weekend. Not been doing much. Found fatique catching up, the initial 3 days, I was asleep most of the time. Slept in the late afternoons, at night. Completely switched off the alarm clock, so just sleep when I feel sleepy and wake when I am rested. Its great, wake up really refreshed and rested these days. I've realized being able to sleep at will and get up naturally is such a luxury. Plus to reduce the burden on my 'stressed' body, I havent been doing anything hectic, just rest and sleep as much as I can. Until I feel better.

Then I headed out to do banking and explored NUS. Another was to go banking again to set up that bank account unsuccessfully. I did go supermarket and buy some low-fat milk and dark chocs. Met up with JC friends for dinner one night to catch up. Also did conditioning exercise and progressed to Kettle Bell twice so far. Also headed out to clarify and check our internet subscription with sisters after which we played in an arcade until contented. Tidied up my pile of letters, bills and investment statements. Looked at the stock market and looked closer at the charts of my investment counters.

So far, based on the indicators, I am hanging on to my counters, though some have started hitting some profits. This year, I have missed 2 big oppts due to my lack of monitoring and poor decision. Didnt look at charts then. So I will do that from now on. Hope to make more profits to hit my 1st and 2nd investment targets. This year's profit is the lowest so far in my years of investing. I hope to rectify that. Can only keep fingers crossed.

Besides that, been reading newspapers and watching the Olympics at home. Since 1988, I have always watched the Olympics. This year didnt watch as much as before but when certain events are up, gymnastics, running, swimming, weight-lifting, badminton, archery etc. I try to watch them. Really admire the skill and also the athlete's physique, nice bodies and lean muscles. I hope to get a leaner and toner body within the next 1-2 years.

Due to the watching of Olympics, not much reasons to go out. Guess until the Olympics end. Though I still go out to run errands. The irritating thing is when I go out under the sun, my skin has changed such that I will tio pimples, painful swelling ones. No incentive to head out in the hot sun. Dad also watching Olympics so not going to Msia yet. I hope to go in to do banking, plus get some anime discs. My internet subscription would be stopped on Aug 13th for a month so that we can qualify as new customers and get a more preferable plan with goodies instead of just being given a slight discount. Something to watch over the holidays.

Tom's plan includes going to cut hair in the afternoon tomorrow, later evening is Krav Maga and dinner. So today didnt exercise cos if tom I am sore, afraid I maybe careless and injured myself.

Through the newspapers, I found a few restaurants that I want to go and at least 1 more groupon to go with Mom. I am thinking of saving some calories cos next week, I am going to eat buffet dinner with my mom and sisters, maybe Dad. Been making sure I am eating healthy nutritious food, a variety of foodstuff. Hope my hair would drop lesser... its kinda worrying to find so many strands of hair daily. So far just a bit of improvement, wouldnt say I am out of the woods yet. Hop;e I dont get a bald spot or thinning hair, that's why I am following the sinseh's instructions, sleep earlier, less stress, drink my brown milo. I reckon eating a variety of nutritious food might help also. Hence the diet is switched towards that. Things like sardines, bananas, wheat include them in my diet.

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