Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Stuff in my life - miss the hols already...

Work is definitely getting harder, mainly boecos of the increased periods.

And irritatingly being put down for more stuff in this committee (that I have been wanting out of, to no avail) That committee put me down for quite a bit of events which obviously I don't like. I wanna be in those non-event committees instead. I don't plan to be an event-planner and have to coordinate stuff like food, performers and so on, so it's irritating when ur name is just put down. Really want out of these... Will express my strong displeasure verbally next time round. For now must learn how to siam as much. Not that some of the stuff is difficult but their way of decision-making style and pace is not conducive to doing events. Makes it more tiring for me.

On a happier front, KM albeit a more painful one cos of the 360 def last Thur and my bruised right arm hadn't fully recovered yet, then tio another tonight. I made slightly fewer mistakes in the mass drill though still have many things to work on, still many mistakes elsewhere... I'm still learning.

Just when I thought I won't be pasting a medicated plaster on my arm for work like today and tio questions by colleagues n a couple of concerned students, n lots of quiet stares, I think I would end up with plasters on both arms though the Left is much much milder but still sore. Maybe cut a smaller piece instead. Sure tio more questions n stares.

I have siamed another party, this time all-female, unknowingly. Candle is back n we agreed to eat ramen, maybe follow up with hotdog n beer if Quet can join us before n after. The party is on the same day. Phew... I really don't want to do women's talk or chat, feel so out n stiff also, not that much in common; thinking, stage in life, interests n etc. I can try to talk but it will revolve around meaningless topic like travel... Not keen n usually pricey or bad-deal. No thanks. I kena burnt too bad the last time I went.

The cost of these parties is enough for me to pay for my health insurance add-on cover. Then why should I folk out so much money on such bad deals n very reminds-me-of-work parties. I went for the first Welcome for the workplace. So far skipped purposely and incidentally (1) three workplaces combined welcome party, (2) the first level only party, (3) this all-female party.

I will choose to skip more this year. Last year I was burnt by the women's one n went for still too many level ones. Those after-work-events, I'll skip as many as I can. With KM n Chinese sinseh that already takes up 3 days, should be a piece of cake of sort. Plus I am going to add music soon, maybe drums first. Need to go for trial lesson.

Been pigging out since my hols started, for about 5-6 days. Munchies really bad, cravings, bad food-choices, easily hungry and eat-a-lot... Bad combination. I dare not step on the weighing scale. Cleaned up my act today; ate all 3 meals and kept within the calorie-intake. I resorted to counting calories again. Had to exert a lot of control n make good food choices. Like for dinner I was tempted by fried chicken strips n milk tea. I ended up finally with a small caramel pudding drink (101 cal) before KM and after class, a Subway ham sandwich with cheese (341 cal), combined with the breakfast n lunch n apple snack, managed 1482 cals with 200 cals deficit plus I exercised through KM. Should be higher.

So just need to keep this up and continue on until end-Nov cos I think so have an insurance health check-up then. Need to clear up my waistline and total cholesterol levels a bit more. My most recent health check, my LDL dropped to healthy levels but cholesterol is just 9 points above optimal, hitting the borderline. See if I can use this period of time to make it lower still into the optimal range. I should cut my fried food drastically. Been lax about it. Think I'll weigh myself in 2 weeks time. This weekend, the 2 meals with friends are super sinful, so I shall really exercise at home. Think my knees can't take a 3rd KM this week. Think KB n conditioning will be good. Plus I can work on KM shadow fight. Need to restart my home workouts.

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