Monday, March 07, 2016

Remember the good and let karma deal with the bad - New hangout place n things to do

Had a mixed week, with both good and enjoyable intertwined with bad...

I should continue my effort to become a more positive person, the theme this year is 'the glass is half-full' and not forgetting my new-found more intense sense of being grateful. And so I shall NOT blog about the bad, since I've already 'kao-pe-ka-bu' on my Facebook. I shall instead adopt a more positive way of thinking - believe in Karma.

I have become a firm believer of Karma (every since payback finally came to the loser Uncle) though it was way way overdue but he deserved whatever he had sowed. I remembered when I was hurt in the incident, my mom told me he would get his karma one day. But as a young teenager, I questioned whether karma would ever come. How could he have gotten away with all those... until payback finally came. The moral of the story; Be kind and generous and keep generating good karma. Those who've hurt or wronged you, let them continue to accumulate the bad karma. Eventually the karmic payback would come.

On a positive note, lemme blog about our very enjoyable mid-afternoon to night hanging out at Quet's place. We should do it more often.

It was nearing Friday and usually I dont go for KM since we usually hang out on Fridays. So I msged Tab on Wed, another KM rest day (trial class), to enquire if she would be heading to Quet's place to practice the piano. She replied that she was going on Friday. I decided to join her, around mid-afternoon 3pm plus. I quite enjoyed the earlier house-warming. It was a productive time cos while Tab practiced the piano, I copied the paragraphs from one of the trading books I was reading. While photocopying it would be better, I found that I dont re-read what I photocopied. But when I copy it myself, it sinks in and I can re-read while I was copying. This helps me internalise certain ideas better. Otherwise I find, I am just scanning through and many things dont stick. The thing is that I have sat on the books for quite long, until the books are almost due and I am now trying to kick myself to copy more and faster to cover everything. 

On the way there, I dabaoed a Penang Luo Mee from the hawker for my brunch. While walking over, I regrettably asked Tab some questions my Kaypoh sister had about a part of the procedure and experienced a too-much-info-omg brain overload when Tab happily continued to explain certain womanly things to great details. My brain imploded... and my appetite evaporated. Overall the Luo Mee is good, better than my area's so I look forward to dabao more different hawker food from that nearby hawker centre. Whilst Tab settled down to practice, I helped myself to some vodka-rootbeer, gin-coke and of course made tea. Had overshot my mobile data usage so I used sparingly to check out live stock prices and copied.

As per my request, Tab tried out the Phantom of the Opera and boy did she have some trouble with some parts. Later we hung around drinking tea and waited for Quet to come home. We headed out for dinner at another nearby coffee shop and had delicious and cheap western food. The chicken cutlet was big and filling. The whole situation of us sittin in a coffee-shop, eating western food and drinking ice lemon tea is very reminiscent of uni days of eating western food in the arts canteen. Plus the food was good. Then we walked around a bit to explore the immediate area around the coffeeshop. We can have more dinners nearby and there are small sundry shops with drinks etc so its easier and nearer to buy from there instead of from the mrt area. Discovered a 4D singapore pool outlet, too.

We returned back for dessert, but ended up with tea instead. I had a vodka-coke. We briefly watched a bit of the local show before 9pm and chatted it. Then asked Quet to play us some piano. She played the Phantom, Eyes on Me, Jay Chou, very nice. Wow my friends are multi-talented. Very chill and just listen and in some cases, sing to the playing. When was the last time we did something like that? Felt like eons ago. Later talked a bit about the Bazi since I had borrowed Quet's books. Though I couldnt understand some parts cos it was mentioned in book 1 but I was on book 2. Later Quet told me how to get book 1 via an ebook app on Sat. Then surprisingly there were quite a few things in book 1. Still in the beginning stages but give me a bit of time.

We agreed that we should chill at her place more, do some things like these. Can also include board games and even Bazi sessions when I am more advanced. Definitely more relaxing and can chill and enjoy each other's company and good conversations and activities. There's also the option of swimming and even doing some gym work. 

On Sat evening, Quet came over and fetched me to Jurong East. Before that she came to my place then we headed over to my neighbourhood to find a 4D singapore pool outlet. She felt inspired to buy a number. Then we headed to JE. Quet wanted to look for her shoe cabinet and we parked at Big-Box. Before we walked around, she was hungry and we settled in a pub-food place. We shared a pork knuckle and also a pint beer each. It was pretty good and definitely enjoyable to eat crispy pork with pretty good dips and have good chat. I ate slower cos I had 2 big bowls of pasta my sister cooked, around 3pm then but we still ate most of it. Then Quet dabaoed the bones and leftover meat for her dogs. Then walked around the furniture shop and fair happening there. Within a very short time, she found her shoe cabinet. It had good capacity, fit the size limits, her preference and also much within budget. She happily paid for it and then we walked around a bit more then to Jem. We share the french toast dessert in Miam Miam, thanks for the treat, cos Quet felt happy upon striking a small I-bet 4D. Enough to pay for her dinner and our dessert. A pretty good outing, quite different from the usual in town thingy. 

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