Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"Its your attitude"

Ever since sunday, after the bloody long lecture and the prospect of studying that mcq, I have been in a rather foul mood. Its more of being irritated n frustration. Doesnt help that my mum who is along with the trip doesnt understand why I was in a foul mood. Try studying or making sense of something that is Greek, see whether u are in foul mood or not. Hence whenever she tries to say something abt the test, it ends up in some sort of an argument, a short one cos I just clamp up after a few sentences, no point arguing, but it just leaves me in an even-more foul mood.

It has been repeating yesterday Day 1 and today Day 2. My angsty disposition has receeded somewhat but somewhat flares up whenever she approaches the bloody topic with no solution. Just want to talk about it but I dun want to talk about it. Just broaching the subject makes me sick.

Again, this morning a repeat of broaching the subject.

"Dunno why are u so moody abt it?"

"Cos the whole bloody world thinks that I can finish learning the dmn thing within 4 days when I dun know a word at all"

"Well dun compare yourself to other pple. You have a year to finish right, what is the rush? Its your attitude that is more impt..."

"............" (signz)

I so am not going to open my mouth, just went back to the computer and continue to translate word-by-word.

Try most people in a similar situation, I bet most would have given up or thrown the book in the rubbish n fish the test, or burn the book or just cant be freaking bothered. I am human and those thoughts did pass through my head. The futility of this stupid course of action is really getting to me. So far I have finished another 3 qns, but some have so many missing words that I cant make any sense of both the qn & answers. Its all gibberish. Ask you, how to learn and study?

Only 1 thing left to say.......................

"FUCK everything lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Later I be going to maple to destress.

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